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Artif Intell Rev

DOI 10.1007/s10462-016-9480-z

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony

search: a review

Alireza Askarzadeh1

© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract Today, electric power plays a highly significant role in the development of various
sectors of the countries. Most often, power system optimization problems have non-linear and
non-convex objective functions with intense equality and inequality constraints along with
various types of decision variables (continuous, discrete and integer). As modern electrical
power systems become more complex, planning, operation and control of such systems
using traditional methods face increasing difficulties. Owing to the ability of escaping local
optima, meta-heuristic optimization algorithms can be efficient alternatives to solve power
system optimization problems. Inspired by the improvisation process of music, harmony
search (HS) algorithm is a meta-heuristic search method which has received a considerable
attention to solve different power system optimization problems. HS has simple concept, is
easy to implement, converges rapidly to the solution and has high efficiency. In this paper,
technical literature about HS applied to power system optimization problems is reviewed.
This review will enable the researchers to open the mind to explore possible applications in
this field as well as beyond this area.

Keywords Power system · Optimization problems · Meta-heuristic · Harmony search

1 Introduction

Power system engineering is a subfield of energy engineering that deals with the generation,
transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and the electrical devices con-
nected to such system. Figure 1 shows a simple schematic of a power system. In this system,
generators produce the electrical power from a source of energy (oil, water, sun, coal, wind,
etc), the transmission lines transmit the generated power and the distribution systems feed
the power to the electrical consumers. Figure 2 illustrates the single-line diagram of a typical

B Alireza Askarzadeh;
1 Department of Energy Management and Optimization, Institute of Science and High Technology and
Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

A. Askarzadeh

Fig. 1 Schematic of a simplified power system

Fig. 2 Single-line diagram of a typical power system

power system with more details. This power system consists of generator, bus, transformer,
line, electrical load and circuit breaker. Circuit breakers are used to protect the network from
damages caused by faults.
The scarcity of energy resources, increasing power generation cost, security problems,
environmental concerns and growing demand of electrical energy have increased the attention
to improve the performance of power systems. In the power systems, there are various types
of optimization problems such as unit commitment (UC) (Niu et al. 2015; Samiee et al.
2013), economic dispatch (ED) (Jeddi and Vahidinasab 2014; Niu et al. 2014; Khorram
and Jaberipour 2011; Niu et al. 2014; Arul et al. 2013b; Huang and Lin 2013; Wang and
Li 2013; Chatterjee et al. 2012; Vasebi et al. 2007; Pandi and Panigrahi 2011; Pandi et al.
2010; Ratniyomchai et al. 2010; Panigrahi et al. 2012; Pandi et al. 2009; Kherfane et al.
2014), control (Shivaie et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2013; Tarkeshwar and Mukherjee 2015;
Shiva and Mukherjee 2015; Boroujeni et al. 2011; Sambariya and Prasad 2015; Ambia
et al. 2015; Sudha and Afsar 2015), power flow (PF) (Sinsupan et al. 2010; Arul et al.
2013a; Sivasubramani and Swarup 2011; Sinsuphan et al. 2013), placement of flexible AC
transmission system (FACTS) devices (Sirjani et al. 2012; Javaheri and Goldoost-Soloot
2012; Kazemi et al. 2009; Anusha and Usha Reddy 2014), transmission expansion planning
(TEP) (Rastgou and Moshtagh 2014), distribution expansion planning (DEP) (Shivaie et al.
2015), prediction/forecasting (Salcedo-Sanz et al. 2015; Sadaei et al. 2014; Askarzadeh and
Zebarjadi 2014; Sun et al. 2012), parameter identification (Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh 2012,
2011, 2012), reconfiguration (Shariatkhah et al. 2012; Rao et al. 2013; Abdelaziz et al.
2013), size optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems (Askarzadeh 2013), electricity
market (Shivaie and Ameli 2015), reactive power dispatch (Khazali and Kalantar 2011), load
shedding (Mageshvaran and Jayabarathi 2015), network partitioning problem (Ezhilarasi and
Swarup 2012), network decomposition problem (Ezhilarasi and Swarup 2012), multi-stage

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

expansion problem of multi-state series-parallel power system (Zeblah et al. 2010), harmonic
optimization (Majidi et al. 2008), generation scheduling (Estahbanati 2014), elimination of
voltage harmonics in inverters (Kandezy and Fathi 2012), design of wind generator (Gao
et al. 2015; Xiao-Zhi et al. 2010; Gao et al. 2013), wind farm layout optimization (Prabhu
et al. 2013), location of fault current limiter (Zare et al. 2013), radial line planning (Yang et al.
2010), etc. Most often, power system optimization problems have non-linear and non-convex
objective functions with intense equality and inequality constraints along with various types
of decision variables (continuous, discrete and integer). As modern electrical power systems
become more complex, planning, operation and control of such systems using traditional
methods face increasing difficulties. Hence, superior optimization techniques should be used
to conquer the difficulty of power system optimization problems.
Mathematical optimization methods have been employed over the years for solving many
power system optimization problems in different areas such as planning, operation and con-
trol. Modeling of real-world problems is derived under various approximations and even with
these approximations, finding the global solution of large-scale power systems by mathemat-
ical optimization tools is not a simple work. On the other hand, because the power system is
large, complex and geographically widely distributed, there are many uncertainties in power
system problems. These facts make it difficult to deal effectively with many power system
problems through strict mathematical formulation alone. As a result, meta-heuristic opti-
mization algorithms have attracted the attention of various researchers for efficiently solving
power system optimization problems. Meta-heuristic algorithms can provide a good balance
between diversification and intensifications and find a good solution in a reasonable amount
of computational cost. In comparison with the traditional methods which are very sensitive
to the initial guesses and need to specific conditions (continuity, differentiability and convex-
ity), metaheuristic techniques make use of stochastic strategies and have the opportunity of
escaping local optima. In general, meta-heuristic techniques are applied to solve optimiza-
tion problems that cannot be effectively solved with other methods because of their intrinsic
difficulty, high dimensionality or incomplete definition.
Originally invented by Geem et al. (2001), harmony search (HS) algorithm is a recently
meta-heuristic search algorithm which tries to mimic the improvisation process of musicians
in finding a pleasing harmony. HS has achieved excellent results in a wide range of opti-
mization problems such as construction, engineering, robotics, telecommunications, health
and energy (Manjarres et al. 2013). HS has some major advantages: it is easy to implement,
converges quickly to the solution, handles every type of decision variable and finds a good
enough solution in a reasonable time (low computational cost). These advantages make HS
as a candidate to solve the power system optimization problems.
Power systems include different types of optimization problems. Most often, power system
optimization problems are large-scale, non-linear and non-convex along with a number of
complex equality and inequality constraints and various types of decision variables such as
continuous, discrete and integer. As a result, in order to effectively handle the power system
optimization problems, the used optimization technique not only should have good efficiency
but also the following advantages:

(1) It must easily handle each type of decision variables. In power system optimization prob-
lems, there are many problems in which different types of decision variables (continuous,
binary, etc) are included simultaneously. Hence, the optimizer should be able to effec-
tively handle every type of decision variable. For example, in UC problem, the on status
(shown by 1) or off status (shown by 0) of each unit should be determined. As a result,
in this problem, each decision variable can be 0 or 1. If we want to solve UC problem, it

A. Askarzadeh

is better to use binary genetic algorithm (BGA). On the other hand, in ED problem, the
output power of each unit which is a continuous decision variable should be determined.
In this case, it is better to employ continuous genetic algorithm (CGA). In both UC and
ED problems, we can effectively use HS algorithm to find the optimal solution.
(2) It must have low computational cost (or high convergence speed). Most often, in power
system the size of calculations is high. For example, power flow calculations are necessary
for planning, operating, economic scheduling and other analysis such as transient stability,
voltage stability and contingency studies. Since in many optimization problems, it is
necessary to do power flow which is a time-consuming effort, the optimization algorithm
should have a high convergence speed to find a good solution in a small calculation time.
For example, for optimal power flow (OPF) on the standard IEE 57-bus test power system
studied in Sinsuphan et al. (2013), it has been reported that genetic algorithm (GA) and
an improved HS (IHS) reach to the solution in around 1436 and 295 s, respectively. As
another example, for ED on a 13-unit problem, the results reported in Niu et al. (2014)
show that the average computation time of HS is around 3 s. In this case, the average
computation time of particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO),
artificial bee colony (ABC) and a GA variant (HGA) is around 87, 52, 32 and 84 s,

To date (July 2015), HS algorithm has applied to various power system optimization problems.
The main aim of this paper is to represent a brief review about the application of HS algorithm
in solving the power system optimization problems. This manuscript will go through the most
recent literature on the application of HS in power system problems towards a twofold goal:
(1) to underline the good behavior of this modern meta-heuristic based on the upsurge of
related contributions reported to date and (2) to set a bibliographic basis for future research
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes the concepts of HS algorithm
in detail. In Sect. 3, the HS application in power system optimization problems are reviewed
and conclusion is given in Sect. 4.

