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UAL Awarding Body


Assignment Title Unit 1: Overarching

Brief 4 weeks: Building
4 weeks: Skills development

Unit No & Title Unit 1: Diagnostic Investigation into Creative Practice

Assignment Teachers Simon Welfare(Art), George Bull (photo), Sarah Wilson

(moving image)

Assignment Verifier Julian Brinsford

Start Date 16/09/2020

Assessment date 19/11/2020

By the end of Unit 1: Diagnostic Investigation into Creative Practice

1. Apply, integrate and contextualise research methods and activities within a

creative practice.
2. Identify, select and safely use appropriate materials, methods, media, tools and
technologies in relation to a variety of creative practices.
3. Develop ideas, solve problems and apply learning strategies within the context of a
range of diverse creative practices.
4. Understand the conventions and application of critical evaluation and
reflection for a range of audiences and purposes.

The Henley College 2020/21


Personal Brief

After completing a range of different skills for my skills development unit I am

going to focus on film - moving image and photography as this is where my
interests are in. After this course I am looking to go to university to study Film
production or cinematography so by choosing to go down these two avenues my
portfolio of work will relate to the aims of working in the industry as a filmmaker.
I have never worked on photography other than in this unit that I am really
interested in it and want to develop my skills with the link up with photoshop. I
feel that by choosing photography and film this would get me prepared for my
final unit as I will along the way acquire skills that would improve the quality of
my filmmaking and photography.

My project for this unit is going to be an advert based commercial. I would like to
get into product photography and videography for this project, and have the base
consisting of products. The work I produce will enable me to place it on my
website of portfolio which is useful for potential clients to see the quality of work
I have produced. I would like to develop on my editing skills, lighting, camera
work and creative skills whilst gaining the knowledge and experience to make a
product commercial. The products I am advertising will be relayed to food and
drink as I feel for the type of advertising I am looking to do it would be the most
suitable items to use, for example coffee, sports drinks, pizza, pop corn would all
be good products to make an advert on I can visualise it. It will be 2 series of
different adverts for 2 different items, this would link into my product
photography that I would like to carry onto this unit. I would like a range of dif

So the main concept would be 2 main video adverts, the adverts would be set in
one location with a back drop and lights, I would like the tone to match the
product, music, camera work and set design. This would be my first time making
product advertisement which I am looking forward to as it is a new section of skills
I can acquire. Within the photography element I would like to take photos that
have a bill board effect, this means I will be using adobe photoshop and adobe
lightroom to improve my skills, I would have a range of different product photos
by the end of the unit.

The Henley College 2020/21


For my project I will carry out research linking to product videography and photography. The
first piece of research is which type of equipment will I need for the shoot as this is quite a
specialist niche of media I feel by knowing which type of equipment I would need to acquire
would help me when on set. As well as this I would need to learn which type of lighNng
setups I would need to use to get the best out come for my adverNsing. I would like to see
behind the scene videos of what to expect to get prepared for my shoot and I could try and
implement the skills and techniques within my own work as well as this which type of camera
movements would be the best. The ediNng would be a different style compared to the typical
short films I have made in which means I have to try a new genre style of ediNng that would
be suitable for the product filming. I would like to learn new skills in photoshop for the
photography element such as how to make a bold and striking image, as I have never done
product photography I will look into how to setup a scene to take photos.

Check list:
- What is product photography and videography?
- Commercial product Nps
- Bad and Good photography
- Common mistakes in product photography
- Ideas for products
- Behind the scenes, how to make a commercial video
- Behind the scenes, how to make a commercial photo
- LighNng Setups
- Colour theory
- Example of a good commercial advert
- Lightroom Trials
- How to create moNon in an advert

The Henley College 2020/21


I would like to shoot my photos and video on a digital camera for the shoots this is because it will
give me the opNon of having mulNple different takes that I can incorporate in my edit as well as
filming on digital it is the most suitable way of transferring my footage off from my camera to edit
this will mean that a computer to edit the product video and photos. I would need a SD card to
store my work, a gimbal for camera movements, lighNng for the setup of the shoot. I need a green
screen for my moNonless advert. I also need a shoe and a fragrance for my photography advert and
a black backdrop. Yellow and orange back drop for my commercial as well as, Cans and drinks, for
my commercial video advert. I would need a 2 soZ boxes for my lighNng.


The Henley College 2020/21

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