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Sedimentology (2019) 66, 2134–2168 doi: 10.1111/sed.


Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills:

Insights from a global dataset of late-Quaternary examples
R U W A N G , L U C A C O L O M B E R A and N I G E L P . M O U N T N E Y
Fluvial & Eolian Research Group, School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT,
UK (E-mail:

Associate Editor – Gonzalo Veiga

Incised valleys that develop due to relative sea-level change are common fea-
tures of continental shelves and coastal plains. Assessment of the factors that
control the geometry of incised-valley fills has hitherto largely relied on con-
ceptual, experimental or numerical models, else has been grounded on case
studies of individual depositional systems. Here, a database-driven statistical
analysis of 151 late-Quaternary incised-valley fills has been performed, the
aim being to investigate the geological controls on their geometry. Results of
this analysis have been interpreted with consideration of the role of different
processes in determining the geometry of incised-valley fills through their
effect on the degree and rate of river incision, and on river size and mobility.
The studied incised-valley fills developed along active margins are thicker
and wider, on average, than those along passive margins, suggesting that tec-
tonic setting exerts a control on the geometry of incised-valley fills, probably
through effects on relative sea-level change and river behaviour, and in rela-
tion to distinct characteristics of basin physiography, water discharge and
modes of sediment delivery. Valley-fill geometry is positively correlated with
the associated drainage-basin size, confirming the dominant role of water
discharge. Climate is also inferred to exert a potential control on valley-fill
dimensions, possibly through modulations of temperature, peak precipita-
tion, vegetation and permafrost, which would in turn affect water discharge,
rates of sediment supply and valley-margin stability. Shelves with slope
breaks that are currently deeper than 120 m contain incised-valley fills that
are thicker and wider, on average, than those hosted on shelves with breaks
shallower than 120 m. No correlation exists between valley-fill thickness
and present-day coastal-prism convexity, which is measured as the differ-
ence in gradient between lower coastal plains and inner shelves. These find-
ings challenge some concepts embedded in sequence stratigraphic thinking,
and have significant implications for analysis and improved understanding
of ‘source to sink’ sediment route-ways, and for attempting predictions of
the occurrence and characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Keywords Basin physiography, drainage basin, fluvial equilibrium profile,
incised valley, Last Glacial Maximum, sea-level change.

INTRODUCTION valleys develop as fluvially eroded, elongated

palaeotopographic lows in response to relative
Incised valleys are common features of continen- sea-level fall that causes rivers to incise their bed
tal shelves and coastal plains. In these settings, in an attempt to reach a new lowered equilibrium
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Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2135

profile (Summerfield, 1985; Blum & T€ ornqvist, linkages to down-dip, coarse-grained lowstand
2000; Holbrook et al., 2006; Blum et al., 2013). deltas or basin-floor fans (Mitchum 1985; Van
The resultant valleys are subsequently inundated Wagoner et al., 1988, 1990; Blum & T€ ornqvist,
by the sea during a following episode of sea-level 2000; Posamentier, 2001; T€ ornqvist et al., 2006).
rise, typically leading to the development of estu- Typically, incised valleys are initially filled with
aries in the nearshore (Zaitlin et al., 1994). As coarse-grained fluvial deposits at their base dur-
transgression proceeds, both the valley margins ing relative sea-level fall and lowstand, and are
and the sedimentary infill in the base of the valley subsequently filled by estuarine and marine
itself may be reworked by coastal and marine pro- deposits during the following sea-level rise (Roy,
cesses (Roy, 1984; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Allen & 1984; Dalrymple et al., 1992; Allen & Posamen-
Posamentier, 1993; Zaitlin et al., 1994; Blum & tier, 1993; Shanley & McCabe, 1993; Dalrymple
T€ornqvist, 2000; Strong & Paola, 2008; Blum et al., 1994; Zaitlin et al., 1994; Shanley &
et al., 2013). Valley systems that are cut in McCabe 1994; Wright & Marriott, 1993; Blum &
response to relative sea-level change possess T€ornqvist, 2000; Blum et al., 2013). Thus, many
greater potential for sediment accommodation valley fills are sand prone, which makes them
than time-equivalent interfluve areas, and the potential hydrocarbon reservoirs and groundwa-
infill of such valleys typically records a complex ter aquifers (Wright & Marriott, 1993; Dalrymple
history of infilling via sedimentation in a range of et al., 1994; Shanley & McCabe, 1994; Zaitlin
environments as sea level rises (Thomas & Ander- et al., 1994; Blum et al., 2013), and possible
son, 1994; Rodriguez et al., 2005; Simms et al., sources of sand for beach renourishment.
2007a). Extensive research has been undertaken previ-
Although incision and development of valleys ously to characterize the internal fill of nearshore
in the nearshore region occurs during episodes incised valleys (Fisk, 1944; Allen & Posamentier,
of relative sea-level fall, valley development may 1993; Wright & Marriott, 1993; Dalrymple et al.,
continue during lowstand times as rivers seek to 1994, 2006; Shanley & McCabe, 1994; Zaitlin
re-equilibrate (Summerfield, 1985; Blum & Price, et al., 1994; Legarreta & Uliana, 1998; Blum et al.,
1998; Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Holbrook et al., 2013). Numerous conceptual, numerical and
2006; Strong & Paola, 2008; Martin et al., 2011; experimental models have been devised, and
Blum et al., 2013). The lower part of the valley scaling relationships identified from modern or
fill usually records sediment accumulation via ancient case studies, to investigate mechanisms
fluvial systems both during the falling-stage and of fluvial channel incision, lateral migration and
lowstand systems tracts (Blum & Price, 1998; associated drivers over short timescales
Strong & Paola, 2008; Martin et al., 2011; Blum (<103 years) (Hooke, 1979, 1980; Nanson &
et al., 2013). However, the majority of the fill of Hickin, 1983; Fielding & Crane, 1987; Bridge &
valley systems consists of a relatively complete Mackey, 1993; Mackey & Bridge, 1995; Lawler
record of deposition during the lowstand and et al., 1999; Shanley, 2004; Richard et al., 2005;
early transgressive systems tracts, whereby Fielding et al., 2006; Gibling 2006; Blum et al.,
slowly rising sea level locally reduces the fluvial 2013). However, only a limited number of studies
gradient close to the valley shoreline and encour- have hitherto focused on geological controls that
ages accumulation (Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Hol- determine the geometry of nearshore incised val-
brook et al., 2006; Blum et al., 2013). Thus, the leys and their fills; the results of such studies lar-
sedimentary fill of these types of valleys might gely consist of conceptual, experimental or
provide critical information about earth-surface numerical models (Talling, 1998; Strong & Paola,
processes, related depositional history, and its 2006, 2008; Martin et al., 2011), or are based on
controls, such as the rate of relative sea-level case studies of individual incised-valley systems
change and its effects on sediment distribution (Posamentier, 2001; Weber et al., 2004; Ishihara &
and depositional environments (Posamentier & Sugai, 2017) or of multiple valley systems in a
Vail, 1988; Wright & Marriott, 1993; Dalrymple single region (Mattheus et al., 2007; Chaumillon
et al., 1994; Shanley & McCabe, 1994; Zaitlin et al., 2008; Mattheus & Rodriguez, 2011; Phil-
et al., 1994; Legarreta & Uliana, 1998; Blum lips, 2011).
et al., 2013). Furthermore, incised-valley sys- In this study, a database-driven statistical
tems play key roles in transferring sediments analysis has been performed with the aim to
from hinterland regions to deep-marine environ- investigate the geological controls on the geome-
ments during lowstands, which makes them a try of incised-valley fills. The study is based on
useful reference for exploration of sediment a compilation of late-Quaternary incised-valley
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2136 R. Wang et al.

fills, especially – but not only – those formed incision generally occurs at the highstand coast-
during the last glacio-eustatic cycle; the studied line or at the shelf–slope break when exposed
examples are representative of different climatic by sea-level fall. Fluvial systems tend to reach
and tectonic settings, and are distributed glob- their graded profile by landward propagation of
ally. By restricting the scope of investigation to retreating knickpoints (Summerfield, 1985; Blum
late-Quaternary examples, the controlling factors & T€ornqvist, 2000; Holbrook et al., 2006). Knick-
on valley characteristics and evolution can be point migration rates have been shown to be
constrained closely. It is therefore possible to strongly controlled by water discharge (Schumm
relate valley-fill geometry to magnitude of sea- et al., 1984; Loget & Van Den Driessche, 2009)
level change, drainage-basin size, drainage-basin and substrate characteristics (Van Heijst &
vegetation type, physiography of the receiving Postma, 2001; Loget & Van Den Driessche,
basin, climate, substrate lithology and tectonics. 2009). Thus, both the magnitude of sea-level fall
These variables are generally poorly constrained and the physiography of the basin determine the
for most ancient successions. Specific objectives largest vertical adjustment of a river system
of this work are as follows: (i) to gain an through valley incision, whereas water discharge
improved understanding of geological controls and substrate characteristics dominate the
on valley-fill dimensions; (ii) to evaluate the degree to which, and rate at which, fluvial sys-
relative roles of different controls on valley inci- tems approach the equilibrium profile (Paola
sion and widening; and (iii) to present implica- et al., 1992). However, rivers might not incise
tions of the results for sequence stratigraphy and during relative sea-level fall if the shelf is broad
for hydrocarbon-reservoir prediction and charac- and of a gradient similar to, or less than, that of
terization. the adjacent coastal plain, and if water discharge
is relatively small (cf. Woolfe et al., 1998). Val-
ley downcutting might also take place under
BACKGROUND conditions of marine transgression, for example
because of tectonic and isostatic uplift of coastal
Observations from experiments (Strong & Paola, plains, or due to rapid coastal erosion by waves
2006, 2008) and investigation of late-Quaternary and longshore drift (cf. Leckie 1994). Channel
incised valleys, such as those along the Texas lateral migration rates have been shown to be
coastal plain, USA (Blum & Price, 1998; Blum strongly controlled by water discharge (Hooke,
et al., 2013), reveal the diachronous nature of 1979, 1980; Nanson & Hickin, 1983; Lawler
the basal surfaces of incised-valley fills; these et al., 1999; Richard et al., 2005), sediment sup-
surfaces do not typically represent relict geomor- ply (Sheets et al., 2002; Peakall et al., 2007;
phic surfaces, but rather amalgamated erosional Braudrick et al., 2009; Martin et al., 2011), bed
features resulting from multiple episodes of material size (Nanson & Hickin, 1986; Richard
punctuated channel incisions accompanied by et al., 2005) and bank stability (Hickin & Nan-
lateral migration, channel-belt deposition and son, 1975; Nanson & Hickin 1983; Hickin & Nan-
valley-wall reshaping during relative sea-level son, 1984; Lawler et al., 1999; Richard et al.,
fall and lowstand. Valley deepening is driven by 2005).
vertical channel incision, whereas valley widen- Many authors have summarized the funda-
ing is largely driven by lateral migration of mental controlling factors that govern valley
channels and valley sidewall destabilization geometry; principal among these are the rate
(Strong & Paola, 2006, 2008; Martin et al., 2011; and magnitude of base-level fall, basin physio-
Blum et al., 2013). Insight on controls that gov- graphy (gradients along the depositional pro-
ern channel incision and lateral migration dur- file and shelf-break depth), climate, substrate
ing relative sea-level fall and rise is characteristics and tectonics (Schumm, 1993;
therefore useful for exploring the geological con- Talling, 1998; Holbrook & Schumm, 1999; Blum
trols on incised-valley-fill dimensions. Process- & T€ornqvist, 2000; Posamentier, 2001; Van Heijst
based studies argue that, along the continental & Postma, 2001; Gibling 2006; Strong & Paola,
margins, fluvial incision initiates when a stee- 2006, 2008; Loget & Van Den Driessche, 2009;
per-gradient surface with respect to the fluvial Martin et al., 2011; Blum et al., 2013).
equilibrium profile is exposed during relative A number of studies have concentrated on the
sea-level fall (Summerfield, 1985; Leckie, 1994; impact of relative sea-level fall on the formation
Talling, 1998; Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Holbrook and morphology of incised valleys (Blum &
et al., 2006; Blum et al., 2013). The onset of T€ornqvist, 2000; Strong & Paola, 2006, 2008;
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Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2137