2 Concept of harmony search algorithm

2.1 HS algorithm

In order to sound a pleasing harmony, musicians adjust the pitches of their instruments.
In music improvisation process, each musician adjusts the pitch of his/her instrument in
the possible range, jointly making one harmony. If the pitches make a pleasing harmony,
the musician memorizes that experience and the opportunity to compose a better harmony
increases at the next time. The quality of the improvised harmony is evaluated by an aesthetic
standard. Similarly, an optimization method attempts to find the optimal values of the decision
variables of the problem on the hand. The quality of each solution is measured by putting
the values of the decision variables into the objective function. If the solution vector has a
good quality, that experience is memorized, and the opportunity to make a good solution will
increase at the next time.
In general, when a musician wants to improvise one pitch, he/she utilizes one of the three
rules: (1) playing a pitch from his/her memory, (2) playing a pitch near-by one pitch from
his/her memory, and (3) playing a pitch from possible range randomly (Geem et al. 2001).
These rules are the main body of HS algorithm.

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

In HS, each feasible solution is called harmony. A harmony is a vector of decision variables
with the length of d where d denotes the number of the decision variables. The ultimate aim
of the HS is to find the optimal values of the decision variables by which the objective
function is minimized (or maximized). At the beginning of the HS algorithm, N harmonies
are initialized in a physical
 d dimensional  search space. Harmony i (i = 1, 2, . . ., N ) is
represented by X i = X i,1 , X i,2 , . . . , X i,d . The generated harmonies are stored in a matrix
named harmony memory (HM). Each row of HM includes one of the initial harmonies.
⎡ ⎤
⎢ X1 ⎥
HM = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ ... ⎦ (1)
The next step is generating a new harmony (X new ). The new harmony consists of d decision
variables. Each decision variable should be adjusted separately. Assume decision variable
j ( j = 1, 2, . . ., d) of new harmony (X new, j ) should be adjusted. In this case, there are two
ways: a random value or a value using HM. In HS, there is a parameter named harmony
memory considering rate (HMCR) by which this decision is made. HMCR which varies
between 0 and 1 controls the use of HM for adjusting the decision variable. For this aim, a
random value with uniform distribution (r1 ) is produced between 0 and 1. According to the
value of HMCR and r1, there are two strategies:
• r1 ≥ HMCR
In this case, the value of X new, j is generated randomly in the possible range.
• r1 < HMCR
In this case, the value of X new, j should be generated by the help of the HM. For this aim, one
of the harmonies of HM is randomly chosen (X i ). The value of X new, j should be generated
by the corresponding value of the selected harmony (X i, j ). In this case, based on a parameter
named pitch adjusting rate (PAR) and a uniformly distributed random number generated
between 0 and 1 (r2 ), there are two strategies:
• r2 > PAR
X new, j is obtained by the following equation:
X new, j = X i, j (2)
• r2 ≤ PAR
The value of X i, j should be pitch-adjusted. Hence, X new, j is defined by the following equa-

X new, j = X i, j ± r3 × bw ×
u j − l j
where bw is bandwidth of generation, r3 is a uniformly distributed random number in [0 1], u j
is the upper range of the decision variable j and l j is the lower range of the decision variable
j. Since
the scale
of the decision variables varies significantly in optimization problems, the
term of
u j − l j
has been used.
Based on the above steps, all the decision variables of X new are generated. After, the
decision variables of X new are returned to the objective function and the quality of the new
harmony is calculated. If the objective function of X new is better than that of the worst
harmony stored in HM, the worst harmony is removed from the HM and X new is replaced.
Otherwise, X new is abandoned. The process of generating a new harmony is repeated until a
predefined number of generations are reached.

A. Askarzadeh

Fig. 3 The variation of PAR and bw during the generations

2.2 Parameter setting of HS

In addition to HM size (N ) and maximum number of generations (gen max ) which are common
parameters and should be adjusted in the most of optimization techniques, HS has three other
parameters: HMCR, PAR and bw. As mentioned before, HMCR which varies between 0 and
1 is the rate of choosing one value from HM. The value of HMCR is usually chosen around
0.9. The HS performance can be enhanced by fine-tuning the values of PAR and bw. A small
PAR value with a large bw value can deteriorate the performance of HS and increase the
computational time required to find the optimum solution. At initial generations, the value
of bw should be large to increase the exploration. However, at final generations, HS should
focus more on exploitation; therefore, a small bw value is preferred (Yadav et al. 2012). In
order to enhance the performance of the HS algorithm and to eliminate the drawbacks that
occur with fixed values of PAR and bw, Mahdavi et al. (2007) invented an improved harmony
search (IHS) algorithm that dynamically updates the PAR and bw values. In this way which
is mostly used in HS applications, the value of PAR increases linearly during the generations
from a minimum PAR (PARmin ) to a maximum PAR (PARmax ) as follows:
PARmax − PARmin
PARgen = PARmin + × gen (4)
gen max
where gen is the generation index.
The value of bw decreases nonlinearly during the generations from a maximum bw
(bw max ) to a minimum bw (bw min ) as follows:
⎛  ⎞
Ln bw
= bwmax × exp ⎝ × gen ⎠
gen max
bw (5)
gen max

Figure 3 illustrates the variation of PAR and bw during the generations.

3 HS algorithms applied to power system optimization problems

3.1 Unit commitment/economic dispatch

In this subsection, at first, terminologies which are usually used in UC/ED problems solved
by HS algorithms are defined in Table 1. As we know, UC and ED are two important power
system optimization problems which have become crucial tasks in the operation of power
systems. Assume that there are a number of subsets of the complete set of N generating
units that can satisfy the demanded load. UC must answer to this question that which of

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Table 1 Definition of terminologies mentioned in UC/ED problems solved by HS algorithms

Terminology Definition

Unit commitment Selection of the best subset among a number of generating

units (economic scheduling of generating units) to satisfy
the demanded load by minimal cost subject to operational
limits of generation
Security constraint unit commitment Economic scheduling of generating units to satisfy the
(SCUC) demanded load by minimal cost subject to operational
limits of generation and transmission facilities of power
Economic dispatch (ED) Determination of the output power of the generating units to
have the minimal operating cost
Combined economic and emission Scheduling of generating units to simultaneously minimize
dispatch (CEED) fuel cost and emission level
Combined heat and power economic Finding the optimal point of power and heat generation with
dispatch (CHPED) minimum fuel cost such that both heat and power
demands are met while the combined heat and power
units are operated in a bounded heat versus power plane
Dynamic economic dispatch (DEC) Extension of ED problem that takes into consideration the
limits on the ramp rate of generating units
Valve point effect In large steam power plants, several steam valves are used
in the turbine to control the output power of the
generators. Considering the valve-point effects would lead
to a sudden increase in loss and cause ripples in
input–output characteristic. With respect to the
valve-point effect, the cost function of a thermal power
plant is defined by a sinusoidal function
Optimal power flow (OPF) Optimization of a certain objective function (loss, cost, etc.)
subject to the network power flow equations and system
and equipment operating limits (or economic dispatch
problem while considering the network security
Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) V2G describes a system in which plug-in electric vehicles
(PEVs) can communicate with the power grid
Prohibited operating zone (POZ) In practice, all the operating zone of a generating unit is not
always available for load allocation due to physical
operation limitations. Fault in generation machines or
their associated auxiliaries occasionally exist. So,
prohibited operating zones could be formed between
maximum and minimum generation limits. A unit with
these prohibited zones results in unavailable amplification
of shaft bearing vibration

these subsets should be used in order to provide the minimum operating cost. In fact, the
determination of on/off status of generating units is known as UC. In large power systems,
UC is a complex optimization problem including binary decision variables (0 if a unit is off
and 1 if a unit is on). On the other hand, ED problem assumes that there are N generating
units already connected to the power system. The ultimate aim of ED problem is to find the
optimum operating policy for the N units. ED includes continuous decision variables which
are the output power of the generating units. In general, for solving ED problem a harmony
is defined as follows:

A. Askarzadeh

Fig. 4 A power system with N generating units

X = [P1 P2 ··· PN ] (6)

In comparison with the ED, UC is a much more difficult problem to solve. In UC, the
solution procedures involve the ED problem as a subproblem. Suppose a power system with
N units as shown in Fig. 4. The net electrical power of unit i injected to the grid is defined
by Pi and the corresponding fuel cost is shown by Fi . In this case, the objective function of
ED problem is defined by:

Min. FED = Fi (Pi ) = F1 (P1 ) + F2 (P2 ) + · · · + FN (PN )
Subject to

Pi = PL + Loss
Pimin ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax

where FE D is the objective of ED problem (fuel cost), Fi (Pi ) = ai + bi Pi + ci Pi2 is the cost
function of unit i and ai , bi and ci are the cost coefficients of generator i. If we consider the
valve-point effects, in most cases, the cost function is defined by the addition of quadratic
and sinusoidal functions which makes the problem nonconvex. In this case, the cost function
is defined as follows:


Fi (Pi ) = ai + bi Pi + ci Pi2 +
ei sin f i Pimin − Pi

where ei and f i are the coefficients related to considering the valve-point effect and Pimin is
the minimum output of generator i.

