Weekly Reflection 10

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Weekly Reflection

Griffin Molino

October 26

As I stated in my last reflection, the school board was voting on whether or not to go

back to school full time or stay hybrid. The school board decided unanimously to go back full

time. So I’ve had two days so far with my students all in class together. It was definitely

different going from the largest class being twelve students to the largest class now being

twenty-three students. I also started creating my own content for the past few weeks and I will

continue to do so from here on out. This has been challenging as I’ve had to prepare weeks in

advance. I think it has been extremely helpful though, as I have not had to scramble around

school trying to get work done or the night before I go to school, just so I could teach the next

day. I think it has also helped me not only plan for a week in advance but plan a whole unit at

once which is nice because you need to be able to see all of the content that you want to cover

and how you plan to do so. So although my workload has doubled, I now have to prepare 10

lessons a week rather than 4, I think that it is helping me prepare what it will actually be like

when I get a teaching job. I think it will also be nicer when I have my own class and can make

the content what I want and in what order, rather than following what my mentor teacher

wants me to do. However, I think the experience alone in teaching, preparing lesson plans and

materials ahead of time will serve me well in the future and I am happy that I am able to get a

full work load during student teaching, because although hybrid was nice for some things, it did
not help in having to prepare for a normal week of school where you teach something different

5 days out of the week.

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