Martin et al., 2011; Blum et al., 2013). Strong & below the shelf break, incised valleys will form
Paola (2006, 2008) explored the evolution in val- across the entire shelf. By contrast, when sea
ley morphology and the emergence of strati- level falls but does not expose the shelf break,
graphic feedbacks in response to relative sea- incised-valley development will be limited to the
level fall through experiments that included: (i) region of the coastal prism. Based on observations
an isolated slow cycle, where ‘slow’ is defined of present-day gradient profiles along passive
with respect to a theoretical equilibrium time margins and margins associated with foreland
that is a direct function of basin length (Paola basins, Talling (1998) further illustrates that if the
et al., 1992); (ii) an isolated rapid cycle; and (iii) sea level remains above the shelf break, valley
several superimposed rapid cycles, given steady incision will be governed primarily by the geome-
passive-margin style subsidence and constant try of the coastal prism and valley incision will
sediment and water supplies. Physical experi- tend to increase with the coastal-prism convexity.
ments by Strong & Paola (2006, 2008) indicate Moreover, the magnitude of valley incision is
that relatively slow sea-level fall could lead to expected to increase basinward towards the high-
the formation of broader and flatter erosional stand shoreline, and then decrease towards the
surfaces, whereas relatively rapid sea-level fall shelf break; the maximum degree of incision is
tends to encourage the development of deeper thought to occur at the highstand shoreline (Tal-
incised valley systems. The same authors also ling, 1998).
demonstrate that the magnitude of relative sea- Climate is known to control valley morphol-
level fall primarily determines the valley depth, ogy and valley-fill dimensions in a complex
whereas the rate of relative sea-level fall is a manner. It dictates the supply of water and sedi-
fundamental control on valley width by control- ment to a river, mediated by effects on variables
ling the duration of time over which the valley- such as temperature, precipitation, vegetation
fill boundaries can be shaped. Based on observa- and presence of permafrost, particularly through
tions from experiments, numerical modelling their influence on surface runoff characteristics,
and field data, Martin et al., (2011) focused on which are themselves related to the magnitude
the downstream changes in valley dimensions, and frequency of floods (Blum & Valastro, 1994;
indicating that valley width and valley depth Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Bogaart et al., 2003a,b;
tend to increase downstream towards the shore- Vandenberghe, 2003; Blum et al., 2013).
line position at the beginning of base-level fall, Through analysis of the geometry of late-Qua-
and interpreting such downstream valley widen- ternary incised-valley systems along the passive
ing as related to increased sediment influx from continental margins of the northern Gulf of Mex-
valley excavation, acting independently from ico and of the United States mid-Atlantic coast,
relative sea-level changes or initial surface Mattheus et al., (2007), Mattheus & Rodriguez
topography. Furthermore, Martin et al., (2011) (2011) and Phillips (2011) show that valley
highlight that both valley depth and valley dimensions (valley depth, width and cross-sec-
width increase with the magnitude of relative tional area) are primarily controlled by their
base-level fall, and that valley widening closely drainage-basin area, which is a proxy for the
follows valley incision and extension temporally water discharge of their formative rivers; shelf-
during relative sea-level fall. break depth and coastal-plain and shelf gradi-
The physiography of the depositional profile ents are secondary controls.
over which incised valleys develop has been Tectonic processes also control valley dimen-
shown to play an important role in valley incision sions, notably through their influence on rela-
and widening (Summerfield, 1985; Talling, 1998; tive sea-level changes, basin physiography
Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Posamentier, 2001; and sediment delivery rates, and indirectly by
T€ornqvist et al., 2006; Blum et al., 2013). Along affecting the drainage-basin climate (Jain & Tan-
the continental margins, the onset of valley inci- don, 2003; Vandenberghe, 2003; Ishihara et al.,
sion tends to commence when a convex-up topog- 2011, 2012; Wohl et al., 2012; Tropeano et al.,
raphy is exposed during relative sea-level fall 2013; Ishihara & Sugai, 2017). Studies on sev-
(Summerfield, 1985; Talling, 1998; Blum & eral palaeovalleys (Sugai & Sugiyama, 1998,
T€ornqvist, 2000; Blum et al., 2013). Such topo- 1999; Makinouchi et al., 2006; Ishihara et al.,
graphic profiles are typical of the highstand coast- 2012; Ishihara & Sugai, 2017) developed on
line and shelf–slope break. Several authors coastal plains in Japan show that tectonic uplift
(Talling, 1998; Posamentier, 2001; T€ ornqvist or subsidence act to enhance or reduce, respec-
et al., 2006) have argued that when sea level falls tively, the effect of sea-level fall on valley
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dimensions for a given episode of eustatic sea- location of the studied incised-valley fills is
level fall; local tectonic uplift is generally asso- shown in Fig. 1. The datasets that underpin this
ciated with well-developed terraces and narrow work are available as part of the supporting
valley floors, whereas local tectonic subsidence information that is available to download as an
is primarily linked to poorly delineated terraces accompaniment to this paper (see Data S1). The
and wide valley floors. Additionally, wave or importance of controls on valley-fill dimensions
tidal erosion causing ravinement during the has been assessed through: (i) comparison of
transgressive stage of incised-valley infilling descriptive statistics and associated statistical
might greatly modify the dimensions of incised- tests; and (ii) determination of correlation
valley fills (Lericolais et al., 2001; Mattheus & between variables, as outlined below.
Rodriguez, 2011; Blum et al., 2013).
Existing conceptual models or experimental
Incised-valley-fill dimensions
studies have tended to focus on consideration of
one overarching factor (for example, relative sea- In this study, an incised valley is defined as a
level change) as a control on the geometry of fluvially eroded, elongate topographic low that
incised-valley fills, whilst treating other parame- is typically larger than a single channel, and is
ters as constant. Yet, this is known not to be the generally associated with the juxtaposition of
case in natural systems. A more comprehensive fluvial or estuarine strata on marine deposits
assessment of controlling factors on the geome- and subaerial exposure on interfluves (Van Wag-
try of incised-valley fills is attempted here by oner et al., 1990; Boyd et al., 2006; Blum et al.,
means of a comparison of data from multiple 2013). In the original sources, some aggrada-
case studies, enabled by a database approach. tional channel belts or even channel fills might
have been misinterpreted as incised-valley fills.
This study avoids inclusion of channel belts or
METHODOLOGY channel fills representing river propagation on
the shelf or on shelf-edge deltas at lowstand
To evaluate the relative roles of different geologi- (Fig. 2C). However, a small number of cases (e.g.
cal controls that influence valley incision and Posamentier, 2001; Zhuo et al., 2015; Aquino
widening, in this work a statistical analysis of da Silva et al., 2016), where ambiguity as to
relationships between late-Quaternary incised- the classification of the described successions
valley fills and parameters that describe their remains, have been included in the database.
context and controlling factors has been under- Incised-valley geometries vary along dip (Strong
taken based on data derived from a literature & Paola, 2008; Martin et al., 2011; Phillips,
compilation. Data have been coded in a rela- 2011). Thus, to enable meaningful comparisons,
tional database, the Shallow-Marine Architecture measurements must be made at the same respec-
Knowledge Store (SMAKS; Colombera et al., tive location along the valley axis, to ensure a
2016), which stores data on the sedimentary similar duration of subaerial exposure and
architecture and geomorphic organization of record of fluvial and marine processes. In this
shallow-marine and paralic siliciclastic deposi- work valley fills have been classified with
tional systems: SMAKS includes quantitative respect to the position where their geometry has
data on geological entities of varied nature and been characterized, i.e. beneath the present-day
scale, and on their associated depositional coastal plain, on the inner shelf or on the outer
systems, which can be classified on multiple shelf. Here, the distinction between inner and
parameters (for example, shelf width, delta catch- outer shelf is made on bathymetry, rather than
ment area) tied to metadata (for example, data process regime: the term ‘inner shelf’ refers to
types, data sources). the part of the shelf that extends from the pre-
This study utilizes data on 151 classified late- sent-day shoreline to the 25 m isobath, whereas
Quaternary incised-valley fills, 135 of which the term ‘outer shelf’ refers to the part of the
developed during the last glacial–interglacial shelf that extends from the 25 m isobath to the
cycle (LGC) and 16 of which are of pre-LGC age. shelf break. Coastal-plain valley fills and inner-
The primary data have been extracted from 67 shelf valley fills are grouped when analysing the
published literature sources. A detailed account relationships between coastal-plain gradient or
of all of the case studies included in this work, coastal-prism convexity versus valley-fill dimen-
their associated bibliographic references and the sions; inner and outer-shelf valley fills are
types of data is reported in Table 1, and the instead grouped as cross-shelf valleys to assess
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Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2139
Table 1. Case studies stored in the Shallow-Marine Architecture Knowledge Store (SMAKS) database on late-
Quaternary incised-valley fills. The table illustrates published literature sources, data types and the age of forma-
tion [as last glacial–interglacial cycle (LGC) or pre-LGC] for each case study. Case-study identification numbers
(ID) relate to those coded in the SMAKS database and are referred to in following figures. N = number of incised-
valley-fill elements developed for each case study, at or before the LGC.

ID Case study Data source Data types N Age

31 Composite database, Gulf of Mattheus & Rodriguez Airborne images, cores, well 38 LGC
Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, (2011) and Mattheus et al. cuttings, shallow seismics
USA (2007)
38 Pilong Formation, South Alqahtani et al. (2015) Cores, 3D seismics, shallow 1 LGC
China Sea, Sunda Shelf seismics
39 Late Quaternary of Maselli & Trincardi (2013) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
Manfredonia Gulf, and Maselli et al. (2014)
Adriatic Sea
42 Lower Tagus Valley, Vis et al. (2008); Vis & Cores 1 LGC
Portugal Kasse (2009)
44 Rio Grande do Sul, Weschenfelder et al. (2014) Cores, shallow seismics 2 LGC
Atlantic coast, Brazil
48 New Jersey shelf, USA Nordfjord et al. (2005) and Cores, shallow seismics 2 LGC
Nordfjord et al. (2006)
49 Hervey Bay, Queensland, Payenberg et al. (2006) Shallow seismics, 1 LGC
Australia bathymetric profile
51 Gulf of Lion, France Labaune et al. (2005, 2010) and Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
Tesson et al. (2011) 5 Pre-LGC
59 Bay of Biscay, France Weber et al. (2004) Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
60 Bay of Biscay, France Proust et al. (2010) Cores, shallow seismics 4 LGC
61 Bay of Biscay, France Chaumillon & Weber (2006) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
62 Bay of Biscay, France Menier et al. (2006) Cores, shallow seismics 5 LGC
63 Gulf of Lion, France Tesson et al. (2015) Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
65 Late Quaternary of Moreton Lockhart et al. (1996) Cores, shallow seismics 4 LGC
Bay, Queensland, Australia
67 Pleistocene of Pattani Basin, Reijenstein et al. (2011) Well cuttings, 3D seismics, 2 Pre-LGC
South China Sea, Gulf of shallow seismics
68 Pilong Formation, South Miall (2002) 3D seismics 1 Pre-LGC
China Sea, Gulf of Thailand
69 Pleistocene of southern Java Posamentier (2001) Cores, 3D seismics, shallow 1 LGC
Sea seismics
70 Gironde incised valley, Allen & Posamentier (1993) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
France and Lericolais et al. (2001)
71 Mekong incised valley, Tjallingii et al. (2010) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
72 Late Quaternary of Tuscany, Amorosi et al. (2013) and Cores 3 LGC
Italy Rossi et al. (2017)
73 Ombrone incised valley, Bellotti et al. (2004) and Cores 1 LGC
Italy Breda et al. (2016)
74 Volturno incised valley, Amorosi et al. (2012) Cores 1 LGC
75 Biferno incised valleys, Italy Amorosi et al. (2016) Cores 1 LGC
2 Pre-LGC
76 Tiber Delta, Italy Milli et al. (2013, 2016) Cores 1 LGC

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Table 1. (continued)

