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The scalability policy exp α⋅log 2−

2 ( 1− p
1+ p⋅∫ key )
−β ⋅p⋅log
1+(1− p)⋅∫ key
p )) awhile while the

world of probabilistic and stochastic world does concern the scheduler and handler of purposing
processing based upon x∈set= (
woman employment managing art shielding
, , ,
policy views schemes )
, others is
complying with contexts of characteristics and kindness. Thereof the scalability policy is being subject
of expressive meeting meeting= (
human human
, ,
flux inertia amortization ownership legacy legendary
listing insight.

Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, the legendary of law legacy is based upon the liable linguistic logic's policy =
{(measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools ->instrumentation)), (instill(node -> still working),
infuse(edge -> ongoing data)), (custom(event -> happening or occurrence), trust(time -> count a day
away to be aware))} settlement set is straightening towards something artistic. Thereupon the design of
the reality of governable metrics (something much more useful to influence the process of
enhancement) is presenting the structures of hopefulness meanwhile the scalability policy (parallelism -
> exp(minus(adjustable(), multiply(proportionality(), benefit())))) is still hoping to build up a trusting
terminology is concerning the modeling policy (great deal: adjustable() (centrism metrics),
proportionality()(the stochastic and probabilistic world), benefit(quotidian quietness and wellness)) is
the considerable context of a purposing profit can overdrive awhile while the transition traceability (to
jump apart aside discussing the concepts of discontinuity, even though to climb higher wards searching
for a vivid validation and valuation). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b) -> product(p * (1 - iterative() *
proportionality())) over something() (example -> 1 - p*(1 - p) -> p = probability( Laplace:
cardinal(choice) over cardinal(total)))) is requesting that the staff of governable metrics is getting
involved within the conceptual characteristics of duality's recovery (genuine = simply soul in body ->
predictable insight, unjust = complex value change dump -> implementation of requirement need and
necessity). Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is an associate appointment to provide
people with the true sense of meaningfulness of designation of human interest or human concerns (deal
= point overviews of characterizing capability -> to be capable to accomplish thread tasks on what
innocent "neither guilty nor faulty" seems to emphasize the challenge (O Lord Creator God please
English Schooling in English) hopefulness. Although the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a secret
scheduling sign does hold concern argumentation does agree with standards are caring about equipped
knowledge culture would support the terminology of governable metrics approach (the widespread
theory is sounding or seeming to exploit the running reality or the real truth (the why availability and
the how existence -> exerting example = soccer football match training does admit the distribution = {1
player = the guardian, three players in a defensive position (exp(a - p*b)), three players in the middle of
the stadium (log2(2 - y) such that 2 - y has a relationship show to a - p*b), two players in the middle of
the stadium and the last two players for offensive role}, that distribution between { one -> guardian,
three -> defensive position(to defend the conceptual of shielding schemes does stand for originality and
confirmation of the respect of an existence of a guardian position), three -> middle effect testimony or
centrism metrics being (to reveal and revivalize the principles of the control touch looking for
robustness), two -> divisibility dynamics and dispatching design(managing for artistic views and
perfect processing does charge itself to win aspects of hopefulness), two -> offensive roles to make
goals and to aim happiness (ahead and presidency)} which is subjecting the reality of the scalability
policy is charging to deploy more gravitional flux to attract the rolling divisibility and the diversity of
mobility on acting the values of the mechanism of commendation and accountability of responsability
when the moving mobility has to appreciate each associate role either guardian role or sharing
defensive option or keeping track to manage happiness and success or taking initiatives through the
offensive role to make the success and the happiness and to yield the progress itself)). Thus the
scalability policy is being part of the human concerns and interest around the adjustment and
arrangement shows. Thus, the principles of triplet = {density (how many), diversity (because it is a
process of making choice), divisibility (either the hope or a wish to get better result may look
differently), dynamics = admitting vitality, design = launching lordliness}. The scalability policy (exp(a
- p*b)) is a sustainable show that does appear useful process does aim to act on the effectiveness of the
efficiency of mimetic learning. The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is challenging to request or ask for
more availability of (genuine = divisibility or diversity in serious scheduling specification, unjust =
density, and design of a centrism metrics approach does share the signs of the guardian and the
happiness ). Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is presenting the real truth of an active
acceptance does admit the running reality of mapping (genuine = diversity and divisibility (four players
for offensive roles but they can divide themselves for reigning roles which can be classified into a role
of managing policy (supervising the principles of happiness and success -> purposing plan) and a
primordial role for making goals and yielding progress -> smartness achievement and accomplishment
of smartness), unjust = density (how many (three players in soccer in the middle to match original
show of defensive position)) and design to describe the lordliness of thins in terms of operating trust in
selfish confidence). Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - ü*b)) is maintaining the concept of
"making sense or designation or signification" to liable linguistic logic's policy which is based upon an
original show of governable metrics does recognize the control touch aspects does appear charges itself
to express ruling roles for each effectiveness does count hopefulness on mapping (genuine = diversity
and divisibility (4 -> 2 for the partition or remote role of importance (managing artistic ) next after 2 to
make signs of success and to command a behavior of progress, unjust = dynamics, and design which is
giving notion and meaningfulness for better influence insight) mapping pair does aim to operate on
principles of objectivity, etc.
octave:1> p=1:999; p=p/length(p); q = 1 - p; r = q - p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 k(i) = (44/7)*p(i)*i*(1/4); a(i) = sin(k(i))*sin(k(i)); b(i)=cos(k(i))*cos(k(i)); w(i)
= a(i)*b(i)*(a(i) - b(i)); endfor;
octave:3> plot(w);
octave:4> for i=1:999 l(i) = a(i) * b(i); u(i)=log2(2 - l(i)/(1 - l(i))); v(i) = log2(1 + l(i)/(1 - l(i))); s(i) =
u(i) + v(i); j(i) = s(i)*s(i); s(i) = s(i)*j(i); z(i) = u(i) * v(i) * (v(i) - u(i)) / s(i); endfor;
octave:5> plot(z);
octave:6> plot(s);
octave:7> plot(u);
octave:8> plot(v);
octave:9> for i=1:999 d(i) = (a(i) - b(i))*(a(i) - b(i)); t(i) = 1 - l(i); o(i) = d(i) + l(i); x(i) = l(i) / t(i); y(i)
= l(i) / o(i); xy(i) = d(i) / t(i); yx(i) = d(i) / o(i); endfor;
octave:10> plot(x);
octave:11> plot(y);
octave:12> plot(xy);
octave:13> plot(yx);
octave:14> for i=1:999 q(i) = a(i) - b(i); endfor;
octave:15> plot(q);
Draft copy 11/18/20

In fact, liable linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools -

>instrumentation)), (instill(node -> wait statement), infuse(edge -> ongoing data and its dependency on
wavy behavior)), (custom(event -> happening or occurrence), trust(time -> to count a day away to be
aware -> timing simulation does maintain notion of the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b))))} settlement
set is reserving the designation of the impressive implementation of human effectiveness (advisory role
and supervisory role). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is presenting the notion of activism. Thereof
the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is designing the role of the transition traceability (to jump apart
aside searching for the major main signification of debate and discussion, even though to climb higher
wards to evaluate the vivid process of valuation). Moreover the scalability policy(exp(adjustable() -
probability()*benefit())) is presenting details for the driven dynamics of the softy language does
characterize the formality approach does make common sense for principles of parallelism processing -
> 0. arbitrary choice accountability (pick up arbitrary a choice = randomly variation), 1. centrism
metrics purposes whereby the auto adjustment of average has to mention control touch, 2. operating
optimization does emphasize effects of hopefulness (to rectify and to repair if there are some kinds of
archival stores). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is translating the conscious characteristics of true
dynamics does consider the terminology of innocent transparency. These true dynamics are being to
refer to the gravitational flux of the governable metrics(measuring something does define principles of
any associate touch or task of control and supervisory). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a great
concept that does count on the regularity of the trust in selfish confidence. The scalability policy (exp(a
- p*b)) is looking for better proportionality show. Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
presenting the reality of vivid issues are truly a concept of meaningfulness and designation or
signification. In fact, the importance of the exploitation of the existence = it is possibly possible to find
or to locate or to look for or to search or to pick a compositing composite is somehow being in
Relationship with the emphasizing process of extraction (usefulness of minus(a, b)) does accept the
reality of conviction. The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is working on the terminology of a modeling
policy does authorize itself to use this key model = mapping(genuine = logic AND(vitality or soul or
thinkable energy, listing(measuring chance, to pick up a choice, to evaluate vivid valuation(scaling the
associate appreciation))), unjust = logic AND(composing composite, triplet(tools are depending on
impressive instrumentation mechanism, the study of discontinuity, the lordliness or dignity or nobility
or arrogance of things))) does mention its pressure on the characteristics of the governable metrics
(measuring something can impose the right mirroring of commendation and error correction). The
scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is straight something much more important does belong to running
reality does take the advantages of the governable metrics approach does yield the progress of
modeling aspect based upon that assumption of the usefulness of logic AND( thinkable energy or
vitality, listing(to measure chance (centrism metrics principles), to guess whether a choice (randomly
mechanism or suddenly show), standards for acceptance corresponding valuation)) whose involvement
within the running productivity model = logic AND(composite, triplet(tools to enhance jobs, handling
terminology of duality recovery making common sense to the definition of discontinuity, the lordliness
or dignity of things -> clever morality can perform greatness and quietness)). The scalability
policy(exp(a -p*b)) is operating on hopefulness. In fact, the scalability policy(exp(adjustable() -
proportional()*benefit()) is designing the reality of the the governable metrics(a conscious character to
present things for conceptual commendation). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is the universal
approach does transform the theory of a built-in behavior does believe in the characteristics of centrism
metrics approach into an appropriate appreciation of modeling logic's policy does reference to key
model = logic AND(vitality thinkable energy, listing(to measure chance, to pick up choice, compliance
with contexts of lordliness and dignity of things)) that has to ask for something regularity (poorest
possible or possibly possible and the most probably) has to drive the entire whole concept of fuzzy
adjustment does believe in innocent "neither guilty nor faulty" aspects. Even more, the scheduling
specification is carrying the conceptual harmony of reasonable key model = logic AND(composite,
triplet(tools have to be involved, justification of parallelism processing (existence of cooperative
coordination-> Lord Creator God and Satan and Evil), lordliness or dignity of thing or the making right
choice for right valuable vitality)). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is driving the concept of
testimony and an open mind character does influence human behavior. Thus the scalability
policy(exp(a - p*b)) is unifying the softy language of conviction (yep to believe to an optimal offer or
to look for a better chance, meanwhile that affair of "making a decision" is owning the notion of
parallelism processing (conscious value has to make excitement and a nil value for the ground and
earth)). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a campaign of vitality and accountability does announce
its responsibility to lead the harmony of valuation and validation by the way that the truth in its
regularity is demanding or requesting a process of supervisory based upon characteristics affair of the
scalability policy (exp(a – p*b))
The Scalability policy
exp α⋅log 2−
2 ( p
1+(1− p)⋅∫ key )
− β⋅(1− p)⋅log
1+ p⋅∫ key
1− p )) a useful

instrumental tool for the governable metrics to implement innovative skeleton body has to hold or to
keep or to contain the optimal kernel of transition traceability
Draft copy 11/17/20

In fact, the scalability policy (genuine = logic AND(vitality or soul or thinkable energy, listing(chance,
choice, scale), unjust = value change dump based upon logic AND(composite, triplet(instrumentation,
to jump aside apart looking for awhile valuation, to climb higher wards evaluating the best case
(genetic algorithm compliance)))). Thus liable linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount ->
adjustable), utility(tools -> instrumentation)), (instill(node -> wait statement), infuse(edge -> ongoing
data -> wavy behavior)), (custom(event = happening or occurrence), trust(time -> to count a day away
to be aware))} settlement set is appeared to adopt the concept contexts of parallelism (0. arbitrary
choice, 1. centrism metrics is adjusting the average, 2. appliance of required necessity to optimize the
entire process). Thus using an exponential policy(exp(a - p*b)) whereby the adjustable(the) thing is
representing the reality of the exploitation of the existence, however, the centrism metrics which has to
develop its traceability through the known terminology of the normal distribution (exp(-a*x*y) for x>=
0 and y too). The scalability policy (exp(something adjustable() - proportional()*benefit())) is driving
the reality of the scalability policy. Thereupon the justification of idealism and the judgment of
perfection are presenting the objectivity of conviction. The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is the study
of justification of idealism and the investigation of the judgment of perfection. Thereof the scalability
policy(exp(a - p*b)) is willing to win the battle of duality recovery (genuine = logic AND(vitality or
soul or thinkable energy, list(to measure a chance, to pick up a choice, scalability policy)), unjust =
variation of valuation does stand behind scenes of satisfaction: usefulness of logic AND(composite,
triplet(tool's instrumentation, to jump apart aside searching for the reality of debating discussion, to
climb higher wards making pressure on art))). Although, the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
presenting a proper way does fight for a softy mimetic learning is announcing the diagnosis of the heart
of the exploitation or imposition or development of the existence (notice: exploitation = the act of
making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful;). Therefore, the exploitation
of the existence is caring about the concept of collectivism (making sense for owning ownership can
decide for the profitable benefit but also is sharing designation and signification of human productivity
the right way). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a context of testimony and adjustment can guard
or shield the processing of meaningfulness and designation. While the common sense of mapping the
meaningfulness of the scalability policy (genuine = logic AND(vitality or soul or thinkable energy),
list(to measure a chance, to pick up a choice, scalability policy)), unjust = usefulness of logic
AND(composite, triplet(tool's instrumentation, to jump apart aside discovering the signification and
meaningfulness of "giving sense" to debating discussion, to climb higher wards packing inertness sense
of vivid valid valuation))) is defining the importance of the appreciation of human interests and
concerns. Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is justifying the harmony of a usefulness =
listing(initiative value = arbitrary choice, to arrange average = conceptual characteristics sharing waves
of centrism metrics approach, to hope winning effects of optimization can encourage the reality of
repairing and rectifying the archival files) is impacting the world of transition traceability whereby the
reality of governable metrics (measures and measurement have to be governed and judged based upon
a higher level of conscious justification). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a key model has to
design the running reality of liable linguistic logic's policy is based upon an investigation of a mapping
mechanism.. In fact, the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is hoping to characterize the world of
constitutional composite = { alpha roots = {3.33% woman role (giving birth), 3.33% art views
(niceness), 3.33% human flux(medicine, engineering, legislative, law, managing policy = {(economy,
industry, agriculture), (culture, research, employment), (trade, finance, foreign), (family, health, social),
(tourism, youth, environment)}, judgment, justification), 3.33% human inertia (solving the problem the
right way), 3.33% shielding schemes (recognition of tradition reference to inheritance harmony), 3.33%
employment expertise (battle topics of enhancement and improvement or amelioration), 3.33%
collectivism features, 3.33% others}} is concrete mirroring images of human interest and concerns do
want to become great with an innovative implementable insight can scale the terminology of happiness
and hopefulness- The scalability policy is generating the reality of conscious characteristics does
support the approach of governable metrics is holding tracks on what a process of measuring or
measurement is real tool to judge or reign something being involved with the way of making sense to
transition traceability. Thus the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is gaining the trust in selfish confidence
because of the reality of constitutional composite (alpha roots = innovative implementable + beta being
= making sense to kindness and reference to perfection). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a
dominant terminology that does appear great impact on the world of what is running inside a
parliament or inside a house of congress. The great debating discussion making justification of the
exploitation of the existence is looking to the process of governable metrics is keeping tracks on the
discovery of the transition traceability (to jump apart aside charging the conscious character of
confirmation, even though to climb across searching for gradual challenge seeming have an impact on
the vitality).
The scalability policy exp α⋅log 2−
2 ( 1− p
1+ p⋅∫ key)−β ⋅p⋅log
1+(1− p)⋅∫ key
p )) is traveling

trips round the adjustment of value change dump when the original work of giving birth through
the implementation of a simply early soul in a predictable manufacturing (purposing plan is
predicting to construct a body for that thinkable energy being responsible to overdrive even
Draft copy 11/16/20