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

In solving ED problem, many operating constraints should be satisfied. One of the impor-
tant constraints is the balance equation by which the generated power becomes equal to the
demanded load (PL ) and network loss. As another constraint, the output power of generating
units should be in the possible range, namely, Pimin ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax where Pimin and Pimax
are the minimum and maximum power limitations of unit i. Moreover, there are many other
constraints such as spinning reserve, minimum down time, minimum up time, etc which must
be satisfied.
Niu et al. (2015) proposed an improved harmony search, namely, NPAHS-M, for UC
problem with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. This method contains a new pitch adjustment
which can enhance the diversity of newly generated harmony and provide a better searching
guidance. In NPAHS, in order to conduct the pitch adjustment mechanism, the following
procedure is employed:

X new, j = X i, j ± r3 × bw ×
u j − l j
× Mean j − rand j (9)
where Mean j is the mean values of variable j stored in HM and rand j is a generated random
number from the possible range by a uniform distribution.
Samiee et al. (2013) used HS as a combinatorial solution for solving security constraint unit
commitment (SCUC) problem. UC problem becomes security constrained when constraints
are imposed to ensure line flows do not exceed chosen limits following a contingency. In the
proposed combinatorial solution strategy, the unit states are determined by an enhanced HS
(EHS) technique and the security constrained economic dispatch problem is solved using
an efficient nonlinear analytical solver based on numerical optimization. In EHS, the pitch
adjustment mechanism is performed by the following equation:
X new, j = X best, j + α × X m, j − X k, j (10)
where “best” denotes the best individual of HM, α is scaling factor and m and k are the index
of two individuals from HM.
One of the power system problems is combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED)
where the main goal is to schedule generating units to simultaneously minimize fuel cost and
emission level. In CEED, the objective function is defined as follows:

= ai + bi Pi + ci Pi2 +
ei sin f i (Pimin − Pi )

+ h i αi + βi Pi + γi Pi2 + ηi exp(δi Pi )
Subject to

Pi = PL + Loss
Pimin ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax
where FCEED is the objective function of CEED problem, h i denotes the price penalty factor
($/h) and αi , βi , γi , ηi and δi are the emission coefficients of generating unit i.
Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014) proposed a modified harmony search algorithm (MHS) for
solving ED problem. In order to improve the accuracy, convergence speed and robustness of
HS, in MHS a new improvising method is introduced based on wavelet mutation together with
a new memory consideration scheme based on the roulette wheel mechanism. In ED problem,
the practical constraints of ramp rate limits, prohibited operation zones, valve loading effects,
multi-fuel options, spinning reserve and transmission system losses have been considered.
Moreover, by considering the environmental issues, CEED problem has been formulated

A. Askarzadeh

as a multi-objective problem with two non-commensurable and contradictory objectives and

solved by the proposed the MHS. In MHS, B-Spline wavelet is applied for random generation
of harmony vector instead of using a random number between the lower and upper bounds
when the memory consideration is not selected. The B-Spline wavelet is a powerful tool to
explore the search space. The main reason for using the B-Spline wavelet-based method is
that during the early stages a wider search in the solution space is performed while at the
later stages, the search is restricted around the local area of the variables. This property of
B-Spline wavelet-based process enhances the searching performance and provides a faster
convergence than original HS.
Niu et al. (2014) proposed a hybrid harmony search with arithmetic crossover operation,
namely, ACHS, for solving five different types of ED problems, including static ED with
valve point effects, ED with prohibited operating zones, ED considering multiple fuel options,
combined heat and power ED and dynamic ED. In the proposed ACHS, the global best infor-
mation and arithmetic crossover are used to update the newly generated solution and speed
up the convergence, which contributes to the algorithm exploitation capability. To balance
the exploitation and exploration capabilities, the opposition based learning (OBL) strategy
is employed to enhance the diversity of solutions. In HS, during the iterations, the difference
among HM harmonies gradually becomes smaller resulting in premature convergence. Since
most decision variables of the new harmony are randomly chosen from the HM, no better
solution is expected at the later iterations of HS. In ACHS, crossover operator in GA and
current global best harmony in HM are used to update the new harmony of original HS. The
global best harmony involves the current best information, which can greatly improve the
quality of the anew harmony. In ACHS, the crossover operator is only used to recombine
the current global best harmony and the new generated harmony with the goal of producing
a better one. Due to the introduction of the global best harmony, the solution quality can
be improved considerably, while it may cause prematurity of the solution. To conquer this
disadvantage, an OBL strategy is also combined in the random initialization which can make
a good balance between the exploration and exploitation.
Khorram and Jaberipour (2011) proposed HS for solving the combined heat and power
economic dispatch (CHPED) problem in which the units produce both power and heat.
CHPED seeks to determine the heat and power production to minimize the system production
costs and satisfy the heat-power demands and capacity constraints as follows:

Min. FCHPED = Costi (Pi ) + Cost j (P j , H j ) + Cost k (Hk )
i=1 j=1 k=1
Subject to

Pi + P j = PL + Losse
i=1 j=1

N2 N3 (12)
Hj + Hk = HL + Lossh
j=1 k=1
Pimin ≤ Pi ≤ Pimax i = 1, 2, . . . , N1
P jmin ≤ P j ≤ P jmax j = 1, 2, . . . , N2
H jmin ≤ H j ≤ H jmax j = 1, 2, . . . , N2
Hkmin ≤ Hk ≤ Hkmax k = 1, 2, . . . , N3

where Cost is the unit production cost, H denotes the unit heat production, HL is the system
heat demand, H max and H min are the unit heat capacity limits, Loss e is the electrical loss,

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Loss h denotes the heat loss and N1 , N2 and N3 are the number of conventional power units,
cogeneration units and heat-only units, respectively.
Niu et al. (2014) introduced a HS algorithm with a new pitch adjustment rule (NPAHS)
for dynamic economic dispatch (DED) of electrical power systems which is a large-scale
non-linear real-time optimization problem imposed by a number of complex constraints.
The new pitch adjustment rule is based on the perturbation information and the mean value
of the harmony memory which is simple to implement and helps to enhance solution quality
and convergence speed. A new constraint handling technique is also developed to effectively
handle various constraints in the DED problem and the violation of ramp rate limits between
the first and last scheduling intervals that is often ignored for DED problems. Arul et al.
(2013b) proposed a chaotic self-adaptive differential harmony search (CSADHS) algorithm
to solve the complicated DED problem in the presence of valve point effect, ramp-rate limits
and prohibited operating zones constraints. In the proposed CSADHS algorithm, chaotic self-
adaptive differential mutation operator is used instead of pitch adjustment operator in the HS
algorithm to enhance the searching performance to find the quality solution. In CSADHS,
pitch adjustment mechanism of original HS is replaced with the DE/rand/1/bin mutation
strategy from DE algorithm as follows:
X new, j = X i, j + F × X r 1, j − X r 2, j (13)
where r 1 and r 2 are random and different harmonies selected from HM as that of
DE/rand/1/bin and the parameter of F is chaotically generated.
Huang and Lin (2013) investigated the performance of an evolutionary computing
approach which is based on both GA and HS for solving CHPED problem. Wang and Li
(2013) introduced a differential harmony search (DHS) algorithm to solve ED problem by
combining the mechanisms of both differential evolution and harmony search. In the DHS,
the pitch adjustment operation is cooperated with the different mutation operation to enhance
the exploitation ability of harmony search, and both the memory consideration and the pitch
adjustment are used to enhance the exploration ability of evolution search. In addition, a
repair procedure and three simple selection rules are proposed for constraint handling. In
DHS, after memory consideration and selection of a value from HM, the obtained element is
further modified by the pitch adjustment mechanism combined with the differential mutation
with the probability of PAR as follows:
X i, j + f × X r 1, j − X r 2, j i f r < PAR
X new, j = (14)
X i, j other wise
where r is randomly selected from [0 1] with a uniform distribution and f is the scale
parameter of DE.
Chatterjee et al. (2012) proposed opposition-based HS (OHS) for solving CEED problems
of power systems. The proposed OHS algorithm employs opposition-based learning for
harmony memory initialization and also for the generation jumping. Also, opposite numbers
have been utilized to improve the convergence rate of the HS. Vasebi et al. (2007) used HS
for optimal utilization of multiple combined heat and power (CHP) systems. In the research,
HS is employed to solve CHPED problem. Pandi and Panigrahi (2011) proposed a hybrid
HS algorithm with swarm intelligence (HHS) to solve the DED problem. This work is an
attempt to hybridize the pitch adjustment mechanism of HS algorithm with the powerful
population based algorithm of PSO for a better convergence of the proposed algorithm. The
main aim of the proposed approach is to find out the optimal generation schedule of the
generators corresponding to the most economical operating point of the system over the
considered timing horizon. Pandi et al. (2010) applied HS algorithm to optimize the fuel cost

A. Askarzadeh

Table 2 Different types of UC/ED problems solved by HS algorithms

Reference Application

Niu et al. (2015) Unit commitment along with vehicle-to-grid technology

Samiee et al. (2013) Security constraint unit commitment
Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014) Economic dispatch + combined economic and emission
Niu et al. (2014) Economic dispatch considering valve point effects, prohibited
operating zones and multiple fuel cells + combined heat and
power economic dispatch + dynamic economic dispatch
Khorram and Jaberipour (2011) Combined heat and power economic dispatch
Niu et al. (2014) Dynamic economic dispatch considering the violation of ramp
rate limits between the first and last scheduling intervals
Arul et al. (2013b) Dynamic economic dispatch considering valve point effect,
ramp-rate limits and prohibited operating zones
Huang and Lin (2013) Combined heat and power economic dispatch
Wang and Li (2013) Economic dispatch
Chatterjee et al. (2012) Combined economic and emission dispatch
Vasebi et al. (2007) Combined heat and power economic dispatch
Pandi and Panigrahi (2011) Dynamic economic dispatch
Pandi et al. (2010) Short-term economic dispatch considering renewable sources

for short-term ED of thermal generators along with renewable sources like wind generator.
The non-linear constraints considered are power generation limits, reserve limits and ramp
rate limits. The optimal dispatch in the presence of the wind generation is obtained using a
modified harmony search (MHS) algorithm. The wind generator cost model is developed and
used in the DED problem. The forecasted wind speed is utilized to calculate the average wind
power output and this power is included in the ED model by means of negative load approach.
Table 2 lists the application of HS algorithms for solving different UC/ED problems.

