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Following statements will be used for True/False question( T for True and F for False):

a. The initial British arrival in India was an indirect result of fierce competition with Spanish and
Portuguese trading interests in Asia. F
b. Under Lord Cornwallis’s land settlement system, majority Hindus were Zamindars and Muslims
became peasants. T
c. In 1857, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was serving in East India Company as a judicial officer and strove hard
to remove the hostility of the British rulers towards the Hindus. F
d. During World War I, after acquiring a law degree from London Gandhi had been working as a Legal
Advisor of an Indian firm based in South Africa. T
e. Morley-Minto Reform introduced a system of communal representation by accepting the concept of
‘separate electorate’ under which the Muslim members were to be elected by Muslim voters. T
f. Germany, Austo-Hungary & Italy formed Triple Alliance. T
g. The Triple Entente was a pact between the British Empire, France, and Russia. T
h. On 29 June 1916, a young Serbian nationalist from Bosnia murdered the heir to the throne of Austro-
Hungarian Empire and his wife in Sarajevo. F
i. Rebel Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam had also joined in WW1 with 49th Bengal (1917-1922). T
j. To deal with anti-colonial activities, the Defence of India act 1915 was passed limiting civil and political
liberties. T
k. Contrary to Gandhi’s polite negotiation, secular and constitutional politics within upper class, Jinnah
(Gandhi) introduced mass agitations and populism. F
l. Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842–1918) launched his pan-Islamist program in a bid to protect the
Ottoman Empire from Western attack and dismemberment. He sent an emissary, Jamaluddin Afghani, to
India in the late 19th century to obtain support from the Indian Muslims who otherwise felt obliged to
the Ottoman Caliph being the leader of Sunni Muslims and the guardian of Mecca and Medina holy sites.
m. In 1938, Simon commission came to India for constitutional reform but was faced with resistance as
the commission members were all whites. F
n. In the 1936-1937 elections, there were 11 provinces in which there were total 1585 seats of which a
total of 482 were reserved for Muslim candidates. T
o. In the Provincial Elections of 1936-1937, Congress won more than 50% seats in Central Province,
Bihar, Orissa, Madras & Uttar Pradesh and formed ministries in these provinces. T
p. The Lahore Resolution was moved by A.K Fazlul Huq required that the areas in which the Muslims
were numerically in the majority, as in the south-western and eastern zones of India, should be grouped
to constitute independent states in which constituent units should be autonomous and sovereign. F
q. According to the proposals of Cripps Mission, any province unwilling to join Indian dominion could
form a separate union and have a separate constitution. T
r. According to the proposals of Cripps Mission, until new constitution came into force, India’s defence
would be controlled by the British and powers of the Governor-General would remain unaltered. T
s. Initially, both All India Muslim League and Indian National Congress in principle accepted the Cabinet
Mission's plan but Nehru on 10 July 1946 through a press conference declared despite Congress’s
agreement, it reserved the right to modify the Cabinet Plan as it saw fit. T
t. Provocative speeches delivered by the Muslim League leaders including the protest triggered massive
riots in Calcutta where more than 4,000 people lost their lives and 100,000 residents were left homeless
in Calcutta within 72 hours. T
u. West Pakistan consisted of the Punjabis, Sindhis, Pathans, Balochis, Mohajirs (India) & Bengalis. F
v. In 1953, Suhrawardy joined the Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Bogra's Ministry of Talents as a
Minister of Law and Justice and served his position until 1955. T
w. In June 1955, Prime Minister Bogra called back Mirza of Governorship and appointed him as Defence
Minister. F
x. In 1957, Awami Muslim League got split into Awami League under Moulana Bhashani (Suhrawardy)
and National Awami Party under Suhrawardy. F
y. In the 1950s, out of 734 Secretary, Joint Secretary & undersecretaries in the Central Secretariat,
Bengalis numbered 42; there were no Bengali secretary, 1/2 were Joint Secretary, 10 Deputy Secretaries
and 30 undersecretaries. T
z. In 1966 was the perfect time for Mujib to launch his 6-point plan titled Our Charter of Survival at a
national conference of opposition political parties on February 1966 at Lahore that knocked the power
base of the Pakistani ruling elites. T
aa. In another incident on 18 February 1969, Dr Zoha, Professor of the Rajshahi University was gunned
down and the mass movement reached its apex transforming it as the mass uprising of 1969. T
bb. It may be mentioned that during 23 years of Pakistani rule, Bangabandhu was jailed for nearly 20
years. F
cc. On 30 March 1970, Yahiya announced the terms under the Legal Framework Order (LFO) for holding
the National and Provincial Elections. Article 25 of the LFO appeared to be undemocratic. According to
this article, the constitution bill passed by the National Assembly would have to be authenticated by the
President. T
dd. A massive flood struck the coastal areas of East Pakistan on 12 November 1970, just less than a
month before the scheduled date of election. T
ee. On 3 September 1939, Viceroy Lord Curzon declared that India is going to support Britain in WW II
without consulting Indian political leaders. F
ff. After the Khilafat Movement, communalism grew rapidly, forcing AIC and AIML apart and dropped
the proportion of Muslims leaders to Congress sharply from 11% in 1921 to under 9% in 1923. T
gg. Caucasus is known as the region between Black Sea and Caspian Sea. T
hh. On 28 June 1919, Versailles treaty was signed and Germany forced to pay compensation, asked to
dismantle her armed forces, including dismemberment of Austo-Hungarian & Ottoman Empire that
paved the way for the emergence of new countries. T