ID Case study Data source Data types N Age

77 Metaponto coastal plain, Tropeano et al. (2013) Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
78 Assu incised valley, Brazil Gomes et al. (2016) Shallow seismics 1 LGC
79 Apodi–Mossor o incised Vital et al. (2010) Shallow seismics 1 LGC
valley, Brazil
80 South Sea of Korea Lee et al. (2017) Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
81 KwaZulu–Natal shelf, South Green (2009) and Benallack Cores, shallow seismics 5 LGC
Africa et al. (2016)
82 Gulf of Papua, Papua Crockett et al. (2008) & Cores, shallow seismics, 3 LGC
New Guinea Daniell (2008) bathymetric profile
83 East China Sea Zhang & Li (1996), Cores, shallow seismics 4 LGC
Zhang et al. (2017),
Li et al. (2002, 2006)
and Wellner & Bartek (2003)
84 Pearl River incised valleys, Li et al. (2006) Cores 1 LGC
South China Sea
85 Kanto Plain incised valleys, Ishihara & Sugai (2017) and Cores 3 LGC
Japan Ishihara et al. (2012)
86 Pearl River incised valleys, Zhuo et al. (2015) Cores, shallow seismics 5 LGC
South China Sea
87 Mahakam Delta, Indonesia Sydow (1996), Roberts & Cores, 2D seismics, 3D 2 LGC
Sydow (2003) and seismics, shallow seismics
Crumeyrolle &
Renaud (2003)
92 KwaZulu-Natal shelf, South Green & Luke Shallow seismics 6 LGC
Africa Garlick (2011)
93 Maputo Bay, Mozambique Green et al. (2015) Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
94 Cameroon shelf Ngueutchoua & Cores, shallow seismics 2 LGC
Giresse (2010)
95 Kosi Bay, South Africa Cooper et al. (2012) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
98 Oregon-Washington Twichell et al. (2010) Cores, shallow seismics, 2 LGC
shelf, USA bathymetric profile
99 Virginia shelf, USA Shideler et al. (1984), Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
Colman & Mixon (1988), 3 Pre-LGC
Colman et al. (1990),
Foyle & Oertel (1992),
Oertel & Foyle (1995)
and Foyle & Oertel (1997)
100 Parnaıba incised valleys, Aquino da Silva Shallow seismics 5 LGC
Brazil et al. (2016)
101 Western continental margin Karisiddaiah et al. (2002) Shallow seismics, 1 LGC
of India bathymetric profile
103 Chukchi shelf, Alaska, USA Hill et al. (2007), Cores, shallow seismics 3 LGC
Hill & Driscoll (2008) and 3 Pre-LGC
Stockmaster (2017)
104 Santa Catarina coast, Brazil Cooper et al. (2016) Cores, shallow seismics 1 LGC
109 Gulf of Cadiz shelf, Iberian Lobo et al. (2001), Gonzalez Shallow seismics, surface 2 LGC
peninsula et al. (2004) and Lobo et al. sediment samples

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Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2141
90˚W 0˚ 90˚E


59,60, 72,73,74,75,
98 61,62,70 51 76,77,39
42 83
48 63
99 109 85
31 83 80
30˚N 84
101 71
3000 km 67,68,38 87
100 94

78 79
30˚S Present-day land 104 81,93,95 65
44 92
LGM land
Present-day highstand shoreline
LGM lowstand shoreline
Incised-valley fill

Fig. 1. Location of studied late-Quaternary incised-valley fills. The numbers on the map correspond to the identi-
fication numbers (IDs) in Table 1. Base map modified from Ray & Adams (2001).

the relationships between shelf-break depth, The surfaces that should be taken as the
shelf width or shelf gradient versus valley-fill boundaries of incised-valley fills have been the
dimensions. This was done to account for the subject of debate (Catuneanu et al., 2009). Some
positions where the geometry of incised valleys authors consider the base of incised-valley fills
is expected to be more significantly affected by to represent part of the subaerial unconformity
said controls, because the highstand coastal- that form sequence boundaries (cf. Helland-Han-
prism convexity should control the geometry of sen & Martinsen, 1996). In this thinking, the
valleys carved on the coastal prism, whereas the base of an incised-valley fill is placed at the base
shelf physiography is predicted to control par- of the lowstand systems tract, meaning that
ticularly, although not exclusively, the develop- older falling-stage deposits are not considered
ment of cross-shelf valleys. Only valley fills that part of the fill of an incised valley. In this per-
represent the products of a single cycle of inci- spective, the boundaries of incised-valley fills
sion and fill are considered in the subsequent associated with the last glacial cycle would have
analyses. Compound valley fills that record mul- developed from the Marine Isotope Stage 2 (MIS
tiple episodes of incisions and fills, associated 2). In contrast, other workers have assigned
with different eustatic cycles, and that thus pos- deposits accumulated during the falling stage to
sess a highly time-transgressive basal surface the fill of the incised valleys (e.g. Posamentier
composed of several amalgamated unconformi- et al., 1992; Kolla et al., 1995; Morton & Suter,
ties, have not been included in this study (cf. 1996), such that all of the MIS 4 and younger
Korus et al., 2008). It is also desirable to com- deposits would still be contained in the incised-
pare incised-valley fills formed during the same valley fills of the last glacial cycle. Of the 135
sea-level cycle to account for the effects of the studied incised-valley fills related to the last gla-
magnitude in sea-level fall on valley dimen- cial cycle considered herein, 13 include deposits
sions. Here, late-Quaternary incised-valley fills of the falling-stage systems tract, 40 exclude fall-
formed during different sea-level cycles are com- ing-stage deposits, whereas 82 could not be dif-
pared, but those associated with the last glacio- ferentiated. Considering units that differ in this
eustatic cycle are differentiated and represent way will affect any comparison of their cross-
the majority of studied examples (135 of 151 sectional area; instead, comparisons of their
valley fills studied; 89%). thickness and width may not be affected, given

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2142 R. Wang et al.

the position at which falling-stage deposits are

expected to occur (cf. Blum et al., 2013).
Where possible, incised-valley fills are classi-
fied on their drainage order (90 of 151 valley
fills; 60%), i.e. they are differentiated as trunk IVF width (W)
valleys that reached the lowstand shoreline ver-
IVF thickness (T)
sus tributary valleys of variable orders; valley
fills known to be the expression of third-order
or higher-order tributary valleys have not been IVF cross-sectional area (A)

Partial thickness

Maximum thickness
Incised-valley-fill dimensions were obtained
from the original sources, either derived from Apparent thickness
the text or measured directly on figures using Unlimited
image-analysis software (ImageJ; Schneider is
et al., 2012). The morphometric parameters that ax
describe the dimensions of incised-valley fills Ap lle
pa Va
are represented in Fig. 2A and Table 2. Valley- re
fill thicknesses are measured where the body is w
thickest; in cases for which it is not known Unlimited width
whether the thickness is measured relative to Partial width
the thickest portion of the fill (for example, in Maximum width
1D well log sample or core sample), the thick-
ness is reported as ‘apparent’. For underfilled Incised valleys
valleys, values of ‘thickness’ include the depth Continental Lowstand
of the relic depressions relative to the valley
flanks. Valley-fill widths are measured along
strike-oriented transects as the distance between
the valley walls. ‘Apparent’ widths are recorded
for measurements that are not perpendicular to
the valley-fill axis. Thickness and width mea-
Shelf deposits
surements are classified as ‘partial’ or ‘unlim- Lowstand shoreline
ited’ (sensu Geehan & Underwood, 1993; Channels and channel belts
Continental shelf
Fig. 2B) for cases where the position of pinch-
out of a valley-fill is unknown at one or both
ends (for example, due to outcrop termination),
respectively. When derived from borehole corre-
lations, width measurements are recorded as
‘correlated’; for purposes of data analysis and Aggradational
channel belt
presentation, ‘unlimited’ and ‘correlated’ mea- Distributary-channel fills
sures are not differentiated. Valley-fill cross-sec- Lowstand delta
Shelf deposits
tional areas are measured as vertical cross-
sections across the valley in an orientation per-
pendicular to its axis. The area is measured as Fig. 2. (A) Incised-valley-fill (IVF) dimensions (in-
the vertical cross-sectional area subtended by cised-valley-fill thickness, width and cross-sectional
the base and top of the valley fill or the eleva- area) measured in the analysis herein. (B) Classification
tion of interfluves for underfilled valleys. Only of incised-valley-fill thickness and width by type of
observation, i.e. as ‘maximum’, ‘apparent’, ‘partial’ and
maximum values of valley-fill thickness, width
‘unlimited’ (see text). (C) Diagram illustrating channel
and cross-sectional area are used in the statisti- belts associated with river propagation on the shelf at
cal analysis: apparent and partial or unlimited lowstand and distributary channels associated with low-
observations have been discarded. For cases stand deltas, neither of which are included in this study.
where the three-dimensional geometry of valley
fills is well-constrained, usually for high-resolu-
tion seismic data, the largest values of maximum where the entire 3D geometry of a valley fill is
valley-fill thickness, width and cross-sectional not known and its downdip variability is not
area along the valley reach are chosen. In cases constrained, the largest values of all parameters
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2143

within the studied sample are recorded, and the Present-day lower-coastal-plain gradients (Fig. 3)
observations are classified as located on the have been measured perpendicular to the orienta-
shelf or at the highstand coastal prism. tion of the present-day shoreline along a 10 km
transect landward of the shore, utilizing digital
elevation data from Becker et al. (2009). Gradients
Quantification of basin physiography
have also been calculated for the tract of subaque-
In this study, the present-day physiography of ous nearshore that extends from the shoreline to
the shelf and subaerial nearshore has been taken 25 m isobath, as representative values of inner-
as a proxy for the physiography of the continen- shelf gradients (Fig. 3), using digital bathymetric
tal shelf and nearshore during the Last Inter- data by Becker et al. (2009). The difference in gra-
glacial (LI) highstand (Fig. 3). However, this dient between present-day lower coastal plains
assumption carries significant uncertainty due to and inner shelves is taken as a measure of the con-
potential differences in basin physiography vexity of the present-day coastal prism (Fig. 3;
between the present and the LI, probably arising Table 3). The shelf-break depth is measured at the
from spatial variations in isostatic adjustment, shelf-break location mapped by Harris et al.
spatial variations in post-glacial shelf and shelf- (2014), using digital bathymetric data by Becker
break accretion, differences in process regime, et al. (2009). The shelf width is measured as the
variable styles of fluvial and shoreline responses distance from the present-day shoreline to the
expected in different climatic and tectonic set- shelf break, as mapped by Harris et al. (2014). For
tings, and because of autogenic dynamics. cases in which the shoreline is irregular and does
not mirror the orientation of the shelf break, the
length along the valley axis from the present-day
Table 2. Parameters that describe the dimensions of shoreline to the shelf break is recorded as an addi-
incised-valley fills. T, incised-valley-fill thickness; W, tional attribute.
incised-valley-fill width; A, incised-valley-fill cross-
sectional area. IVF denotes incised-valley fill.
Drainage-basin size
Parameter Definition
The drainage-basin size has been determined
T (m) The thickness from the deepest based on the catchment area landward of the
part of the valley axis to the top location where the incised-valley-fill geometry
of the valley fill or the elevation
was measured. For valley systems whose drai-
of interfluves for underfilled valleys
nage networks during the Last Glacial Maximum
W (m) Horizontal distance between the (LGM) have been reconstructed and presented in
valley walls, measured perpendicular
to the valley axis
the scientific literature, drainage areas were mea-
sured at the location where the incised-valley
A (m2) The vertical cross-sectional area
fills were characterized. In other cases, the river
subtended by base and top of the
valley fill or the elevation of systems that contributed to the lowstand drai-
interfluves for underfilled valleys, nage network of incised valleys now buried
measured in an orientation under coastal plains can be reconstructed confi-
perpendicular to the valley axis dently; in these cases estimations based on
catchment areas of present-day rivers have been
considered as the sum of all different drainage

0 m isobath
10 km β

25 m isobath
Lower Inner shelf
coastal plain

Continental shelf

Fig. 3. Definition sketch of the Continental

physiography of the depositional α = Lower coastal-plain gradient slope
β = Inner-shelf gradient
profile over which incised valleys
β - α = Coastal-prism convexity
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2144 R. Wang et al.
Table 3. Parameters used to describe the settings of classes: ‘tropical or subtropical’, ‘temperate’ and
the studied incised-valley fills. CPG10, lower-coastal- ‘polar or subpolar’).
plain gradient; ISG25, inner-shelf gradient; CPC,
coastal-prism convexity; SBD, shelf-break depth; SW,
shelf width; SDL, the length from the shoreline to the Statistical analyses
shelf break; SG, shelf gradient; L, latitude; DBA, drai-
nage-basin area Statistical analyses have been performed to
determine relationships between variables and
Parameter Definition to test hypotheses relating to differences in
CPG10 (°) The mean gradient measured
means across populations. For pairs of continu-
perpendicular to the shoreline ous variables, Pearson or Spearman correlation
along a 10 km transect landward of coefficients (denoted with R and r hereafter) are
the present-day shoreline, in degrees respectively used to quantify linear and mono-
ISG25 (°) The mean gradient measured from tonic relationships, whose statistical significance
the present-day shoreline to the 25 m is expressed as P-values (P hereafter). The statis-
isobath in an offshore direction, tical significance of differences in the mean of
in degrees direction, in degrees variables across groups is determined with a
CPC (°) The difference in gradient between two-sample t-test when dealing with two sets of
present-day lower coastal plains and observations, and with one-way analysis of vari-
inner shelves, in degrees ance (ANOVA) when dealing with three or more
SBD (m) Depth of the shelf break sets of observations. Resulting test statistics
SW (km) The horizontal distance between the (t for t-tests, F for ANOVA) are considered
present-day shoreline and the shelf break jointly with the number of degrees of freedom
SDL (km) The length along the valley axis from (df hereafter) to determine the statistical signifi-
the present-day shoreline to the cance of differences across groups, expressed as
shelf break P-values (P). All statistical analyses were per-
SG (°) The mean gradient of the shelf between formed in Minitab 17.
the present-day shoreline and the
shelf break, in degrees
L (°) The absolute value of the latitude
of the location where the incised-valley
fill has been measured
DBA (km2) Area of the drainage-basin catchments
feeding the incised valley at lowstand,
landward of the location where the
incised-valley fill has been measured

basins that are inferred to have amalgamated at

lowstand, as shown in Fig. 4.

