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1. What do we call the money paid to the insurance company for protection against all kinds of
2. A …………………document that is issued by the local court clerk requesting the accused to appear
before the courts of law.
Writ of summons
3. The type of family which consists of husband, wife and children is called……..
Nuclear family
4. The word…….. means making worldwide or extending to all parts of the world.
5. Which constitution review recommended the introduction of multiparty democracy?
6. Part three of the constitution consists of the…
Fundamental Human Rights
7. After how many years are local government elections held?
5 years
8. What is constitutionalism?
This refers to the practice of adhering strictly to the constitution
9. The legislature consists of two parts, one is the National Assembly. Mention the other.
10. The Zambian constitution opens with a ….
11. A plebiscite can also refer to as a …..
12. A 25 years old man marries his niece Natasha who is 20 years old. What charge can be given to
the 25 years old man?
13. Misdemeanours are ….
Petty crimes
14. What is the second stage in the Zambian Criminal Justice Process
15. What do you understand by the term sovereignty?
Self governance/ independent
16. The office of the judge is also referred to as a ….
17. When was the in testable succession Act came into effect?
18. Which court is at the same level with the Supreme court?
Constitutional Court
19. The Bill of Rights in the Zambian Constitution can be amended through ….
20. Child defilement is a form of sexual activity between an elderly person and a child under the age
of …
16 years
21. Which roles below are subjected to change with time and space
a) Biological (b) Gender (c) Sex roles
22. Taking something often that body does not need and for wrong reasons is referred to as ….
Substance abuse
23. According to Law, Personal Chattels are exclusively for the surviving spouse and the children.
What are personal chattels ….
Family items/properties
24. Zambia is a sovereign state. What does this mean?
It means that Zambia is an independent, free and self determining state
25. ……….. is the way by which the draft constitution is approved so that it becomes the legal and
official constitution.
Adoption process
26. A …… is a general vote on a single political question such as whether to accept or reject a
constitution by the electorates.
27. Name the Zambian president who ruled for over 2 decades.
Kenneth David Kaunda
28. According to the rule of law sanguine a child of a Zambian living in South Africa when born
there, will still be a ……. Citizen.
29. Name a country where the word citizenship originated from.
30. Which electoral system is Zambia using when it comes to presidential elections?
50 + 1% or Single Member Majoritarian System.
31. Who was the chairperson of the 2005 Constitution Review Commission?
32. Which one of the following is not a type of constitution?
a) Flexible (b) referendum (c) Written (d) Rigid
33. In a Single Majoritarian System, when no one candidate gets an outright majority of votes, the
election has to be conducted again for the top winners. This is called an election …
34. What is the minimum age for one to acquire a green national registration card?
16 years
35. Mention the two types of media.
Print media/Electronic media
36. What term is given to a person who depends on alcohol for his or her physical and mental
37. When was the last referendum held in Zambia?
11th August, 2016
38. The Central Bank is the National Bank of a country. What name is given to the National Bank of
Bank of Zimbabwe
39. What type of corruption involves substantial amounts of money and is usually practiced by the
high ranking officials?
Grand corruption
40. The constitution that Zambia inherited on 20 th October, 1964 was referred to as …
Northern Rhodesia Self Government Constitution
41. What do we call drugs that are found in household products such as glue, deodorants like
perfumes and fuel gases?
42. Which characteristic of elections in a democratic state allows candidates to enjoy the freedom
of assembly and association without discrimination?
43. ………. Is a kind of corruption associated with the electoral process
Political corruption
44. How many years did president Barrack Obama ruled the United State of America?
8 years
45. A codified constitution can also be called ….
Written Constitution
46. What do we call the form of child abuse where children are not taken care of by their parents or
Child Neglect
47. Which conflict resolution method is good for interpersonal conflicts?
48. What do we call a belief that males and females, by virtue of their sex, perform certain gender
Sex roles stereotype/ Gender roles
49. ……….. refers to a process by which women and men are treated fairly in accordance to their
respective needs in society.
Gender equity
50. ……….. are crimes that are committed contrary to what the law states, such as voting twice in an
election, rigging an election or failing to pay tax.
Statutory crimes
51. What do we call the attitudes and values of people toward work………………
Work culture
52. In Zambia, what do we call the Central Bank?
Bank of Zambia
53. The other name for the World Bank is?
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
54. Under the interstate succession act, who get 10% in the distribution of estate…….

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