2. Multiple Choices (Tick the right answer):

a. Loading of the Enfield rifle required tearing off one end of the greased cartridge using one's
teeth which was made of:

(1) Cow fat (2) Sow fat (3) Both

b. Who introduced a system of 5-yearly inspections and temporary tax farmers?

(1) Warren Hastings (2) Lord Minto (3) Lord Curzon

c. Following events contributed to the awakening of the Muslims:

(1) Birth of Congress in 1885 (2) Partition of Bengal in 1905 (3) Mutiny of 1857
d. The introduction of legal and land policies, western education, technology, capitalist enterprise,
communication and commerce gave rise to:

(1) Indian middle class societies (2) Landlords (3) Warrior class

e. The acceptance of the Deputation’s demands proved to be a turning point in the history of the
Sub-continent. It is in this sense that the beginning of separate electorate may be seen as the beginning
of the realization of the Two-Nation theory. Select the name of the Delegation from below:

(1) Cripps Mission (2) Shimla Delegation (3) Lucknow Delegation

f. Nearly 1.5 m Muslim, Sikh and Hindus joined the war as opposed to 1.3 million:

(1) Canadians (2) Australians (3) New Zealanders(4) South Africans (5) All

g. There is no doubt that conflict over the new rifle cartridges sparked the uprising in 1857, but
following factors set the stage for the rebellion. The reality is that social, political, and even
technological reforms had set the stage for what happened?

(1) Social (2) political (3) technological reforms (4) All

h. In 1857, when Delhi was in the rebel hand, who was the Emperor?

(1) Bahadur Shah II (2) Emperor Aurangzeb (3) Emperor Shahjahan

i. This pact demonstrated Hindu-Muslim unity and Indian National Congress’s tacit acceptance of
two communities with different interests in India marked the beginning of communal politics in India.

(1) Lucknow pact 1916 (2) Montagu-Chelmsford pact 1918 (3) Rowlett Act

j. Rowlett Act or Black Act was passed in March 1919 that indefinitely extended "emergency
measures" enacted to control unrest:

(1) During WW 1 (2) During Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (3) Chauri-Chaura

massacre in Uttar Pradesh

k. After the fall of which city Churchill termed it as the worst disaster and largest capitulation in
British history.

(1) Singapore (2) Hong Kong (3) Taiwan

l. Presidential address to All Indian Muslim League on 29 December 1930 is seen by some as the
first exposition of the two-nation theory in support of what would ultimately become Pakistan. This was
delivered by :

(1) Allama Iqbal (2) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (3) Prince karim Agha Khan

m. Indian National Army led by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was another factor for which the
British Government sent the Cripps mission to India with a package comprising:

(1) Stafford Cripps (2) S. S. Amery (3) A. V. Alexander (4) All

n. The Cabinet Mission plan's main characteristic was the grouping of provinces which are
mentioned as under:

(1) Group A - UP, CP, Bombay, Bihar, Orissa and Madras.

(2) Group B - Sind, Punjab, Northwest Frontier and Baluchistan

(3) Group C - Bengal and Assam

(4) All

o. Orthodox Islam has undergone a huge transformation because of:

(1) Cultural traditions of Persia and Central Asia (2) Tolerant and Catholic attitudes
of Hinduism (3) Both

p. In 1953, following language movement agitation in Dacca and couple of other violent activities
in Lahore and Punjab, Governor General dismissed Prime Minister Nazimuddin under the authority of:

(1) Government of India Act 1935 (2) Black Act of 1919 (3) Governor General’s special

q. In February 1960’s referendum to repose people’s confidence in Ayub Khan, it was asked: "Have
you confidence in President?” A yes vote meant following:

(1) Ayub was authorised to make the constitution

(2) Deemed to have been elected President for the first term

(3) Both

r. In the face of mass movement Gen Ayub Khan handed over the power to Gen Yahya Khan on:

