Scroll: How Could You? Hygiene Products Needed

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First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORG


710 N. Austin St. ♦ Seguin, Texas 78155 SEGUIN, TX
(830) 379-4112 ♦ PERMIT NO. 55


How Could You? Hygiene Products Needed


As part of the Faith in Action Sunday, products. Collection boxes will be placed
One of my favorite “post-resurrection there are those of us like Peter who work the Children will be making kits with Per- around the church. The collection will
appearances” of Jesus was at the Sea of hard until some insight dawns upon us sonal Hygiene items for the under served. be according to the following schedule.
Galilee (John 21). Peter, Thomas, Na- and then we take immediate action. Could you help with a donation? Each February 13- Toothpaste
thanael, James, John, and two other dis- There is no indication that there were Sunday for four weeks starting February February 20- Soap bar
ciples fished all night but caught nothing. hard feelings between John and Peter. 13, we will have a collection drive. Bars February 27-Shampoo
At dawn, Jesus was on the shore and said, Jesus made certain that they broke bread of soap, bottles of shampoo, tubes of March 6- Deodorant, package
“Throw out your net on the right-hand together (breakfast). Then, Jesus asked toothpaste, disposable razors, deodorant, of disposable razors, package of combs.
side of the boat, and you’ll get plenty of Peter three times whether he loved Jesus and combs are needed. Please donate THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONA-
fish!” Of course, when they tried the other and Peter replied “yes.” Jesus told him unopened, regular size bottles of these TION!
side of the boat, they caught a school of to take care of the other followers, and
fish – 153 to be exact. not to be concerned about his own needs.
What happens next really fascinates When Peter was somewhat hurt by
me. John tells Peter, “It is the Lord!” Jesus’ repeated questioning him of his
The scripture says in verse 7: “When love, Peter turned around and saw John
Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, following them and said, “‘What about
he put on his tunic (for he had stripped for him, Lord?’ Jesus replied, ‘If I want him
work), jumped into the water, and swam
ashore.” However, if you can believe it,
to remain alive until I return, what is that
to you? You follow me.’” (21-22) Flower Power
verse 8 tells us, “The others stayed with Jesus is an amazing Lord – an amazing Join us this year in helping beautify
the boat and pulled the loaded net to the Leader! He loves those of us who have our altar. You may place flowers to honor
shore, for they were only out about three spiritual insights but are slow responders, someone for a birthday, an anniversary,
hundred feet.” and he loves those of us who are hard in memory of, or “just because.” You
In retrospect, it seems to me that: workers and quick responders. We might don’t have to use “florist flowers” if you
• John may have wondered about not understand one another at times and don’t chose to. Look out at God’s creation
Peter, “How could you not have known it we might even think, “How could you…” and be creative! Call Susan Brannan to
was Jesus… after the other miracle when but the bottom line response from Jesus schedule a Sunday soon.
he told us to try the other side of the boat is “What is that to you? You follow me.”
and our nets were miraculously filled? Lord, help me to follow you!
How could you be so clueless?”

• Peter may have wondered about
John, “How could you have stayed in the Calendar 2

boat with all those silly fish instead of

swimming immediately to the Lord?”
It seems to me that simple distinction
Equipment Candace’s Corner
We are missing our church Video
describes many of us. There are those of Wesley Nurse 3
Camera as well as a Digital Camera
us like John who see spiritual insights
from the Christian Life Center. If you Youth News 4
but are content to stay in our routine, and
borrowed either of these, please return
them to the church office.
Page 2 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas FEBRUARY 11, 2011

