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Introducción al Inglés A2.


Grammar rules:
Para conjugar el presente simple usamos el infinitivo para los sujetos “I”, “you”, “we” y “they”
y para las terceras personas “he”, “she” y “it”, añadimos una “-s” al final del verbo

I / you/ we /they eat --- talk -----go---- sleep

He / she /it  eats ---talks----goes----sleeps

Auxiliar : DO

Affirmative: Suj+VB

I eat / They talk / He goes

Negative: Suj + aux(do) + neg (not) + VB

I do not eat / They do not talk / He does not go

I don´t eat / They don´t eat / He doesn´t go

Interrogative: Aux (do) + suj+ VB?

Do you eat hot dog? / Does he go to the beach?

DO --------- Does ----- HAVE ---------Has -----------GO --------Goes

1. El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden habitualmente. A
diferencia con el español, no se usa el presente simple para hablar sobre algo que está
pasando en el momento en el que hablamos.
Introducción al Inglés A2.1

Se suele utilizar el presente simple con adverbios de tiempo:

always (siempre), every day (cada día), usually (normalmente), often (a menudo),
sometimes (a veces), never (nunca)…

I always get up at seven o´clock Colocación adverbios:

I am never sad  Detrás verb to be
 Delante del resto de VB
 2. Se utiliza para hablar de
generalidades o hechos científicos.

I work in a school

Wolves live in the mountains (Wolf)

 3. Se usa para instrucciones (el imperativo).

Open the window!

Closet he door!

Let´s practise
1. Write the correct form of the verb
a. I sometimes go (go) to work by car.
b. Ben works (work) in a hospital.
c. Do you _you (like) fish?
d. She doesn´t teach (not/teach) English.
e. Matthew never watchs (never/ watch) television.
f. _Does_ she _play_ (play) football?
g. They always eat (eat/always) dinner at 7 o'clock.
h. We don´t live (not/live) in a big house.
i. Valerie studies (study) English at university.
j. Does he want (want) to eat?
k. Samantha plays (play) tennis twice a week.

2. Write in the correct order

a. in / morning / drinks / She / coffee / usually / the

She usually drinks coffee in the morining

b. work / walks / David / to

David walks to work

c. eats / she / meat / never

She never eats meat

Introducción al Inglés A2.1

d. day / 10 / run / kilometers / I / every

I run 10 kilometers every day

e. English / They / do / ? / study

DO they study English?

f. do / speak / not / you / French

You do not speak French

g. usually / morning / the / drinks / in / She / coffee

She usually drink coffee in the morning

h. after / do / Does / he / school / homework / his / ?

Does he do his homework after school

i. happy / not / We / are

We are not happy

j. often / is / Alice / late

Alice is often late

k. ? / always / Do / 8 / at / they / get up

Do they always get up at 8?

l. Mondays / bus / takes / work / the / to / on / Peter

Peter takes the bus to work on Mondays

Live ---- life is so hard

Life is life --- Opus

Introducción al Inglés A2.1



The  el / la the boy/ the girl / the elephants (artículos definidos)

A  un /una car / a girl / a boy / a univeristy / a hotel

An  un/ una an elephant/ an umbrela / an hour

Easy  difficult sun rise sunset

Something (some) thing somebody somewhere

Everything everybody everywhere

Nothing nobody nowhere

Introducción al Inglés A2.1


Check and write the new words:

Busy then

Ground sleep

Begin easy

Same sun rise

Introducción al Inglés A2.1


Tools  herramientas
Shelf  estanterías
Goods  productos


Ordenador  pc/computer/laptop Libreta notebook

Pantalla scren Boli  pen / lápiz  pencil

Teclado  keyboard Clips 

Ratón mouse Grapadora  stapler

Teléfono phone Folio  paper/ a piece of paper

Calculadora calculator Silla  chair

Impresora printer / tinta (ink) Máquina de café  coffee machine

Frigorífico  fridge Papelera  bin

Window  ventana Staff room  sala de trabajadores

Dining room  comedor Living room  salón

Introducción al Inglés A2.1

Where is ……..the computer?

1. The computer is on the table.

2. The screen is dirty (sucia) clean (limpia)
3. The pone is on my left.
4. The pone is black
5. The notebook is blue, on the table
6. The printer is behind me ( The printer doesn´t work (no funciona)
7. Do you have ink? Yes, I do.
8. I need a piece a paper, do you have? Yes, I do
9. Where is it? The paper i son the table
10. Oh sorry, I can´t see the paper.

Place in a Building
The toilet is on the first floor
On the second floor
Go straight  todo recto
Turn left  tuerce a la izquierda
Turn right  tuerce a la derecha
First door , second door on the left/on the right.
In other room
Place in the city
Next to  al lado de
Behind  detrás
In front of  en frente de
Across the road  cruzando la carretera
On the left // On the right
Corridor  pasillo
Go up the stairs
Take the lift
Main door  puerta principal
Introducción al Inglés A2.1

Main Storage almacén principal

Boss jefe
Go in  entrar
Again otra vez

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