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Organizational Behaviour II



What would be the purpose/ mission of this business?

The mission/purpose of Momo’s of India, is to provide healthy, hygienic, tasty food at
affordable prices that not only resembles the flavours of India but also its culture and
heritage. Our aim of being healthy and hygienic is not a choice anymore in 2020, it’s a basic
right we wish to serve our customers.

What are the specific tasks that need to be completed to accomplish the mission?
The tasks that need to completed to accomplish our mission are:
 Ruthless attention to maintenance of hygiene in every single branch, which would
include steps like waring of masks, aprons, hairnet, gloves and PPE kits for all our
staff at all locations. Not just for pandemic but beyond.
 Creating a menu that maintains the perfect balance between the traditional momos and
hybrid momos that justify flavors from each and every state of our country. This can
further be accomplished by carefully researching ingredients used in regular foods for
each specific state of the country.
 Momos as a fast food are already affordable as the ingredients are commonly
available and the state or region specific momos would only require commonly use
ingredients from that specific state which would allow us to keep the hybrid style
momos at affordable prices
 A single taste is not enough to cater to this vast sub-continent thus variations in taste
and flavors of even classic momos would give the customers homely and soothing
 All employees of the company would be selected keeping in mind our mission such
that they not only upheld and respect our mission but also contribute to it.
 Work environment of each and every branch would be carefully maintained by the
manager who will have to be a local form the region and would understand the
preferences and culture of the region better than any external person.
 Employees of every branch would have the freedom to communicate in regards to any
changes in terms of food or service. And a team culture would be formulated such that
they can be friends with each other rather than just colleagues encouraging

Develop an organizational structure. Each position in the chart will perform a

specific task or is responsible for a certain outcome. Analyse the plans, policies and
procedures. Structure the management framework to assist make efficient
production processes. Align the assorted group’s performance goals with the
company’s strategic objectives.
 Keep record of and document the company’s data structure.
 It is sensible to utilize the resources provided by the Society of Human Resource
Management website to be told and keep track of industry trends. make sure that the
business adheres to the foundations and regulations, like annual leave laws or hours of
rest required.
 Identify the areas that require fast improvement to stay a company healthy and safe
for workers. Online tools, like the Mind Tools Problem Solving Techniques website,
can facilitate your create cause and effect diagrams to spot problems.
 Encourage employees to share their skills and knowledge. Make meaningful
connections with those that might not add the identical location.
 Encourage performance-based management. Evaluation of employees betting on their
ability to realize their own goals affirm their personal accountability.
 A survey allows to live employee perceptions about the corporate and its operations.

You are into your third year of operation. You want to add a second location a few
miles away. What issues will you face running the business at two locations? Draw an
organization chart that includes the two business locations.
 Maintaining with market trends in this locality
A comprehensive analysis of existing trends and also the viability of comparable
restaurant ventures within the community could be a great way to forecast potential
revenue in each quarter.

 Leveraging social media

consistent with the National Restaurant Association's 2013 Restaurant Industry
Forecast, six out of 10 adults said they need gone online to look at a restaurant's
website or menu. over one-third of individuals who visit restaurants examine the
social media pages of those organizations, in step with data provided by the National
Restaurant Association. Restaurants that want to succeed, and particularly market
effectively to children, must make the foremost of social media.

 Staying on top of technology trends
Technology is continually evolving within the restaurant industry and smart restaurant
owners will move the bandwagon. Software programs compatible along with your
existing POS systems are available that may track customer trends and demographics
to form offering such programs easy. the information tracked with these programs can
give valuable insight to the business owners on what customers like and do not like.

 Minimizing turnover
It is very important to stay in mind that when the correct employees are both hired and
trained, keeping turnover to a minimum is very important. One key concern is
maintaining a company culture that may keep employees engaged and desperate to
return. For workers to stay enthusiastic and motivated to pursue the goals of a
restaurant, they must run a transparent set of processes, manuals and procedures.

 Effective inventory management and menu pricing (operational costs)

Restaurant owners should keep a keen target managing expenses. One crucial
component of keeping costs low is effectively managing inventory. those that fail to
try to so may face unforeseen expenditures and provide overages or shortages
throughout peak business periods. People managing the inventory and menu pricing
should fine tune the ordering process to limit waste and to continuously monitor
fluctuating costs which impact net on menu items. it's vital to grasp what proportion
ingredients cost, as these expenses can fluctuate. Menu pricing should be as fluid as
possible. Frequent and little increases in menu prices are easier to sell to customers
than larger more noticeable increases done infrequently.

 Hiring permanent and seasonal staff

Successful restaurant owners know the importance of getting the proper employees. A
corporation must take care to own a decent team in situ during all seasons, but
specifically during times of the year where customer volume increases, just like the
summer time.

 Political interference on that locality

 Building customer loyalty

Start by focusing on the simple things. Train your staff and teach them to serve
customers with a smile, always. Every time a customer contacts any one of our staff
members — be it the waiters, busboys, cashiers, etc. the experience must be pleasing,
accommodating and welcoming. Apart from human contact, you also need to detail
the various online customer experience touchpoints, like placing the order online,
calling at customer care, reading the menu online, etc. Make sure these experiences
are also positively consistent with what our brand stands for.



