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Definition of terms

Boiling- To clean the bones and corn and kill the germs in it.

Cage- it is where the chickens under observation are placed for the whole experiment.

Carrot Peelings- One of the main ingredients in the feeds which have also nutrients

that helps the chicken to grow healthy.

Casserole- it is where the chicken bones and corn are boiled.

Chicken bones- one of the main ingredients in making the feeds in the study and has

various nutrients especially calcium for the bones.

Chicken feeds- the feeds exclusively for chickens that will help them to live and grow


Cleaning- To clean the materials to be used in the experiment

Corn- from where the researchers get the corn shoot used in the study.

Corn shoot- can be found inside the corn, particularly in the middle part of the corn.

One of the ingredients and adds the nutrients.

Collecting- To collect the materials and ingredients to be used in the study.

Drying- To dry the carrots and avoid the feeds to moisten.

Grater- used to grate the carrot peelings.

Grating- To refine and avoid big pieces of carrots as part of the chicken feeds.

Hammer- used to pound and crash the chicken bones.

Heating- To pre-heat the feeds and avoid the feeds to moisten easily. And to make the

feeds totally dry.

Knife- used to slice the corn and get the cornshoot.p

Measuring- To measure the quantities of the ingredients. Also to measure the weight of

the chicken.

Slicing- To slice the corn and get the corn shoot.

Smashing- To refine the chicken bones.

Mixing- To combine the ingredients together.

Water- used in boiling the corn and chicken bones. Also used in cleaning the materials.

Methods Purposes
Collecting To collect the materials and ingredients to

be used in the study.

Grating To refine and avoid big pieces of carrots

as part of the chicken feeds.

Boiling To clean the bones and corn and kill the

germs in it.

Drying To dry the carrots and avoid the feeds to


Mixing To combine the ingredients together.

Slicing To slice the corn and get the corn shoot.

Cleaning To clean the materials to be used in the


Smashing To refine the chicken bones

Measuring To measure the quantities of the

ingredients. Also to measure the weight of

the chicken.

Heating To pre-heat the feeds and avoid the feeds

to moisten easily. And to make the feeds

totally dry.
Table 2

As shown in the table above the methods being done in the experimentation/

procedure. The methods are Collecting, Grating, Boiling, Drying, Mixing, Slicing,

Cleaning, Smashing, Measuring and Heating.

Based on the above mentioned methods, the study made used of the

experimental method of the study. In which the subject was exposed to experimentation

and being tested for its effectiveness.

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