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Able to do

Admire sb for sth doing

Boast of/about sth/doing to sb

Capable of doing

Congratulate sb on sth/doing

Fail to do

Hope to do; hope that

Learn abt sth doing; learn to do; learn by doing

Settle for/on sth

Similar to sth/sb/doing

Study sth; for sth

Succeed in sth/doing

Suitable for sth/doing; suitable to do

Aware of sth; aware that

Covered in/with sth

Disappointed with/by sth; in sb

Except for sth/doing

Expect sth/sb to do; expect that

Familiar with sth; familiar to sb

Famous for/sth doing

Glance at sth/ sb

Hard to do; hard doing

Prevent sth; prevent sb from doing; prevent sth from happening

Short of sth; short on sth

Warn sb about/against sth/ doing; warn sb of sth; warn sb not to do; warn sb that

Academy academic, academically educate education educator, educationaly

Attend attention, inattentively, attendance, attendant fail failure, failling

Behave behaviour improve improvement, improved

Certify certificate, certified intense intensity, intensify, intensely

Literate illiterate, illiteracy, literature study student studies studious

Reason unreasonable, unreasonably, reasoning teach teacher taught

Revise revision, revised think thought unthinkable thoughtful less

Scholar scholarship, scholarly, scholastic understand misunderstanding misunderstood

Solve solution unsolvable understandable understandably

Accurate accurately inaccurately inaccuracy harm harmful harmfully harmlessl unharmed

Danger dangerously endanger endangered likely unlikely likelihood

Develop undeveloped developing developer development low lower lowness

Environment environmentally environmentalist nature un natural ly

Extreme extremely extremity extremist neighbourly neighbouring neighbourhood

Freeze frozen freezing freezer polluted pollution pollutant

Globe global, globaly reside residential, resident, residence

Great greatly, greatness sun sunny sunshine

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