Floor Kitchen
Manager Manager

Cashier Head Cook

Hosts Waiter
Gaurds Cook

Five more years have gone by and the business has grown to five locations in two
cities. What issues of control and coordination have arisen? Prepare a revised
organizational structure and explain the need for changes in the structure.
As a business owner, we know that implementing properly designed controls with limited
resources is challenging. However, not addressing deficiencies can expose our business to
operational and financial risks and losses.There are steps that we can take to prevent our
company. Some of weaknesses detected in our businesses can often be mitigated through
implementing a combination of various controls and slightly modifying existing processes.
The followings are:
 Separation of duties-
In our businesses with limited human resources, it’s difficult for a single employee to be
solely responsible for completing multiple tasks in a critical process. However, failing to
properly segregate duties resulted in a greater risk for our startup. Generally, assigning
different people the responsibilities of general manager, kitchen manager, sales manager,
head chef, host guard, waiter. Each employee have specific job
responsibilities. Reassignment of specific duties within a process to other appropriate
individuals have significantly helped in business growth.

 Policies and procedures-

Effective policies and procedures has help us to align our business objectives and help
establish best practice operating procedures – and they are also one of the most underused
control tools. Even if you think your business processes are uncomplicated and well
known by management and other staffs, there is value in creating written policies and
procedures. Documenting key controls in each of these cycles can provide transparency
and consistency and allow for specific roles to be easily be assigned to specific
individuals. If a key employee falls sick, it will be easier to train new and/or temporary

employees with thoroughly outlined and documented procedures already in place.
Documenting policies and procedures can also help to clearly define business operations
and confirm alignment with management’s expectations.

 Documentation-
Maintaining adequate supporting documentation is part of the foundation for developing
an effective internal control framework within an organization. Without it, it can be
difficult to demonstrate existence of procedures performed, and controls in place. Proper
documentation can also make easier and more efficient to research and respond to
questions from customers.By emphasizing the importance of maintaining proper evidence
can help management team reduce risks and increase business growth.

 Oversight and review

We are often so involved in the strategic and operational goals of our business that is
difficult to pay enough attention to procedures. Proper oversight is essential to control
and acts as an important aspect of spreading business to different locations. Reviewing
certain key metrics, sales, expense accounts, advertising amount, payroll,summaries, and
other data on a monthly basis helped us identify problems that is existing. Having your
finger on the pulse of our business’ performance can also provide valuable information
for key decision making in coming years.

 User access rights for information systems

Employees should start with very limited access to information systems with only the
rights to perform functions that are essential to that user’s work. As the employee’s
workload expands, additional access rights may be granted.All users’ access rights should
be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure that there is a legitimate business purpose for
the access granted to each user. Although this approach requires more time and effort, it
can enhance the system of controls and security in place.





Office General Marketing Sales

Manager Manager &advertise Manager
6|Page room Kitchen
Manager Manager

Organizational change is that the movement of a corporation from one state of affairs to a
different. A change within the environment often requires change within the organization
operating within that environment. Change in almost any aspect of a company’s operation are
often met with resistance, and different cultures can have different reactions to both the
change and therefore the means to market the change. to higher facilitate necessary changes,
several steps may be taken that are proved to lower the anxiety of employees and ease the
transformation process.
Managers winding up any of the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling  functions
often find themselves faced with the requirement to manage organizational change
effectively. Oftentimes, the design process reveals the necessity for a brand new or improved
strategy, which is then reflected in changes to tactical and operational plans. Effective higher
cognitive process, a Leadership task, takes into consideration the change-management
implications of selections, planning for the requirement to manage the implementation of

Twenty years later you have 75 business locations in five states. What are the issues
and problems that have to be dealt with through the organizational structure?
Prepare a new organizational structure that would be appropriate.

 Absence of clear direction

There are many exercises to execute thus the organization does not have the
arrangement expected to achieve the footing important to enable the organization to
change, adjust, and shape the future—exercises which will guarantee the association's
long haul, continued development. To put it plainly, an excessive number of
capacities and people do not have a comprehension of how they fit or why they

 Difficulty blending multiple personalities into a cohesive and unified team

People’s personalities vary widely, and therefore the diversity of backgrounds,
opinions, views, and experiences can cause challenges for teams.

 Poor communication and feedback

Peoples often tell us that they fear reprisal or retaliation if they open up—but the
truth is that leaders can’t execute on their strategies, lower costs, or effectively launch
new processes or services when people fail to speak with constructive candor, so this
can be a problem that has got to be overcome.

 Failure to develop key competencies and behaviors
In our work with organizations, we commonly encounter lots of hardworking those
who have good intentions. However, despite their experience within the industry, their
technical talent, and therefore the subject-matter expertise that a lot of leaders waken
the table, creating a high-performance organization is commonly still out of reach.

 Inconsistency &Unclear Goals


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