Last Glacial Maximum catchment vegetation

The global distribution of dominant vegetation IVF geometry location Drainage basin 1
types during the LGM has been mapped by Ray
& Adams (2001), based on plant-fossil data and Drainage basin 2 LST drainage area
proxy zoological and sedimentological data. Composite drainage area
Based on the map by Ray & Adams (2001), the
proportionally most prevalent type of vegeta- Fig. 4. Schematic diagram illustrating the measure-
tion in the catchment area was recorded for ment of contributing drainage-basin area correspond-
each incised-valley fill. Vegetation types were ing to each incised-valley fill (IVF). HST denotes the
recorded in terms of two alternative schemes highstand coastal shoreline (present-day shoreline)
(i.e. one including classes: ‘forest’, ‘grassland or and LST denotes the lowstand shoreline (for example,
woodland’ and ‘desert’; the other including LGM shoreline).

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2145

A t = 4·53, P < 0·001, df = 16 B t = 2·40, P = 0·030, df = 15

20 000
80 87
70 77
85 15 000
Thickness (m)

60 77

Width (m)
9885 98
50 80
10 000 85
40 87 85
30 80 80
98 98
20 87 5000 77
80 77
10 87
0 0
Active margin Passive margin Active margin Passive margin
N = 14, σ = 17·1 m N = 79, σ = 13·8 m N = 14, σ = 4824 m N = 99, σ = 4007 m

C t = 2·90, P = 0·010, df = 18 D t = –2·57, P = 0·012, df = 76

800 500
Cross-sectional area (103 m2)

Drainage-basin area (103 km2)

500 300
400 85
300 200
200 77
98 100
77 87
100 8077 85
80 98 80
0 87 0 7785
n n
Active margin Passive margin 2 2
=1 m lai h e l f 0 2 lai lf
lp = 7 km tal p he
N = 14, σ = 149 635 m N = 53, σ = 132 920 m
2 2
l l , N 76 k sta 6
S 6
= , N 3 9 as 46 S = 24
A 72 a
Co N = N l
Al 25 9 Co N = N
σ= =1
Active margin Passive margin

Fig. 5. Box plots that present distributions in: (A) late-Quaternary incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width; (C) cross-
sectional area; and (D) drainage-basin size, for active and passive continental margins. Individual values are also
shown next to the box plot for active margins and the numerical labels refer to identification numbers (IDs) in
Table 1. In (D), mean and range plots are illustrated near each box plot for examples hosted on the shelf and coastal
plains, respectively. For each box plot, boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open circles represent mean values,
horizontal bars within the boxes represent median values and black dots represent outliers (values that are more
than 15 times the interquartile range). ‘N’ denotes the number of readings and ‘r’ denotes the standard deviation.
The results of two-sample t-test (t-value, P-value and df) are reported in respective boxes. ‘df’ denotes the degrees of

RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS are, on average, larger than those along passive
margins, and the difference is important for val-
ues of mean valley-fill thickness [mean(T) = 501
Continental-margin type
versus 282 m; mean(W) = 7099 versus 3862 m;
Observations mean(A) = 200 545 versus 73 200 m2, respec-
The studied late-Quaternary valley fills were clas- tively]. Two-sample t-tests confirm that means
sified as hosted on passive, active and transform in valley-fill morphometric parameters are sig-
margins. Valley fills from transform margins and nificantly different in the two settings (t-value =
passive margins are considered together in the 453, P-value < 0001, df = 16, for T; t-value =
subsequent analyses. A comparison has been 240, P-value = 0030, df = 15, for W; t-value = 290,
made of incised-valley fills developed on passive P-value = 0010, df = 18, for A). Distributions in
and active continental margins. The thickness, drainage area for the two margin types (Fig. 5D)
width and cross-sectional area (Fig. 5A to C) of show that drainage-basin areas associated with
incised-valley fills associated with active margins passive margins are larger, on average, than

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2146 R. Wang et al.

those associated with active margins (mean unconsolidated sand-rich coastal or shelf depos-
DBApassive = 60 672 m2, mean DBAactive = 17 012 km2, its, such that valley-fill width is expected to be
two-sample t-test: t-value = 257, P-value = 0012, scaled with valley-fill thickness.
df = 76). Furthermore, tectonics also indirectly affects
the morphology and behaviour of fluvial systems
Interpretations through orographic control on climate. Regions
Tectonics can significantly influence fluvial undergoing rapid uplift are typically associated
incision through a first-order control on basin with high relief, favouring orographic precipita-
physiography (Tectonically active margins are tion (Joeckel, 1999; Ruddiman, 2013), which in
commonly characterized by the formation of turn controls water discharge. High elevation
narrow, high-gradient shelves, which favour river basins draining active margins are charac-
deep fluvial incision (Schumm & Brackenridge, terized by larger runoff per basin area (Milliman
1987; Leckie, 1994). In contrast, passive mar- & Syvitski, 1992). In addition, tectonically active
gins are characterized by the development of systems are generally associated with smaller
wide, low-gradient shelves, in part because catchments than passive ones (Fig. 5D), such
such margins are generally associated with lar- that storms are more likely to affect the entire
ger drainage-basin areas (Blum et al., 2013), as drainage basin and floods to propagate through
shown in Fig. 5D, and thus lower-gradient the entire channel network (Sømme et al.,
shelves (see below); this in turn is reflected in 2009a). Thus, tectonically active systems associ-
shallower fluvial incision for base-level falls of ated with small drainage areas (<104 km2) are
given magnitude. Distributions of valley-fill more prone to large differences between flood
thickness for these two margin types (Fig. 5A) and base-flow discharge (two to three orders of
support this expectation. In addition, local tec- magnitude; Sømme et al., 2009a). Additionally,
tonic uplift might be experienced by shelves on active margins tend to have steep gradients
active margins (Ishihara & Sugai, 2017), which throughout the river network (Flint, 1974;
would induce fluvial incision (Holbrook & Sømme et al., 2009a; Blum et al., 2013) which
Schumm, 1999; Holbrook et al., 2006; Tropeano are expected to control stream power in a way
et al., 2013; Ishihara et al., 2011, 2012; Ishihara that would promote fluvial incision (Schumm
& Sugai, 2017). For example, the Metaponto et al., 1984; Paola et al., 1992; Blum et al., 2013)
coastal plain in Italy (case study 77 in Table 1) and lateral migration of river channels (Hooke,
has been experiencing regional uplift since the 1979, 1980; Nanson & Hickin, 1983; Lawler
Middle Pleistocene (Doglioni et al., 1996; Pat- et al., 1999; Richard et al., 2005). Furthermore,
acca & Scandone, 2001), at rates varying from active margins are commonly subject to hill-
03 to 09 mm year 1 as estimated from dated slope destabilization, partly because of seismic
stranded marine terraces (Cilumbriello et al., triggering (Jain & Tandon, 2003; Wilson et al.,
2008, 2010; Caputo et al., 2010; Tropeano et al., 2007). Rivers associated with active margins
2013). Three incised-valley fills developed tend to have greater specific sediment yield and
beneath the Metaponto coastal plain are charac- carry a higher proportion of bedload than those
terized by larger than average thickness, despite associated with passive margins (Milliman &
being associated with smaller than average drai- Syvitski, 1992), which in turn favour channel
nage areas, as illustrated in Fig. 5A to C. lateral migration and thus valley widening (Diet-
Incised-valley widening is partly driven by rich & Whiting, 1989; Sheets et al., 2002; Strong
the lateral migration of fluvial channel belts & Paola, 2006, 2008; Peakall et al., 2007; Brau-
(Martin et al., 2011). Previous work based on drick et al., 2009; Martin et al., 2011; Blum
experiments, numerical modelling and field et al., 2013). Peak water discharge and rates of
studies (Strong & Paola, 2006, 2008; Martin sediment flux might have been particularly high
et al., 2011; Blum et al., 2013) have shown that for incised valleys now infilled in the Kanto
lateral channel migration and channel-belt depo- plain (Japan) and in Indonesia (case studies 85
sition are closely concomitant with valley inci- and 87 in Table 1, respectively), because these
sion unless the valley sidewalls are resistant to areas were subject to tropical monsoonal climate
erosion or the system is starved of sediments, during the LGM (Crowley & North 1991;
implying that valley widening generally follows Broecker 1995; Adams & Faure, 1997; Ray &
valley incision temporally during relative sea- Adams, 2001).
level fall. The examples associated with active As a caveat to these results, it must be
margins studied here are all incised into noted that the distributions of drainage areas
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2147