3.2 Control

In power system, in order to reach control aims, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) con-

troller is usually used. By a good tuned PID controller, the transient response is improved,
the error amplitude is reduced and finally, the output is settled to a desired value. The math-
ematical representation of a PID controller is defined by
yc (t) = K p e(t) + K i e(t)dt + K d e(t) (15)
0 dt
where yc (t) is the output signal of the controller, e(t) is the error signal, K p is the proportional
gain, K i is the integral gain and K d is the derivative gain. In general, proportional control leads
to decrease of rise time and increase of oscillatory performance. Integral control decreases
the error of the steady-state and derivative control reduces the oscillations. Fine-tuning of
a PID controller is an optimization problem which searches for the optimum values of the
proportional, integral and derivative gains. In general, for fine-tuning of a PID controller a
harmony is defined as
X = k p ki k d (16)

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Table 3 Definition of terminologies mentioned in control problems solved by HS algorithms

Reference Application

Load-frequency control (LFC) LFC is to maintain the real power balance in power systems by
frequency control. When the real power demand changes, the
frequency of the power system changes. In order to restore the
balance between the input and output, an error signal is sent
to the turbine governor to operate it. This method is also
known as power-frequency control. The main goal of the LFC
is to maintain zero steady state errors for frequency deviation
and good tracking load demands in a multi-area restructured
power system
Automatic generation control (AGC) AGC is to provide control signals to regulate the real power
output of various electric generators within a prescribed area
in response to changes in system frequency and tie-line
loading so as to maintain the scheduled system frequency and
established interchange with other areas
Power system stabilizer (PSS) PSS contributes in maintaining power system stability and
improves dynamic performance (extra damping) by providing
a supplementary signal to the excitation system. This is an
easy, economical and flexible way to improve power system
stability in interconnected AC power systems

For control aims, the objective function can be defined by the minimization of mean-squared
error (MSE) between the estimated and actual values of the output signal as follows:

Min. MSE = ei2 (17)

where Nd is the number samples and e is the error value.

Table 3 lists the definition of terminologies mentioned in this subsection. Shivaie et al.
(2015) proposed a modified harmony search algorithm (MHSA) for solving the load-
frequency control (LFC) of nonlinear power systems. The cost function of the paper has
been defined based on the integral of time-multiplied absolute value of the error (ITAE).
The proposed MHSA is used to optimally tune the parameters of the proportional-integral-
derivative (PID) controller. Shiva et al. (2015) proposed a quasi-oppositional harmony search
(QOHS) algorithm for handling the automatic generation control (AGC) of power system.
The goal of AGC is to maintain the power system frequency very close to a determined nom-
inal value, to maintain generation of each unit at the most economic value and to keep the
correct value of tie-line power between different control areas. They have applied QOHS with
the goal of converging rapidly towards the optimal solution. In this paper, single-, two- and
four-area power systems are modelled and the proposed QOHS is applied to optimally design
a PID controller. In the two-area model, the effects of generation rate constraint (GRC) and
governor dead band (GDB) are studied. Wang et al. (2013) introduced an adaptive fuzzy con-
troller to implement the non-overshoot control in power plants. In the proposed controller,
the Lyapunov-based adaptive law is employed to guarantee the stability while a modified
adaptive binary harmony search (ABHS) algorithm is utilized to search the optimal con-
trol parameters to improve the dynamic performance. Moreover, the proposed ABHS-based
adaptive fuzzy control (ABHSAFC) method is applied to the bed temperature control of the
circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFBB). Tarkeshwar and Mukherjee (2015) proposed a fuzzy

A. Askarzadeh

logic-based PID controller to reduce the fluctuations of the frequency and power in isolated
hybrid distributed generation (IHDG). The paper presents a study of IHDG power system
for improving both frequency and power deviation profiles with the help of superconduct-
ing magnetic energy storage (SMES). The adjustable parameters of the PID controller and
those of the SMES are tuned by a novel quasi-oppositional harmony search algorithm. Both
frequency and power control problems of the studied power system model are addressed
in presence or absence of SMES. Shiva and Mukherjee (2015) proposed a novel quasi-
oppositional HS (QOHS) algorithm in the context of AGC of power system. The proposed
QOHS algorithm is framed by utilizing quasi-oppositional concept in the pre-available basic
HS algorithm. Also, the proposed algorithm houses both the characters of two guesses i.e.
opposite-point and its mirror point (quasi-opposite point) to converge, rapidly, towards the
optimal solution(s). The proposed QOHS algorithm is, individually, applied to single-, three-
and five-area interconnected test power systems (considering suitable cases) for its survival
in AGC domain. The single- and three-area test systems are supplemented with the PID
controller installed in each control area. In the second phase of investigation, the proposed
QOHS based integral-double derivative (IDD) controller is also examined in AGC mecha-
nism of five-area test power system. Initially, integral of square error based objective function
is minimized and, further, two performance indices (such as integral of time absolute error
and integral of time square error) are also calculated to test the AGC performance offered
by the proposed QOHS based PID/IDD controller. To add some degree of non-linearities,
appropriate generation rate constraint (GRC) is also considered for both three- and five-area
test power systems. Boroujeni et al. (2011) applied the HS to the problem of tuning power
system stabilizers (PSSs). Sambariya and Prasad (2015) investigated the design of fuzzy
logic power system stabilizer (FPSS) using a HS to optimize the input–output scaling factors
of the fuzzy logic controller. The optimization problem is defined by the minimization of
integral square error as an objective function with single-machine and multi-machine power
system. Ambia et al. (2015) studied the utilization of HS algorithm to optimally design the
PI controllers of a grid-side voltage source cascaded converter with two additional loops for
smooth transition of islanding and resynchronization operations in a distributed generation
(DG) system. The first loop is the frequency-control loop which is superimposed on the real
power set point of the cascaded controller of the voltage-source converter to minimize the
frequency variation during the transition from the grid mode to islanding mode. The second
loop is the resynchronization loop which reduces the phase shift of the ac voltages of the
DG with the utility grid ac voltages during islanding operation leading to a successful grid
reconnection event. The response surface methodology (RSM) is used to build the mathe-
matical model of the system dynamic responses in terms of PI controllers’ parameters. Sudha
and Afsar (2015) designed HS algorithm-based PID controller to damp the low frequency
oscillations of a power system. Table 4 summarizes different types of power system control
problems solved by HS algorithms.

3.3 Optimal power flow

In power system, because the solution of ED is usually defined as the best economical dis-
patch (i.e. power output) of generators without considering the feasibility of the transmission
network, the optimal solution of OPF may not be the optimal of ED, as the optimal of ED
may not be feasible to dispatch by considering operational/safety constraints.
OPF problem is defined by the optimization of a certain objective over power network
variables under certain equality and inequality constraints. The variables may include real
and reactive power outputs, bus voltages and angles. In OPF, the objective function may

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Table 4 Different types of power system control problems solved by HS algorithms

Reference Application

Shivaie et al. (2015) Load-frequency control using PID controller

Shiva et al. (2015) Automatic generation control using PID controller
Wang et al. (2013) Non-overshoot control in power plants using adaptive fuzzy
Tarkeshwar and Mukherjee (2015) Frequency control using fuzzy-based PID controller
Shiva and Mukherjee (2015) Automatic generation control using PID controller considering
generation rate constraint
Boroujeni et al. (2011) Tuning power system stabilizer
Sambariya and Prasad (2015) Designing a fuzzy power system stabilizer
Ambia et al. (2015) Designing PI controllers for a grid-side voltage source cascaded
Sudha and Afsar (2015) Damping low frequency oscillations using PID controller

be defined by minimizing generation costs, maximizing market surplus, minimizing losses,

minimizing generation (equivalent to minimizing losses) and maximizing transfers. OPF
constraints can be classified into two parts: the equality constraints representing the power
flow equations and the demand variables and the inequality constraint set representing all
the operational constraints such as the bounds on voltages or power levels, or that the line
loading not exceeding thermal or stability limits.
By considering the generation costs as the objective function, OPF can be formulated as
Min. FOPF = ai + bi Pi + ci Pi2
Subject to

PGp − Pcp − V p Vq Y pq cos δ p − δq −  pq = 0

Nb   (18)
Q Gp − Q cp − V p Vq Y pq sin δ p − δq −  pq = 0
PGmin ≤ PGp ≤ PGmax
G ≤ Q Gp ≤ Q G
Q min max