In fact, liable linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools ->
instrumentation)), (instill(node -> wait statement), infuse(edge -> wavy behavior -> exp(a - p*b))),
(custom(event -> happening or occurrence), trust(time -> count a day away to be aware))} settlement
set is charging to master the processing of human control (O Lord Creator God please English
Schooling in English) is representative convoy can help scalability policy (genuine = simply early soul
in battle -> predictable = Prophet Joseph is the prince and later the Lord Creator God is the King for
anyone across the globe, unjust = value change dump -> operating sensory show can justify any aspect
of implementable dynamics). Therefore, the scalability policy (exponential policy -> usefulness of a -
p*b: predictable level (exp(nil), exp(one)), next it will be last care of the legitime optimization).
Thereupon scalability policy (0. arbitrary choice, 1. centrism metrics approach, 2. charge to regulate an
optimal value has to serve the concept of greatness and gracefulness). The scalability policy
(exp(adjustable() - probability()*benefit())) is resulting in the reality of transition traceability (to jump
apart aside to investigate the subject of harmony, even though to climb high wards translate the images
of hopefulness into reality show can discover the reign of a transparent dependency is an essential
handler is designing the characteristics of compliance and obedience). The scalability policy (exp(a -
p*b)) is moving to impose the conceptual behavior of necessity to know to comply with ordinary
opportunity does hope to be a widespread approach is reserving terminology of signification and
designation. The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is helping people comprehend great principles of
exponential policy (exp(a - p*b)) that does offer symbolic show is presenting the serious race (key
model = usefulness of listing processing is depending on this {choice, centrism, dump}). Thus the
scalability policy (0. arbitrary choice -> major main mechanism of initiative moodiness, 1. conceptual
centrism metrics approach, 2. value change dump (correctness and optimization)) is moving the whole
packing processing of justification (approaches are caring about and demonstration and illustrative
approval proof) and judgment (how to agree with the argumentative accountability or arrangement).
The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is all about a comprehensive concept does present the key model
show = listing(0. arbitrary choice, 1. centrism metrics approach, 2. value change dump) is initiative
image is reflecting the harmony of purposing processing is unifying the scheduling of designation (=
what does this mean?? Prophet Joseph is conceptual communicative characters are seeming being
topics of recognition). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is designing the terminology of the
movability and the welcoming plan (legendary charge to have a house or a car or both or a boat). The
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is presenting the reality of governable metrics(measurement shall
justify the reasonable reign). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a key approach does count on the
principles of iterative implementation -> a choice for adjustable() = log2(2 - (iterative() * probability())
over (iterative() + probability())) or similar choice does being a representation of universal world does
think of the characteristics of "iterative" implementation awhile when something like
increment(index()) or the built-in kernel of the counter are mastering the processing of transition
traceability(to jump apart aside discussing and debating the reality of the exploitation of the existence,
even though to climb high wards looking for more trust in selfish confidence when the traveling trips
inside the free space is a complex subject for engineering roles to design to think about the signification
& designation of the conceptual investment (to invest time & money)). Although the scalability policy
(exp(a - p*b)) is an examination of the standards of the trust in selfish confidence. The scalability
policy (0. arbitrary choice, 1. centrism metrics, 2. survival features do enable principles of
enhancement and rectifying reality of standards) is an issue does keep track of the transparent
terminology (giving the correct sense and meaningfulness to something is going to influence the
process of mimetic learning). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is driving the terminology of
transition traceability (to jump apart aside looking for a better solution for occurred happening, even
though to climb high wards zo qualify a smarter suggestion does make pressure on the kind of
educational behavior). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is an envisaging engagement is mentioned
empowerment of guidance (to show someone the right way). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
worrying about the gravitational inertness does straight the world of imagination is surviving with the
power of promising "to be pride or to be proud of having benefits of a capital approach = the scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is generating the dynamics of transition traceability (to jump apart aside searching
for the real dynamics of happiness and ownership even more to climb step higher wards being
responsible to enhance and improve or adjust things have to change using the principles of agenda plan
= mapping (custom(event -> happening or occurrence), trust(time -> to count a day away to be
aware))). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is wishing that the reality of innovative inventing does
hire the key model = logic AND(vitality or soul or thinkable energy, listing(chance measurement, a
choice pick up, scalability policy -> looking for the best reaching or meeting optimal value does know
the pressure of enhancement)) awhile while the duality recovery is closer to be governable features
(from inside and outside the process of mimetic learning or advisory show).
The scalability policy exp α⋅log 2−
2 ( 1− p
1+ p⋅∫ key )
−β ⋅p⋅log
1+(1− p)⋅∫ key
p )) is being

responsible to perform conceptual behavior on the transition traceability is going to accomplish around
the principles of justification and judgment of appreciation show.

Draft copy 11/14/20

In fact, the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is making pressure on the concepts of the principles of
transition traceability (to jump apart aside keeping tracks on the dynamics of the exploitation of the
existence, even though to climb across becoming weighing empowerment of the justification of the
perfection show whose characteristics is hoping to mention a spiritual scene are experiencing the
designation and signification of "rectifying and repairing"). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is
driving a perfect show of governable metrics (measuring something can balance principles of
justification and shall stand behind the scene of judgment show cares about the harmony of innocence
terminology). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is instrumental tools does perform the reality of
principles of governable metrics based upon great usefulness of sensory show does believe in the
common sense of sensitive sensibility. By the way, the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is ruling
testimony does charge the triplet = {0. arbitrary choice, 1. compliance response to dynamics and
accountability of principles of centrism metrics, 2. pick up something from archival files to appreciate
the mechanism of enhancement and improvement}. The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a great tool
for perfect processing can show or demonstrate how the mapping camp (genuine = custom(event =
happening or occurrence), trust(time -> count a day away to be aware)) is doing things like an
exploration of revealing the reality of the transition traceability(to jump apart aside -> reviewing the
principles of discontinuity, even though to climb high wards evaluating the values of validation). The
scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is designing topics of governable measurement or metrics camp does
translate the harmony of justification and judgment and complete sound of argumentative
agreements(yep because of many reasons for doing that). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a
control touch concept. Although the scalability policy(exp(something adjustable() -
proportionality()*benefit())) is charging itself to offer a general point overview on what human interest
is concealing the principles of governable metrics while the adjustment of any amount because that
amount is a resulting in representation = range[low boundary barrier limit, high boundary barrier limit],
each boundary barrier limit in that range is a subject of modification and enhancement. The scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a universal justification of the existence of the triplet = {0. arbitrary choice, 1.
compliance with principles of centrism metrics based upon an appreciation of associate average does
appear to be useful, 2. the aim objectivity to return to archival files meanwhile this opportunity can
guess whether the inertness of enhancement and improvement does affect the importance of the
exploitation of the existence}. Furthermore, the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) does seem to weigh the
conceptual characters of a duality recovery is pressuring on the characteristics of hopefulness,
helpfulness, and "making progress" show. The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is requesting that the
dynamics of optimization has to refer to the original show of justification and judgment. Thereupon the
scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is purposing that vivid valuation does transmit the statement signs of an
exponential policy that does use productivity tools are realizing the show of conformity and sensitivity.
The scalability policy(exponential policy -> Minus(adjustable(), Multiply(proportionality(), benefit()))
which is looking for envisaging meaningfulness of the reality of the trust in selfish confidence (O Lord
Creator God, please English Schooling in English). The scalability policy (exponential policy ->
exp(something) = ratio of (something * kindness()) to (Max(kindness()) - function(kindness())) or
maybe it is possible to care about the advance algorithm if something like "a - p*b" show). Thus the
scalability policy (exp(Minus(adjustable(), Multiply(proportionality(), benefit()))) is presenting the
driven dynamics of transition traceability( to jump apart aside thinking about discontinuity even though
to climb awhile packing on the reality of vivid advance and vital valuation does define the perfect way
of things). The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is working on the maintain (what it can be in hands) of
the original option of transparency and human dignity. Thereupon constitutional composite = { alpha
roots are standing beyond + legislative legendary or legacy is aiming to authorize rules of happening
and occurrence}. However, it is important to discuss and debate the alpha roots show whose primordial
objectivity is to offer or to arrange or to advance approaches about {1. woman roles -> celebration of
the birth of kids inside society, 2. employment expertise -> announcement of human moodiness and
ability also capability to push on the meaningfulness of leadership, 3. human flux -> congratulation
show does reference to something vital (medicine, engineering, legislative, managing, law, research)
inside the society, 4. human inertia -> boosting measuring of chances to select or pick up the perfect
choice, 6. art views -> experiencing the influence of better beautiful behavior, 7. shielding or guarding
schemes -> recognition of traditional behavior, 8. managing policy -> settlement set based upon entity
willing = while in this set {(economy, industry, agriculture), (culture, research, employment), (trade,
finance, foreign), (family, health, social), (tourism, youth, environment)} do {extraction of the
fruitfulness of any encouragement show; appreciation and congratulation of making progress show;
illustration of smartness and accountability; challenge of moodiness to repair and rectify;} end while;}.
The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is offering the possibility to design the harmony of integrity based
upon a real keying model entirely involved.

Draft copy 11/19/20

While the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is strategic scheduling does win the trust of digital inventors
do report success on managing job scheduling is experiencing the scalability policy (exponential policy
does use minus(adjustable(), multiply(proportionality(), benefit()))) is imposing terminology of the
trust in selfish confidence. Thus the scalability policy is driving the secret signs of harmonic language
or mechanism does refer to affairs of the exploitation of the existence = it is possibly possible to find or
to locate or to master or to look for or to search a compositing composite being somehow in
Relationship with the process of extraction (usefulness of minus(among, basic) -> among many
choices, it is possibly possible to pick up a purposing perfect choice -> basic benefit does hold or keep
the impact of hopefulness and helpfulness). Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(adjustable() -
p*benefit())) is the much closer aspiration to insist on the driven dynamics of the representation of
dependency of centrism metrics has advantages to handle the affairs of governable metrics does fight
for higher optimization's concerns whose initiative kernel is celebrating human interest. Thereupon
governable metrics is expecting that the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is being ready to illustrate the
effectiveness of 0. the arbitrary (notice that the arbitrariness is the quality of being "determined by
chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle".) choice = no matter on what the
measurable chance is accomplishing to help job scheduling achieving the best kind of the success of
governable metrics approach ( based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes
impulse or caprice; "an arbitrary decision"; "the arbitrary rule of a dictator"; "an arbitrary penalty"; "of
arbitrary size and shape"; "an arbitrary choice"; ). 1. centrism metrics = appreciate average does mean
something. 2. operating rectifying process (repair). Thus the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
challenging the reality of interest to grow with higher attention to the campaign of harmony and
supervisory. Thereupon, the considerable triplet = {0. arbitrary choice or decision can hit the best
choice all time, 1. centrism metrics key -> to hold appreciation's justification of universal usefulness of
associate average (general point overview: average = ratio of sum(multiply(weighing key, thing
availability) to the length of the container (max number holds the traceability of iterative priority, first
weighing thing, next weighing thing and so on)), 2. regularity issues is hitting the principles of
rectifying does report interest to repair what it is being archival happening or occurrence is seeming did
appear to aim something (reference: timing simulation issues: running stored jobs). Thus the scalability
policy(exp(a - p*b)) is sharing the principles of optimal mimetic learning issues does become very
important because it sets the inertness of job scheduling which is investigating the threads of the trust
in selfish confidence. Furthermore, governable metrics does call job scheduling to achieve a great job
winning the impacting images of the trust in selfish confidence (be sure to reach or meet the perfect
choice all time -> something can be measured due to the key of principles of liable linguistic logic's
policy = settlement set {(measurable(amount -> adjustable -> a variable segment of it is resulting in the
range [left side = low value, right side = high value]), utility(tools -> instrumentation justification does
recognize the principles of timing simulation and the best ratio of 1 t0 4320 = 2.31481e-4 being a great
ratio of optimization testimony)), (instill(node -> still working), infuse(edge -> ongoing data)),
(custom(event -> happening and occurrence), trust(time -> count a day away to be aware))}). The
scalability policy (exp(a-p*b)) is impacting the world of mimetic learning issues to charge more hope.
. Thus the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b) -> for i=1:999 w(i) = p(i) * q(i) * r(i); x(i) = exp(w(i) -
p(i)*m(i)); y(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*m(i)); z(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*n(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*n(i)); z1(i) =
exp(w(i) - p(i)*j(i)); z2(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*j(i)); z3(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*l(i)); z4(i) = exp(w(i) -
q(i)*l(i)); z5(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*s(i)); z6(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*s(i)); z7(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*u(i)); z8(i) =
exp(w(i) - q(i)*u(i)); z9(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*v(i)); z10(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*v(i)); endfor;) is showing
great support for more conformity of the characteristics of governable metrics issues which are working
on the extraction of optimal object does appear very useful during the process of elaboration of
hopefulness. Thus the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is promising opportunity of valuation does
deploy the original roots of the existence (a woman is existing to celebrate the birth of child and to
contribute in the congratulation of the educational behavior does slam the engagement of woman role
in super business of usefulness does record advances of involvement and pressure of any educational
behavior does respond to the intentional images of innocent "neither guilty nor faulty and never to ruin
nor to destroy" show is influencing the world of reactivity and threading decision or the safe show of
clever morality). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is ruling the modeling approach does design the
features of accountability based upon realization show Thus the scalability policy is hoping gaining
advantages of the principles of proportionality (for i=1:999 v(i) = p(i) * i / (i + p(i)); u(i) = q(i) * i / (i +
q(i)); s(i) = r(i) * i / (i + r(i)); l(i) = p(i) * i / (i + q(i)); j(i) = q(i) * i /( i + p(i)); n(i) = r(i) * i / ( i + q(i));
m(i) = i*r(i) /(i + p(i)); end for;) which is adjusting the driven show of transition traceability does stand
ready to create the world of prediction charges. Thereupon the duality recovery is reserving greatness
for the affair of a simply early soul in a body shall hold or keep or contain the reality of ability and
flexibility are seeming to react on the job of the human flux and human inertia. The scalability policy is
advancing the benefit show of the maintaining concept of job scheduling where the required data are
transporting the images of usefulness does refer to affairs of celebration and congratulation support
while that scalability policy is evaluating the inertial terminology of the greatness and gracefulness and
the legendary of constitutional composite = alpha roots (woman role, employment expertise, art views,
human flux, human inertia, shielding schemes, state amortization, state ownership, managing policy
which is caring about the piece of kindness can determine whether the principles of compositing
composite does help the whole world of supervisory and advisory) + beta being (to be what to be only
to be a concerning celebration of the perfection). Thus the constitutional composite (alpha
roots(designation and meaningfulness while the importance of mimetic learning is advancing any
algorithm the right worthy way) + beta being (being perfect choice)), for more terminology update does
affect the concept of driven choices based upon principles of sliding slices window or the reality of
zooming in. Thus the managing policy (set 1 = (economy, industry, agriculture), set 2 = (trade, finance,
foreign), set 3 = (culture, research, employment), set 4 = (family, health, social), set 5 = (tourism,
youth, environment)) and it is that the dominance of designing of constitutional composite is being an
integrity of duality recovery by the way that the mapping genuine clever morality is mentioned
involved within the conceptual character of perfect choice. Thereupon for political purpose, the alpha
roots which is assuming guarding meaningfulness and signification of the engagement of any
responsibility of accountability role, and the how to legitimate the basic business of existence through a
promoting in images of harmony of collectivism.
octave:1> p=1:999; p=p/length(p); q = 1 - p; r = q - p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 v(i) = p(i) * i / (i + p(i)); u(i) = q(i) * i / (i + q(i)); s(i) = r(i) * i / (i + r(i)); l(i) =
p(i) * i / (i + q(i)); j(i) = q(i) * i /( i + p(i)); n(i) = r(i) * i / ( i + q(i)); m(i) = i*r(i) /(i + p(i)); endfor;
octave:3> plot(v);
octave:4> plot(u);
octave:5> plot(s);
octave:6> plot(l);