for the incised-valley fills considered in this 27 698 m; two-sample t-test: t-value = 266, P-
work do not cover the full spectrum of value =0011, df = 42) (Fig. 6D).
catchment sizes documented for modern riv- For cross-shelf valley fills hosted on shelves
ers (cf. Blum et al. 2013); in particular, the with shelf break shallower than 120 m (Fig. 7A
distribution of drainage areas for valley sys- to C), valley-fill thickness is negatively cor-
tems on passive margins considered in this related with shelf-break depth (r = 0427,
work does not encompass those that would P-value = 0033); no correlation is seen between
correspond with the world’s largest river valley-fill width or cross-sectional area and
systems. Considering the highly skewed nat- shelf-break depth [r(W) = 0085, P-value = 0693;
ure of distributions of drainage areas r(A) = 0110, P-value = 0616]. For cross-shelf
(Fig. 5D), the inclusion of very large valley valley fills hosted on shelves with shelf
systems might significantly affect values of break deeper than 120 m (Fig. 7A to C), a weak
maximum size, but less significantly the correlation is seen between valley-fill width and
mean values for which the statistical signifi- shelf-break depth (r = 0335, P-value = 0032),
cance was tested. Notwithstanding, although whereas there is very weak or no correlation
the data suggest that the type of continental between valley-fill thickness or cross-sectional
margin is a good predictor of incised-valley area and shelf-break depth [r(T) = 0201, P-
fill geometry, any conjecture on the effective value = 0208; r(A) = 0057, P-value = 0792].
role of specific controlling factors needs to
be substantiated with more data. Interpretations. Previous work based on con-
ceptual models (Talling, 1998; Posamentier,
2001; T€ornqvist et al., 2006) has proposed that
Basin physiography
relative sea-level falls that are larger in magni-
Shelf-break depth tude than the depth of the shelf break, by result-
Observations. The maximum sea-level lowstand ing in full exposure of the shelf, will drive the
during the LGM was 120 to 130 m below that of formation of incised valleys cutting through the
present-day levels (Fairbanks, 1989; Yokoyama shelf, whereas relative sea-level falls of magni-
et al., 2000; Lambeck & Chappell, 2001; Peltier & tude lower than the shelf-break depth are
Fairbanks, 2006; Simms et al., 2007b). However, expected to lead to the formation of valleys that
the magnitude of fall varied geographically and are mostly confined around the highstand
across estimates made by different authors. In the coastal prism. Fluvial systems on shallower
following statistical analysis, to assess distribu- shelves are expected to undergo a greater verti-
tions in valley-fill dimensions for shelves that cal river-profile adjustment, resulting in greater
were completely or partially exposed at the LGM, valley incision. However, the data do not fully
different values of shelf-break depth were consid- support this view, because shelves with breaks
ered (120 m, 125 m and 130 m). Similar results deeper than 120 m tend to contain larger
were obtained for the three different depths; all incised-valley fills. This could be explained by
results are therefore only presented for the 120 m the fact that the studied shelves with shelf
shelf-break depth threshold. For the LGC exam- breaks that are deeper than 120 m are primarily
ples, incised-valley fills hosted on shelves with linked to larger drainage-basin areas, compared
shelf-break depth larger than 120 m display to those with shallower shelf breaks (Fig. 6D).
greater thickness, width and cross-sectional area, The correlation between valley-fill thickness
on average (Fig. 6A to C), than those with shelf and shelf-break depth for cross-shelf valley fills
break shallower than 120 m [mean(T) = 391 m hosted on shelves with shelf break shallower
versus 275 m; mean(W) = 10 519 m versus than 120 m (Fig. 7A) might indicate a causal
4004 m; mean(A) = 202 033 m2 versus link between magnitude of exposure, depth of
78 538 m ]. Two-sample t-tests for valley-fill incision, and resulting valley-fill thickness.
dimensions in these two scenarios indicate signif- However, shelves with deeper shelf breaks
icant differences between the means of these two tend to have steeper shelf gradients on aver-
populations (t-value = 330, P-value = 0001, age, which results in larger differences
df = 103, for T; t-value = 286, P-value = 0006, between the shelf gradient and the fluvial
df = 56, for W; t-value = 208, P-value = 0045, equilibrium profile and therefore should tend
df = 37, for A). Valley fills associated with to drive deeper fluvial incision for a given rel-
shelves with deeper shelf breaks tend to have lar- ative sea-level fall (Schumm & Brackenridge,
ger drainage-basin areas (mean = 216 131 m versus 1987; Leckie, 1994).
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2148 R. Wang et al.

A 90 t = –3·30, P = 0·001, df = 103 B 90 000 t = –2·86, P = 0·006, df = 56

80 80 000
Thickness (m)

70 70 000

Width (m)
60 60 000
50 50 000
40 40 000
30 30 000
20 20 000

10 10 000
n n n n
5 lai elf 54 lai elf 5 lai elf 2 lai elf
=5 m tal
p Sh 25 = m tal p Sh 41 = 7 m tal p Sh 24 = 5 6 m tal p Sh 41
l, N16·8 oas = 30 = l, N19·9 oas = 13 = l, N 2 6 a s 51 = l, N 9 7 a s 1 1 =
A = C N N l
A = C N N Al 45 Co N = N Al 15 Co N = N
σ σ = =
σ σ
Shelf-break depth <120 m Shelf-break depth >120 m Shelf-break depth <120 m Shelf-break depth >120 m
C 1400 D
t = –2·08, P = 0·045, df = 37 t = –2·66, P = 0·011, df = 42

Drainage-basin area (10 km )

Cross-sectional area (10 m )


1000 1500



0 0
n n n n
lai lai lai helf lai
3 2
= 5 3 m tal p elf 0 2
= 3 5 m tal p elf 4 2
= 6 km tal p
= 4 0 km tal p elf
N 9 Sh 23 N 8 Sh 23 N 2 S 14 N Sh 31
s 0 s s 0 5 s 0
l, 3
Al 151 Co N =
a 3 N= l, 9
Al 304 Co N =
a 7 N= l, 5
Al 99 6 Co N =
a 5 N= l,
Al 46
9 a
Co N =
1 N=
= =4
Shelf-break depth <120 m Shelf-break depth >120 m Shelf-break depth <120 m Shelf-break depth >120 m

Fig. 6. Box plots and mean/range plots of: (A) last glacial–interglacial cycle (LGC) incised-valley-fill thickness; (B)
width; (C) cross-sectional area; and (D) drainage-basin area distributions for different shelf-break depths, divided
by 120 m, which is the magnitude of the fall in eustatic sea-level associated with the Last Glacial Maximum
(LGM). Mean and range plots are illustrated near each box plot for examples hosted on the shelf and coastal
plains, respectively. For each box plot, boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open circles represent mean val-
ues, horizontal bars within the boxes represent median values, and black dots represent outliers (values that are
more than 15 times the interquartile range). For each mean and range plot, red open circles represent mean val-
ues and horizontal bars represent the minimum or maximum of all the data. ‘N’ denotes the number of readings.
‘r’ denotes the standard deviation. The results of two-sample t-test (t-value, P-value and df) are reported in respec-
tive boxes. ‘df’ denotes the degrees of freedom.

Shelf width shelves through a control on sediment input and

Observations. Positive correlations are seen shelf progradation (Burgess et al., 2008; Blum &
between the width and cross-sectional area of Womack, 2009; Olariu & Steel, 2009; Helland-
cross-shelf incised-valley fills and the width of the Hansen et al., 2012; Blum et al., 2013). The
shelf [r(W) = 0528, P-value <0001; r(A) = 0503, results might indicate that shelf width and
P-value = 0002] (Fig. 8B and C). No apparent corre- incised-valley-fill dimensions co-vary in relation
lation is seen between valley-fill thickness and to a common control exerted by the size of drai-
shelf width (R = 0078, P-value = 0593; Fig. 8A). nage areas.

Interpretations. Positive relations between the Coastal-plain gradient

width or cross-sectional area of cross-shelf Observations. Negative correlations are seen
incised-valley fills versus the width of the shelf between the width and cross-sectional area of
(Fig. 8) do not indicate a causal link between incised-valley fills recognized beneath present-
shelf width and valley dimensions. Large fluvial day coastal plains and on the inner shelf ver-
basins are generally associated with wider sus associated present-day lower coastal-plain
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2149

(Shelf-break depth <120 m) N = 30; gradients [r(W) = 0452, P-value <0001; r(A) =
A R = –0·563, P = 0·003; r = –0·427, P = 0·033 0433, P-value <0001] (Fig. 9B and C). No
(Shelf-break depth >120 m) N = 41;
R = 0·052, P = 0·749; r = 0·201, P = 0·208 apparent correlation is seen between valley-fill
102 thickness and lower coastal-plain gradients
[r(T) = 0198, P-value = 0064] (Fig. 9A). A cor-
Thickness (m)

responding negative relationship is seen between

drainage-basin area versus coastal-plain gradients
10 (r = 0388, P-value <0001) (Fig. 9D).

1 A 10

0 100 200 300 400 500

Shelf-break depth (m)

Thickness (m)
(Shelf-break depth <120 m) N = 29;
B R = –0·070, P = 0·744; r = 0·085, P = 0·693
(Shelf-break depth >120 m) N = 41; 10
R = 0·501, P = 0·001; r = 0·335, P = 0·032

N = 56; R = 0·078, P = 0·593; r = 0·117, P = 0·424

Width (m)

104 1 10 10

Shelf width (km)

B 105
3 N = 55; R = 0·341, P = 0·023; r = 0·528, P < 0·001

Width (m)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Shelf-break depth (m)
C (Shelf-break depth <120 m) N = 30;
R = –0·052, P = 0·815; r = –0·110, P = 0·616
(Shelf-break depth >120 m) N = 41;
107 R = –0·049, P = 0·821; r = 0·057, P = 0·792 10
Cross-sectional area (m2)

2 3
1 10 10 10
106 Shelf width (km)
C 7
5 N = 45; R = 0·279, P = 0·110; r = 0·503, P = 0·002
Cross-sectional area (m2)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Shelf-break depth (m)
IVF hosted on the shelf (true values) 1 10 102 103
IVF beneath the coastal plain (true values) Shelf width (km)
IVF hosted on the shelf (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
IVF beneath the coastal plain (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
IVF hosted on the shelf (true values)
IVF beneath the coastal plain (true values)
Fig. 7. Plots of: (A) last glacial–interglacial cycle IVF hosted on the shelf (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
IVF beneath the coastal plain (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
(LGC) incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width; and (C)
cross-sectional area versus shelf-break depth. For each
pair of variables, correlation coefficients and P-values Fig. 8. Plots of: (A) cross-shelf incised-valley-fill thick-
are included in respective boxes for cross-shelf ness; (B) width; and (C) cross-sectional area versus
incised-valley fills, and separately reported for shelf width. For each pair of variables, the correlation
shelves with shelf break shallower than 120 m and coefficients of determination and P-values for cross-
deeper than 120 m. ‘N’ denotes the number of read- shelf valley fills are reported in respective boxes. ‘N’
ings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’ denotes Spear- denotes the number of readings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s
man’s rho. R and ‘r’ denotes Spearman’s rho.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2150 R. Wang et al.

Interpretations. Negative correlations between (Fig. 10D). For incised-valley fills measured
the width or cross-sectional area of valley fills beneath the coastal plains (Fig. 10A to D), valley-
versus lower-coastal-plain gradient (Fig. 9) are fill thickness and cross-sectional area are posi-
unlikely to indicate a causal link between tively correlated with the average shelf gradient
coastal-plain gradient and valley dimensions. [r(T) = 0582, P-value <0001; r(A) = 0401,
Rather, they are likely to reflect the fact that P-value = 0014]; there is very weak or no correla-
smaller basins feeding smaller rivers tend to be tion between valley-fill width or drainage-basin
associated with higher gradients at the river area and the average shelf gradient [r(W) =
mouths, and vice versa (Flint, 1974; Blum et al., 0004, P-value = 0974; r(DBA) = 0139,
2013), as is also evident in Fig. 9D. P-value = 0289].

Interpretations. These relations may not indi-

Shelf gradient cate a causal link between shelf gradient and
Observations. For LGC incised-valley fills cross-shelf valley-fill dimensions. Rather, these
hosted on the shelf, values of thickness, width results might arise because larger fluvial systems
and cross-sectional area all tend to decrease with associated with larger drainage basins tend to be
the average shelf gradient [r (T) = 0255, associated with shelves with lower gradients, as
P-value = 0043; r(W) = 0478, P-value <0001; is also indicated in Fig. 10D. This might be
r(A) = 0486, P-value = 0002] (Fig. 10A to C). A explained by the fact that the gradient of shelves
corresponding negative relationship is seen that occur offshore of river-dominated coasts is
between drainage-basin area and shelf-gradient in part determined by the profile of the rivers

A 102 B 105 N = 112

R = –0·218, P = 0·024
r = –0·452, P < 0·001
Thickness (m)

Width (m)



N = 94
R = –0·178, P = 0·095
r = –0·198, P = 0·064
1 102
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 0·001 0·01 0·1 1
Coastal-plain gradient (˚) Coastal-plain gradient (˚)
107 107
N = 79 N = 98
Drainage-basin area (km )

R = –0·194, P = 0·097 R = –0·120, P = 0·251

Cross-sectional area (m )

106 r = –0·433, P < 0·001 10 r = –0·388, P < 0·001


10 10
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 0·001 0·01 0·1 1
Coastal-plain gradient (˚) Coastal-plain gradient (˚)
True values Apparent, partial or unlimited values

Fig. 9. Plots of: (A) coastal-plain and inner-shelf incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width; (C) cross-sectional area;
and (D) drainage-basin area versus lower coastal-plain gradient. For each pair of variables, the correlation coeffi-
cients of determination and P-values are reported in respective boxes. ‘N’ denotes the number of readings, ‘R’
denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’ denotes Spearman’s rho.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2151

traversing it at lowstand, and larger fluvial sys- the convexity of the coastal prism. In order to
tems are associated with lower channel gradi- analyse the relations between coastal-prism con-
ents (Wood et al., 1993; Burgess et al., 2008; vexity and valley-fill dimensions, examples
Blum & Womack, 2009; Olariu & Steel, 2009; associated with inner shelves that are gentler
Sømme et al., 2009a,b; Helland-Hansen et al., than the associated lower coastal plains were
2012; Blum et al., 2013). Positive correlations excluded in this analysis. Figure 11A to C illus-
between coastal-plain valley-fill thickness and trate that for inner shelves that are steeper than
shelf gradient (Fig. 10A and C) might be attribu- the associated lower coastal plains (127 of 135
ted to variations in the difference between the valley fills; 94%), moderate negative correlations
gradient of the shelf and the river equilibrium are seen between incised-valley-fill width and
profile (Schumm & Brackenridge, 1987; Leckie, cross-sectional area versus the difference in gra-
1994). dient between present-day inner shelf and
coastal plain [r(W) = 0413, P-value <0001;
Coastal-prism convexity r(A) = 0255, P-value = 0034]; no correlation is
Observations. In this work, the difference in observed between valley-fill thickness and the
gradient between present-day lower coastal same gradient difference [r(T) = 0081,
plains and inner shelves is used as a measure of P-value = 0463].