V min ≤ Vp ≤ V max

δ min ≤ δ p ≤ δ max

where FOPF is the objective function of the OPF problem, PGp and Q Gp are the real and
reactive power generations at bus p, Pcp and Q cp are the real and reactive power demands
at bus p, Nb is the total number of buses, V p is the voltage magnitude at bus p, Vq is the
voltage magnitude at bus q, δ p is the voltage angle at bus p, δq is the voltage angle at bus q,
Y pq is the admittance magnitude and Θ pq denotes the admittance angle.
Sinsupan et al. (2010) used the HS algorithm for solving OPF problems. Arul et al. (2013a)
proposed a chaotic self-adaptive differential harmony search algorithm to solve OPF prob-
lems with non-smooth and non-convex cost functions. The searching capacity of the proposed
chaotic self-adaptive differential harmony search algorithm has been improved by introducing
a chaotic self-adaptive differential mutation operator instead of a pitch adjustment operator in

A. Askarzadeh

Table 5 Description of the references focusing on OPF and HS

Reference Objective(s) Methodology Cost function type

Cost Original HS Without valve

Sinsupan et al. point effect
Cost Self-adaptive differential HS With valve point
Arul et al. (2013a) effect + multiple
fuel options
Cost + loss Multi-objective HS Without valve
Sivasubramani + voltage point effect
and Swarup stability index
Cost Improved HS With valve point
Sinsuphan et al. effect

the harmony search algorithm. Sivasubramani and Swarup (2011) proposed a multi-objective
harmony search (MOHS) algorithm for OPF problem. In the research, OPF problem is for-
mulated as a non-linear constrained multi-objective optimization problem where different
objectives and various constraints have been considered into the formulation. Fast elitist
non-dominated sorting and crowding distance have been used to find and manage the Pareto
optimal front. Finally, a fuzzy based mechanism has been used to select a compromise solu-
tion from the Pareto set. Sinsuphan et al. (2013) proposed an improved harmony search
(IHS) method to solve OPF problems. The proposed IHS algorithm tries to adapt the pitch
adjustment rate during the iterations. Table 5 describes the investigations which have used
HS algorithm to solve the OPF problem.

3.4 Placement of FACTS devices

FACTS technology can provide benefits in increasing system transmission capacity and
power flow control flexibility and rapidity. By use of proper FACTS devices in power sys-
tem, better utilization of the existing power system is possible. FACTS devices are solid-state
converters that are capable to control various electrical parameters in transmission circuits.
By connecting FACTS devices such as static VAR compensator (SVC), unified power flow
controller (UPFC), static compensator (STATCOM), thyristor controlled phase angle regu-
lator (TCPAR) and thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in the transmission network,
the active and reactive power flow in the lines can be controlled which leads to low system
loss, improvement of system stability and reduction of production cost. TCSC which is con-
nected in series with the line conductor can compensate the line’s inductive reactance. SVC
can be used for generation or absorption of reactive power by use of thyristor controlled
elements. UPFC is used to control the active and reactive powers as well as the voltage
magnitude. Figure 5 shows the schematic of some FACTS devices which are usually used in
power systems.
Optimal location of different types of FACTS devices in the power system is an optimiza-
tion problem which is done with different aims such as increase of the network loadability
and reduction of production cost. Most often, the objective function of optimal placement of
FACTS devices is defined to minimize the installation cost of FACTS devices as follows:

Min. I C = C × S × 1000 (19)

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .


Fig. 5 Schematic of SVC, STATCOM, TCSC and UPFC

where IC is the installation cost of the FACTS devices ($), C is the cost of FACTS devices
installation ($/KVAR) and S = |Q 2 | − |Q 1 | is the operating range of the FACTS devices
(MVAR) where Q 2 and Q 1 are the reactive power flows (MVAR) after and before installing
the FACTS device. In such problem, the constraints are usually line flow limitation, bus
voltage limitation, FACTS devices size limitation and power flow constraints.
In order to improve the accuracy and convergence rate, Sirjani et al. (2012) proposed a
novel global harmony search (NGHS) algorithm to determine the optimal location and size
of shunt reactive power compensators such as shunt capacitors, SVCs and STATCOMs in a
transmission network. In the research, at first the optimal placement of shunt Var compen-
sation devices is done using the model analysis method. Then, the optimization of the load
flow is performed by use of NGHS algorithm. A multi-criterion objective function is defined
to enhance the voltage stability, improve the voltage profile and minimize power loss while
minimizing the total cost. HS and NGHS differ in some aspects as follows:
(1) HMCR and PAR are excluded from NGHS and genetic mutation probability ( pm ) is
included in NGHS.
(2) NGHS modifies the improvisation mechanism as follows:

X wor st, j + r1 × X R − X wor st, j i f r 2 < pm
X new, j = (20)
l j + r3 × u j − l j other wise
where X R = 2 × X best, j − X wor st, j , “best” and “worst” are the indexes of the global best
harmony and the worst harmony in HM and r1 , r2 and r3 are uniformly generated random
numbers in [0 1].

A. Askarzadeh

Table 6 Description of the references focusing on FACTS devices and HS

Reference Objective (s) Methodology

Sirjani et al. (2012) Cost + voltage stability + Novel global HS

voltage profile + power loss
Javaheri and Goldoost-Soloot (2012) Generation and congestion Original HS
Kazemi et al. (2009) Cost + power loss Original HS
Anusha and Usha Reddy (2014) Power loss Original HS

Javaheri and Goldoost-Soloot (2012) proposed HS for optimal use of series FACTS devices
to relieve congestion and enhance the security in restructured power system. HS is employed
for optimal locating and sizing of series FACTS devices. Two different objective functions
are considered in the optimization problem, the first one is the total congestion cost and the
other is the total generation cost. Kazemi et al. (2009) applied HS algorithm to determine
optimal location of FACTS devices in a power system to improve power system security.
In the research, three types of FACTS devices have been introduced. Line overload and bus
under voltage has been solved by controlling active and reactive power of series and shunt
compensator, respectively. A combined series-shunt compensators has been also used to
control transmission power flow and bus voltage simultaneously. Anusha and Usha Reddy
(2014) studied the placement of TCSC using HS algorithm in transmission system for loss
minimization. Table 6 describes the investigations which have used HS algorithm for optimal
placement of FACTS devices.

3.5 Transmission/generation/distribution expansion planning

In general, the long-term TEP is a stochastic decision problem that includes the determina-
tion of the time, the location, and the type of the transmission lines which should be built.
The objective of TEP is to guarantee that as economically as possible, there will be suffi-
cient transmission capacity to satisfy the growing load demand and the necessary generation
addition reliably.

Min. TEPC = IC Lines + O MC (21)

where TEPC is the total TEP cost, IC Lines is the investment cost of new lines and OMC
is the operation and maintenance cost of the generating units. In TEP problem, there are
many constraints: power balance at every node, line flow limitations, operating constraints
of generators and etc.
On the other hand, GEP is a complex multiyear mixed integer problem that typically
aims at identifying the most adequate schedule for generation investments together with the
selection of the locations and technologies to use. In GEP, the objective function is defined
as follows:

Min. GEPC = IC U + OMC (22)

where GEPC is the total GEP cost, IC U is the investment cost corresponding to units which
should be installed throughout the planning period and OMC is the operation and maintenance
cost of existing and new generating units.

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Rastgou and Moshtagh (2014) proposed HS for solving TEP which is one of the major
issues in the electric power industry. In this research, a mathematical model and a dynamic
transmission expansion methodology is presented using an optimization framework by con-
sidering investment cost, reliability (both adequacy and security) and congestion cost. In
power system, DEP is necessary to insure that the increasing demand of electricity can be met
by system additions that are both technically adequate and reasonably economical. Shivaie
et al. (2015) proposed a new multi-stage framework based on HS algorithm for reliability-
based DEP in which expansion options are a reinforcement and/or installation of substations,
feeders and DGs. The proposed framework takes into account not only costs associated
with investment, maintenance, and operation, but also expected customer interruption cost
in the optimization as four problem objectives. At the same time, operational restrictions,
Kirchhoffs laws, radial structure limitation, voltage limits, and capital expenditure budget
restriction are considered as problem constraints. The proposed model is a non-convex opti-
mization problem having a non-linear, mixed-integer nature. Hence, a hybrid self-adaptive
global-based harmony search algorithm (SGHSA) and OPF are used and followed by a fuzzy
satisfying method in order to obtain the final optimal solution.

