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PETE 344



1. Compare values of Ei(-x) and ln(γx) for the following values of x: 0.01, 0.02, 0.1 and 1.
What do you conclude about the accuracy of logarithmic approximation? About its range
of applicability?

2. A well has flowed for 10 days at a rate of 350 STB/D. Rock and fluid properties include:
B = 1.13 rb/STB Pi = 3000 psia µ = 0.5 cp k = 25 mD
s=0 h = 50 ft -5
ct = 2×10 1/psi φ = 0.16
rw = 0.333 ft

Calculate pressures at radii of 0.333, 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 3160 ft, and plot the results as
pressure vs. the logarithm of radius. What minimum drainage radius you have assumed
for this calculation?

3. For the well described in Question 2, plot pressure in the wellbore vs. logarithm of time at
times of 0.1, 1 and 10 days. What minimum drainage radius have you assumed in this

4. Derive the steady-state flow rate equations given below for the following isolated well patterns
clustered at the center of an infinitely large oil reservoir. Assume that:

- All wells have the same wellbore radius of rw

- Production pressures of all wells are the same with a value of Pwf
- The distance between wells is the same and equal to d
- The outer boundary pressure of the reservoir is Pe at the distance of re from the well
- The reservoir has constant, uniform properties and oil viscosity is constant

a. Isolated flow pattern

2πkh(Pe -Pwf )
 r2 
µln  e 
 d×rw 

b. Isolated triangular pattern

2πkh(Pe -Pwf )
 r3 
µln  2 e 
 d ×rw 

c. Four wells in a square pattern

2πkh(Pe -Pwf )
 r4 
µln  3 e 
 d 2×rw 

5. An oil reservoir having circular area is producing from a well, which is at the center of the
reservoir. On the basis of the reservoir properties that follow, calculate and plot the
reservoir pressure at points 1, 5, 20, 100, 500 and 1000 ft away from the center of the
well, for the following conditions

a) Oil is flowing at steady state.

b) The well has flowed for 15 hours at unsteady state conditions.
c) What is the pressure at external boundary for steady and unsteady state conditions.

Porosity = 15% h= 30 ft ct = 3×10-6 1/psi

k = 35 mD Pi = 4300 psi Bo = 1.25 bbl/STB
rw = 0.33 ft µ = 2.9 cp re = 3000 ft
q = 150 STB/day

6. Determine the volumetric average pressure of the above reservoir at steady state flow

7. Develop an equation to calculate and then calculate the pressure at well 1, illustrated in
the following figure, if the well has flowed for 5 days at a flow rate of 200 STB/day.

Porosity = 25% h= 20 ft ct = 30 × 10-6 1/psi

k = 50 mD Pi = 4000 psi Bo = 1.32 bbl/STB
rw = 0.33 ft µ = 0.5 cp
Fault 1

200 ft

300 ft
Well 1

Fault 2
8. A well producing only oil and dissolved gas, has produced 12173 STB. The well has not
been stimulated, and there is no reason to believe that there is a significant amount of
formation damage. A pressure buildup test is run with the primary objective of estimating
static drainage-area pressure. During buildup, there is a rising liquid level in the wellbore.

Well and reservoir data are:

Ø = 0.14 µ = 0.55 cp ct = 16×10-6 1/psi

rw = 0.5 ft re = 1320 ft q = 988 STB/D
B = 1.126 rbbl/STB h = 7 ft ρ = 54.8 lbm/cuft
Awb = 0.0218 sq ft

The well is centered in a cylindrical drainage area. Data recorded during build up test are
given below.

∆t (hours) Pws (psia) ∆t (hours) Pws (psia)

0 709 19.7 4198
1.97 3169 24.6 4245
2.95 3508 29.6 4279
3.94 3672 34.5 4306
4.92 3772 39.4 4327
5.91 3873 44.4 4343
7.88 3963 49.3 4356
9.86 4026 59.1 4375
14.8 4133

1. Estimate the time at which afterflow is ceased distorting the buildup test data.
2. Locate the middle-time region and estimate formation permeability.
3. Calculate
a) skin factor
b) pressure drop across the altered zone
c) flow efficiency
d) effective wellbore radius

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