octave:7> plot(j);
octave:8> plot(n);
octave:9> plot(m);
octave:10> for i=1:999 w(i) = p(i) * q(i) * r(i); x(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*m(i)); y(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*m(i));
z(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*n(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*n(i)); z1(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*j(i)); z2(i) = exp(w(i) -
q(i)*j(i)); z3(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*l(i)); z4(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*l(i)); z5(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*s(i)); z6(i) =
exp(w(i) - q(i)*s(i)); z7(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*u(i)); z8(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*u(i)); z9(i) = exp(w(i) -
p(i)*v(i)); z10(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*v(i)); endfor;
octave:11> plot(x);
octave:12> plot(y);

octave:13> plot(z);
octave:14> plot(z0);
octave:15> plot(x);
octave:16> plot(y);
octave:17> plot(z);
octave:18> plot(z1);
octave:19> plot(z2);
octave:20> plot(z3);
octave:21> plot(z4);
octave:22> plot(z5);
octave:23> plot(z6);
octave:24> plot(z7);
octave:25> plot(z8);
octave:26> plot(z9);
octave:27> plot(z10);
The scalability policy concept does recognize the principles of compositing composite = {alpha roots
= {woman role, human flux, human inertia, state amortization, state ownership, employment expertise,
art views, managing policy = {set 1 = (economy, industry, agriculture), set 2 = (trade, finance, foreign),
set 3 = (culture, research, employment), set 4 = (family, health, social), set 5 = (tourism, youth,
environment), set 6 = (history and story, recognition acknowledgment, innovative inventing show)}},
shielding schemes (study of traditional effects), others} + beta being = {be finest human being, be
common sense, be mother, be collectivism, be reference, be money, be innovative, be creative, be
artistic, be robust, be kind}} is ruling the whole entire expertise of human interests and human
concerns while the aim object of the scalability policy is still working on optimal images of cooperation
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is being a driven dynamics of conceptual contexts that
believe in the terminology of the trust of a selfish confidence campaign. Thus the scalability policy
(exp(adjustable() - proportional() * benefit())) is referencing to the reality of composing composite =
{alpha roots = {woman role, human flux, human inertia, state amortization, state ownership,
employment expertise, art views, managing policy = {set 1 = (economy, industry, agriculture), set 2 =
(trade, finance, foreign), set 3 = (culture, research, employment), set 4 = (family, health, social), set 5 =
(tourism, youth, environment), set 6 = (history and story, recognition acknowledgment, innovative
inventing show)}}, shielding schemes (study of traditional effects), others} is operating for more
processing do round around the secret signs of the exploitation of the existence = it is possible to find
or to look for or to search a composing composite being somehow in Relationship with the process of
the extraction -> it is corresponding to intentional implementation of principles of amplification can
use (Amp op with the second input to admit the scary show of Schmidt trigger -> Minus(among, basic)
= among many choices, please be ready to pick up one basic empowerment). Thus the scalability policy
(exp(a - p*b)) is a universal approach to design the harmony of transition traceability (to be apart aside
debating terminology of quotidian quietness and supervisory of wellness). The scalability policy (exp(a
- p*b)) is driving the real kernel of liable linguistic logic's policy -> to adjust something measurable
being the useful "attention or sensitive sensibility" does influence any sensory show based upon the
study of principles of the energy. Thus converting any energy employment into an envisaging encoding
of variation does count on the availability of illustration and the implementation of cooperative
coordination. Thus the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a tool. Even though the scalability
policy(exp(a - p*b)) is going to implement encouragement engines are monitoring the principles of
liable linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools -> instrumentation)),
(instill(node -> still working either shifting the corresponding job or to interrupt the running job or to
collect more information), infuse(edge -> ongoing data can guess whether the "passage bridge" is
pressuring on the sensibility of influence and of capturing)), (custom(event = happening or occurrence
or to appear useful measure or measurement), trust(time -> to count a day away to be aware))} is
making touch control on driven dynamics does test whether the importance of the exploitation of the
existence = {it is possibly possible to find or to locate or to look for or to search a compositing
composite being somehow in Relationship with a process of extraction (has to travel aspects of
centrism approach is working on running statement signs of transformation (chemistry concept that is
influencing the behavior of semi conductor to keep track of that process of extraction (useful operation
= minus(among(touch control show), basic(movable electrons -> measurable electricity thanks to the
work of Columbus)))))}. Thereupon the scalability policy(exp(adjustable() - p*benefit())) is a universal
approach does aim to make track of great reference on a real-world of hopefulness and helpfulness does
impact the human accountability or responsibility. The reality of the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is
designing the terminology of the trust in selfish confidence does refer to the conscious characteristics
of the liable linguistic logic's policy is adopting the right spectrum = combination of {0. ahead staff, 1.
supervisory role, 2. advisory role, 3. secretary for documentation and Programming, 4. second secretary
to communicate with responsible persons in a parliament or anywhere else, 5. training position for new
philosophy doctor diploma}. Thus the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is pushing the reality on the
pressure of knowledge culture that does cultivate the human productivity to perform a common sense
of the existence based upon man choices of exploitation stuffs either philosophical or much more
experimental business based upon experiencing testimony has to count on results of validation and
valuation. The scalability policy(exp(adjustable() - proportional()*benefit())) is being responsible to
illustrate or demonstrate the real worthy way of being an ongoing data does influence the sensitive
sensible sense has to make tracks for extra processing of extraction when the electricity has to drive
electrons being responsible to charge the centrism metrics approach has to deal with the appearance
scenes references. The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is working on the best conscious characteristics
of the exploitation of the existence (? -> it is possibly possible to find or to locate or to look for or to
search a fundamental compositing composite is still being somehow with a transparency use involves
the driven designation and meaningfulness of the concept of extraction (let electrons run away while it
is possible to assign semiconductor characters of justification of the existence of electricity)).
Thereupon the scalability policy (exponential policy does involve adjustable() - proportional() *
benefit()) is keeping transforming tracks on conscious turns has to offer more chance for governable
metrics approach does hold terminology of the appreciation. Thus the scalability policy is boosting
characters on the softy language of modeling approach does purpose this = logic AND(vitality or soul
or thinkable energy, listing(chance measurement, a choice pick up, scalability policy)) while the reality
testimony has to drive a natural variation or natural management = logic AND(composite, listing(tools
instrumentation, to jump apart deal with, to climb across adjust affairs of business & satisfaction))
The inertial of the scalability policy can adopt “move eax, 9H; interrupt” something from the assembly
language is based upon the basic battle of transition traceability does experience the effects of movable
data shall be tools or engines to excite the whole processing of hopefulness.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, liable linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount), utility(tools)), (instill(node),

infuse(edge)), (custom(event = occurrence or happening), trust(time = count a day away to be aware))}
settlement set is going to be composing composite of three elements = mapping(measurable(amount),
utility(tools)) being the convoy concept for more harmony of the exploitation of the existence, Even
though the second element = mapping (instill(node -> still working), infuse(edge ->ongoing data))
being softy language does recognize principles of "move eax, 9H; interrupt to get the process in the
concept of "in charge" is responsible to accomplish thread task job is presenting the huge challenge of
"multi-tasking" concept whereby it is possible to translate or to shift or move or displace complete set
of jobs into next processor being more able to thread experience of decoding characteristics can adopt
the conscious contexts of scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) when transitioning traceability (to jump apart
aside discussing and debating affair of validation and enhancement even though to climb across
looking for more results while operating optimization has to plan tasks of improvement and
amelioration) is unifying the softy language of the reality of the mapping(human flux -> giving values
to a world does comply with principles of mirroring impact, human inertia -> celebration of success
and a consideration of progress) is designing camp of scheduling proportionality. Thereupon the
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is carrying the most important signs of a universal concept does assign
much more aspiration adjustment to something that has to produce fruitfulness. Although the scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is holding the scheme characters on what the wider spread approach does point to
the reality of maintaining mechanism does refer to basic support on what modeling approach (move
eax, 9H; interrupt;) is presenting the effects of human concerns -> archival files show. However, the
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is shifting the tracks of governable metrics on what vital dynamics is
holding to perform the processing of tendency show has to implement a conscious reference using the
characteristics of "move eax, 9H; interrupt;" is going to answer the reality of transition traceability (to
jump apart aside even though to climb across looking for more trust in selfish confidence) is imposing
support for the softy language " move eax, 9H; interrupt" does reveal to the conceptual expertise is
scoping on the capability of job scheduling causality. Thus the scalability (exp(a - p*b)) is running the
mirroring impact on what human interests are charging to achieve and yield progress. The idea behind
the usefulness of triggering terminology (use of D 'latch with a set = interrupt signal does represent the
weigh of how to implement an interrupter dynamics is obeying on the concept of "wait till an
interruption is coming" that interruption is activating the reality of being ready to look for incoming
edges -> if(interrupt) then assign(D 'latch to be equal to = incoming edges) end if;) is being the
important images of the standard design of scalability policy (exp(a - p * b)) is evaluating a great deal
of "ongoing data or incoming edge", which does show or illustrate principles of the constitutional
composite is covering the importance of the influence of conformity of ongoing data can serve
governable metrics to survive across the trust of alpha roots = { woman role, managing policy,
employment expertise, human flux, human inertia, art views, shielding schemes (recognition of
tradition), state amortization, state ownership, other} is counting on the secret signs of track traces of
experiencing expertise does seem weigh the heavy concept of thus scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
appearing vivid happiness of treatment show is dealing with the conceptual transition traceability. Thus
inspiring images of how to use "move eax, 9H; interrupt;".
Thus the scalability policy is yielding progressive processing has to recognize driven dynamics of

mimetic learning is driving harmony of integrity does weigh logic’s policy would

evaluate the principles of hopefulness and helpfulness is

concerning the revealing images of scalability policy does refer to the concept of probabilistic
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, the scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is useful tools = {0. arbitrary choice ->promising
productivity, 1. adjustment of centrism metrics approach, 2. optimization is pushing pressure to }. The
scalability policy is going to perform the concept of transition traceability (to jump apart aside, to climb
across) to justify the benefits of vital issues do use the purposing model = mapping(logic AND(vitality,
listing(chance measurement, choice computing, proportional processing)), (influence,
triplet(composite, tools, jump and climb))) is being the great notion of the governable metrics =
{measurements being governing around the trust in selfish confidence}. The scalability policy
(exp(adjustable() - p* benefit())) is guarding the promise of challenging the softy language of transition
traceability (to jump apart aside to evaluate the principles of the conscious kernel does meet the reality
of knowledge culture). Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is the appreciation of the famous
triplet = (existence of arbitrary choice, then next after adjustment of regularity based upon centrism
metrics approach, operating optimization is hoping to bring upon valid level for commendation) is
required to convert the softy language of transition traceability into intentional images of a composing
composite = mentioning responsibility of duality recovery = {alpha roots = experiencing expertise
{woman role, managing policy, employment expertise (celebration of learning expertise if that process
can adopt congratulation of efforts challenge wish to be producer or lawmaker), art views (attractive
city design), state amortization, state ownership, shielding schemes (recognition of tradition), human
flux (cooperative coordination), human inertia (tendency to be happy), others (argumentation and
agreeing) } + beta being {be common sense, be the finest human being, be the best outlook, be best
solution, be ideal idea, be the trust in selfish confidence, be a state of joys}}. Although the great job of
governable metrics is to present a robust reality on what a constitutional composite does estimate
human touch control to empower the principles of duality recovery = mapping(genuine = alpha roots is
spending time in the investigation of the importance of the exploitation of existence (a woman does
exist to contribute much more within the process of birth and childhood, employment expertise does
exist to operate guidance of mimetic learning and to make attention to some critics contexts, managing
policy does exist to rescue the process of the trust in selfish confidence through conceptual furnished
deliverance of useful data can help governable metrics to reign running statement signs may look
pressure on human behavior, even though human flux does exist to attract people having designation
and meaningfulness of a conscious leadership show, furthermore human inertia does exist to invent
innovative images of worthy awarding promise, art views does exist to offer good atmosphere,
shielding schemes does exist to recognize the informative signs spreading from traditional run (respect
of inheritance) ), unjust = beta being = modeling(to behave like a comfortable model does look to
legitimate the idea of valuable change dump does balance advance algorithms into purposing
progress)). The scalability policy (approximately equivalence -> exponential policy uses
exp(minus(something adjustable()), multiply(proportionality(), benefits()))) is the treatment of
encouraging exploration of the trust in selfish confidence, meanwhile learning what water production
does mean = {depth to consider to look for drink water, to wait for clouds to bring upon the water, to
plan tasks exploiting effects of composing characteristics (hydrogen + oxygen) does recognize the
associate units of legendary and legacy (celebration of having to accomplish production of water
through that composing concept (encouragement does step away while composite = oxygen + hydrogen
)). Thus the perfect processing is going to ask scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) to furnish or deliver or to
bring the best performance if the concept of the trust in selfish confidence (make trust that being a state
has to celebrate the opportunity of having human capacity does look useful encouraging people
achieving aspects of perfection does respect rules of timing simulation (-> behavioral model = logic
AND(vitality, listing(chance measurement, a choice pick up, proportional processing)))) but also this
approach does push on the softy worthy justification of the evaluation of the importance of the
existence (something does exist to be used however anyone can be looking for something, it will
operative opportunity to schedule principles of guidance roles and supervisory roles). The scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is seeming giving common sense to the inertial kernel of transition traceability (to
jump apart aside running justification affairs, even though to got to climb across has the plan to
discover the hidden world campaign). The Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a great topic that does
involve the processing of gravitational inertness = question of the usefulness of this model = logic
AND(vitality or soul or windy energy does think around, listing(chance measurement, a choice pick up,
proportional processing)) which is locating the hidden challenge = simply an early soul in a body ->
communicative approval does refer to the concept of prediction is working in reporting human touch
control to supervise the principles of skeleton body does seem needed to hold or to keep or contain
attainable appointment (confirmation of manufacturing concept = complete characteristics of the
expressive body -> a body can express or return the expression of usefulness would comply with
principles of conscious characteristics). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is expecting that a process
= "clever morality" is would scope more vitality on the unit of human touch control. Although the
scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a universal concern for more than charges = {0. exploration of an
arbitrary existence (level can count on the individual insight), 1. the encouragement of the centrism
metrics approach to evaluate the situation of referencing reveals, 2. operating optimization does move
to drive the trust in selfish confidence into attainable repairing show or rectifying show}. The
scalability policy (exp(minus(adjustable(), multiply(proportionality(), benefits()))) is helping scientific
approaches working on the treatment of the kernel of the existence = it is possible to look for a
composing composite being somehow in Relationship with a process of extraction (usefulness of
minus(among, basic) -> hiring the principles of soul's selectivity does care about the availability show
while the basic politics is to get chance measurement opportunity can help the evaluation process to
yield progress approvals). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a dominant likewise does care about
the weighing kernel of the transition traceability does build up the concept of conscious characteristics
to win the convoy of the trust in selfish confidence. Thereupon the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
an analysis and diagnosis of potential acknowledgment or respect does celebrate the challenge of
greatness and gracefulness. The scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is an occurrence of = { 0. usualness or
normalcy -> arbitrary valuation, 1. clever morality -> nomination of centrism metrics approach, 2,
operating optimization to tell get the right step being the right worthy way " guide me as it would and
show me the right as it should"}. The scalability policy is a conceptual challenge that does hope to
implement vivid processing shall respect the principles of transition traceability. The scalability policy
is designing the right way for mimetic learning to emerge more than just geology or theology with the
images of digital battle ask for hopefulness,
Scalability policy is driving the governable metrics while intentional mirroring reflection is winning