3.6 Prediction/forecasting

Salcedo-Sanz et al. (2015) introduced a hybrid bio-inspired solver, named CRO-HS, by com-
bining elements from the recently proposed Coral Reefs optimization (CRO) algorithm and
operators from the HS approach. They used the proposed CRO-HS in the context of short-
term wind speed prediction to obtain the best set of meteorological variables as the input of
a neural extreme learning machine (ELM) network. Sadaei et al. (2014) proposed a sophis-
ticated exponentially weighted fuzzy algorithm that is aligned with an enhanced harmony
search algorithm for short-term load forecasting (STLF). The initial phase of the research
discusses the recognition of the fuzzy logical relationship order with the aim of autocorrela-
tion analysis. The second phase aims at obtaining the optimal intervals and coefficients for
adoption using training data set. The last phase seeks to apply the obtained information and
attempts to predict a 48-step-ahead on STLF problems. Askarzadeh and Zebarjadi (2014)
proposed HS with a novel parameter setting approach, named HS-NPSA, to estimate the
wind power. The proposed HS-NPSA eliminates the tedious parameter assigning efforts of
HS algorithm. In this approach, at each iteration, the value of the HS parameters is determined
as follows:
HMCR = 0.9 + 0.1 × r1 (23)
1 − r2
PAR = (24)
bw = r3 (25)
where r1 , r2 and r3 are uniformly generated random numbers in [0 1].
Sun et al. (2012) applied HS algorithm-based joint parameters optimization combination
model to accurate power generation forecasting which is the basis of decision making for
electric power industry development plans, energy conservation and environmental protec-

3.7 Parameter identification

Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2012) proposed HS for identification of the unknown parameters
of the solar cell single and double diode models, namely, photo-generated current (I ph ),

A. Askarzadeh

Single diode model

Two-diode model
Fig. 6 Equivalent circuit of solar cells

diode saturation current, series resistance (Rs ), shunt resistance (Rsh ) and diode ideality
factor. Identification of parameters helps to accurately model the current vs. voltage (I –V )
characteristics of solar cells. Figure 6 indicates the equivalent circuit of solar cells.
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2011) proposed a grouping-based global harmony search
algorithm, named GGHS, for accurate identification of voltage versus current (V –I ) charac-
teristics of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). Figure 7 shows the schematic of
a PEMFC system in which oxygen is fed to the cathode side and hydrogen is fed to the anode
side. As figure shows, hydrogen ions (protons) permeate through the polymer electrolyte
membrane to the cathode side and the electrons travel along an external load circuit to the
cathode side, thus creating the current output of the fuel cell. Meanwhile, a stream of oxygen
is delivered to the cathode side. At the cathode side oxygen molecules react with the protons

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Fig. 7 Schematic of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)

Table 7 Description of the references focusing on parameter identification and HS

Reference Device Model Number of Methodology


Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh Solar cell Single diode Five Original HS

(2012) model
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh Solar cell Double-diode Seven Original HS
(2012) model
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh Fuel cell Electrochemical Nine Grouping-based
(2011) model global HS
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh Fuel cell Electrochemical Nine Innovative global
(2012) model HS

permeating through the polymer electrolyte membrane and the electrons arriving through the
external circuit to form water molecules.
GGHS attempts to provide an efficient way in which a new harmony can be properly
improvised. In this research, roulette wheel and tournament selection approaches are com-
bined with HS to increase the exploitation. Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2012) proposed an
innovative global harmony search (IGHS) algorithm-based parameter identification method.
The IGHS algorithm is employed for parameter identification of various fuel cell systems.
IGHS algorithm proposes that a predefined number of HM harmonies with the best qualities
(harmonies with the best objective function values) are selected as the elite harmonies. Then,
to generate a new harmony, a probabilistic approach is employed to select the interesting
elite harmony for improvisation process. By taking this way into account, the probability of
generating a harmony with better quality increases, because the new harmony is improvised
using the information of the best harmonies. Table 7 describes the investigations which have
used HS algorithm for parameter identification goals.

3.8 Reconfiguration

In distribution system, one of the most efficient ways to save electrical energy (loss reduction)
is the network reconfiguration. Though distribution networks are built as interconnected mesh
networks, they are arranged to be radial in operation. The distribution feeder reconfiguration
is to obtain a radial operating configuration that optimizes the network performance with

A. Askarzadeh

Table 8 Description of the references focusing on reconfiguration and HS

Reference Objective(s) Methodology

Shariatkhah et al. (2012) Loss cost + customer interruption cost Original HS

Rao et al. (2013) Power loss Original HS
Abdelaziz et al. (2013) Cost + power loss Original HS

respect to operating constraints. In practice, the network switches (opening sectionalizing

which is normally closed and closing tie which is normally opened) are used to change the
network configuration. These switches are changed in such a way that the radial structure
of the networks is maintained, all of the loads are supplied, power loss is decreased, power
quality is improved and the security of the network is increased. In essence, distribution
feeder reconfiguration is a complex nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem since the
status of the switches is non-differentiable. In this problem, the objective function can be
defined by the minimization of the power loss as follows
Min. P L = Re 2 Ii (E m − E n ) + Rline |I i|2 (26)

where PL is the power loss, Ii is the line current, E m and E n are the voltages at the nodes
with higher and lower potentials and Rline is the line resistance. In the reconfiguration of the
distribution network, the constraints are as follows:
– No feeder section can be left out of service.
– The structure of the radial network should be maintained always.
– Bus voltage magnitude must be in the allowable range.
Shariatkhah et al. (2012) proposed HS for feeder reconfiguration which is one of the most
important tasks for loss reduction and reliability improvement in distribution networks. The
research presents a method to determine annual feeder reconfiguration scheme considering
switching costs and time-varying variables such as load profiles. In the first stage, to obtain
effective configurations, optimal configuration for each day of year is determined indepen-
dently using HS and graph theory. After determination of effective configurations for the
network, in the second stage, year is divided into multi equal periods and considering loss
cost, interruption cost and also switching cost from a configuration to another configuration,
dynamic programming algorithm (DPA) is used to find the optimum annual reconfiguration
scheme. Rao et al. (2013) proposed HS for solving the network reconfiguration problem in
the presence of DG with an objective of minimizing real power loss and improving voltage
profile in distribution system. In the research, HS is used to simultaneously reconfigure and
identify the optimal locations for installation of DG units. Abdelaziz et al. (2013) proposed
the HS algorithm o reconfigure distribution networks of different sizes with and without
DG units. Table 8 describes the investigations which have used HS algorithm for optimal
placement of FACTS devices.

3.9 Other applications

Askarzadeh (2013) proposed a discrete harmony search (DHS) for optimizing the size of
a wind–photovoltaic hybrid energy system. The ultimate aim of the size optimization is to
determine the optimum number of the system components so that the total system cost is
minimized subject to the system reliability and operating limitations. In sizing problems

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

related to stand-alone applications, the objective function is defined in terms of the system
net present cost (NPC) during its lifetime as follows:
Min. NPC = CC npv + RC npv + OMC npv − SV npv (27)
where CC npv is the present value of the capital cost, RC npv is the present value of replacement
cost, O MC npv is the present value of the operation and maintenance cost and SV npv is the
present salvage value for the system components.
Shivaie and Ameli (2015) used self-adaptive global-based harmony search algorithm
(SGHSA) to develop optimal double-sided bidding strategy in security-constrained electric-
ity markets. In his paper, both generation companies (GenCos) and distribution companies
(DisCos) attempt to maximize their profit by implementation of optimal strategies while
they have incomplete information about their rivals and market mechanism of payment is
locational marginal pricing.
Khazali and Kalantar (2011) proposed HS for solving the optimal reactive power dispatch
(ORPD) problem. ORPD is a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem which includes
both continuous and discrete control variables. HS is used to find the settings of the control
variables such as generator voltages, tap positions of tap changing transformers and the
amount of reactive compensation devices to optimize a certain object. In the paper, the
objects are power transmission loss, voltage stability and voltage profile.
Mageshvaran and Jayabarathi (2015) used HS to handle load shedding in power system.
Generation contingencies in a power system lead to under-frequency and low voltages owing
to active and reactive power deficiencies. Load shedding is considered as a last alternative to
avoid the cascaded tripping and blackout in power systems during generation contingencies.
It is essential to optimize the amount of load to be shed in order to prevent excessive load
Ezhilarasi and Swarup (2012) applied HS to the network partitioning problem. The net-
work partitioning is an optimization problem whose objective is to minimize the number of
nodes in a cluster and the tie lines between the clusters.
Ezhilarasi and Swarup (2012) solved the network decomposition problem using HS algo-
rithm. To improve the performance of the HS algorithm, a widely used graph bi-partitioning
method called Kernighan–Lin (KL) strategy is used in the improvisation process. KL strat-
egy is used in the partitioning of digital and VLSI circuits and is suitable for bi-partitioning
networks. The connectivity of the partitioned clusters is checked by means of graph traversal
Zeblah et al. (2010) proposed the HS algorithm to solve the multi-stage expansion prob-
lem for multi-state series-parallel power systems. The study horizon is divided into several
periods. At each period the demand distribution is forecasted in the form of a cumulative
demand curve. A multiple-choice of additional components from a list of available products
can be chosen and included into any subsystem component at any stage to improve the sys-
tem performance. The components are characterized by their cost, performance (capacity),
and availability. The objective is to minimize each investment over its study period while
satisfying availability or performance constraints. A universal generating function technique
is applied to evaluate power system availability. The harmony search approach is required
to identify the optimal combination of adding components with different parameters to be
allocated in parallel at each stage.
Majidi et al. (2008) applied HS algorithm to optimize harmonic stepped waveform for
multi-level inverters. The proposed technique can be applied to multi-level inverters with any
number of levels. The goal of optimization is to eliminate some low order harmonics and to
maintain the fundamental component at the desired value.