Church Calendar Worship Stats

Statistics for January 23, 2011 Statistics for January 30, 2011
Sunday - February 13 Saturday - February 19 Collection Collection
8:00a Worship, Sanc 9:00a Dance Aerobics, GR Needed Weekly $16,494.00 Needed Weekly $16,494.00
9:15a Sunday School Sunday - February 20 Needed to date $65,974.00 Needed to date $82,468.00
9:15a Confirmation Class, 309 8:00a Worship, Sanc Needed in 2011 $857,677.00 Needed in 2010 $857,677.00
10:30a Worship, Sanc 9:15a Sunday School Received to date $68,378.00 Received to date $79,671.00
10:30a Seasons Worship, GR 9:15a Confirmation Class, 309
Worship Attendance Worship Attendance
4:30p Christ Choir, MR 10:30a Worship, Sanc
8:00 AM 121 8:00 AM 98
5:00p Youth Group, GR 10:30a Seasons Worship, GR 10:30 AM 145 10:30 AM 151
Monday - February 14 4:30p Christ Choir, MR Seasons 87 Seasons 115
5:30p Into the Word, Into the World, 5:00p Youth Group, GR Total 353 Total 364
Library Monday - February 21
5:30p Dance Aerobics, GR 5:30p Into the Word, Into the World, Sunday School Attendance 269 Sunday School Attendance 267
6:00p Emmaus Brd Mtg, Parlor
Worship Experiences
6:15p Emmaus Potluck, HH 5:30p Dance Aerobics, GR
7:00p Emmaus Gathering, Sanc Tuesday - February 22
Tuesday - February 15 9:00a Butterfly Quilters, Rm 207 February 13 February 20
9:00a Butterfly Quilters, Rm 207 4:00p Circle of Angels, 10 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
9:15a Ruth Circle, HH 5:30p Yoga, GR 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
10:00a Hannah Circle, Parlor 8:00p Members Basketball, GR
4:00p Circle of Angels, 10 Wednesday - February 23 Scripture Scripture
5:30p Yoga, GR 5:30p Dance Aerobics, GR Psalm 119: 1-8 Psalm 119:33-40
6:30p Reach Comm Mtg, Parlor Acts 9:1-19 Luke 24:13-35
6:15p Handbell Rehearsal, MR
7:00p Finance Comm Mtg, Library 7:30p Choir Rehearsal, MR
8:00p Members Basketball, GR Thursday - February 24 Sunday School for all ages is held each Sunday at 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday - February 16 10:00a Seniors Exercise Class, GR
5:30p Dance Aerobics, GR 6:00p Making Love Last a Lifetime, 10
6:15p Handbell Rehearsal, MR 8:00p Members Basketball, GR
7:30p Choir Rehearsal, MR Saturday - February 26
Thursday - February 17 9:00a Dance Aerobics, GR
10:00a Seniors Exercise Class, GR
6:00p Making Love Last a Lifetime, 10
6:00p SPRC, Library
8:00p Members Basketball, GR

Save the Date

Next Order deadline

February 16
Next Pickup Date
February 26
8:00-10:00 AM

April 10 the Scroll

is a bi-weekly publication of

First United Methodist Church
710 N. Austin St.
Seguin, TX 78155
FEBRUARY 11, 2011 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas Page 3