N = 66; R = –0·151, P = 0·236; r = –0·255, P = 0·043 N = 65; R = –0·257, P = 0·053; r = –0·478, P < 0·001
A N = 43; R = 0·245, P = 0·114; r = 0·582, P < 0·001 B N = 62; R = –0·077, P = 0·554; r = –0·004, P = 0·974
Thickness (m)

Width (m)




1 102
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10 0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10
Shelf gradient (˚) Shelf gradient (˚)

N = 46; R = –0·203, P = 0·215; r = –0·486, P = 0·002 N = 50; R = –0·185, P = 0·224; r = –0·305, P = 0·04
N = 37; R = 0·234, P = 0·164; r = 0·401, P = 0·014 N = 60; R = –0·076, P = 0·564; r = –0·139, P = 0·289
C D 7
Drainage-basin area (km )
Cross-sectional area (m2)


102 10
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10 0·001 0·01 0·1 1 10
Shelf gradient (˚) Shelf gradient (˚)
IVF hosted on the shelf (true values) IVF hosted on the shelf (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
IVF beneath the coastal plain (true values) IVF beneath the coastal plain (apparent, partial or unlimited values)

Fig. 10. Plots of: (A) incised-valley-fill (IVF) thickness; (B) width; (C) cross-sectional area; and (D) drainage-basin
area versus shelf gradient. For each pair of variables, the correlation coefficients of determination and P-values for
cross-shelf incised-valley fills and valley fills developed beneath the coastal plain are reported in respective boxes.
‘N’ denotes the number of readings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’ denotes Spearman’s rho.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2152 R. Wang et al.

Interpretations. The correlations between the that if the sea level does not fall beyond the
difference in gradients and both valley-fill width shelf break, fully exposing the shelf, the magni-
and cross-sectional area may not indicate a causal tude and location of valley incision should pri-
link. Inner-shelf gradients vary from 00117° to marily be determined by the coastal-prism
07957° (mean ISG25 = 0121°, StDev = convexity. However, observations summarized
0180°), which is nearly an order of magnitude lar- in Fig. 11A contradict this hypothesis. This dis-
ger than the typical gradient of coastal plains crepancy might be due to the influence of over-
(range 00017° to 00934°, mean CPG10 = riding factors, or to the fact that the estimates
00169°, StDev = 00209°) (Fig. 11D); the differ- of convexity for present-day costal prisms do
ence in these two gradients might therefore not approximate the convexity of the coastal
approximate the inner-shelf gradient, and any cor- prisms established during the last interglacial.
relations with the estimated coastal-prism convex-
ity might then merely reflect correlations between
Drainage-basin characteristics
shelf gradient and valley-fill width or cross-sec-
tional area (see above). Drainage-basin size
Some conceptual models (Talling, 1998; Posa- Observations. Incised-valley-fill thickness, width
mentier, 2001; T€ ornqvist et al., 2006) envisage and cross-sectional area all correlate directly

A 10 B 105 N = 112
R = –0·189, P = 0·057
r = –0·413, P < 0·001
Thickness (m)

Width (m)



N = 94
R = –0·048, P = 0·664
r = 0·081, P = 0·463

1 10

0·001 0·01 0·1 1 0·001 0·01 0·1 1

Coastal-prism convexity (˚) Coastal-prism convexity (˚)

C 107
N = 79 D
R = –0·132, P = 0·280 0·8
r = –0·255, P = 0·034 t = –5·57, P < 0·001, df = 94
Cross-sectional area (m2)

Gradient (˚)

5 0·5
10 0·3
103 0·1
0·001 0·01 0·1 1 Lower coastal plain Inner shelf
Coastal-prism convexity (˚) N = 93, σ = 0·0209˚ N = 93, σ = 0·180˚

True values Apparent, partial or unlimited values

Fig. 11. Plots of: (A) coastal-plain and inner-shelf incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width and (C) cross-sectional
area versus coastal-prism convexity. For each pair of variables, the correlation coefficients of determination and P-
values are reported in respective boxes. ‘N’ denotes the number of readings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’
denotes Spearman’s rho. (D) Box plots of gradient distributions for lower coastal plains and inner shelves. For
each box plot, boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open circles represent mean values, horizontal bars within
the boxes represent median values, and black dots represent outliers (values that are more than 15 times the
interquartile range). ‘N’ denotes the number of readings and ‘r’ denotes the standard deviation. The results of
two-sample t-test (t-value, P-value and df) are reported in respective boxes. ‘df’ denotes the degrees of freedom.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2153

with drainage-basin size [r(T) = 0348, P-value = All N = 72; R = 0·352, P = 0·001; r = 0·348, P = 0·001
0001; r(W) = 0402, P-value <0001; r(A) = 0429, N = 43; R = 0·390, P = 0·006; r = 0·475, P = 0·001
P-value <0001] (Fig. 12A to C). For valley fills 102
along passive margins, correlation between val-
ley-fill cross-sectional area and drainage-basin

Thickness (m)
size is stronger (r = 0706, P-value <0001)
(Fig. 12C).
Interpretations. Based on statistical analysis of
incised valleys from the northern Gulf of Mexico
and the mid-Atlantic US margin, Mattheus et al.
(2007), Mattheus & Rodriguez (2011) and Phil-
lips (2011) have demonstrated that valley 1
10 102 103 104 105 106 107
dimensions at comparable locations along val- Drainage area (km2)
ley axis (at the MIS 5e shoreline or near the
All N = 90; R = 0·328, P = 0·001; r = 0·402, P < 0·001
head of the present-day deltaic plain) are B N = 62; R = 0·009, P = 0·945; r = 0·427, P < 0·001
strongly correlated with the drainage-basin 10

area, and that for passive continental margins,

where the gradient of coastal plains and
shelves does not vary significantly, upstream

Width (m)
controls such as discharge should play a pri-
mary role in determining valley-fill shape and
size. The observations herein (Fig. 12) support
the role of drainage-basin area as an important
control on incised-valley-fill dimensions, espe-
cially for valley fills developed along passive 2
margins. Previous studies (Schumm et al., 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
1984; Van Heijst & Postma, 2001; Loget & Van Drainage area (km )2

Den Driessche, 2009) showed that rates of

All N = 58; R = 0·360, P = 0·004; r = 0·429, P < 0·001
propagation of retreating knickpoints depend C N = 36; R = 0·486, P = 0·002; r = 0·706, P < 0·001
on water discharge and substrate lithology. 10
Cross-sectional area (m2)

Paola et al. (1992) demonstrate that the equi-

librium time (Teq) for fluvial systems to attain 106
their graded profiles is influenced by the basin
length (L) and the sediment-transport coeffi- 10

cient (v), which is determined by discharge,

substrate lithology and relief, as expressed by 104
the equation Teq = L2/v. This suggests that
higher water discharge should result in shorter 103

equilibrium time (cf. Thorne, 1994), so that the

recorded fluvial incision associated with high 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
water discharge would be closer to the equilib- Drainage area (km )2

rium profile. Blum et al. (2013) argue that for LEGEND

most fluvial systems Teq is within Milanko- Passive-margin examples (true values)
Active-margin examples (true values)
vitch timescales, and that most rivers are not Others (true values)
usually in equilibrium within their backwater Passive-margin examples (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
lengths (Muto & Swenson, 2005). This view Active-margin examples (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
Others (apparent, partial or unlimited values)
thus implies that for most of the late-Quatern-
ary valley fills studied here, which formed in
response to high-frequency sea-level change Fig. 12. Plots of: (A) incised-valley-fill thickness; (B)
width; and (C) cross-sectional area versus drainage-
(Miller et al., 2005; Blum & Womack, 2009;
basin area. For each pair of variables, the correlation
Blum et al., 2013), the equilibrium profile was coefficients of determination and P-values are
not reached at lowstand (Strong & Paola, reported in respective boxes. ‘N’ denotes the num-
2008). Under this assumption, the amount of ber of readings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’
valley incision recorded as valley-fill thickness denotes Spearman’s rho.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2154 R. Wang et al.

must have been influenced by water discharge vegetation types tend to have much more well-
to varying degrees. Furthermore, water dis- developed deep rooting systems and higher
charge and drainage-basin area correlate to density of vegetation cover compared with their
maximum bankfull depths, which partly counterparts covered by other vegetation pat-
account for the depth of incision (Fielding & terns; this typically causes stronger evapotran-
Crane, 1987; Bridge & Mackey, 1993; Shanley, spiration and/or rainfall interception, resulting
2004; Fielding et al., 2006; Gibling, 2006; in stronger buffering of the surface runoff in the
Syvitski & Milliman, 2007; Blum et al., 2013). catchments and leading to decreased water dis-
Additionally, river lateral migration rates are charge and decreased sediment supply to fluvial
strongly dependent on water discharge and systems (Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Huisink,
sediment yield (Hooke, 1979, 1980; Nanson & 2000; Millar, 2000; Huisink et al., 2002; Vanden-
Hickin, 1983; Lawler et al., 1999; Richard berghe, 2003; Blum et al., 2013), which in turn
et al., 2005), implying that drainage-basin area attenuates rates of fluvial incision and lateral
should play a significant role in controlling migration. The observations herein (Fig. 13D to
incised-valley-fill width and cross-sectional F) might reflect these factors, and reveal that the
area. inferred dominant vegetation type in the catch-
ments of incised-valley fills during the LGM
Last Glacial Maximum catchment vegetation could have exerted a control on valley-fill thick-
Observations. Valley fills associated with catch- ness, width and cross-sectional area. However,
ments that are inferred to have mainly been cov- these results only offer partial insight into the
ered by forests are, on average, considerably role of vegetation as a control on the geometry
thinner than those with catchments covered by of incised-valley fills, given that the type and
deserts or grasslands/woodlands [mean density of vegetation cover changed over the
T =2374 m, 3505 m, 3415 m; one-way ANOVA: period of incised-valley formation and infill,
F(2, 127) = 359, P-value = 003] (Fig. 13A); mean especially at the apex of the coastal prism where
valley-fill width and cross-sectional area do not the valleys experienced the longest sculpting by
vary significantly over these three catchment vege- fluvial and marine processes (Mattheus & Rodri-
tation types [one-way ANOVA: F(2, 147) = 386, guez, 2011).
P-value = 0134, for W; F(2, 93) = 025,
P-value = 0779, for A] (Fig. 13B and C). The thick-
ness of valley fills with catchments covered
mainly by tropical/subtropical vegetation types is Observations
on average significantly smaller than that with Based on the global isotherms derived from
catchments covered by temperate or polar/subpo- atmospheric general circulation model recon-
lar vegetation [one-way ANOVA: F(2, 127) = 409, structions (Crowley & North 1991; Broecker
P-value = 0019, mean value = 2433 m, 1995), inferred vegetation types (Adams &
3438 m, 3613 m] (Fig. 13D). The means for val- Faure, 1997; Ray & Adams, 2001), and other
ley-fill width and cross-sectional area are in palaeotemperature estimates derived from sedi-
agreement with this relationship [one-way mentological and zoological data (Adams &
ANOVA: F(2, 147) = 739, P-value = 0001 for W; Faure, 1997; Ray & Adams, 2001), for the LGM,
F(2, 93) = 393, P-value = 0023 for A] (Fig. 13E tropical zones are constrained to have been
and F). positioned between the Equator and 22° lati-
tude, temperate zones to have laid between 22°
Interpretations. Empirical analyses of modern to 50° latitude, and polar zones largely covered
river systems together with computer simula- by ice sheets or polar and Alpine deserts to
tions (e.g. Vandenberghe, 2003; Coe et al., 2011; have occurred above 50° latitude in both the
Wohl et al., 2012) show that vegetation cover Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Based on
can influence the discharge of sediments and the location where the incised-valley fills were
water by modulating evapotranspiration and measured, the LGC examples were classified in
runoff characteristics on the land surface, which terms of these latitudinal belts. No significant
in turn determine the degree and rates of fluvial difference is identified for means in valley-fill
incision and river migration (Hickin & Nanson, thickness and cross-sectional area across these
1975, 1984; Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Cecil, latitudinal belts [one-way ANOVA: F(2,
2003; Blum et al., 2013). Drainage basins domi- 111) = 015, P-value = 0862 for T; F(2, 85) = 029,
nantly covered by tropical or subtropical P-value = 0747 for A] (Fig. 14A and C). Incised-
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2155