A. Askarzadeh

Fig. 8 The structure of HS-CA algorithm

Estahbanati (2014) applied HS to the generation scheduling problem in the presence of

inherent uncertainties in short-term power system operation. The proposed methodology
incorporates probabilistic methodology in the uncertainties representation section, while HS
algorithm is adopted as a fast and reliable soft computing algorithm to solve the defined
nonlinear, non-convex, large-scaled and combinatorial problem.
Kandezy and Fathi (2012) used HS algorithm to eliminate or minimize voltage harmonics
of multi-level inverters output. The aim of the optimization is to produce an output stepped
waveform as close to the desired fundamental component as possible, i.e. a waveform with
the fundamental component of the desired value and possible minimum THD. Convolution
operator and time domain criterion is used to obtain better solution.
Gao et al. (2015) developed a memetic HS method, m-HS, with local search function to
design a practical wind generator. In m-HS, the bee foraging-inspired local search technique
is applied periodically to improve the quality of the harmony memory. More precisely, after
N steps of the HS evolution, the neighborhood search is performed on only some selected HM
members. Assume that x p is one of the top e members selected from HM. The neighborhood
search can generate ne offspring from x p as follows:

x 1p = x p ± rand × ngh (28)

x 2p = x p ± rand × ngh (29)
. (30)
x ne
p = x p ± rand × ngh (31)
where rand is a random number with uniform distribution from [−1 1] and ngh is the local
search range applied. The generated offspring are then evaluated and only the one with the
best fitness is retained.
Xiao-Zhi et al. (2010) have merged the HS with the cultural algorithm (CA) to design a
wind generator. Based on this idea that the using random-based mutation (pitch adjustment)
is not an effective way in guiding the evolution of HS harmonies, HS-CA makes use of the CA
concept to specify the direction and size of the mutation in the HS method. In this approach,
the knowledge in the belief space of the CA is first extracted from the HM, and next used to
direct the mutation of the new solutions as illustrated in Fig. 8.
Gao et al. (2013) developed a new HS method with dual memory, namely DUAL-HS,
to design a wind generator. The secondary memory in the DUAL-HS takes advantage of
the opposition-based learning OBL to evolve so that the quality of all the harmony memory
members can be significantly improved.
Prabhu et al. (2013) solved unrestricted wind farm layout optimization (UWFLO) with
intelligently tuned HS (ITHS) to optimize the placement of wind turbines, given constraints

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

of farm boundary, number of turbines and wind conditions. UWFLO takes into account the
overlap between the wake generated by an upstream turbine and the blades of a downstream
turbine to predict the total power generated by a wind farm (with greater accuracy).
Zare et al. (2013) applied HS algorithm to determine the optimal amount and location
of fault current limiters in power systems which have fault currents exceeding the permitted
amount of protection equipments while using the least amount of impedance.
Yang et al. (2010) proposed HS for solving the radial line planning problem. Long medium
voltage radial lines are usually used to supply power to large areas with a very low population/
load density.
Generally, the planning of this kind of lines involves both continuous and discrete variables,
or in other word, this problem is a mixed integer programming one.

4 Summary of trends

As it was observed, HS has received a considerable attention during these years in solving
different problems of power system. Figure 9 summarizes the contribution of HS in solving
each problem from the total. As can be seen, most of the problems solved by HS belong to
UC/ED and control fields. Tables 1, 3 and 9 show the definition of famous terminologies of
power system problems. Figure 10 shows the contribution of the solved problems in terms
of the year of publication. As can be seen, from 2007 to 2013 the attention to use HS for
solving the power system optimization problems has increased significantly. In comparison
with 2013, the number of problems solved by HS in 2014 has decreased. In 2015 (until July),
the number of problems solved by HS is equal to the number of problems in the whole of
2013 solved by HS. This means that in comparison with the previous years, the number of
power system problems solved by HS will increase and it is expected that HS is used for
solving more power system optimization problems during the coming years.
Investigations on HS performance show that this algorithm has a good ability in exploration
and can discover the potential solution rapidly. However, the local search ability of HS is weak
so that no better solution is expected at the latter iterations. Some modifications have been
developed on HS to increase its search performance in solving power system optimization
problems. Most HS variants attempt to modify two parts: (1) memory consideration and (2)
pitch adjustment mechanism. Inspired by the natural selection (i.e., survival of the fittest),
some researchers believe that random selection of a harmony from HM is not a good idea
and a more efficient way should be employed to give more attention to the natural selection
principle (Jeddi and Vahidinasab 2014; Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh 2011, 2012). On the
other hand, in some researches (Niu et al. 2015; Samiee et al. 2013; Jeddi and Vahidinasab
2014; Niu et al. 2014), it is mentioned that the pitch adjustment mechanism of original
HS cannot effectively avoid premature convergence and escaping from local optima since
most decision variables of the new generated harmony are selected from the HM randomly
and no better solution is expected at the later evolution stage of HS. For this aim, different
pitch adjustment mechanisms have been proposed. The variants of HS used in solving power
system optimization problems have been summarized in Table 10 and can be explained in
detail as follows:

4.1 Variants based on parameter setting

In optimization algorithms, parameter setting is an important subject which greatly affects the
result of optimization algorithms. Among the reviewed studies, in Askarzadeh and Zebarjadi

A. Askarzadeh

Fault current limiter

Wind turbine layout placement Radial line planning
Design of wind generator
Generation scheduling
Elimination of voltage Electricity market
harmonics in inverters
Harmonic optimization Transmission/Distribution
expansion planning
Multi-stages scheduling


Load shedding

Power flow

Parameter identification

Sizing renewable
Placement of Unit commitment/
FACTS devices Economic dispatch


Fig. 9 The contribution of HS in solving each power system problem from the total

Table 9 Some famous terminologies of power system problems

Terminology Definition

FACTS devices placement Placement of FACTS devices (solid-state converters) in

power system to control various electrical parameters
Transmission expansion planning Determination of time, location and type of transmission
lines which should be installed
Generation expansion planning Determination of time, location and type of generating units
which should be installed
Parameter identification Determination of unknown values of model parameters
Reconfiguration Determination of status of distribution network switches
Design of hybrid systems Determination of size of system components in a power
generation system
Wind farm layout optimization Placement of wind turbines in a wind farm
Distributed generation system Decentralized, modular and flexible small size generation
systems located close to consumer
Load shedding A tool for avoiding system collapse by shedding some
consumer’s loads

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Fig. 10 The contribution of the 2008 2007 2009

solved problems by HS in terms %2 %1 %3 2010
of the year of publication

2015 (July)
21% 2011

(2014) an approach has been proposed to adjust the HS parameters (HMCR, PAR and bw). This
approach eliminates the time-consuming effort of HS parameter setting. This type of para-
meter setting is conducted by use of random numbers from [0, 1] with uniform distribution.
By use of this type of parameter setting, the value of the parameters is 0.9 ≤ H MC R ≤ 1,
0 ≤ PAR ≤ 0.5 and 0 ≤ bw ≤ 1. For example, by use of a random value between 0 and
0.5 for PAR, the process of pitch adjustment is done with a variable probability at the first
and last iterations while when a decreasing or increasing value is used for PAR parameter,
the probability of occurring pitch adjustment at first iterations is different from that at the
last iterations. Some researchers believe that the value of PAR should be increased during
the iterations (Mahdavi et al. 2007) and some researchers believe that the value of PAR must
be decreased during the iterations (Wang and Huang 2010). In this context, one of the most
famous and popular variants of HS algorithms is the investigation made in Mahdavi et al.
(2007) where the authors have proposed time-varying values for PAR and bw. Based on their
suggestion, the value of PAR increases linearly during the iterations as follows:
PARmax − PARmin
PARgen = PARmin + × gen (32)
gen max
The value of bw decreases nonlinearly during the iterations by the following exponential
⎛  ⎞
Ln bw
bw gen = bwmax × exp ⎝ × gen ⎠
gen max

On the other hand, based on this idea that a successful search should be proceeded progres-
sively at the beginning of the algorithm and then gradually settled down, the authors in Wang
and Huang (2010) have developed a self-adaptive HS algorithm which utilizes a decreasing
linear PAR during the iterations to prevent overshooting and oscillation. Indeed, this idea is
the opposite of the idea proposed in Mahdavi et al. (2007).
PARmin − PARmax
PARgen = PARmax + × gen (34)
gen max
Also, they have used the maximal and minimal values in the HM to conduct pitch adjustment
mechanism instead of using the parameter of bw. For this aim, one of the following equations
is used for doing the pitch adjustment:

Table 10 Developed HS variants and their goals for solving power system optimization problems