trust in use is justifying the progress of human processing, a processing

does believe in the challenge of quietness and wellness experiencing the expertise of digital driven

design and opportunity of transition traceability vitality of shielding schemes

is guarding the design of the trust in selfish confidence does believe in principles of diversity and
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is going to keep or hold illustrative images of composite
campaign or policy does meet the reality of the exploitation of the existence = {alpha roots = {woman
role, managing policy, art views, shielding schemes (recognition of tradition), state amortization, state
ownership, human flux, human inertia, employment expertise} + legislative legacy} is got used to
implement a reality overview on what the abstract terminology = {neither guilty nor faulty and never to
ruin nor to destroy} which is going to be an excellent choice that can integrate harmony of cooperative
collectivism within universal boosting of human capacity = {mostly likely probably pressure on what
descriptive challenge is analyzing to refer to the appreciation of congratulation of principles of the trust
in selfish confidence}. Thus the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is driving the terminology of transition
traceability (to jump apart aside arranging situation for example the retirement camp that has to
compute on the designation and signification of the basic boosting process of human capacity) show.
The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is an affair of the study of verification. The scalability policy
(exp(a - p*b)) is got to reserve empowerment camp for more formality is going to announce the
dominance of comprehensive context does to expect to rule the effects of conscious characteristics. The
constitutional composite {alpha roots (woman role, managing policy, employment expertise, shielding
schemes(recognition of tradition), state amortization, state ownership, human flux, human inertia, the
priority of the art views, managing policy, other)} is showing the ability to work for the aspects of
proposal progress inside society. Notice society is wanting to keep vitality if a running ratio = 2 over 9
= 22.22% is sharing an idea to get a childhood running (age: from birth to 13 years old) is interested in
reserving 22.22% of the population in childhood. Thereupon, the scalability policy
(exp(Minus(adjustable(), Multiply(proportional(), benefit())))), whereby the detailed critics on how to
present this interesting approach is seeming very useful to explore the effects of the scalability policy
(exponential policy is evaluating the dynamics of the extraction processing -> usefulness of
Minus(amount(adjustable), multiply(proportionality(), benefit()))), which is an arrangement key is
being a great deal on what transition traceability (to jump apart aside determining the reality of
responsibility, even though to climb across looking for more trust in selfish confidence). The scalability
policy is universal accountability is hoping to report advances while the inner gravitational heart kernel
of political policy is to hold tracks on instrumental tools being capitals for maintaining a running role
of supervisory. The scalability policy (which does go whether the duality recovery -> mapping(genuine
= simply early soul or vitality in a body -> this a reveal to the communicative staff can guess whether
the truth is to think or to plan or to look for methods on how to manufacture the skeleton body of
corresponding body, unjust = complex value change dump -> administration of complex conceptual
contexts)). The scalability policy is a universal guess is knowing how to translate the modeling
procedures into values on what progress is designing the desk of constitutional composite = {alpha
roots {woman role, employment expertise, managing policy, state ownership, state amortization,
human flux (appreciation of attraction), human inertia (care about implementable predictable
processing), art views(niceness, beautiful of mirroring reflection), shielding schemes (recognition of
tradition), others}} is being the capital of governable metrics. Thus managing policy = {(economy,
industry, agriculture), (trade, finance, foreign), (tourism, youth, environment), (culture, research,
employment), (health, family, social)} is delivering data to be implemented. Although, to believe in the
effectiveness of the constitutional composite = {alpha roots = {woman role (needed for 22.22% of the
population must award the excellent images of childhood at any time (O Lord Creator God please
English Schooling in English), employment expertise (from methodology on how to use into the
inventor of law rule next after experiencing expertise of 25 years approximately)), managing policy = {
(economy, industry, agriculture), (trade, finance, foreign), (culture, research, employment -> based
upon many aspects of research, the culture of the society is encouraging the kernel of employment)},
(tourism, youth, environment), (family, health, social -> family dynamics is appreciating the concept of
social health mechanism), art views, state ownership, state amortization( appliance of the process of
extraction -> 0. reserving something monthly for any state worker (from 600 US$ to 900US$ for meals
and eating but also for drinks too) then to comply to envisaging ratio of 9 to 50 (approximately 18% of
the rest (= monthly income - reserved amount for food and drink) that is being investment inside the
state obligation in the name of the associate state worker for at least 6 years with the percentage of gain
about 14% from which about 6% will go to the state), shielding schemes (recognition of the tradition),
other(routine to analyze driven diagnosis dealing with the importance of the exploitation of the
existence)} + beta being = {legislative legendary is concerning: 1. finest human being, 2. the super-
well features, 3. the importance of the exploitation of the existence (recognition of the role of parking
for cars at any workplace, 4. quotidian quietness, others) }}. Therefore, the scalability policy (exp(a -
p*b)) is going to determine whether transition traceability is a complete concept for law legendary does
refer to the reign of the importance of the exploitation of the existence = being existing to {0. to
experience expertise, 1 to be common sense}.

The vitality issues but also possibly possible processing and mostly probably scheduling, meanwhile
the regularly dynamics = fuzz genetics and synaptic scheduling composite character tools
instrumentation jump and climb concept while scalability policy is still remaining procedures to handle

a heart kernel is serving the exactitude of narrative recite and appreciate

accountability of scalability policy to win the flavor concept of the trust in selfish confidence show.
Draft copy 11/19/20
Elizabeth f. Schneider & Professor ahead Susanne Weber
In fact, liable linguistic logic's policy = {measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools ->
instrumentation)), (instill(node -> still working), infuse(edge -> ongoing data)), (custom(event ->
occurrence or happening), trust(time -> count a day away to be aware))} settlement set is describing the
softy language of transition traceability (to jump apart aside, even though to climb across) is being to
integrate intentional interest. Although the scalability policy (exp(among - proportional*benefit))
(among or amount, proportional or probability, benefit -> win) is working on the implementation of
innocent images of the trust in selfish confidence. The real processing on providing the universal
approach does examine the softy language of transition traceability is justifying the harmony of an
inner flux (attraction) does shape this world = {timing simulation -> logic AND(vitality, listing(chance
measurement, choice accountability, proportional handling)), composite characteristics-> logic
AND(composite, triplet(border -> tools instrumentation (a reference to the story of prophet Adams in
order to get an idea about the purposing to reveal to something representative = ratio of 1 to 4320),
scheduling loop -> to jump apart aside, valuation and validation -> to climb looking for best values
meeting the reign of running reality))} is expecting that the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
guarantee conscious concept does believe in modeling approach = {0. arbitrary level -> to a countable
numerical approach (one), 1. regularity show of centrism metrics is using the appreciation of average,
2. operating opportunity to administrate optimization} which influences the effects of causality.
Although scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is caring about the concept of the importance of the
exploitation of the existence = thoughts & clever morality -> (is corresponding to the conscious
concept) it is possibly possible to consider or to promote composite's relationship=minus(a, b). Thus
the scalability policy (exp(amount() - proportionality() * benefit())) is involving within the right
harmony of composing concept is showing the driven dynamics does support the reality of priority or
"super-well" wake up is combining or arranging language of vivid issues does worry about the
principles of governable metrics (amount -> adjustable, proportionality is the terminology of
divisibility, benefit -> acknowledgment of purposing profit or promotion or promoting productivity),
which is giving shielding images of accountability concept does seem to be responsible to implement
the bright clear concept of the constitutional composite = { alpha roots (state amortization, state
ownership, woman role, employment expertise, artistic views, human flux, human inertia, shielding
schemes, managing policy, ) + beta being (finest human convention, higher behavioral aspects, capacity
character, symbolism, etc)} is impressive wake-up dynamics does aim to uniform the terminology of
the importance of the exploitation of the existence = it is possibly possible to find or to search for or to
look for or to assign or to count on or to consider or to promote a composing composite (constitutional
composite (something activism + something legislative)) being somehow in relationship with a process
remaining a heart kernel for extracting something has advantages (recognition of tradition does request
the alternative assignment = 0.222 or 22.33% percent that births have to take place for holding
traceability of childhood refer to innocent images of governable metrics. It is possible to drive a 60%
accomplishment for at least nine 9 sort kind stuffs = {medicine camp, engineering camp, teaching, and
training camp, managing, and supervisory camp, law and advisory camp, judgment and justification or
reference camp, arts view camp, expression of humanity (human flux and human inertia)}) is varying
the opportunity of liable linguistic logic's policy being ready to review scalability policy show.
Although the scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a constructive concept moving forwards towards the
vivid valuation of softy language of transition traceability (to jump apart aside debating or discussing
the reality of judgment and the references of justification, even though to climb meeting something
expectation does count on the standard principles of the ideology). Liable linguistic logic's policy =
{(measurable(mount -> adjustable), utility(tools -> instrumentation)), (instill(node -> still working),
infuse(edge -> ongoing data)), (custom(event -> occurrence or happening or appearance), trust(time =
count a day away to be aware))} settlement set is being topics does weigh the importance of the
exploitation of the existence (it is possibly possible to count on perfect mixing composite (duality
recovery)) being somehow in Relationship with standard processing does celebrate the effect integrity
of envisaging extraction (usefulness of function minus(among, basic) -> among many choices it is
possibly possible to pick up or to select something has importance and has meaningfulness and
designation or signification) is active aspect can guarantee the challenge of the transformation
terminology (from something available, it is possible to extract challenge of usefulness and tools of
scalability). Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is working on the vitality of the harmony of the
collectivism issues. Although scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a gravitational concept is taking
advantages of a softy language = { 0. to assign value for something available, 1. to regulate or to
implement behavioral regulator can discuss the manipulation of centrism metrics, 2. to rectify or repair
what it is waiting for the driven dynamics of optimization & improvement enhancement has the
common sense of marginalizing = range [individual liberty, widespread impact on innocent(neither
guilty nor faulty and never to ruin nor to destroy) accountability]} meanwhile is negotiating
The right worthy way to explore the reality effects of the scalability policy is supporting the origins of a

softy language use = is imposing distinct behavior

on what transition traceability has to order for complete robustness of liable linguistic logic’s policy
does weigh the statement signs of governable metrics but it is also possible to assign a composite being

somehow in relationship with a process of extraction =

Draft copy 11/19/20

n fact, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a universal marginalizing can justify why the softy language
of vivid vitality (thinkable energy) is knowing how to implement terminology impact can stand up for
entire exploitation of educational behavior (respectability of constitutional composite = centrism
metrics{woman role, managing policy, employment expertise, shielding or guarding schemes, state
ownership, state amortization, human flux (appreciate attraction), human inertia(solving a problem the
right way), recognition of tradition, art views } + legislative legacy (lawmaker is responsible to discuss
and debate transition traceability)). Even though scalability (exp(a - p*b)) is speaking the softy
language of clever morality is counting on the harmony of cooperative coordination. Although
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a kernel core of original commendation does accept digital camp to
be adopting reality does work on the regularity of transparency show does believe in constitutional
composite = alpha roots{ woman role, managing policy, state amortization, state ownership (tools,
human capacity, ideal ideas, hopefulness, helpfulness, narrative presentation, care concept), leadership
and governorship (transporting experiencing expertise into a process of making law rules based upon
the experiment of the process of rectifying and repairing something in hands -> best example of civil
war in the USA in year 18861), presidency policy, human flux (attractive appreciation), human
inertia(gravitational operation), art view (niceness and bountifulness inside any city in this country),
employment expertise, shielding or guarding schemes (recognition of tradition campaign, the
nomination of suggestion and purposing plans has the ability to hold common sense for auto pivot
mechanism) + a jump being a legislative part of the choice of democracy or the signification or
meaningfulness of the challenge of the whole constitution's designation} = a settlement set is
processing camp and staff of soul's selectivity based upon the great softy language = logic
AND(vitality, triplet(chance measurement, choice pick up, proportional processing)). However, the
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) does point to centrism metrics is making common sense to the
principles of transition traceability (to jump apart aside for dynamics discussion or designing debate do
promise a comfortable perfection inside the signification process of human productivity or conscious
collectivism can manage reigning regularity = {the ratio 2 to 9 = 0.222 being responsible to assure the
continuity of births across the country, the ratio of 60 to 9 = 6.666 being responsible to give an update
to the society {doctors, engineers, managers, teachers, legislators, accounters, lawyers, judges,
researchers} when it is possible to win the challenge of 60% of specialty care -> standing by hoping
that each year it is possible that 60% can get access to offer aspiration delivering complete camp of
medicine or of engineering or of law or of judgment or of accounting and amortization or finance, or of
research and study or of teaching and illustration, or of managing policy -> supervisory role}). Even
though it is possible to talk about a great ratio of 1 to 15 = 0.066 * adjusting coefficient or ratio of 1 to
12 = 0.08333 = paying attention to insert full complete justification of technology does count on
automatic control = discussion of availability + holding best choice + showing proposal plan +
implementing the plan around away + purpose modification and evaluation of any purpose, etc. Thus,
governable metrics or governable measures or measurements are trusting the reality of optimization
does offer the opportunity of observation terminology. Thereupon scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a
universal approach that does convince people to believe in the principles of the conceptual composite is
keeping track of original kindness is referring to the experience of timing simulation if a deep study of
the story of the prophet Adams is helping people to comprehend this ratio = 1 over 24 = 0.04166 * time
or ratio of 0.04166 to 60 = 6.944e-4 * time run or the ratio of 6.944e-4 to 60 = 1.157407e-5 * time run
or the ratio of 1 to 4320 = 2.31481e-4. show. In fact, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a scheduling
staff does look for more conceptual characteristics to support the reality of timing simulation that if a
triggering ratio of 1 to 4320 = 2.31481e-4 is worrying about the principles of instrumental tools are
used to accomplish the balance of hopefulness and success of ideal ideas. Thus it is empirically
recommended to evaluate timing simulation while scanning aim object is thought about a win ratio = 1
over 4320 = 2.31481e-4 is meaning to optimize honest harmony to end off with illustrative show = new
value = 2.31481e-4 * current value which is charging to demonstrate that the associate win is
workaround transition traceability showing support staff of usefulness approach = logic AND(vitality,
listing(chance measurement, a choice pick up, proportional guidance)) is shielding or screening the
reality of timing simulation does meet the race of transformation terminology has to count on the
principles of composite = logic AND(composite, listing or triplet(tools, jump -> ongoing data. climb ->
valuation or appreciation of best-reaching run)). Thus two campaigns (1. campaign = logic
AND(vitality, listing(chance, choice, proportional)), 2. campaign = logic AND(composite, triplet(tools
(like Matlab Toolboxes), jump to care about a sense of data (information theory), climb across looking
for appreciation process (theory of optimization and improvement or enhancement is counting on an
exploration of archival files)))). Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is speaking a softy language of
conscious concept does trust principles of mixing languages (1. language is talking about timing
simulation however the 2. is talking about the concept of composite). Scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is
a universal realization that does make sense for the usefulness of transition traceability. Thus the reality
retrieves are involving with the implementation of the mechanism's advance is depending on the
exploitation of the scalability policy show.
Scalability policy is being the perfect way to understand a world of existence does present the reality of