Candace’s Corner
This and That
Singles’ Ministry
Calling all children! If you have been so much for reaching out to men, women,
watching for your Kids 4 Christ Newslet- youth and children throughout the world Lent is when we are spiritually reach-
ter in the mail, please know that it will with this ministry. There are still free ing out to God by practicing acts of self
be coming soon – in a new way. You will CD’s of the New Testament available for -denial, or by adding a spiritual habit. We
soon find it on our Church website. In an anyone who would like one. CD players see Jesus atonement for our sins, and with
February 21st -- Spiritual Journey
effort to save paper, ink and postage, as must be MP3 compatible. our actions, we loudly proclaim our desire
gathering focusing on Acts of Compas-
well as reaching more children, I will be And lastly, after months of prayer, I to be more Christ like each day. We add
sionate Social Justice: What are your
adding it to our new website. Mom and have made the decision to cut my hours a Lenten worship service on Wednesday
formative spiritual practices?
dad - please let me know how your child from full to three-quarter time. This will nights where we join the other United
Room 10 at 4:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
likes it. If you have other suggestions change my office hours to: Sundays from Methodist churches of Seguin --what a
You are welcome to attend this last one
that will better reach children and their 7 am–noon and Monday-Wednesday blessing, a joy, it is to worship with our
in this series.
friends, please let me know. from 8 am–5 pm. Please know that this brothers and sisters. We have Lenten
Sunday School attendance is up and decision was mine entirely. With Lee studies in Sunday School. Maybe you will
March 2nd—The Invitation: a Taize
classes are going great! It seems that each being retired, we are looking forward to decide to add Sunday Morning Singles
inspired worship service will focus us
year holding Confirmation during the spending more time together and getting Fellowship to your priorities of Christian
on the Lenten season --which begins the
Sunday School hour brings us all back some much needed work done at home. Growth. We have two excellent choices
next Wednesday, March 9th. We will not
together - and that’s how it should be! If I may be in need of volunteers from time for Singles. Faithworks meets in room
hold a Taize worship service in April due
you have not yet found a Sunday School to time, so please let me know if you are 205 and is studying the Jesus Priorities:
to the Lenten services.
class for yourself, please check out our willing. Eight Essential Habits. Circle of Friends
Sunday School brochure. We have 12 And finally, I am excited about the out- meets in room 10 where they continue to
adult classes, an exciting youth class and come of our January Leadership Event. reach out in faith in acts of service.
wonderful children’s classes - and each Over 80 men, women and children shared
would welcome you warmly! new insights and ideas to help bring the See you in church!
Our recent Faith Comes by Hear- love of Jesus Christ to even more men Pastor Patricia
ing offering received $1,006.00. When and women in our community. Be sure to
I spoke with the representative from read your Scroll when it arrives, whether
FCBH, he informed me that our financial by mail or colorful e-mail. Look for ways
gift will go toward printing a book of the
Bible in the language of Uganda. (Each
you can be of service to the church – and
let us know how we can be of service
Wesley Nurse News
book of the Bible costs $948.) Thank you to you.
Walk to Jerusalem
It is not too late to join; participants
can join at any time during the Walk.
Contact the Wesley Nurse to get your
Relay for Life packet. The mileage will be placed on
Does First United Methodist Church the Walk to Jerusalem map weekly. The
want to have a team for the 2011 Relay map is located on the first floor of the
For Life event? Relay for Life is a fun- educational building near the elevator.
filled overnight event that celebrates sur- Watch for our progress. Enjoy walking
vivorship and raises money for research for great health!

Weekday School News

and programs of your American Cancer
Society. Relay participants are able to
celebrate those who have battled cancer,
remember loved ones lost, and empower
individuals and communities to fight back
Fall against the disease that takes so much.
The event will be on April 29, 2011. If

Registration you are interested in participation on

a team or being a team captain, please
Fall Registration will begin on March contact Danna Dyess, Wesley Nurse.
1. Registration will be available to
church members and students that are Peace,
currently enrolled this school year. We Danna Dyess
offer child care for children six months ddyess@
to four years of age. Preschool hours are 830-379-4112 ext. 306
8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. with extended early/
late care options. Registration will then Senior Exercise Class
be open to the public starting April 1. For The Senior Exercise Class meets on
additional information or any questions, Thursday Mornings at 10 am in the Chris-
please call the school office at (830) tian Life Center. We have been walking
379-4116. in the CLC. Twenty-four laps around the
Thank you CLC= 1 mile. Come exercise with us!
Page 4 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas FEBRUARY 11, 2011