90 A 90 D
F (2, 127) = 3·59 F (2, 127) = 4·09
80 P = 0·03 80 P = 0·019
Thickness (m)

Thickness (m)
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Deserts Forests Grasslands/woodlands Polar/subpolar Temperate Tropical/subtropical
N = 30 N = 28 N = 72 N = 27 N = 69 N = 34
σ = 14·20 m σ = 17·55 m σ = 20·69 m σ = 14·44 m σ = 22·16 m σ = 12·80 m

90 000 B 90 000 E
F (2,147) = 3·86 F (2,147) = 7·39
80 000 80 000
P = 0·023 P = 0·001
70 000 70 000

Width (m)
Width (m)

60 000 60 000
50 000 50 000
40 000 40 000
30 000 30 000
20 000 20 000
10 000 10 000
0 0
Deserts Forests Grasslands/woodlands Polar/subpolar Temperate Tropical/subtropical
N = 30 N = 49 N = 71 N = 27 N = 89 N = 34
σ = 16 702 m σ = 4288 m σ = 9896 m σ = 17 435 m σ = 8853 m σ = 3197 m
1400 1400
Cross-sectional area (103 m2)

Cross-sectional area (103 m )

F (2, 93) = 0·25 F


1200 1200 F (2, 93) = 3·93

P = 0·779 P = 0·023
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
Deserts Forests Grasslands/woodlands Polar/subpolar Temperate Tropical/subtropical
N = 22 N = 19 N = 55 N = 19 N = 45 N = 32
σ = 153 020 m σ = 215 986 m σ = 239 708 m2
2 2
σ = 159 763 m σ = 276 452 m
2 2
σ = 96 474 m2

Fig. 13. Box plots of: (A) incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width and (C) cross-sectional area distributions for dif-
ferent Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) catchment vegetation types (‘forest’, ‘grassland or woodland’ and ‘desert’).
Box plots of: (D) incised-valley-fill thickness; (E) width and (F) cross-sectional area distributions for different
LGM catchment vegetation types (‘tropical or subtropical’, ‘temperate’ and ‘polar or subpolar’). For each box plot,
boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open circles represent mean values, horizontal bars within the boxes rep-
resent median values and black dots represent outliers (values that are more than 15 times the interquartile
range). ‘N’ denotes the number of readings. ‘r’ denotes the standard deviation. The results of one-way ANOVA (F-
value, P-value) are reported in respective boxes. The content bracketed in F-values are degrees of freedom between
and within groups, respectively.

valley fills developed in the 22° to 50° latitudi- valleys developed at latitudes from 0° to 22° are
nal belt tend to be wider on average than those associated with drainage basins that are on
at lower latitudes [one-way ANOVA: F(2, average larger than their counterparts in the 22°
129) = 339, P-value = 0037, mean = 64963 ver- to 50° range (two-sample t-test: t-value = 384,
sus 43146 m] (Fig. 14B), even though incised P-value = 0001, df = 25) (Fig. 14D). For

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2156 R. Wang et al.

valley-fills developed between 0° and 22° lati- operate. Three of the studied incised-valley fills
tude, valley-fill thickness tends to increase with are located on the Alaskan Chukchi shelf (case
latitude (r = 0421, P-value = 0040); no correla- study 103 in Table 1; Hill et al., 2007; Hill &
tion is seen instead between valley-fill width or Driscoll, 2008; Stockmaster, 2017) which, at the
cross-sectional area and latitude [r(W) = 0107, LGM, was a non-glaciated polar desert (Adams
P-value = 0626; r(A) = 0252, P-value = 0406] & Faure, 1997; Ray & Adams, 2001; Dyke,
(Fig. 14E to G). The correlation between drainage- 2004). The large scale of these valley fills
basin area and latitude is consistent with that for (Fig. 14A to C) might be attributed to enhanced
valley-fill thickness (r = 0617, P-value = 0004) fluvial incision and lateral migration (Kasse,
(Fig. 14H). For valley-fills developed between 22° 1997; Bogaart et al., 2003c; Vandenberghe,
and 50° latitude, valley-fill thickness, width and 2003), possibly due to periodic meltwater and
cross-sectional area show weak or modest sediment discharge from the Cordilleran Ice
positive correlation with latitude [r(T) = 0204, Sheet (Dyke, 2004) and in periglacial rivers
P-value = 0058; r(W) = 0417, P-value <0001; (Woo & Winter, 1993; Vandenberghe, 2003),
r(A) = 0416, P-value <0001 ] (Fig. 14E to G). and to the occurrence of permafrost through its
role in increasing surface runoff by lowering
Interpretations soil permeability (Church, 1983; Woo, 1986;
Through direct climatic forcing (for example, Vandenberghe, 2003). The observations herein
temperature and peak precipitation), climate- (Fig. 14A to C and E to G) indicate that during
derived forcing (for example, presence of per- the LGM regional variations in incised-valley
mafrost) and partially climate-dependent forcing geometry might have been controlled by cli-
(for example, vegetation type), climate acts to mate, in some contexts.
influence the behaviour of fluvial systems
(Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Bogaart et al., 2003a, Substratum
b; Vandenberghe, 2003). Compared with tem-
perate zones, the tropical zones are typically Observations
characterized by more intense rainfall and The studied incised-valley fills were classified as
stronger weathering, which could have resulted either completely hosted in substrates made of
in larger rates of delivery of water and sedi- unconsolidated sediments (‘sedimentary cover’),
ment, enhancing rates of fluvial incision and or in substrates that are partly lithified or that
river migration (Stallard & Edmond, 1983; Mil- might include basement rocks (‘bedrock and sedi-
liman, 1995; Gupta et al., 2007; Goldsmith mentary cover’). Incised-valley fills that are par-
et al., 2008; Lloret, et al., 2011; Wohl et al., tially hosted in bedrock and sedimentary cover
2012). However, the distributions of incised-val- are thicker and wider on average than those
ley-fill dimensions for tropical zones and tem- hosted in sedimentary cover only (mean thick-
perate zones (Fig. 14A to C) do not support this ness = 400 m, 305 m; mean width = 11 822 m,
assumption. This might be due to the interplay 4628 m), with the latter class varying from 15 to
of multiple climate-driven factors such as vege- 100 m in thickness and 500 to 100 000 m in
tation and precipitation, which have counteract- width (Fig. 15A to C). Mean valley-fill thickness
ing effects on water discharge and sediment and width are significantly different between
supply and flux. Polar zones are dominated by these two populations (two-sample t-test:
ice caps or polar and Alpine deserts: here, the t-value = 224, P-value = 0030, df = 43 for T and
size of fluvial catchments is limited as a result, t-value = 231, P-value = 0028, df = 33 for W)
but paraglacial and periglacial processes (Fig. 15B and C).

Fig. 14. Box plots of: (A) incised-valley-fill thickness; (B) width; (C) cross-sectional area; and (D) drainage-basin
size distributions for different latitudinal belts. For each box plot, boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open
circles represent mean values, horizontal bars within the boxes represent median values and black dots represent
outliers (values that are more than 15 times the interquartile range). ‘N’ denotes the number of readings. ‘r’
denotes the standard deviation. The results of one-way ANOVA (F-value and P-value) are reported in respective
boxes. The content bracketed in F-value are degrees of freedom between and within groups, respectively. Plots of:
(E) incised-valley-fill thickness; (F) width; (G) cross-sectional area; and (H) drainage-basin size versus latitude. For
each pair of variables, the correlation coefficients of determination and P-values are reported in respective boxes.
‘N’ denotes the number of readings, ‘R’ denotes Pearson’s R and ‘r’ denotes Spearman’s rho.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2157

90 A 90 000 B
F(2, 111) = 0·15 F(2, 129) = 3·39
80 80 000 P = 0·037
P = 0·862
70 70 000
Thickness (m)

Width (m)
60 60 000
50 103 50 000
103 40 000
30 000 103
20 000 103
20 103
10 10 000
0 0
0˚- 22˚ 22˚- 50˚ 50˚- 90˚ 0˚- 22˚ 22˚- 50˚ 50˚- 90˚
N = 24 N = 87 N=3 N = 23 N = 106 N=3
σ =19·62 m σ =19·71 m σ =18·7 m σ = 5370 m σ = 11 727 m σ = 7664 m
Latitude Latitude
1400 2000

Drainage-basin area (10 km )

C F(2, 85) = 0·29 D t = 3·84, P = 0·001
Cross-sectional area (103 m2)

1200 P = 0·747 df = 25



400 500

0 0

0˚- 22˚ 22˚- 50˚ 50˚- 90˚ 0˚- 22˚ 22˚- 50˚ 50˚- 90˚
N = 13 N = 74 N=1 N = 20 N = 90
2 2
σ = 287 295 m2 σ = 210 315 m2 σ=* σ = 313 344 km σ = 271 059 km

Latitude Latitude
10 105
Thickness (m)

Width (m)

10 N = 93 N = 110
0˚-22˚ 0˚-22˚
R = 0·352, P = 0·092 R = –0·090, P = 0·682
r = 0·421, P = 0·040 103 r = 0·107, P = 0·626
22˚-50˚ 22˚-50˚
R = 0·164, P = 0·129 R = 0·130, P = 0·184
r = 0·204, P = 0·058 r = 0·417, P < 0·001
1 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Latitude (˚) Latitude (˚)
107 107
Drainage-basin area (km2)
Cross-sectional area (m2)

6 106
N = 75 10
4 N = 98
4 0˚-22˚ 0˚-22˚
10 R = –0·005, P = 0·987 R = 0·357, P = 0·122
r = 0·252, P = 0·406 10 r = 0·617, P = 0·004
3 22˚-50˚ 22˚-50˚
R = 0·291, P = 0·012 102 R = –0·082, P = 0·444
r = 0·416, P < 0·001 r = 0·049, P = 0·648
10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Latitude (˚) Latitude (˚)
True values Apparent, partial or unlimited values

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2158 R. Wang et al.

