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First Semester, SY 2019-2020




 Creating a conductive economic  The Philippine Development Plan
environment 2011-2016 adopts a framework of
inclusive growth, which is high
growth that is sustained, generates
STATE/GOVERNMENT mass employment, and reduces
poverty. Through this Plan, they
intend to pursue rapid and sustainable
economic growth and development,
improve the quality of life of the
Filipino, empower the poor and
marginalized and enhance our social
cohesion as a nation.
 Protecting the vulnerable  International Social Welfare
Services for Filipino Nationals is a
program for migrant Filipinos and
other overseas Filipino nationals who
are in crisis situation and in need of
special protection are encouraged to
seek assistance in the Philippine
Embassies in their countries of
 National Security Policy 2017-2022
to provide guidance as we face
pressing national security in the
coming years.
 UNICEF aims to address the
different dimensions of child poverty
in the Philippines and build resilience
among families to shocks and stresses
caused by natural disasters, armed
conflict and climate change.
 Improving government efficiency and  The Philippine Government
responsiveness Common Platform (PGCP) aims to
improve services and enhance the
operational efficiency of government
agencies by developing policies and
frameworks that promote
interoperability, implementing unified
ICT-enabled business processes
designed to work seamlessly across
public sector institutions, and
establishing information
infrastructure that will allow the
exchange, collaboration, and sharing
of data.

 Empowering people and  United Nations Development

democratizing the political systems Programme (UNDP) launched
Empowering Citizens to Deepen
Democracy, a project with the
overarching goal of fostering
democratic governance at the
grassroots level through a more
meaningful and sustained civil society
participation in democratic processes.
UNDP believes that greater people
participation in governance would
result in better quality of public
services for all Filipinos.
 The Political Party Development
Act is a vital part of the package of
political and electoral reforms that the
country needs to undertake. It aims to
strengthen the political party system
in order to develop genuine political
development and democratization.
 Decentralizing the administrative  The World Bank Group seeks to
system help the Philippines improve the lives
of its citizens through sustainable
economic growth and greater social
inclusion. Fiscal stability and public
institutions that serve the common
good are critical to these objectives.
Their strategy is to support Islands of
Good Governance in those
government agencies, local
governments, and dynamic sectors in
the Philippines that demonstrate how
improved accountability and service
delivery will lead to better economic
and social outcomes. They want to
help expand these successful
experiences and thus stimulate a
virtuous cycle of more effective
public institutions, fiscal
improvements, economic growth,
poverty reduction, and greater social
 Reducing gaps between rich and poor  The government has prepared
strategic plans focused on reducing
poverty, specifically AmBisyon 2040,
a long-term vision to bring down
poverty and improve the lives of the
poorest segments of the population,
and the Philippine Development Plan
These plans target reducing poverty to
13 to 15 percent by 2022. To help
achieve these targets, the Poverty
Assessment recommends the
following policy directions:
 Create more and better jobs;
 Improve productivity in all sectors,
especially agriculture;
 Equip Filipinos with skills needed for
the 21st century economy;
 Invest in health and nutrition;
 Focus poverty reduction efforts on
Mindanao; and
 Manage disaster risks and protect the

 ChildFund has operated in the

Philippines since 1954 and works to
ensure the nation's poorest children
and their families have access to the
food, health care and education they
need to survive.

 Encouraging cultural diversity and  Department of Education (DepEd)

social integration Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones
presented the Philippines’ policies
and development plans to ensure
inclusiveness and promote respect for
cultural diversity during the Global
Education Meeting (GEM)
Department’s programs for inclusion
such as the Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE),
Flexible Learning Options (FLO), and
inclusive education, especially for
indigenous peoples (IP) and Muslim
communities. Its further emphasized
that the Philippines and DepEd fully
support the rights and rich heritage of
IPs within the context of peace and
sustainable development, and
expressed the Department’s
unwavering commitment to the best
interest of IP learners.


An act providing for the protection
and conservation of the national
cultural heritage, strengthening the
national commission for culture and
the arts (ncca) and its affiliated
cultural agencies, and for other
In the pursuit of cultural preservation
as a strategy for maintaining Filipino
identity, this Act shall pursue the
following objectives:

(a)Protect, preserve, conserve and promote

the nation's cultural heritage, its property and
histories, and the ethnicity of local
(b)Establish and strengthen cultural
institutions; and
(c)Protect cultural workers and ensure their
professional development and well-being.

 Protecting the environment  Philippines passed and implemented

national measures that advance the
international community’s agenda
pertaining to environmental
preservation. Some of the major
legislations enacted were R.A. 8749
(Clean Air Act of 1999) that moves
for an effective air quality
management program that will
mitigate the worsening problem of air
pollution in the country, R.A. 8435
(Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act of 1997) that
establishes that the Department of
Agriculture together with other
appropriate agencies, should into
account climate change, weather
disturbances and annual productivity
cycles in order to forecast and
formulate appropriate agricultural and
fisheries programs, R.A. 9003 (Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000)
that aimed at providing a
comprehensive solution to the
country’s garbage problem and R.A.
9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act
of 2004) that moves for a
comprehensive water quality
management scheme.
THE PRIVATE SECTOR OR BUSINESS  Serves as the engine of the society  The Services Roadmap is to create a
SECTOR globally competitive services sector
that is capable of creating quality
jobs, moving up the global value
chain particularly in IT-BPM, and
becoming a regional hub in human
resource development and skills
training, services embedded in
manufacturing, ship repair, aircraft
MRO, and construction engineering.

 Private firms generate 95% of gross

domestic product (GDP) and employ
92% of the workforce. The rapid
expansion of new call centers and
other outsourcing operations reflects
the real competitive strengths of
Philippine businesses.
 Collaborator in the economic  Cooperative Development Authority
development of the community
 Generates job and incomes for the  Department of Budget and
people in the community Management - Build Build Build
 Philippine Business and Industry

 Provide the needed resources for the  Public-private partnerships (PPPs)

government to enable it to pursue big  Fiscal policy
and wide scale projects that are  Department of Finance (DOF)
beyond the local government’s
financial capability
CIVIL SOCIETY  Mobilizes the various groups or
organizations in the community to
participate in planning and decision-
making process
 Engage in programs and deliver
services in areas where government is
absent or where the private sector is
not interested in

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