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NAME: Beşliu Maria

DATE: 29th May 2019
CLASS: Upper - intermediate
TIME OF LESSON: 16:00-17:50
TEXTBOOK: ---------
UNIT: -----------
LESSON: -----------

1. Reading a short story: “Dr. Chevalier’s Lie”, by Kate Chopin
2. Understanding the short story through:
 Pre-reading activities
 Skimming
 Scanning
 Intensive reading
 Comprehension questions
3. Teaching vocabulary related to feelings and reactions
4. Enabling the students to delve into the deeper meaning of the text by encouraging them to express
their opinions on specific topics, starting from the text

1. hand-outs
2. blackboard

AIM: reading for the main idea – skimming (preparing the students for the reading activity by activating
their background knowledge while at the same time enabling them to develop their predictive skills)


Ask the students to make T-st 2 min
predictions regarding the content Individual work
of the text based on the title (what
they are expecting the text to be
about – activity 1 on the handout).
Discuss with the students each T-st 5 min
element of the title (“doctor”; St-st
“Chevalier”; “lie”). Consider
what “chevalier” might allude to.
Ask the students whether there
could possibly exist a context in
which “doctor” and “lie” could be
used together. If so, ask them to
briefly describe such a situation
(activity 2 on the handout).
Ask students to quickly read the T-st 6 min
text silently and complete ‘This Individual work
text is about ….’ (activity 3 on the
handout). Check answers.
AIM: reading for specific information – scanning (getting the main points in the text)
Ask students to read the text again T-st 3 min
silently and find out where the Individual work
doctor has been called at midnight
and why (exercise 4 on the
handout). Check answers.
Ask students to read the text T-St 1 min.
silently and underline any Individual work
unknown words

AIM: teaching vocabulary items in the text
Write unknown words on the T-st 5 min
blackboard and elicit translation
Teach vocabulary items related to T-st 5 min
describing emotions, feelings and
reactions (see point no. 5 on the

AIM: reading for detailed information – answering comprehension questions
Ask the students to read again the text T-st 10 min
carefully and to answer the Individual work
comprehension questions in exercise 6
on the handout.
Discuss the answers with the class. St-st 5 min

AIM: helping the students to have a better grasp of the text and enabling them to express their own
Ask students to discuss the possible T-st 3 min
reasons behind the girl’s desperate Individual work
decision to commit suicide (activity 7
on the handout).
Ask the students to give their opinion on St-st 5 min
whether lies can be divided into “white” T-st
and “black” ones (exercise 8 on the


Reading Activity – “Dr. Chevalier’s Lie” (Kate Chopin)

1. Judging by the title of this piece of writing, what do you expect the text to be about?
2. Discuss the title of the text by taking a careful look at the three words that the title is
composed of. What could “Chevalier” allude to? Are “Doctor” and “lie” two words that
could possibly appear together? If so, think about a situation where they could be related
and describe it.
3. After quickly reading the text, complete the sentence: “This text is about….”
4. Read the text again and find out where the doctor has been called at midnight and why.
5. Vocabulary
 Describing emotions, feelings and reactions: ghastly, frightened, hysterical,
(morbidly) curious, proud as an archangel, sorrow, shame, tender + others related
to sadness, unhappiness
6. Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true or false:
1. The sound of a gun was something uncommon for the surroundings where Dr.
Chevalier lived.
2. Together with the bang of the pistol, Dr. Chevalier also heard a scream.
3. The house where the doctor has been called was, as usual for a case like this, full of
women who were making a fuss about what had happened.
4. The girl died because she was shot by somebody.
5. To Dr. Chevalier, the deceased girl was just a person like any other.
6. The doctor remembers having met the girl somewhere a very long time ago.
7. The girl’s family had given Dr. Chevalier and his friend a warm welcome.
8. The girl was to leave for the city because she was too beautiful.
9. Dr. Chevalier sent the family a letter in which he gave an exact account of how the
girl had died.
10. The girl did not have a good reputation in the city.
7. Which might have been the reasons behind the girl’s desperate decision to commit
8. Do you believe that there are “white” and “black” lies? Why/Why not?

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