greatness for better comprehensive consciousness does seem useful for more
aspiration across the trust in selfish confidence across around while the formality of ongoing data is

still looking for principles of duality recovery to impose the reality of inside the
involvement of digital character or logic’s policy show.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is vivid vitality soul = thinkable energy can decide to
implement a robust constitutional composite = emerging{alpha root + beta justification}, meanwhile,
alpha roots = {woman role, employment expertise, managing policy, art views, state amortization, state
ownership, human flux, human inertia, tradition recognition, shielding schemes}, while the beta
justification is a workaround has to design principles of judgment and argumentative agreement can
guide people to believe in the exploitation of human composing composite = {0. concealing concept =
vital soul can predict and expect away 1. a body has a synaptic system has to obey to the optimization
of mimetic learning, 3. instrumental tools have to be found around across, 4. mirroring reflection does
count on the trust of selfish confidence, 5. suggestion on what a perfect plan would be educational
behavior, 6. valuation}. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is characterizing the driven dynamics of
governable metrics. Scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a universal approach that does run transition
traceability (to jump apart aside, even though to climb along). Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
translating exactitude into something in hands. Although human composite is a common staff of
expertise does aim to review the origin of reasonable start-up = guidance on what right way is whether
charging to suggest harmony on what tracks of hopefulness and helpfulness are assigning believing in
the terminology of transparency = neither guilty nor faulty and never to ruin nor to destroy. Scalability
policy (exp(among - proportional * benefit)) is appreciated impact does know how to balance the sense
of existence and the profiting benefit does speak illustration imaging does operate on the principles of
transition traceability (genuine = to jump apart aside debating or discussing the statement signs of
regularity camp, unjust= to climb across announcing the ability to reach moreover process). Scalability
policy (exp(among - proportional * benefit)) is pressuring on the driven dynamics of designation and
signification of the trust in selfish confidence. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is got used to counting
on the principles of digital characteristics -> {pick up from a list does make sense to challenge a set, to
decode the elements of each set, to run principles of a flip flop on each set, to count on images of
encoding again and again, then to store away}. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a great design on
what transition traceability is presenting the reality of the competitive concept does know to review the
reality of proportionality processing. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a symbolic model for
justification does estimate whether the transition traceability does take advantage of the harmony of
any composite. Although scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is announcing charges to deploy
characteristics of intentional images do seem to have worthy values of exactitude and expectation does
point to the perfect choice of an inner inertness is maintaining the heart kernel of attainable possession
(come into the possession of something concrete or abstract = acquire or gain knowledge or skills) is a
softy language of transition traceability (to jump apart aside, even though to climb across reaching the
summit of perfection). Scalability policy (to jump apart aside, to climb stepping further demanding
justification of expertise due to the value of experience). Scalability policy (exp(a - p * b)) does care of
the great work of purposing processing is obeying to qualified designation and meaningfulness of the
trust in selfish confidence. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is charging to uniform softy language of
harmony: 0. counting on vivid issue = level to reach, 1. arrange and adjust the average in the name of
representation -> spiritual level gather effect signs or images of progress for a soul movement, 2. think
about rectifying and repairing}. Scalability policy (exp(Minus(among, Multiply(proportional, benefit)))
is expressing reasonable reign does supervise associate analysis and semantics. Scalability policy
(exp(a - p*b)) is driving a whole entire terminology does seem to reserve the reality of the importance
of the exploitation of the existence (to keep to search for water in deep digging concept, to keep
challenge spacial industry to look for a relationship between human concept and the rounding around
battle (stars, planet, sun, moon, and something else)). Scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is the expectation
of what vital characteristics = modeling policy of the triggering reign (why does someone still count on
principles of the wait approach?). Scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is a camp that can overtake away
because transition traceability is shielding the value of the productivity or the processing does depend
on meaningfulness and signification of "making choice or decision on whether something is going to be
the right choice". Scalability policy is counting on the softy language does hope to state the reality of
governable metrics. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is exploring the reality of mapping (genuine =
depth, unjust = height) is presenting the amounting terms of something has to start to grow around
across adjustment of timing or at the opportunity when the vital request is awarding greatness and
gracefulness (for example =
octave:1> p = 1:999; p=p/length(p); q = 1 -p; r=q -p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 w(i)=p(i)*q(i)*r(i); a(i) = log2( 1 + ( i * p(i)) / (i + p(i))); b(i) = log2( 2 - ( i *
p(i)) / (i + p(i))); endfor;) is being a great example to explore digital account has to act on the reality of
principles of shaping the world data. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b), for example = octave:5> for
i=1:999 x(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*a(i)); y(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*b(i)); z(i)=exp(w(i) - q(i)*a(i)); xx(i)=exp(w(i
) - q(i)*b(i)); endfor;) meanwhile it is seeming shaping the reality of availability show. Scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a rational race does know the real dynamics of the exploitation of the existence
(it is possible that a composing composite has to justify the reign of a resulting in a relationship being
somehow sensitive sensibility does charge itself to report effects of the process of extraction =
while(extraction) do{ testimony of availability or exploitation of existence; standardization of a logic's
terminology = mapping(genuine = clever morality = simply ->early soul in a body (it is a predictable
communicative world), unjust = value change dump -> complex character has to obey to some choices
of constraint conditions)}; driven cycle;) end while; although scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is
offering fight around the justification of the demonstration of the reality of the existence which
appreciates the process of the availability and arranges the affairs of accountability, something is
presenting terminology of duality recovery = mapping (genuine = clever morality, unjust = value
change dump) is being subject of study while the extra environment of transition traceability is
handling the harmony of collectivism (requests to ask for more perfection and much productivity).
Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) which is charging to present a listing set for processing on what the
trust in selfish confidence has to impact inside the dynamics of society does accept a terminology of
aspiration charity. Thus scalability policy is working on the modeling approach of the universal spread
has to hold images of logic's policy. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is basic meaningfulness and
designation does invest time to go forth looking for the exploitation of the existence through
appreciation of a logic's thought does appear presenting the reality of the relationship (it is possible to
assign a value to a composite being somehow in relationship with a process of extraction), scalability
policy (exp(a - p*b)) is interesting in exploring that value.

octave:1> p = 1:999; p=p/length(p); q = 1 -p; r=q -p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 w(i)=p(i)*q(i)*r(i); a(i) = log2( 1 + ( i * p(i)) / (i + p(i))); b(i) = log2( 2 - ( i *
p(i)) / (
i + p(i))); endfor;
octave:3> plot(a);
octave:4> plot(b);
octave:5> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*a(i)); y(i)=exp(w(i) - p(i)*b(i)); z(i)=exp(w(i) - q(i)*a(i));
) - q(i)*b(i)); endfor;
octave:6> plot(x);
octave:7> plot(y);
octave:8> plot(z);
octave:9> plot(xx);
octave:10> u0 = 1 - x; u1 = 1 - y; u2 = 1 - z; u3 = 1 - xx;
octave:11> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(1 + u0(i) / (1 + i * x(i))); endfor;
octave:12> plot(k);
octave:13> plot(a);
octave:14> plot(b);
octave:15> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(1 + u1(i) / (1 + i * y(i))); endfor;
octave:16> plot(k);
octave:17> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(1 + u2(i) / (1 + i * z(i))); endfor;
octave:18> plot(k);
octave:19> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(1 + u3(i) / (1 + i * xx(i))); endfor;
octave:20> plot(k);
octave:21> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(2 - u2(i) / (1 + i * z(i))); endfor;
octave:22> plot(k);
octave:23> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(2 - u1(i) / (1 + i * x(i))); endfor;
octave:24> plot(k);
octave:25> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(2 - u0(i) / (1 + i * x(i))); endfor;
octave:26> plot(k);
octave:27> for i=1:999 k(i) = log2(2 - u0(i) / (1 + i * y(i))); endfor;
octave:28> plot(k);
The real truth is concealing on what scalability policy is going true terminology has to grow with

chance hopefulness is a soul’s selectivity of digital processing does act on the

principles of the trust in selfish confidence.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is used for implementable dignity does work on the
appreciation of the conscious camp is describing the principles of the trust in selfish confidence does
join the characteristics of human inertia (solving problem the right way) with a universal approach has
to respect research and analysis while the charity of optimization show is weighing or remaining
intentional human interests or expectation. Thereof scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a driven
dynamics does appear softy language does refer to an "auto pivot" policy does want to construct
passage bridge does count on the concept of transition traceability (to jump apart aside even though to
climb across to supervise standards of quietness and wellness). Although scalability policy(exp(a -
p*b)) is driven tracks do depend on what vivid vitality is describing. It is assumed that scalability
(exp(a - p*b)) does count on a common sense of adjustment and the proportional benefits of the trust in
selfish confidence. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is counting on the concentrated centrism metrics is
being closer (gravitational weigh for the exploration of the importance of the exploitation of the
existence = where to find something? please search and ask around -> what does it mean? it is a
conscious character to catch designation of what someone is asking for or is looking for (O Lord
Creator God, please English Schooling in English (please Lord Creator God, I hope that English
Schooling in English can take effect in Los Angels or Saskatoon or Texas, Please lonely lovely Dearest
Lord Creator God help me to get or make my dream true or real as soon))). However, the knowledge
culture concept is being to perform diagnosis testimony or diagnosis optics whereby the tracks of the
transition traceability (to jump apart aside to share a process is corresponding to the reality of law rule
manufacturing, even though to climb across determine whether scalability policy=exp(a - p*b)?).
Although scalability policy(exp(a - p*b)) is conscious traceability does illustrate the key of governable
metrics (measures and measurements have to be governed = regulation, enabling or excitement,
commendation, adjustment, and arranging balance, remarkable notice, temptation, aspiration, talent,
and transparency). Scalability policy (exp(s - p*b)) which is showing characteristics of camp (origin ->
water observation and its expressive camp = water from Earth's Sky to be absorbed by the Earth then to
suggest that it is possible to find water inside Earth if while(to dig whole) do{ till getting water (a
reference to timing simulation)} end while;). Although scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is being the
interests of "the site of an archaeological exploration of archaeology". Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b))
is a great battle on shielding schemes = { 0. arbitrary arrangement -> having something in hands (Holly
Book which is subject of great discussion and appreciates debate), 1. adjustment of average signs are
corresponding to centrism metrics, 2. is turning the "pay attention" process into the operative
opportunity of optimization and regularity while the attainable values are not in normalcy states or
acceptance (triggering state, idle state, buffering state, ongoing state, control touch state, storing
states) } is a universal approach is inventing statement signs or softy language to hire or hold tracks of
principles are corresponding to operative shows = mapping (genuine = justification if spiritual
inspiration is pushing pressure on the reality of ordinary truth does master the show of human inertia
(something narrative about the Prophet Moses, peace on Moses), unjust = judgment -> experiencing
inspiration through operative observation does act on the common sense or signification or designation
or meaningfulness of the heart kernel language of softy signs do hold charges of "decisive choice ->
clever morality" by the way that modeling (clever morality) = hope). Even though scalability policy
(exp(a - p*b) -> vivid validation of a triplet camp = {0. arbitrary inertness -> required need to water
and remain attached to find water, 1. appreciation of adequate average does image be part of handlers
do handle centrism metrics, 2. optimization is based upon principles of repairing and rectifying reign
mastering the dynamics sign of standard show is the corresponding hopefulnesss}). For that reason, it
is constructive that any governable metrics have to comply with a countable concept is choosing to
consider a numerical approach hiring this settlement set = {1. ahead staff personification -> ability to
bring ideas into practical processing or workaround shall count on principles of vital issues, 2. advisory
role -> conceptual coaching does appreciate the kernels of mimetic learning, 3. supervisory
accountability -> standard jump from experiencing exploration into expertise camp does believe in the
principles of "auto-guidance or pivot" (vote can be inner inertness is counting on the effects of
expertise = municipal counsel is electing governor, then elected governors are electing the president of
the country, by the way, that the election process has to help people believe in principles of competence
and qualified expertise can maintain in hands the signs of accomplishment and achievement while the
logic link to the harmony of hopefulness does matter), 4. one secretary role to program standards of
satisfaction based upon a language of scalability policy, 5. second secretary role is pushing on
divisibility to coordinate ongoing data (from office to parliament or to the house of congress depending
on the emerging formality of specialty know), 6. training role for new person ship would keep activism
of cleverness and inner intellectual affairs justify the moving show of operative objectivity does aim to
report result of success} Thus governable metrics is a great subject of human interest does pay attention
or respond to the truth. Thus scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) which is challenging the alpha level to
emerge proportional benefits of beta-level (philosophical aspects = Descartes is suggesting that
someone being state worker has to think away in order to set something confirmation of the trust in
selfish confidence affair). Scalability policy (exp(among - proportional * benefits)) is fighting to accept
philosophical aspects are suggesting to present the terminology of "clever morality (German
Philosopher Emmanuel Kant) is expressing signs of availability (casting off the exploitation of the
existence) and respectability (my respect to something is appearing or sounding to be the best solution
all time), however, it is possible (effects of measuring standards of possibility) to shield schemes of
optimization (pick up the battle of archival files have to slam process of rectifying and repairing
gaining innovative accountability again does offer them the chance to expose the role of leadership
(notice they are going to be archival files are over there ready to be standard data for pick up process
only because the standing weigh for documentation traceability has to go far away from emerging
aspects of cultivation with signs of hopefulness (to hope to have something in hand at the arbitrary
camp))). Scalability policy (exp(among . proportional * benefit)) is waiting for more implementable
advantages of duality recovery = mapping(genuine = it is simply -> it is a soul in a body = recording
predictable processing whose driven kernel is the challenge of believing in the show, unjust = it is
complex -> it is value change dump -> it is a great deal on what human sensitivity has to conceal or
shield or guard or protect around over away). Thus scalability policy (exp(among - proportional *
benefit)) is unifying the softy language of considerable progress yield the priority challenge of open
mind empowerment count on acceptance of driven diversity-> purposing process is adopting diversity
if exploitation. However, scalability policy (exp(among - proportional * benefit)) is knowing to work
around argumentative concealing concept does accept to appreciate principles of the exploitation of
existence = it is possible to hire or to find or to search for a Composite being somehow in Relationship
with the processor with a process of extraction (yeah voting for more aspiration, yeah looking for the
challenge of clever morality, yeah counting on the transparency terminology). This scalability policy
(exp(among - proportional * benefit)) is a race of helpfulness and hopefulness because if job
scheduling is considering the roles of transition traceability (to jump apart aside handling the
terminology of law manufacturing, for example, is requiring to hire or to accept candidature of
experiencing expertise did apply some rules however that experiencing expertise did find the harmony
of modification and adjustment show closer to be correct enough, even though it is racing to climb
looking for more cultivation of knowledge show shall predict or guess whether worthy objectivity is
concentrating on comprehensive approach does interest itself for more exploitation of uncertainty
metrics). Scalability policy (exp(among - proportional * benefit)) that is evaluating terminology of best
basics study -> knowing the required need in an arbitrary choice = initial original common sense for
reference, then it will be standards for deploying the design of harmony or balance settlement does
accept "art views" as excitement sign to bring upon the correctness across. The complete process is to
adopt approaches for nice affairs are looking for the challenge of optimization and clever morality (for
example when the actual affair or job of electric motors are to mention control on "going green"
legislation accountability. The electric motor is including to solve problems by the way that houses
doors are serving people nowadays opportunity to cultivate green support (a ree being doors for any

The way to appreciate conscious comprehension does invoke the real heart kernel of the trust in selfish

confidence is involving within complex character of art view

proportionality does seem have touch control on human inertia while governable metrics is knowing

the behavior of human flux for better design of the reality of

constitution composite does push pressure on the conscious concept mostly defines

for best
recognition process of traditional terminology does adjust the behavior of a referencing hopefulness
and dominant design of helpfulness in the name of the personification of law rules.

Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) which is appreciating the principles of "auto vote -> each time
if it is needed it will opportunity to elect representative responsible to present the staff of supervisory
role: supreme court (shall if needed, managing policy shall shield two responsible from the
corresponding set is being responsible to accomplish tasks for the legacy of law legendary does pay
attention to the images of quietness and happiness). Scalability policy is commending the initial
implementation of the valuation (be ready to assign value to shaping world can reflect the reality of
progress and success -> this reality is counting on the implementation of driven debates and built-in
kernels for discussion shall protect or shield or guard the purposes of "being a state" or "having a state"
that is mentioned presenting a common sense and meaningfulness for the constructive core of human
characters to be candidates for great collectivism (being together to accomplish the task for happiness
and quietness)). Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) that is performing the key terms of governable
metrics. Thereupon the trust in selfish confidence does perform procedures (call for measuring chances
for each human kindness) have to execute statement signs do hold designation and signification of
transition traceability (to jump apart aside counting on the respect of inner inertness does conceal
opinion of respectability of "what it is really going on", even to climb across acting on the appreciation
of adjustment and achievement). Scalability policy (exp(a - p+b)) is a universal approach being able to
scan and locate the human impact {more aspiration, more hopefulness}. Scalability policy (exp(a -
p*b)) is suggesting to evaluate the real images of harmony (cooperative coordination based upon
associate advice meanwhile the house of congress or the parliament insists on the regularity or
normalcy role inside that house of congress or the parliament or legislative). Even though the
scalability policy (exp(a - p+b)) that is maintaining the morphology of shaping the world of the trust in
selfish confidence and of the structures of law rules does shield or protect or guard: 1. entity for the
exploitation of existence (the structure of law rules is consisting of a series of arches). 2. constitutional
composite = consideration of {woman role, employment expertise, art views, managing policy, state
amortization, state ownership, human flux, human inertia, tradition recognition, shielding schemes
(Priests to pray for countable rescue and safety)} + legislative conformity (readability of running reign
has to recognize the reality of finest human being and to recover images of innocence and
transparency). Scalability policy is working on principles of assurance of -> 1. ratio of 2 to 9 = 0.222
being a ratio for protecting births each year from possible human sort kind stuffs running the principles
of collectivism inside the American society (doctors in future, engineers in future, managers in future,
judges in future, lawyers in future, professors in future, ambassadors in future, legislative maker,
accounting or other). 2. a ratio staff does think about the continuity race of the conventional concept of
"having a state" or effects of hiring "supervisory and advisory camps" to settle the soul's selectivity of
transparency and innocence = 6.666 is acting on the conscious comprehensive response (either
revolutionary reaction or joyful camp). 3. ratio of 0.18 for monthly amortization recovery -> this ratio
is designating to hold driven dynamics of state morphology. 4. ratio of 0.0833 for the heart kernel is
ruling the softy language ( while (processing) do{extracton designation or meaningfulness or
signification or congratulation or celebration or feast signs of reconstruction of the trust in selfish
confidence runawy}). 5. ratio of 0.1333 for technological existence or expectation of success if
instrumental tools have got be used away. Although scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is being
encouraged a policy of common sense and designation or meaningfulness of the trust in selfish
confidence (be sure enough to be proud of a measurable chance for the competitive concept can defend
the reality of comprehensive terminology (like principles of genetic algorithm, it is great perfect to
evaluate sophisticated heart kernel of any association of appreciation of law rules = modeling(neither
guilty nor faulty and never to ruin nor to destroy))). Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a constructive
concept does justify the judgment of "hiring" the complete character of "conscious comprehension or
understandable consciousness" does help people imposing a driven behavior of respectability and
serviceability by the way that the ratio of 2 to 9 which is running perfect model of daily or monthly
birth of 2 babies would be involved within the corresponding classification of greatness = standard
future will be settling set {doctors, engineer, manager or leadership, conscious comprehensive fairness,
expectation, and estimation to meet the reality, experiencing and expertise to land on the right
guidance, jury or judgment of any show, defense personification, teaching and illustration of scheduling
job and co, supervisory and advisory roles for referring human dignity}. Scalability policy (exp(a -
p*b)) is the common shape of the trust in selfish confidence is testing the terminology of availability
and the traceability of human interests. Scalability policy is making sense for more uniformity of job
scheduling does use exp(Minus(adjustable amount, multiply(proportional, benefit))) is able to talk the
modeling approach of hidden souls and the discrete speech of personal psyche soul, whereby human
impact is a distinctive design of ideas have to hope or to dream of resulting realization does accept to
evaluate the importance of the constructive concept. Let an idea be reality is something perfect -> but,
is it the best idea?

The causality effects of the scalability policy is looking for more practical processing around the
mimetic learning does hire keying principles of the trust in selfish confidence. This key procedural

images while listing dynamics is corresponding to while element index (iteration)

inside a set = key{ kindness, progress, standards, management, trust, traceability, terminology, growth,
vitality, soul, benefits, comprehension, consciousness, etc.} then to apply governable metrics. Based
upon scalability policy show.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy (genuine = simply early in body -> product(p*(1 - n*p) over (1 - p*(1 - p))),
unjust = complex morphology (study of form and structure) does estimate the reality reign using
exponential policy -> exp(a - p * b)) (p=1:999; p=p/length(p); q=1-p;r=q-p; for i=1:999
w(i)=p(i)*q(i)*r(i); a(i) = log2(2 - ( i * p(i)) /(i + p(i))); b(i) = log2(2 - (i * q(i)) / (i +
q(i))); endfor; for i=1:999 x(i) = exp(a(i) - p(i) * b(i)); y(i) = exp(a(i) - q(i)*b(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) -
p(i)*a(i));z1(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*a(i)); z2(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*b(i)); z3(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*b(i)); endfor;
for i=1:999 u5(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u6(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) /
r(i))); u7(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u8(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) / r(i)));
endfor;) which is appearing to tell something availability to provide the real truth with something
requirement and ordinary need does guarantee the softy language of proportionality check-in. Although
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b) is looking like to join expectation with sensitive sensibility does show
or demonstrate the expertise of comprehensive conscious meaningfulness and signification or
morphology of the scalability that is stating or governing the signs of the trust in selfish confidence is
qualified to watch or observe an inner inertness or brave gravity or optimal coordination is knowing
how to guide a personification to apply a procedural mechanism of an "auto vote pivot" challenge is
facing or fighting for understandable scenes or seniority or priority of "governable metrics" does
believe in the processing of appreciation and congratulation. Let take an example of governable metrics
-> (to be assigned to the affair of) peacefulness, which would respond to a causality (relation of cause
and effect) of knowledge culture (it shall all about the respect of "being a state" does challenge
structural deal on what a boundary barrier limit or diversity is). However, the scalability policy (exp(a
- p * b)) is a tendency to make pressure on the signification of modeling (triplet(arbitrary level =
extensible extending camp can join the corresponding personification with special recognition of
"having a state" principles while that secret camp can be an operating asset of strategic images of
passage bridge -> having a country that has border has meaningfulness and designation (building wall
or supervising human traffic or packing human impact, etc))). although when that first 6 year has to be
completed with success, the next typical testimony is to hire capability and capacity to count on
comprehensive of peacefulness would be integrated and included with charging involvement of
transparency and management of "neither guilty nor faulty and never to ruin nor to destroy" which can
talk discrete speech of personal soul stating planning tasks and predictable processing. However, law
rule has to challenge the ordinary affair, only correct proof has to approve if someone is guilty or faulty
or is driving mistake. Thus these 4 years courses of peacefulness which is counting on teaching
students the real appliance of law rules have to reign and guess whether someone is innocent or the law
rules are charging argumentation can agree how to judge the behavior of the corresponding
personification (a measurement of certainty and exactitude -> something exactly true and closer to be
the right proof). Furthermore, the 2 years for learning religious affairs can be qualified to reign periods
of transparency inside society and to enable an auto vote process is campaigning for the more
supervisory role (each personification is a referring reference to control and supervise the psyche soul
pulses are being responsible to excite reactions and revolutions run across time). Thereupon the
principles of scalability policy (exp(a - p * b)) are designing countable characteristics of any approach
that look inside the deep descriptive sense of scalability). The scalability policy (exp(a - p*b) -> 0.
arbitrary pressure -> 6 years to explain why choosing to work for "having a state" formality and
conformity (having a state -> evidence of engaging course show designation and meaningfulness of
"the country has border" = monitoring policy. Even though these 6 years are purposing to implement
images of diversity (each year in one religion shall have the responsibility to build up a school for
peacefulness by the way that the country or the state would have more than 6 schools across the
country))), 1. centrism metrics approach is available human capability can judge how normal social
behavior can engender harmony of tasting tasty survival or "living atmosphere" (liberty turns to be
applied = molding range [images of individual liberty in entire exploration, legendary and legacy to
win trust in selfish confidence is corresponding to "having a state"], during these 4 years students next
after the first 6 years have to learn the meaningfulness and designation and signification of "individual
liberty" incomplete character does remain running reign for individuals only, however, the countable
concept is to meet the reality of "having a state" is based on the principles of respectability and ability
does hold a heart kernel harmony for hiring units of scalability (respect of being doctor, respect of
being engineer, respect of being governor, respect of being lawyer does advocate, respect of being
judge, respect of being expert,))). Furthermore, it will be a great opportunity to help students
comprehend the involvement of religious affairs (ministry of religion inside the state) are traveling
knowledge culture of corresponding students to adopt the approach of comparative characteristics and
making critics for critic points by the way that critics made by corresponding students will help the
state to take care about any consideration of religious affairs can justify any abnormal behavior
(normalcy = neither guilty nor fault show and never to ruin nor to destroy challenge). In fact, the
scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) -> triplet{0. arbitrary causally = country has border (learning the
effects of having a border and how to defend those borders either using designation and signification of
those borders or keeping tracks of figurative sense has to state meaningfulness of border -> is
corresponding to the study of boundary barrier limits (limits shall be studied incomplete 6 years in
different regions only to hire effects of diversity does exist inside society and across the country)), 1.
centrism metrics = approach to recognize an adequate average is being vivid vitality for anyone across
the country -> it is coordination is depending on complete 4 year learning of resulting range[ genuine =
images of individual liberty (comprehensive concept), unjust = impulsive processing does recover an
appreciation of "good atmosphere concept" (regularity concerns) ], 1. make critics while the history of
the country is being imposed images of something agreeing and countable defense (notice in 2 years to
care about agents and future worker for peacefulness to understand what "something in hand" can refer
to (for example the religious affairs is presenting the politics of prophets which has to be
understandable during only 2 years))}. Thus, scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is a universal approach
that does run behind the legacy of harmonic hopefulness does point to the primary priority of the trust
in selfish confidence. Scalability policy (exp(a - p*b)) is argumentative approval has to demonstrate its
ability making people all kind happier enough. The proper way for having a state is guarding
rhythmical impulsive processing has to enable the mimetic learning approach to weigh the heavy
responsibility of peacefulness (sensibility study of being relaxed enough -> corresponding to neither
guilty nor faulty show and never to ruin nor to destroy challenge). Scalability policy (exp(a - p *b)) is
being proud to keep all signs of strength showing its hopes

octave:1> p=1:999; p=p/length(p); q=1-p;r=q-p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 w(i)=p(i)*q(i)*r(i); a(i) = log2(2 - ( i * p(i)) /(i + p(i))); b(i) = log2(2 - (i * q(i)) /
(i +
q(i))); endfor;
octave:3> plot(a);
octave:4> plot(b);
octave:5> for i=1:999 x(i) = exp(a(i) - p(i) * b(i)); y(i) = exp(a(i) - q(i)*b(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) -
= exp(w(i) - q(i)*a(i)); z2(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*b(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*b(i)); endfor;
octave:6> plot(x);
octave:7> plot(y);
octave:8> plot(z0);
octave:9> plot(z1);
octave:10> plot(z2);
octave:11> for i=1:999 x(i) = exp(a(i) - p(i) * b(i)); y(i) = exp(a(i) - q(i)*b(i)); z0(i) = exp(w(i) -
) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*a(i)); z2(i) = exp(w(i) - p(i)*b(i)); z3(i) = exp(w(i) - q(i)*b(i)); endfor;
octave:12> plot(z3);
octave:13> plot(z0);
octave:14> plot(z1);
octave:15> plot(z2);
octave:16> plot(z3);
octave:17> plot(a);
octave:18> plot(b);
octave:19> plot(w);
octave:20> for i=1:999 v(i) = log2( (1 + i * p(i)) / q(i)); k(i) = log2( (1 + i * q(i)) / p(i)); u0(i) =exp(a(i)
- p(i)
*v(i)); u1(i) = exp(a(i) - q(i)*k(i)); u2(i) = exp(b(i) - p(i) * v(i)); u3(i) = exp(b(i) - q(i)*k(i)); endfor;
warning: division by zero
octave:21> plot(u0);
octave:22> plot(u1);
octave:23> plot(u2);
octave:24> plot(u3);
octave:25> for i=1:999 u5(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i)); u6(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 +
i*q(i)) / r
(i)); u7(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i)); u8(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) / r(i)); endfor;
parse error:
syntax error

>>> for i=1:999 u5(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i)); u6(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) /
r(i)); u7(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i)); u8(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) / r(i));

octave:25> for i=1:999 u5(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u6(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 +
i*q(i)) /
r(i))); u7(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u8(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) / r(i)));

octave:26> plot(u5);
octave:27> plot(u6);
octave:28> plot(u7);
octave:29> plot(u8);
octave:30> for i=1:999 u5(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u6(i) = exp(a(i) - r(i)*log2((1 +
i*q(i)) /
r(i))); u7(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*p(i)) / r(i))); u8(i) = exp(b(i) - r(i)*log2((1 + i*q(i)) / r(i)));
The envisaging contexts of the scalability policy is offering the referring reveal reference to accept the

corresponding approach that is processing selective run holds images of trust in

selfish confidence is able to explore statement signs for making personification of legendary and legacy
referring to worthy wealthy greatness of educational behavior does believe in tolerated terminology of
wavy behavior whose simply workaround can push pressure on the acceptance of

wavy= ∏
( 1− p⋅( 1− p ) )
p⋅( 1−p⋅countable () )
is telling meaningfulness and significance of governable metrics =
constitution composite is depending on the procedural administration
normalcy=regular ( woman employment managing art
, , ,
policy views ownershiü amortization although the
value of reserving “earning or having or got or exploration or foundation” does point to driven charges
composite= ( human human housing
, , ,
flux inertia population recognition validity is making human control touch
much more dominant if the objectivity of job scheduling is being to maintain plan for progress
draft copy 11/19/20