Interpretations 1992; Van Heijst & Postma, 2001; Loget & Van Den
Substrate types play a significant role on flu- Driessche, 2009).
vial incision rates (Van Heijst & Postma, 2001; The results of this study (Fig. 5A to C) indicate
Gibling, 2006; Loget & Van Den Driessche, that incised-valley systems and their fills devel-
2009; Blum et al., 2013) and on the degree to oped along active continental margins are thicker
which incision can progress to a graded profile and wider, on average, than those along passive
in response to base-level lowering (Paola et al., continental margins, suggesting that the tectonic
1992). Van Heijst & Postma (2001) and Loget & context of a continental margin plays a key role –
Van Den Driessche (2009) show that knick- at least indirectly – in determining the geometry
point-migration rates in alluvial settings are of nearshore incised-valley systems. Through its
significantly larger than those in bedrock set- effects on relative sea-level change, distinct char-
tings, corresponding to 1 to 20 m year 1 and acteristics of basin physiography, climate, water
0001 to 01 m year 1, respectively. This would discharge and sediment delivery rates, the tec-
imply that valleys that are hosted in sedimen- tonic setting appears to control the magnitude of
tary cover are expected to be deeper than bed- valley incision and widening (Jain & Tandon,
rock valley, any time before equilibrium is 2003; Vandenberghe, 2003; Ishihara et al., 2011,
reached. In addition, the decreased erodibility 2012; Wohl et al., 2012; Tropeano et al., 2013;
of bedrock valley walls should result in nar- Ishihara & Sugai, 2017).
rower valley width. Results (Fig. 15) contrast Mattheus et al. (2007), Mattheus & Rodriguez
with these expectations: this might be due to (2011) and Phillips (2011) claimed that valley-
the fact that larger fluvial systems are more fill dimensions are primarily controlled by fac-
likely to scour to the depth of lithified strata. tors that act upstream, in particular by drainage-
In this sense, results would still not suggest basin area, which serves as a proxy for water
that substrate lithology is a dominant control discharge and sediment yield. These authors
on valley-fill dimensions. report that valley-fill dimensions are less influ-
enced by factors such as shelf-break depth, or
coastal-plain and shelf gradients. Climate is also
DISCUSSION known to exert an important control on valley-
fill dimensions, especially through modulation
of temperature, peak precipitation, vegetation
Controls on the dimensions of incised-valley
and permafrost in drainage-basin areas, which
systems and implications for sequence
in turn dictates water discharge, rates of sedi-
stratigraphic models
ment supply and bank stability (Blum & Valas-
Previous workers have argued that the dimensions tro, 1994; Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Bogaart
of nearshore incised valley systems are primarily a et al., 2003a,b; Vandenberghe, 2003; Blum et al.,
function of the magnitude and rate of relative base- 2013). The results (Figs 12 and 13D to F) sup-
level fall, basin physiography (gradients and con- port the dominant role of drainage-basin charac-
vexity along the depositional profile and shelf- teristics in dictating incised-valley-fill
break depth), contributing drainage-basin size, dimensions, especially for passive continental
climate, substrate characteristics and tectonics margins, and highlight likely controls by the
(Schumm, 1993; Talling, 1998; Blum & T€ ornqvist, size and dominant vegetation type of catchment
2000; Posamentier, 2001; Van Heijst & Postma, areas.
2001; Gibling 2006; Strong & Paola, 2006, 2008; The physiography of the depositional profile
Loget & Van Den Driessche, 2009; Martin et al., over which incised valleys develop also plays a
2011; Blum et al., 2013). Process-based studies role in valley incision and widening (Summer-
argue that along continental margins, for a given field, 1985; Talling, 1998; Blum & T€ ornqvist,
relative sea-level fall, the physiography of the basin 2000; Posamentier, 2001; T€ ornqvist et al., 2006;
determines the largest vertical adjustment of a river Blum et al., 2013). Along continental margins,
system through valley incision (Talling, 1998; valley incision tends to begin forming where a
Posamentier, 2001; T€ ornqvist et al., 2006), whereas convex-up topography is exposed during relative
water discharge and substrate characteristics domi- sea-level fall (Summerfield, 1985; Talling, 1998;
nantly influence the degree to which, and the rate Blum & T€ ornqvist, 2000; Blum et al., 2013),
at which, fluvial systems approach their equilib- which most commonly occurs at either the high-
rium profile (Schumm et al., 1984; Paola et al., stand coastline or at the shelf–slope break.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2159

A 10

Conceptual models (Talling, 1998; Posamentier,
0:1 100
100 2001; T€ ornqvist et al., 2006) highlight that when
a sea-level fall causes exposure of the entire
1 shelf, incised valleys will form across the whole
shelf; on the contrary, when the shelf is only
Width (m)

3 partially exposed by sea-level fall, incised val-
1:1 leys will only be limited to the region of the
coastal prism. Additionally, it is embedded in
Gibling (2006) coastal/alluvial valleys
sequence-stratigraphic thinking that the magni-
Gibling (2006) bedrock valleys tude of incision associated with sequence
Late-Quaternary valleys hosted in sedimentary cover
Late-Quaternary valleys hosted in bedrock and sedimentary cover boundaries is linked to the degree of exposure
1 10 10
of the continental shelf. Contrary to this notion,
Thickness (m) it is observed that valley-fill dimensions for sys-
t = 2·24, P = 0·030, df = 43
tems with shelf breaks that are shallower than
120 m tend to be smaller, on average, than sys-
90 tems on shelves that are deeper than 120 m
(Fig. 6A to C). Nonetheless, the negative correla-
Thickness (m)

tion between valley-fill thickness and shelf-
break depth for cross-shelf valley fills hosted on
shelves with shelf break shallower than 120 m
(Fig. 7A) might indicate the expected causal link
20 between magnitude of exposure, incision and
10 resulting valley-fill thickness, implying that the
0 shelf-break depth plays a role in controlling val-
Bedrock and sedimentary cover Sedimentary cover ley-fill dimensions. Study on the relations
N = 30, σ = 20·8 m N = 89, σ = 17·6 m
between shelf width, shelf gradient and cross-
C t = 2·31, P = 0·028, df = 33 shelf valley dimensions (Figs 8 and 10) might
90 000 not indicate a causal link between these factors
80 000 and cross-shelf valley dimensions. Rather, this
70 000 might indicate that shelf width, shelf gradient
Width (m)

60 000 and cross-shelf valley dimensions co-vary in

50 000 relation to a common control exerted by the size
40 000
of drainage areas. The positive correlations
30 000
between coastal-plain valley dimensions and
20 000
shelf gradient (Fig. 10A and C) might be attribu-
10 000
ted to the fact that coastal-plain valley fills with
Bedrock and sedimentary cover Sedimentary cover a steeper shelf gradient have a larger difference
N = 33, σ = 1771 m N = 107, σ = 34 883 m between shelf gradient and the original river
equilibrium profile, which could lead to deeper
Fig. 15. (A) Scales of late-Quaternary valley fills fluvial incision for a given relative sea-level fall
hosted in bedrock and sedimentary cover and valley (Schumm & Brackenridge, 1987; Leckie, 1994).
fills hosted in sedimentary cover versus incised-valley In addition, based on observations of present-
fills interpreted from ancient successions in the pub- day gradient profiles along passive margins and
lished literature. Ancient valley fills are adapted from margins associated with foreland basins, Talling
Gibling (2006). Box plots of: (B) late-Quaternary
(1998) highlights that if the sea level remains
incised-valley-fill thickness; and (C) width distribu-
tions for different substrate types. For each box plot, above the shelf break, valley incision will be
boxes represent interquartile ranges, red open circles governed primarily by the geometry of the
represent mean values, horizontal bars within the coastal prism and valley incision depth will
boxes represent median values and black dots repre- tend to increase with the coastal-prism convex-
sent outliers (values that are more than 15 times the ity. The analysis presented here of relations
interquartile range). ‘N’ denotes the number of read- between valley-fill dimensions and coastal-prism
ings. ‘r’ denotes the standard deviation. The results of
convexity (Fig. 11) challenges this widely held
two-sample t-test (t-value, P-value and df) are
reported in respective boxes. ‘df’ denotes the degrees view, and this might be due either to the influ-
of freedom between groups. ence of overriding factors, or to the fact that the

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2160 R. Wang et al.

A Typical passive margins

Large drainage area
drainage area

water discharge

Highstand shoreline

High water


Lowstand shoreline
low-gradient shelf
Thin and narrow
incised-valley fill
Thick and wide
incised-valley fill

Typical active margins
High relief
High specific Small drainage-basin area
sediment yield
Steep river gradient

High peak discharge

Highstand shoreline

Narrow, high-gradient shelf

Thick and wide incised-valley fill

Lowstand shoreline


Fig. 16. Schematic diagrams of different incised-valley-fill dimensions corresponding to passive margins (A) and
active margins (B). Along passive margins (A), the scale of incised-valley fills associated with large and small drai-
nage-basin area, respectively, are compared.

estimates of convexity for present-day costal sediment delivery (Fig. 16). In addition, these
prisms do not approximate the convexity of the findings indicate that upstream controls (drai-
coastal prisms established during the last inter- nage-basin area) appear to be potentially more
glacial. important than the characteristics of the receiving
In summary, the type of continental margin (ac- basin (for example, coastal-prism convexity,
tive versus passive) appears to be a meaningful shelf-break depth and substrate lithology) in
predictor of the geometry of incised-valley fills, determining rates and amounts of valley incision
presumably in relation to characteristics of basin and widening, especially for passive continental
physiography, climate, water discharge and margins.

© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills 2161

Implications for ‘source to sink’ studies and CONCLUSIONS

applied significance
A database-driven statistical analysis of 151 late-
The major components of source to sink systems Quaternary incised-valley fills, which is the lar-
– continent, shelf, slope and basin floor segments gest study of this type undertaken so far, has been
– are considered to be genetically related in ana- performed with the aim to investigate controlling
lytical approaches that use mass-balance theory factors on the geometry of incised-valley fills.
(Sømme et al., 2009a). Based on modern and Results of this analysis have been interpreted
late-Quaternary fluvial systems from different on the basis of some assumptions. The thickness
tectonic and climatic settings, recent work on of incised-valley fills is thought to be controlled
source to sink systems (Anderson et al., 2004, by the degree of shelf or coastal plain incision –
2006; Syvitski & Milliman, 2007; Sømme et al., itself dictated, at any one location, by the vertical
2009a,b; Blum et al., 2013; Sweet & Blum, 2016; shifts in equilibrium profile driven by changes in
Xu et al., 2017) has demonstrated scaling rela- base level, water discharge and sediment supply,
tionships between the scale of drainage-basin and by the degree to which that profile is approxi-
area, water discharge, river-driven sediment flux, mated in relation to knickpoint-retreat rates,
channel-belt dimensions and the corresponding together with potential truncation by ravinement
scale of other distal components of sediment-dis- processes. The width of the valley fills is deter-
persal systems (for example, submarine canyons mined by the rate of lateral migration of channel
and basin-floor fans). Incised-valley systems play belts hosted within them, which again scales to
a key role in transferring sediments from hinter- water discharge and sediment supply, and by val-
land regions to deep-marine environments, espe- ley-wall erodibility. The main findings can be
cially during lowstands (Blum & T€ ornqvist, summarized as follows:
2000; Blum et al., 2013). The positive correlation • Incised-valley fills developed along active
between incised-valley-fill dimensions and con- margins are shown to be thicker and wider, on
tributing drainage-basin area (Fig. 12) docu- average, than those along passive margins. This
mented here is important for source to sink indicates that the tectonic setting of continental
analysis because it provides a scaling relationship margins appears to control the geometry of
for incised-valley fills. The scale of incised-valley incised-valley fills, probably through its effects on
fills could be used to estimate the scales of their relative sea-level change, and in relation to distinct
contributing drainage-basin areas and palaeodis- characteristics of basin physiography, climate,
charge, and also to predict scales of downdip water discharge and modes of sediment delivery.
coarse-grained lowstand deltas or basin-floor fans. • Valley-fill geometry is found to be positively
Moreover, linking the scale of incised-valley fills correlated with the associated drainage-basin
to characteristics of catchments and shelves size, confirming the important role of drainage-
allows for the development of semi-quantitative basin area, a proxy of water discharge, in dictat-
guidelines that could be used to predict the size, ing valley-fill dimensions. This is especially true
location and timing of accumulation of potential for incised-valley fills hosted on passive conti-
hydrocarbon reservoirs. Incised-valley fills form nental margins.
important hydrocarbon reservoirs, typically char- • Climate is also inferred to exert potential
acterized by coarser-grained fluvial deposits at controls on valley-fill dimensions, especially
their base and finer-grained estuarine and marine through modulation of temperature, peak precip-
deposits at the top (Wright & Marriott, 1993; Shan- itation, vegetation and permafrost in drainage-
ley & McCabe, 1994; Zaitlin et al., 1994; Blum basin areas, which in turn dictates water dis-
et al., 2013). However, as noted above, incised- charge, rates of sediment supply and valley-mar-
valley-fill dimensions are influenced by a wide gin stability.
variety of geological controls and hence care • Shelves with breaks currently deeper than
should be taken during the exploration of incised- 120 m contain thicker and wider incised-valley
valley plays in different tectonic, physiographic fills, on average, than shelves with breaks shal-
and climatic settings. Notably, these results indi- lower than 120 m. This observation is at odds
cate that incised-valley fills along active continen- with the view that the magnitude of incision
tal margins can be thicker and wider than their associated with sequence boundaries is linked
counterparts along passive continental margins, to the degree of exposure of the continental
highlighting the potential of the fills of incised val- shelf. This could be explained by the fact that
leys along active margins as exploration targets. the studied shelves with shelf breaks that are
© 2019 The Authors. Sedimentology © 2019 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 66, 2134–2168
2162 R. Wang et al.

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