Spoons by the

Pastor Ron Dates to put on your Calendar: based upon these countries. They will
Feb. 13: The Big Split! The Jr. High have gained an in depth perspective of
Welborn and High School students will meet at what it is like to live in these particular
different times Sunday Evenings. countries as missionaries. What the
Jr. High (6th-8th): 4:30pm strides and struggles are of living as a
Would you rather be a spoon or a fork? up, but they don’t have the same energy Meal: 5:30pm Christian in these countries is like in
OK, you can pick knife if you want. But a good spoon does. High School (9th-12th): 6:15pm their small groups and perform different
if your best friend or your pastor (and gee, When the apostle Paul left his life as activities that you would participate in
what if your pastor was your best friend?) a knife behind he became a spoon – so to these diverse cultures. My prayer for
asked you what utensil best describes you speak! His sharp edges were smoothed
Chocolate. Covered
our students is that after attending these
would it be fork, spoon or knife? Work out. His rigid view of religion was STRAWBERRIES:
mid winters that they will have more of
on that. molded into a gentle curve. As a spoon For Valentines Day!! Order Today!!
a kingdom perspective for the globe than
I find forks a bit grabby, always stab- Paul was committed to serving Christ. Find a Student or Find Shook!! You can
just the little bubbles of security they have
bing stuff and piling it on their plate, How? He did it by serving others. Not pick up your Strawberries Feb. 13th after
locally in Seguin, TX.
taking anything in reach and claiming it a bad role model for us. the 10:30 services!!!! $3.00 for 2 Straw-
The Lord is growing a great group
belongs to them. Forks are like “gimme” I looked across the kitchen at our sil- berries, sold in increments of 2!!
of young people in our church. Mid
people who never seem to have enough verware drawer. I was almost afraid to Winters are just one of the many things
stuff and have to grab more. My table look but I did; 16 forks and 31 spoons. Feb. 20th: We are headed out to
we as a Student Ministry will do to grow
fork moments embarrass me. Praise the Lord! I didn’t bother counting Cathedral Oaks for a Victoria District
their faith. We have more events geared
Knives are used to get rid of anything the knives. They were destined to come Youth Worship Service! Mark Swayze
toward growing them in their walk with
that is disgusting, ugly or that just doesn’t in third. Tomorrow or the next day I’ll Band will be our worship band!!! We
Christ and we as a church family should
seem right. Knives are a little like those check out the church. I already have an will leave from FUMC @ 3:30pm and
be very proud of these brave young souls
people who always seem to have a way of idea what I’ll find; spoons by the handful. be back around 10:30pm.
that dare to believe that their actions here
cutting down your thoughts or ideas. The Be “in service” instead of “in competi- in the present change the world for the
apostle Paul started life as a knife person. tion” with your brothers and sisters. In WOW!! As you are reading this right
better in the future!!
He was a Pharisee and he took great joy other words, be a spoon. now we are at SWTC Mid-Winter 5 in
in his work surgically cutting Christian- Forget trying to “have it all” but in- Leakey, TX!! Mid-Winters are a great
ity down to size. Why? Paul considered stead “share all you have.” Be a spoon. way for our students to experience the
Christianity an offensive growth on the What would it take to knock the Lord during the school year. It is a time
body of Judaism. He had his idea of how sharp, cutting edges from your relation- to still their minds, bodies, and spirits
the Law was to be interpreted. He was ships? What would it take to blunt the for a weekend amongst their peers and
sure he knew the difference between right frantic fork-stabbing tendency we all spiritual leaders from around our confer-
and wrong, clean and unclean, chosen or face? Think about it and consider being ence. The focus this year is “No Matter
rejected. I’ve known a few folks like that. a spoon-shaped Christian. And when How Far!” Meaning that we will go to
In fact, I’ve played the role of table knife you work up the courage, go count the the nations of the earth no matter the
far to many times. tableware in your kitchen drawer. I’ll be distance to show Christ’s peace, hope,
Forks and knives don’t seem very curious to hear the results. and love to his children. Mid Winters
Christian to me. So that leads me to are always a great way to show students
the spoon. Spoons can scoop up stuff not only how to have a genuine encounter
and pass it around the table. Spoons are with the Holy Spirit and that you can have
designed to serve. I like spoon people. fun at same time. All who attend the Mid
They are adaptable. They can operate in
a variety of settings. They can dig into Pastor Ron Winters are put into place and challenged
on how to live the best life possible for
Jesus Christ. This year the theme deals
a cup of hot soup or ice cream straight
from the freezer with equal fervor. They with 20 different countries and our stu-
just scoop it up. Yes spoons are good dents were put into different small groups
for scooping and serving but spoons are
also great for stirring things up. I know,
knives and forks can be used to stir things

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