(1) 25 March 1969 (2) 25 March 1970 (3) 25 March 1971

s. In 1916 Jinnah was the Chairman of AIML and by then rose to the national stage as a next-
generation successor to Congress leaders like:

(1) Dadabhai Naoroji (2) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (3) Netajee Subash Bose

t. As Jinnah returned to India in 1934, his new objective was to be “sole spokesman” of the
subcontinent’s :

(1) 95 million Muslim (2) 75 million Muslim (3) 65 million Muslim

u. AIML too formed coalition government in following provinces as under

(1) Punjab – In coalition with Unionist Party of Sikandar Hayat Khan (2) Bengal – In coalition with
Krishak Praja Party of Fazlul Haq (3) In Sindh with Jamat Islam

v. Although, Muslim League stood 2nd in the Election of 1936-1937, but it was still very
embarrassing because out of 482 Muslim reserved seats, it only succeeded in:

(1) 20% seats (2) 30% seats (3) 15% seats

w. On 3rd Sep 1939, who declared that declared that India is going to support Britain in WW II
without consulting Indian political leaders?

(1) Viceroy Lord Linlithgow (2) Viceroy Lord Curzon (3) Viceroy Chelmsford

x. Which proposal turned out to be the model for 1947 partition?

(1) Right to be a dominion including framing of own constitution.

(2) freedom to the provinces to be a separate union

(3) right to secede from Commonwealth

y. In Punjab the protest was very strong and on 10 April 1919, following Indian National Congress
leaders were arrested:

(1) Dr. Satya Pal (2) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew (3) Master Da Surya Sen

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

a. The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II was defeated in Battle of Buxar (Bihar) in 1764, when the East
India Company obtained the DIWANI/Right for which they didn’t have trained officials to supervise the

b. DOCTORINE OF LAPSE was another issue under which Company would take control of Indian
states in which a local ruler had no heir.

c. In 1864, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded Translation Society which was later renamed publish Urdu translations of English books.

d. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established ........................... in 1875 to educate the Muslim
students and warned them not to join Indian National Congress in the interest of Muslim community.

e. In 1905, Viceroy Lord Curzon, partitioned Bengal showing administrative reasons although
underlying reasons were to create ................. .
f. When Lieutenant Governor ………………………………..of East Bengal and Assam had to resign on
account of difference of opinion with central government in 1906, Muslims became unsure of their

g. WW-1 links to …………………………………………. when French and confederation of North Germany

allied with German state of South fought for 6 months and ended up annexing slice of French territory.

h. To safeguard Muslim’s interests, a 35 Member delegation led by Sir Aga Khan met Lord Minto at
Shimla on ......................... .

i. All India Muhammadan Educational Conference with 3000 leaders from all over India met
at ...................... from 27-30 December 1906 where in its political session All India Muslim League was

j. On 12 December 1911, the royal couple George V and Merry of Teck received homage from the
native princes and finally announced the move of India's capital from Calcutta to Delhi including

k. In 1916 was the Chairman of AIML and by then rose to the national stage as a next-
generation successor to Congress leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji & Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

l. In Balkan is the region between Adriatic Sea in the West and ………………………………………………….

m. On 28 June 1919, Versailles treaty signed and Germany forced to meet all demands like paying
compensation, dismantling armed forces, including Austo-Hungarian and
are dismembered making way for new country to emerge.

n. Anticipating major repercussion, on 13 April 1919, ........................ banned all meetings in

Jallianwala Bagh.

o. In 1920, when Indian National Congress adopted .................... as strategy of on-going campaign,
Jinnah resigned since to him this was just a political anarchy and he believed Khilafat had no
consequence for Indian Muslims.

p. On 5 Feb 1922, a massacre took place at ............................ a small town in Uttar Prodesh. When
a police officer had attacked some volunteers, whole crowd that had gathered there went to the police
station and set fire killing twenty two men inside it.

q. Turkish nationalists led by .................... drove out the foreigners from part of Turkey and gave a
final blow to the Khilafat movement by abolishing the Ottoman sultanate in 1922 and the Caliphate in

r. In protest of Simon report, an all Parties Conference was convened to solve the constitutional
problems and a committee was set up under Motilal Nehru. This committee prepared a report which is
known as Nehru Report that demanded ............... for India.s. In 1929, .................. became
new Labour Prime Minister and wanted desired to hold a conference of Indian and British leaders in
London to discuss India's future.

t. Over the years, Jinnah had moved away from his ideas of to a
more concrete approach on communal issue as he saw his chances of leading Congress evaporated.
u. Based on the white paper which was issued after three round table conferences held in London,
the Government of India Act 1935 was passed introducing ............. in all the provinces in British India.