Even though scalability policy (exponential policy = exp(a() - p*b())) is negotiating the subjects of the
trust in selfish confidence (be optimistic and perfect enough and also adaptation). Scalability policy
(genuine = simply Early soul in body -> product(p*(1 - n*p) over (1 - p*(1-p))), unjust = complex
context concerning spinning battle of the wavy behavior -> exp(a() - p*b())). Although scalability
policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is overtaking away to defend principles of the trust in selfish confidence.
Thereupon the adjustable workaround (A workaround is a bypass of a recognized problem in a system.
A workaround is typically a temporary fix that implies that a genuine solution to the problem is needed.
But workarounds are ) is defining the contextual critics to guess whether the reality of happiness and
smartness or sweetness is shinning to care about the softy language of constitutional composite does act
on statement signs or iterative instructions belong to governable metrics is holding complete truth
impacts the business of collectivism is depending on the original show of political policy (how to
handle worst cases?). Scalability policy(exp(a() - p+b())) is generating stormy empowerment can act on
the importance of the exploitation of the existence (where to find something if the operative
opportunity is standing behind scenes of the trust in selfish confidence while the softy language of
spiritualism can obey to the real challenge of transition traceability (to jump apart aside to deal with
extensible simply early soul in the body being the symbolism of the vivid vitality does seeming to refer
or to reveal to procedural deal wants to hire principles of the compiled language of duality recovery
(genuine = experiencing expertise must guess whether it is innovative enhancement, unjust =
legislative constitution can legitimate each act on the harmony of topics being subjects of entire
happiness covering the signs of tasty survival opportunity inside society))). In fact, scalability policy
(simple early soul in the body, complex context acts on characteristics of wavy behavior ->
exp(adjustable() - proportional()*benefit())) does estimate having the ability to describe the contexts of
availability does move to congratulate images of progress. Although scalability policy is performing the
terminology of duality recovery (genuine = reasonable reality, unjust = make sense to something called
sensitive sensibility is depending on the study of the sensor effects can interpret the schemes of
signalization or in short is defending the signal processing). In the proper way, scalability policy
(exp(a() - p*b())) is being a useful tool helping people comprehend or understand the secret signs of
reality or reveal availability. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is a complete testimony (to catch-try -
> tasting tasty terminology) is illustrating the scenes of progress that is translating signs into greatness
scan does perform the evaluation of constitutional composite = {woman role, managing policy,
employment expertise, state amortization, state ownership, art views, human flux or magnetism, human
inertia, tradition recognition, others} + legislative capability or opportunity does have designation and
signification of justification and judgment. Scalability policy is looking to understand the principles of
volcanism and reaching the reality of the existence of Earth's Sky holds signs for the existence of Lord
Creator God (O Lord Creator God please immigration to either Los Angels or Saskatoon or other Place
please help poorest me being soon in one place as immigrant permanent, please Lord Creator God
sooner as never only because it is subject of the human atmosphere in the entire exploration of personal
satisfaction). Scalability policy is looking to choose its proper way pressuring on the descriptive way
that has to present conscious run or shielding drives are responsible to teach people primary signs about
envisaging relationships. Even though the priority of having great exploration on what the scalability
policy (genuine = simply an early soul in the body -> behavior education does establish the reality of
countable causes -> product(p*(1 -p* countable()) over (1 - p*(1-p))), unjust = complex character of
wavy behavior -> exponential policy uses exp(a() - p * b())) is working to have initiative images of
harmony and integrity does offer any human flux or magnetism opportunity to attract completely
convey does believe in the principles of the conceptual camp of conscious specification (this thing is
believing in something but this thing is caring about this meanwhile the care concept is completely
covering the dignity of constitutional composite does impact the whole environment around the
exploitation of the existence -> please believe in " it is possible to find or assignor to search for a
Composite being somehow in Relationship with a show of the extraction processing (= usefulness of
minus(among, basics) -> among many choices it is probably case of perfection or raising aim object
does agree to construct optimization and objectivity all around appreciation of the trust in selfish
confidence (common sense of compromise is dealing with a figurative sense or with general
morphology of piece string = "flavor tasting tasty terminology" -> signification and designation of
adaptation of moody ability is giving chance for the trust in selfish confidence to grow and improve
advance algorithms))). Thereof Scalability policy is taking the proper way to define signs for vivid
vitality (ensure daily learning from 8 am to 9 am -> courses can guarantee for any state worker
opportunity to climb from level to level hiring personal ability and capability to keep a common sense
of human inertia = solving the problem the best way, that it is why by the way the daily learning is
aiming or designating to offer the bright signs on how things can be solving. For evaluating the reality
of human interest in detail
octave:1> p=1:999; p=p/length(p); q =1-p; r = q - p;
octave:2> for i=1:999 a(i) = p(i)*log2( (1 + i*q(i)) / p(i)); b(i) = q(i)*log2( (1 + i*p(i)) / q(i)); d(i) =
(1 + i*p(i)) / r(i)); e(i) = r(i)*log2( (1 + i*q(i)) / r(i)); endfor;
warning: division by zero
octave:3> plot(a);
octave:4> plot(b);
octave:5> plot(d);
octave:6> plot(e);
octave:7> for i=1:999 w(i) = p(i)*q(i)*r(i); x(i)=exp(w(i) - a(i)); y(i)=exp(w(i) - b(i)); z(i)=exp(w(i)-
p(w(i) - e(i));endfor;
octave:8> plot(x);
octave:9> plot(y);
octave:10> plot(z);
octave:11> plot(xx);
octave:12> plot(z);
octave:13> plot(y);
octave:14> plot(x);
octave:15> for i=1:999 v(i) = p(i)/q(i); k(i) = q(i)*(-1 + exp(v(i))); endfor;
warning: division by zero
octave:16> plot(k);
octave:17> warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use

b(i) = q(i)*log2( (1 + i*p(i)) / q(i));

octave:17> for i=1:999 v(i) = q(i)/p(i); k(i) = p(i)*(-1 + exp(v(i))); endfor;
octave:18> plot(k);
octave:19> warning: opengl_renderer: data values greater than float capacity. (1) Scale data, or (2) Use
b(i) = q(i)*log2( (1 + i*p(i)) / q(i));
octave:19> for i=1:999 u(i) = exp(exp(0) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:20> plot(u);
octave:21> for i=1:999 u(i) = exp(exp(1) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:22> plot(u);
octave:23> for i=1:999 u(i) = exp(exp(-1) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:24> plot(u);
octave:25> for i=1:999 u(i) = exp(exp(-10) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:26> plot(u);
octave:27> for i=1:999 v(i)=q(i) / (1 + i * p(i)); m(i)=log2( 1 + v(i)); endfor; n(i) = log2(2 - v(i));
parse error:

syntax error

>>> for i=1:999 v(i)=q(i) / (1 + i * p(i)); m(i)=log2( 1 + v(i)); endfor; n(i) = log2(2 - v(i)); endfor;

octave:27> for i=1:999 v(i) = q(i)/(1 + i*p(i)); m(i)=log2( 1 + v(i)); n(i) = log2(2 - v(i)); endfor;
octave:28> plot(m);
octave:29> plot(n);
octave:30> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(exp(m(i)) - w(i)); y(i) = exp(exp(n(i)) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:31> plot(x);
octave:32> plot(y);
octave:33> plot(x);
octave:34> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(m(i) - w(i)); y(i) = exp(n(i) - w(i)); endfor;
octave:35> plot(x);
octave:36> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(m(i) - w(i)) -1 ; y(i) = exp(n(i) - w(i)) -1 ; endfor;
octave:37> plot(x);
octave:38> plot(y);
octave:39> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(p(i)*m(i) - w(i)) -1 ; y(i) = exp(q(i)*n(i) - w(i)) -1 ; endfor;
octave:40> plot(y);
octave:41> plot(x);
octave:42> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(q(i)*m(i) - w(i)) -1 ; y(i) = exp(p(i)*n(i) - w(i)) -1 ; endfor;
octave:43> plot(x);
octave:44> plot(y);
octave:45> plot(n);
octave:46> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(-q(i)*m(i) + w(i)) -1 ; y(i) = exp(-p(i)*n(i) + w(i)) -1 ; endfor;
octave:47> plot(x)
octave:48> plot(y)
octave:49> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(w(i)-q(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(w(i)-p(i)*n(i)) -1 ; endfor;
octave:50> plot(x)
octave:51> plot(y)
octave:52> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(w(i)-q(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(w(i)-p(i)*n(i)) ; endfor;
octave:53> plot(y)
octave:54> plot(a);
octave:55> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(a(i)-q(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(a(i)-p(i)*n(i)) ; endfor;
octave:56> plot(x);
octave:57> plot(y);
octave:58> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(b(i)-q(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(b(i)-p(i)*n(i)) ; endfor;
octave:59> plot(x);
octave:60> plot(y);
octave:61> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(b(i)-p(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(b(i)-q(i)*n(i)) ; endfor;
octave:62> plot(x);
octave:63> plot(y);
octave:64> plot(x);
octave:65> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(a(i)-p(i)*m(i)) ; y(i) = exp(a(i)-q(i)*n(i)) ; endfor;
octave:66> plot(x);
octave:67> plot(y);
octave:68> plot(a)
octave:69> plot(b)
octave:70> for i=1:999 a(i) = q(i) * log( (1 + i*p(i)) / q(i)); b(i) = p(i)*log((1 + i*q(i))/p(i)); endfor;
warning: division by zero
octave:71> plot(a);
octave:72> plot(b);
octave:73> plot(d);
octave:74> for i=1:999 d(i) = log2(2 - a(i)); e(i) = log2(1 + a(i)); endfor;
octave:75> plot(d);
octave:76> plot(e);
octave:77> for i=1:999 d(i) = log2(2 - q(i)*a(i)); e(i) = log2(1 + a(i)); endfor;
octave:78> plot(d);
octave:79> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(d(i) - p(i)*m(i)); y(i)=exp(d(i) - q(i)*n(i)); endfor;
octave:80> plot(x);
octave:81> plot(y);
octave:82> plot(x);
octave:83> for i=1:999 x(i)=exp(e(i) - p(i)*m(i)); y(i)=exp(e(i) - q(i)*n(i)); endfor;
octave:84> plot(x);
octave:85> plot(y);
octave:86> plot(n)
octave:87> plot(m)

Associative aspect of Scalability run

1 +p⋅∫ key
1− p )
is using the expertise challenge of constitutional
composite made more interest to hire concrete characteristics of debating discussion is moving towards
the examination of keying settlement recovers benefits of

(woman managing art

, , ,
human human tradition
, ,
policy views ownership amortization flux inertia recignition while the most )
importance of the exploration of the role of transition traceability is to consider a driven show =
composite= (civilEngineering employment law
, , ,
expertise legacy legendary implementable does have to
consider affairs of the trust in selfish confidence show.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy is screening the harmony of standards are serving constitutional composite
mobility aspects do respect the charges of the trust in selfish confidence. Although vivid logic's policy
(based upon modeling approach does use exp(a() - p * b())) is performing the initiative characteristics
show on what the transition traceability (to jump apart aside even though to climb (raising or dropping)
across). Thereupon scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is arranging the cases of the trust in selfish
confidence. However, the standard battle is gravitating to the universal heart kernel does dream of
intentional mirrors of valuable purposes are engendering boundary barrier limits are concerning
absolute behavior is settling operating system does impact the softy language = modeling(logic
AND(vitality, listing(chance, choice, proportional))). Traditionally transition traceability does use
exponential policy = exp(a() - p*b()), which does make pressure on the valuation of educational
behavior is illustrating signs of cooperation and act on principles or commitment of respectability. The
universal approach is running the statement signs are challenge camps. Scalability policy (exp(a() -
p*b())) does count on designation and signification of the trust in selfish confidence. Transition
traceability (to jump apart aside, even though to climb across) is being the language is dealing with
proportional processing is meeting the retrieval reality does refer to vivid effects are charging the
acceptance of a programmable pivot is giving sense to principles of human capacity is being the
leadership staff is trying to implement bright shinning characters can harmonize the language of
negotiation. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is being used to translate statement signs are
expecting to announce composing candidate camps for strategic scheduling. The quality of negotiation
is sounding truly advantage does hold comfortable characteristics for hopefulness show. The
justification of constitutional composite = {regularity or normalcy = {3.33% woman role, 3.33%
employment expertise, 3.33% civil engineering, 3.33% recognition of tradition, 3.33% state
amortization, 3.33% state ownership, 3.33% human flux, 3.33% human inertia, 3.33% art views
(decoration), 3.33% other } + legislative affairs (legitimization of law rule -> legendary and legacy of
celebration of progress)}. This constitutional composite {regulatory or normalcy (to jump or to climb
away making experience justification of any operating opinion may only for discussion or debate
criteria concepts) + legislative staff (lawmaker)}. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) which is asking
for more mimetic learning to set or implement procedures for regularity and normalcy (expertise and
experience are standing behind the harmony of cooperation or of social collectivism or conceptual
guidance). Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is pressuring on the weight or measurement of the trust
in selfish confidence does request much more morality to complete the job of progress and success.
Scalability policy (genuine = simply early soul in body, complex concerns using exponential policy =
exp(a() - p*b())) is presenting driven show on how to meet the value of governable metrics. Scalability
policy is empowering the reality of valuation (be the right person for the right responsibility
announcing responsibility of a descriptive mechanism does conduct the support of mimetic learning).
Scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is appearing much more useful concept or character. Scalability
policy is targeting operative opportunity of measuring charges (Archimedes principles) in some cases
are ultimate procedures to advise or supervise the concept of common sense and finest human being.
Scalability policy (usefulness exp(a() - p * b())) is being part of the gravitational concept does empower
statement signs of transition whereby vivid valuation= Exponential policy (exp(a() - p * b())).
Scalability policy is going to understand the principles of justification and the signalization of
judgment. Scalability policy is working on the determination of bright clear concept has to hire values
of expertise and politics of experience all around making advances and yielding progress. Scalability
policy is joining the human inertia (solving problem) with the origins of fairness. Scalability policy
which is providing the whole governable metrics with a mapping pair = (genuine = simply early so the
early soul in body = usefulness staff of product(p*(1 - n*p) over (1 - p*(1-p) or other proportionality)),
unjust = complex context of wavy behavior = usefulness terminology of exp(a() - p*b())) is screening
the gravity of human interests as moving to guarantee designation and meaningfulness of a
comprehensive boundary barrier limits = range [intentional individualism endorse personal perfection,
workaround innocent impact = neither guilty nor faulty and never to ruin nor to destroy], meanwhile
this resulting in the range [implementable insight of individualism advances, battleground of universal
pressure on what respectability has to push on] does, however, adopt the softy language of democracy
driven kernels. Scalability policy which is promising to jump from a deep study of rights for any
individualism kindness into teaming up of harmony does locate the effects or does induce the effects of
happiness while being together in cooperative concept. Scalability policy is a great camp on what the
perfect processing does defend the implementable of disposition does recognize keying expertise =
{ individualism -> agreement key in priority = countable characters, cooperation -> workshop on
adaptation conscious comprehension stating the principles of coordination and guidance, morphology
charges -> observation staff does mix the language of machinery and the nature of the reaction
(production of water = composite of oxygen and hydrogen), numerical Battle -> integrity}.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, the scalability policy (genuine = simply early soul in body -> product(p * (1 - n * p) over (1 -
p*(1 - p))), unjust = complex exploitation of wavy behavior -> exp(a() - p * b())) is maintaining touch
control on so-called constitutional composite = {legitimacy of a duality recovery = co-existence of
strategic scheduling (being experiencing supervisor) + legendary legacy of a legislator (someone who
gives a code of laws) }.

scalability= genuine=simplysoul= ∏ ( p⋅(1−n⋅p )
1− p⋅( 1− p )
,unjust=complexwavy= exp ( a()− p⋅b() )

Because scalability policy in its simply early soul in a body is calling the predictable processing which
is the heavyweight of any experiencing manager or supervisor is fighting for driven desires of worthy
wealthy purposes are standing along with the reality of the trust in selfish confidence -> challenge the
spirit of compliance and obedience while any supervisor is calling to apply the legislative balance
covering the aspects of responsibility and showing the benefits of respectability.