Reference Modification Goal

Niu et al. (2015) A new pitch adjustment mechanism Improvement of exploration ability
Samiee et al. (2013) Incorporation of mutation operation of differential Diversity control of generated new harmonies
evolution into HS
Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014) A new improvisation method based on wavelet mutation Improvement of convergence speed and robustness
+ a new memory consideration mechanism based on
roulette wheel
Niu et al. (2014) Hybridization of HS and arithmetic crossover Improvement of convergence speed and diversity control
Niu et al. (2014) A new pitch adjustment mechanism Improvement of solution quality and convergence speed
Arul et al. (2013a, b) Hybridization of HS and a chaotic self-adaptive Improvement of searching performance
differential mutation operator
Huang and Lin (2013) Hybridization of HS and genetic algorithm (GA) Improvement of diversity control
Wang and Li (2013) Hybridization of HS and differential evolution (DE) Improvement of exploitation ability
Chatterjee et al. (2012) Hybridization of HS and opposition-based learning Improvement of memory initialization and exploration
Pandi and Panigrahi (2011) Hybridization of HS and particle swarm optimization Improvement of pitch adjustment and convergence
(PSO) process
Shiva et al. (2015), Shiva and Mukherjee (2015) A quasi-oppositional harmony search Improvement of convergence speed
Sinsuphan et al. (2013) An adaptive pitch adjustment mechanism Improvement of search ability
Sirjani et al. (2012) Global HS Modification of improvisation step
Salcedo-Sanz et al. (2015) Hybridization of HS and Coral Reefs optimization Improvement of CRO performance by HS operators
Askarzadeh and Zebarjadi (2014) HS with a novel parameter setting approach Elimination of HS parameter setting
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2011) A mechanism for selection of a harmony from harmony Improvement of exploitation ability
Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2012) A mechanism for selection of a harmony from harmony Improvement of exploitation ability
Askarzadeh (2013) A discrete HS Solving discrete problems
A. Askarzadeh
Table 10 continued

Reference Modification Goal

Ezhilarasi and Swarup (2012) A new improvisation process based on Kernighan–Lin Improvement of HS performance
(KL) strategy
Gao et al. (2015) Modification of HM harmonies Improvement of HM
Xiao-Zhi et al. (2010) Hybridization of HS and cultural algorithm (CA) Improvement of HS performance
Gao et al. (2013) HS with dual memory Improvement of HS performance
Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

Prabhu et al. (2013) HS intelligent tuning Improvement of HS tuning

A. Askarzadeh

Table 11 Different pitch adjustment formulas proposed in the studied references

Reference Proposed formulas for pitch

adjustment mechanism

Niu et al. (2015) X new, j =

X i, j ± r3 × bw ×
u j − l j
× Mean j − rand j
Samiee et al. (2013) X new, j = X best, j + α × X m, j − X k, j
Niu et al. (2014) X new, j = X i, j + F × X r 1, j − X r 2, j
Wang and Li (2013) X new, j =
X i, j + f × X r 1, j − X r 2, j i f r < PAR
X i, j other wise
Sirjani et al. (2012) X new, j =
X wor st, j +
 r1 × X  R − X wor st, j i f r2 < pm
l j + r3 × u j − l j other wise

X new, j = X new, j + max(HM j ) − X new, j × rand (35)
X new, j = X new, j − X new, j − min(HM j ) × rand (36)

where max(HM j ) and min(HM j ) are the highest and the lowest values of variable j in
HM. By use of this pitch adjustment mechanism, the decision variables will not violate the
boundary constraint.

4.2 Variants based on memory consideration

In original HS, memory consideration is done randomly. In fact, every harmony of HM can
be selected by a same probability. For this am, some of HS variants have been developed to
enhance the method of memory consideration. In Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2011), at first,
HM harmonies are classified into three groups and one group is selected by the tournament
selection approach. Then, roulette wheel method is performed on the selected group and
one of the corresponding harmonies is selected. In Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2012), a
number of good HM harmonies are specified and roulette wheel approach is employed to
select one of them. In Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014), roulette wheel mechanism is employed
for memory consideration by which a solution with better fitness value has higher selection
probability. Although, the approaches proposed in Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014), Askarzadeh
and Rezazadeh (2011) and Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2012) are based on the survival of
the fittest, in Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014) and Askarzadeh and Rezazadeh (2011) the worse
harmonies have the chance of being selected while in the approach proposed in Askarzadeh
and Rezazadeh (2012) the worse harmonies have no chance to be selected. However, it is
beneficial to provide the chance of being selected to the worse harmonies of HM since they
may include some good information and help the algorithm to find the optimum solution

4.3 Variants based on pitch adjustment mechanism

In HS, pitch adjustment mechanism is used to provide diversification. Most HS variants

attempt to find an efficient way to effectively conduct pitch adjustment mechanism. One of
the effective ways is to incorporate the operators of the other algorithms such as mutation

Solving electrical power system problems by harmony search: a . . .

into HS. Several pitch adjustment mechanisms can be found in Niu et al. (2015), Samiee
et al. (2013), Jeddi and Vahidinasab (2014), Niu et al. (2014), Niu et al. (2014), Arul et al.
(2013b), Chatterjee et al. (2012), Shiva et al. (2015), Shiva and Mukherjee (2015), Arul et al.
(2013a), Sinsuphan et al. (2013), Sirjani et al. (2012), Ezhilarasi and Swarup (2012) and
Prabhu et al. (2013). In these studies, pitch adjustment mechanism is done by mean values of
HM (Niu et al. 2015), mutation operator of DE (Samiee et al. 2013), wavelet mutation (Jeddi
and Vahidinasab 2014), arithmetic crossover (Niu et al. 2014), perturbation information and
the mean value of HM (Niu et al. 2014), chaotic differential mutation operator (Arul et al.
2013a, b), opposition-based learning (Chatterjee et al. 2012), quasi-oppositional (Shiva et al.
2015; Shiva and Mukherjee 2015), adaptive mechanism (Sinsuphan et al. 2013), PSO concept
(Sirjani et al. 2012) and Kernighan–Lin (KL) strategy (Ezhilarasi and Swarup 2012). Table 11
lists the proposed formulas of the studied references for doing pitch adjustment mechanism.
It is seen that four references Samiee et al. (2013), Niu et al. (2014), Wang and Li (2013) and
Sirjani et al. (2012) replace the pitch adjustment operation in classical HS with a mutation
strategy borrowed from the DE algorithm. This step was accomplished through the mutation
of the target vector with the difference of two other selected HM members. It is worth to
mention that the target vector is the new generated vector, best HM vector or worst HM vector.
The strategy proposed in Sirjani et al. (2012), includes a randomness which increases the
diversification of the algorithm. Pitch adjustment mechanism introduced in Niu et al. (2015)
makes use of the differential operator with this difference that the selected two members are
the mean of the HM members and a random value.

4.4 Variants based on hybridization of HS with other metaheuristics

In order to enhance the performance of an optimization algorithm, it is common to merge it

with another optimization technique. In the reviewed studies, HS has been combined with
GA (Huang and Lin 2013), DE (Wang and Li 2013), PSO (Pandi and Panigrahi 2011), CRO
(Salcedo-Sanz et al. 2015) and CA (Xiao-Zhi et al. 2010).
The study in Huang and Lin (2013) utilizes the concept of HS algorithm to devise a new
crossover mechanism to improve GA. The proposed HSGA is a combination of GA and HS.
GAs are stochastic and population-based search algorithms that determine the locations and
values of a set of points in the domain space. The criterion for which new points are generated
or old points are discarded is a function of the existing population. The proposed algorithm
employs the cloning scheme in HS for generating a new population. The process replaces the
original genes with genes obtained from other chromosomes. Unlike the conventional two-
parent basis crossover, the newly formed chromosome is called Frankenstein because parts
of the new chromosome are reaped selected from other chromosomes rather than inherited
conventionally from only two parents, and originates from an open source framework for
music composition and improvisation. The offspring Frankenstein offers the algorithm fertile
combinations of genes to provide higher probability to approach global optimum.
In Pandi and Panigrahi (2011), a hybrid HS algorithm with swarm intelligence, named
HHS, has been introduced in which the improvement of dynamically varying the PAR value is
adopted to make the search power of classical HS more effective. In the pitch adjustment step
of classical HS, each vector is given a random perturbation of maximum magnitude ±bw. In
this investigation, instead of going for an arbitrary distance bandwidth or dynamically varied
bandwidth by logarithmic function based on generation number, each trial solution vector
using the concepts of an adaptive PSO is perturbed. Figure 11 indicates the complete pseudo-
code of the proposed HHS algorithm. In the pseudo-code, ω is inertia weight, v  denotes the
velocity of particle i in the current iteration, c1 and c2 are cognitive and social co-efficient

A. Askarzadeh

Fig. 11 Pseudo-code of the improvisation process used in HHS (Pandi and Panigrahi 2011)

of PSO algorithm, L x and U x are the lower and upper bounds, p is the best experience of
particle i and pg is the best experience of the population.

5 Conclusion

The scarcity of energy resources, increasing power generation cost, security problems, envi-
ronmental concerns and growing demand of electrical energy have increased the attention to
optimize the performance of power systems. HS is a meta-heuristic search algorithm that has
received the attention of power system engineers for solving their complex optimization prob-
lems. In order to provide bibliographic basis for future research trends, this paper reviewed
the technical literature about HS-based algorithms applied to power system optimization
problems. It is seen that HS has been applied to a wide range of power system problems
such as operation, planning, control, etc. Among the problems, the application of HS algo-
rithms in the area of economic dispatch problems is considerable. Based on the upsurge of
related contributions reported to date (2007 to July 2015), the good behavior of this modern
meta-heuristic optimization technique is obvious. In the coming years, it is expected that HS
algorithm is successfully applied to more power system optimization problems.

Acknowledgments The author would like to thank from the editor and reviewers for their helpful and
constructive comments. Their comments have greatly improved the quality of the paper.

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