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Rosero, Nathan R.

10 – Sphene

You Yourself Can Escape Depression

Imagine, you are in a room full of darkness. Suddenly the room lost its air. You lost
oxygen in your lungs, then a desperate attempt to breath. Then you realize you can’t see
anything, and you’re desperately finding the way out. You’re out of breath, your body is trying to
fight but mentally drained and too tired. This is more than just a detailed imagery this is how
millions of people across the world feels when experiencing depression.

According to World Health Organization 300 million people are suffering from
depression, 800,000 people committed suicide because of depression. One victim of depression is
Olivia Penpraze. She committed suicide because of depression she said “By 2010 I tried to go
back to school but my depression is too much for me to handle, and from then, that’s when the
serious suicide attempt began”, About a minute later she committed suicide. That is just an
example of a victim of a strong current.

Robin Williams is a Hollywood celebrity who committed suicide because of depression

his last words was “I can’t take it no more”. His depression starts when his fame started to fade
then unexpectedly he found out that he is already bankrupt. He became alcoholic then her wife
left her because of his vices. Robin Williams can’t take it no more so it went to so much
depression, he don’t know what to do with his life that’s why he chooses to end it. So you should
learn from him, do you want to be like him? Let’s treasure our God’s given gift because killing
yourself is blasphemy against your own spirit and it can’t be forgiven.

Robert Downey Jr. was once a victim of depression but manages to fight back by
changing his self and believing that he can change. He changed his lifestyle and focuses more on
his career. Robert Downey Jr. aka “The Iron man” once said “Yourself is your best buddy in this
terrible world”, this means that in order for you to defeat the current you must believe in yourself.

Escaping the current is difficult but you must escape because if you didn’t manage to
escape it might be the end of you. Yes, it’s not easy but you must. Remember your family, friends
and your dreams. Many people love’s and care about you. You have a purpose on this planet.
God gave us chance to live life and to enjoy life so we must appreciate his gift.

Wake up and don’t lose hope because at the end of the day you yourself will be the
one to help you. Don’t let your emotions overpower you, face your fears, fight the current, don’t
stop believing in yourself, know your worth and use your skills as a weapon to fight. Always be
happy by spending time and doing something that will help you. Do recreational activities that will
make you forget your situation and spend your time with your family. Suicide is never a solution
to end your miserable life, always remember that life can still be beautiful with or without
problem. Problems are like challenges, and those challenges are the one that makes us strong as
a person. Learn how to fight because a problem can never be solved by another problem.

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