v. In 1935, there were total 11 provinces in India - Madras, Central Province, Bihar, Orrisa, Uttar
Prodesh, Bombay Presidency, Assam, North West Frontier Province, ...................... , Punjab & Sindh.

w. Although, in the Provincial Elections of 1937, the Muslim League stood second but it was still
very embarrassing because it gained only % of 482 Muslim reserved seats.

x. On 2 December 1939, Jinnah celebrated ......................... as the day of deliverance and


y. The Muslim League promised its support to the British, with Jinnah calling on the Muslims to
help the Raj by ............................. at the critical and difficult juncture.

z. One of the significant proposals of Cripps Mission was the setting up of an Indian dominion
which would have the freedom to remain with ................ or to secede from it including liberty to take
part in international organizations.

aa. The failure of Cripps Mission and exclusion of Congress from wartime government visa-vis
Muslim support for the war efforts placed All India Muslim League in a much ..............................
in regards to partition which was in the offing.

bb. In 1945 Election, Suhrawardy campaigned against ................for Premiership of Bengal, and
secured All India Muslim League’s support that allowed him to form the provincial government as its PM
- only AIML-led government in India in 1946.

cc. After Nehru’s tacit rejection of Cabinet Mission Plan, All India Muslim League also withdrew its
agreement to the plan and announced a general strike on 16 August, terming it as
, to assert its demand for a separate Muslim homeland.

dd. Of the central leaders of Pakistan, Jinnah was from Bombay and Liaqat Ali Khan and Choudhury
Khaliquzaman from Uttar Prodesh. They were constitutionally fighting with the British and the Indians to
safeguard .................. and never exercised real power before.

ee. East Pakistani leaders supported Pakistan movement to get rid of the .........................
as the people they represented were suppressed by the Hindu landlords for a long time.

ff. Ahead of East Pakistan Provincial Election of 1954, in 1953, like-minded political parties formed
United Front based on ................... to mobilize support from the workers and peasants in East Bengal
to defeat the ruling Muslim League government.

gg. Among the most significant aspects of the 1954 United Front Election was the defeat of several
ministers including ................. .

hh. Because of Governor General’s irrational use of power, in 1954, the Constituent Assembly made
legislative attempts to try changing ............................ to establish checks and balances on the Governor-
General's powers.
ii. When Sindh High Court's Chief Justice Sir George Constantine ruled the of Governor-General's
decision illegal, the ............................ overturned it led by Chief Justice Muhammad Munir, in a split

jj. In 1956, Pakistan adopted the first indigenous constitution which replaced the British monarchy
with an Islamic republic - its National Assembly unanimously elected .........................
as the First President.kk. To Ayub, the public was too illiterate to be trusted with adult
franchise. So he created 80,000 Basic Democrats to vote him in February 1960 in a .................... to
repose their confidence in him.

ll. Once 1st phase of Ayub’s consolidation of state power through the implementation of Basic
Democracy was complete, Suhrawardy was released from jail on ......................

mm. After coming out from Jail, Suhrawardy united pro-democratic forces of Pakistan and formed October 1962 to dislodge the undemocratic regime of a military dictator.

nn. Though Miss Jinnah lost in the election of 1965, but it created a lot of stir in public & exposed
the hollowness and anti-people character of the so-called ...........................

oo. When Indo-Pak war broke out in .................... over sharing of river water that flowed from India,
East Pakistan was denuded of the military & could be taken over by India.

pp. The ...................................... signed on 10 January 1966 ended the Indo-Pak war of 1965.

qq. To suppress the Six Point based popular movement, in 1968, the Pakistan Government filed the
Agartala Case against .

rr. While the trial was on in 1969, co-accused ..................... was killed in prison by the Pakistani

ss. In this reception,.................................., the President of the Sangram Parishad, bestowed on

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the title of ‘Bangabandhu’.

tt. On 13 February 1971, Gen Yahya announced his decision to call the National Assembly Session
on ........................ .

uu. On ...........................Gen Yahya postponed the National Assembly for an indefinite period.

vv. Both sides resorted to trench warfare making a 700 km trench from North Sea to ………………

ww. On 2 March 1971, ASM Abdur Rab, the then Vice President of DU Students Union raised the first
flag of independent Bangladesh at the Dhaka University premise popularly known as.............

xx. Bangabandhu, Bhutto and Yahya Khan held negotiations in Dhaka from ...........................
in a final attempt to defuse the crisis but failed.

yy. The Indian National Congress led by Netaji Subas Bose emerged as the largest party, winning 59
of the 102 elected seats and the All India Muslim League under Jinnah won .......... seats.
zz. Due to rapid political instability in East Bengal, from the portfolio of Defence Secretary, Mirza
was asked to take over as ............................... of East Bengal in June 1954.

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