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Opinion essay

Who bears the greatest responsibility for pollution: businesses, individual people or the government?

Nowadays, pollution is one of the most important problems humans are dealing with. The reason is
that we have been harming our own planet to the point that we have created a climate change. The
possibility of having a good and healthy environment is in our hands. The question is who's
responsible for pollution? Well, all of us. But if I had to choose one, I would say that it is government.

Firstly, the government should draw the line for factories, at the use of polluting materials and set a
common limit for all companies. Carbon emissions are not being taken seriously by our government.
They don't spend enough money on preventing global warming. They allow the automotive industry
to continue developing fuel cars, instead of electric cars; However, the government is more
interested in money.

Secondly, the main sources of pollution are the businesses. They use factories to make their products
but in the process of manufacturing a product, they give off harmful, toxic or dangerous substances.
The chemical industry is one of the most polluting industries. This is the main source of pollution. For
example it is estimated that more than 1 million birds die every year from rubbish.

Some people argue that everyone should use public transportation instead of private cars, recycle
and use less electricity at home. Well, I kind of agree with them but individual people can’t do it
without the help of the government. governments should invest in renewable energy, installing wind
turbines and solar panels. The government should provide the population with solar panels, wind
turbines etc…If people didn´t use so many products made from non-recyclable materials, factories
wouldn´t produce them. And the problem is solved.

While I understand everybody's responsibility on the pollution problem, I believe the government
has the power and the tools to make a step change. All things considered, the government can and
should help us to have a less polluted world.

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