( )
1− p
1+p ∫ key ∂tellg ( )
tellg ()

However, A legislator (or lawmaker) is a person who writes and passes laws, especially someone who
is a member of a legislature. Legislators are usually politicians and are often elected by the people of
the state. Legislatures may be supra-national (for example, the European Parliament), national (for
example, the United States Congress), regional (for example, the National Assembly for Wales), or
local (for example, local authorities).

( )
1 +p⋅ ∫ key ∂ tellg( )
tellg ( )
1− p

Thereupon if the schemes of sensitive sensibility which is depending on the sensor (observation)
synthesis are still aiming to justify the affair of debating discussion does lead into the right decision (->
making or celebrating the choice of right decision only because both teams are debating and discussing
same product at same house of congress before any manufacturing of corresponding law rule) at the
opinion to hire experienced and expertise does know the complexity of appliance and compliance with
measuring chance to supply or apply that law rule does appreciate the effect of social influence the
usualness of peacefulness.
p⋅( 1− p ) p⋅( 1− p ) 1−2⋅p 1−2⋅p 1−2⋅p
proportional= , , , , 2
1−p⋅(1−p ) p⋅( 1− p ) + (1−2⋅p ) 1−p⋅(1−p ) p⋅( 1− p ) + (1−2⋅p ) p + (1−p )2
2 2

Thereof scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is a reigning rally does stand to illustrate the potential
pressure on a complete conceptual contexts does emerge approach of advance algorithms (dependency
on the designation of linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount -> adjustable), utility(tools ->
scanning the the expertise of instrumentation), (instill(node -> still waiting), infuse(edge -> ongoing
data)), (custom(event = happening or occurrence), trust(time = count a day away to be aware -> agenda
plan)))} settlement set) with a countable character of calculable computing (digital issues -> countable
set = In mathematics, a countable set is a set with the same cardinal (number of elements) as some
subset of the set of natural numbers. A countable set is either a finite set or a countably infinite set.
Whether finite or infinite, the elements of a countable set can always be counted one at a time and,
although the counting may never finish, every element of the set is associated with a natural number.)
which is knowing how to integrate driven diversity inside the appreciation of "being a state". Although
cardinal is a guide to consult or to apply or to run principles of adjustment and enhancement or
amelioration only because the approach of the trust in selfish confidence is acting on the objectivity of
human interests would increase the images of perfection and performance of mirroring fairness.
Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) which does engender a modeling approach uses a translating
triplet = listing( 0. arbitrary choice -> logic one = existence = something in hand (challenging of
predictable processing), 1. take advantages of agreeing average (central metrics approach), 2. be
awakened excitement or Synaptic s can enable a common sense of tasting tasty representation of what
it is going to be enjoyable or performance or appreciation deal) is wanting to design a great feel of
moodiness. Thereupon scalability policy reveals vitality (souls). Although scalability policy is
celebrating the trust in operating reality does compose this triplet = {0. arbitrary origin of believing in
the existence of aspects of the soul's satisfaction (digital gradual concept), 1. report advantages of
centrism metrics approach (agree and average belongs to clever morality and does order for the theory
of open mind), 2. be ready to pick up something from archival to be subject of enhancement or
improvement or amelioration}. Thus scalability policy (genuine = simply early soul in the body ->
product(p * (1 - n * p) over (1 - p*(1 - p)), unjust = complex creative comprehensive of wavy behavior
does use exponential policy -> exp(a() - p * b()))). Thus the political parliament or the house of
congress is knowing to meet the big accountability or partnership does care of the harmony of
principles of helpfulness (the basic engine of law rule = justification of helpfulness and appreciation of
aid (law rule is aiming to guide people to accept the existence and to weigh the importance of the
exploitation of the existence (tasting tasty survival adventures))). Scalability policy in its simply early
soul in a body is suggesting to implement this countable context = product(p*(1 - n*p) over (1 - p*(1 -
p))), which has to assign the enumeration or numerable numerous computing does use
enumeration{ (weigh = integer n, probability = p), for each element in a set {kindness, improvement,
urgency, staff, opinion, interaction, holding, greatness, choice, opportunity can guess whether to go to
be or to make the call of primitive procedure}}. Scalability policy in complex wavy behavior design
(usefulness of exp(a() - p + b())), which is acting on the basic benefit of the trust in selfish confidence
(earn or own trust in selfish confidence can raise around away). Thereupon constitutional composite
{permanence or normalcy or regularity strike + legislation -> legitimate debate and driven discussion =
vivid administration of the standard check-ins of law}. Thus analysis and diagnosis are examining the
principles of constitutional composite = {assistance of regularity or normalcy or permanence -> 3.33%
for woman role (children education), 3.33% managing policy (supervisory of requirement and interest
on defining the need and necessity), 3.33% art views( bountifulness of reveals), 3.33% state
amortization (appreciate accounting for hiring kernel of being a state does need tools and human
capability or moody ability to release reality of existence -> existence to bring upon productivity and
meaningfulness of collectivism), 3.33% state ownership (count on the trust of what "being a state" has
to have or to own or to earn or to get -> good atmosphere for anyone across the country, activism
approach does enable negotiation show, availability or innovative creativity), 3.33% civil engineering
does care about the "going green" mechanism (doors can be made by small trees), 3.33% employment
expertise (deal with plan and suggestion on what employment has to perform its expertise encouraging
people to dream of scalability trust), 3.33% recognition of tradition characteristics (feast celebration),
3.33% human flux or magnetism (attractive association -> justification of being friendship or
partnership or leadership or engagement or encouragement or conformity), 3.33% human inertia
(mimetic learning to find the worthy way of making progress in what "solving problem" is presenting
or designing to trust the harmony of honest success), 3.33% others } + legislative challenge is facing
the justification of satisfaction campaign and it is defending the mission of diversity through a
primordial profile or plan of the trust in selfish confidence (yeah to being a state fighting for harmonic
collectivism where educational behaviors have to govern resulting in relationship -> relationship inside
family, relationship in street, relationship inside a bus or a train, relationship of no collision,
relationship to make touch on fruitfulness and co). Although the reality of existence is being to
model(piece string = it is possible to assign or find or search for a composite being somehow in
relationship with the process of extraction does recovery meaningfulness and signification of trusting
transformation (nothing is created by itself, nothing is lost but all can be transformed)). Thus it is to
refer to someone as weighing conformity of adjustment challenge or comprehensive character or
discrete says hire signs of soul concept or worthy ability does pay attention to judge the situation.
Scalability policy (exp(accountability() - proportional() * benefit())) is delivering or assigning for each
state worker an account either to hire signs of law personification by personal ownership does allow
him or her to slam the handling of the situation (how to govern promises and how to deal with the
driven decision). Thereupon those contexts of modeling signs for law personification or law
acknowledgment are packing the morphology or the grammar of political composite to return or
produce happiness and to comment on the quotidian quietness for each state worker. The supervisor
role shall end in a battle run = be able to evaluate all those signs of satisfaction by each state worker
and to charge the staff responsibility to comply with promoting accountability is considering alternative
modeling that any state worker who is not satisfied is apt to consult other chance where else respecting
the monthly income or earn from "being a state" concept is charging itself (it is a concept = a lot of law
rules (issuing from persons are elected) to think about everything the critical staff has control touch to
the conformity or kindness of "being a state" and it is going to fight for the best signs of personal
satisfaction -> be awarded and happy to take training courses at each startup (from 8 o'clock am to 9
o'clock am, notice that this training course is helping settlement show for being lawmaker or president
of state next after)).

Scalability policy is going to be vivid issues.

The trust in selfish confidence is a softy language does plan to dominant the empire legacy of law
legendary by the induction of scalability policy has to estimate the importance of the exploitation of the
( minus ( a() ,multiply ( p,b( ))))
existence based upon basic dynamics which is equal to wonderful e does promise
that transition traceability is trusting mimetic leaning coaching purposes how to advance appreciation

( )
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg ( )

while adjustable amount

1+16⋅β⋅exp ( 1−pp )∨exp( 1−p p ) is presenting
ability celebrate the dynamics of scalability policy does aim to transform ideas into experiencing
expertise does recognize the stochastic and probabilistic world is taking advantages of business benefit

( )
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg ( )
tellg ()
is caring of a thinkable energy (vivid soul or kindness) shall become
topics of governable metrics does help scalability policy run greatness patterns belong to job
scheduling reality.
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())), which is offering to centrism metric opportunity into
formality approach does envelop the principles or contexts of "appreciate adjustment" does want to
regulate the retrieval reality of countable character (0. be neat enough. 1. be smart enough, 3. be kind
enough). The best way to determine whether associate amount = {a * log2( {1 + n * p} over {1 - p}) *
log2({1 + n*(1 - p)} over p)} over {1 + 16 * b * exp(p over {1 - p}) or exp({1 - p} over p)} which can
scale principles of transition traceability does meet intentional mirror mechanism is becoming the
reason for weighing "appreciate adjustment" aspects being a part of the harmony of the trust in selfish
confidence. However, mapping( induction = to sell, capacitance = to buy) is revealing to the education
of business basics can check out whether constitutional composite (3.33% woman normalcy, 3.33%
employment expertise, 3.33% civil engineering, 3.33% state ownership, 3.33% state amortization,
3.33% art views, 3.33% human flux (attractive aspects being able to tell people doing something being
in balance), 3.33% recognition of tradition, 3.33% human inertia(caring about progress), 3.33%
managing policy) is attainable uniformity does throw around operative observation does empower
principles of innocent instrumentation has to legitimate the manufacturing of argumentative tools are
taking advantages of innovative creativity by human existence which is referring to terms of "art view"
approach is deciding whether the associate design is smart enough to guarantee the transfer of
happiness between people (be innovative creative because the scanning of human quietness is
legitimating the focus on the advantages of scalability policy = triplet occurrence = listing set {0. the
arbitrary level does guess (to estimate) the character of individualism, 1. arrangement and adjustment to
get an associative appreciation of amounting average, 2. search to rectify proposal level }). Even
though the scalability policy, which is referencing to mapping (genuine = simply an early soul in the
body, unjust = complex exponential policy -> evaluation of exp(Minus(adjustable(),
Multiply(proportional(), business()))) ) is seeming to charge its uniform approach to debate and discuss
the reasons for "being a state". But first of all, heart care of "being a state" is holding driven definitions
= {0. to appreciate the normalcy of a woman (the primordial role of a woman is to occupy about her
children -> She busies herself with the education of her children), 1. to become expert enough while the
impact of employment is pushing pressure on meeting perfection and capacity, 2. to design harmony in
housing does respect the gravity of "going green", 3. to worry about the "state obligation for each state
worker", 4. to order for more justification of operative of "being a state", 5. to manage what it is going
on estimation and enhancement, 6. to keep responsibility track of artistic views, 7. to hire human
interactivity or flux advising people to guide themselves into innocent staff = neither guilty nor faulty
and never to ruin nor to destroy, 8. to be awaken if professional clever morality has to act on the
principles of human inertia, 9. to construct an auto pivot does count on the challenge of finest human
being does take care of common sense of designation and of signification of meaningfulness does
request to impose mirroring images of mimetic learning does hit the transparent gravity of the trust in
selfish confidence (be well while before any task it is possible to take a complete hour training and
guidance which is teaching candidates or workers how to react and how to solve problem)}. Thus
enumeration terminology which is assigning guidance for each composing component of the
envisaging constitutional composite (3.33% woman role, 3.33% art view, 3.33% civil engineering,
3.33% employment expertise, 3.33% human flux (play with children), 3.33% human inertia). Although
scalability policy is an impressive acknowledgment is busying the boom of the transition traceability
(to jump apart aside looking for a solution of a problem or to take training courses, even though to
climb across to meet summit staff -> role of supervisory). Thus the scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b()))
is returning images of harmony when someone is needing or requiring helpfulness or aid or guidance or
coordination, meanwhile, transition traceability is running statement signs do appear as thinkable
energy does transform or transport human capacity into justification or "hiring reasons answering the
while closure" and the judgment of human inertia(being ahead passage of referencing the language of
transparency). Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is emerging the concept of reigning regulation does
strike the concept of the trust in selfish confidence. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) that is hoping
that the universal terminology of quietness and happiness or wellness does advance proud priority of
human inertia. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is pressuring on softy language of transition
traceability (to jump apart aside, although to climb across) hopes to act on effects of sensitive
sensibility do require the study of sensor show (send, receive) way or the data traffic. Thereupon liable
linguistic logic's policy = {(measurable(amount) -> adjustable, utility(tools -> instrumentation)),
(instill(node -> still workaround), infuse(edge -> ongoing edges)), (custom(event -> happening or
occurrence), trust(time = count a day away to be aware -> agenda plan))} settlement set is concerning
human interest. Scalability policy (= usefulness of exponential policy = exp(a() - p * b())) which is
busying itself with greatness of arrangement accountability or the deal with to try to solve a problem.
Scalability policy (exp(a() - p*b())) is announcing having the power to charge reasons for teaching
people how to care about the softy language of progress.
Smarter serviceability is looking for more trust in auto pivot does award scalability policy through the

( )
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg ( )

terminology of transition traceability p while the worthy wealthy vivid

valuation can express more reality on the transforming terminology does perform more trust on
scalability policy (to adjust something assignable while the process of arrangement has to appreciate

( )
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg ( )
tellg ()
greatness language) is overtaking away. Although it is possible to
choose the right choice for an adjustable average does evaluate the reality of operative observing

( ))

( )
p 1− p
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg ( )
tellg ()
amount reign show
Draft copy 11/19/20

In fact, still, the scalability policy is dealing with the dynamic command of advances, adventures and
the advantages of the reign of the serviceability during a process of evaluation of composite contexts
(the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event; "the historical context".). The
characteristics of composing composite are standing behind scenes of transition traceability does hold
secret signs of retrieval reality when it is reporting to mirror and reflect human intentional impact does
dominate the concept and belief of: 1. collectivism = a political theory that the people should own the
means of production (to own children, to own raw material, to own something technology, to own
something tools, to own something helpfulness, to own something ability, to own something
predictable, to own images of hopefulness, to own pressure on joyfulness, to own language of
cooperation and coordination, to own communicative aspects, to own aspiration and smartness),
Collectivism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the
significance of groups—their identities, goals, rights, outcomes, etc.—and tends to analyze issues in
those terms. Collectivism is a basic cultural element that exists as the reverse of individualism (in the
same way high context culture exists as the reverse of low context culture), and in some cases stresses
the priority of group goals over individual goals and the importance of cohesion within social groups
(such as an ingroup, in whichever specific context it is defined). 2. the study of driven dynamics of
conceptual metrics to offer a managing average has to satisfy a universal approach is corresponding to
the mechanism of transparency. 3. eventually exploration of "what it is going on to be occurrence or
happening of happiness or quietness or wellness" which is prioritizing clear advances of the trust in
selfish confidence (tendency to induce activism and vitality inside the society). Although scalability
policy (it is mapping mechanism based upon corresponding 1. genuine = simply an early soul in a body
(ready in a virtual inertness to hire effects to belong to the empowerment of prediction processing is
seeming needed and required so far the importance of the exploitation of the existence can measure the
transparency of communicative convoy (race is depending on human touch control (touch control of
discrete say, touch control of human flux and its countable gravity, touch control of educational
behavior, touch control of the influence of the training mission)))). 2. complex valuation does
accelerate the signification of the transforming terminology would win the battle of (usefulness of
exponential policy exp(a() - p * b()): arbitrary choice -> individualism = a belief in the importance of
the individual concept and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence, measurable average
using the principles of centric metrics approach, 3. convergence does call the mechanism of a movable
tangent (ratio = tg² over (1 + tg²))). Even though scalability command is wanting to prioritize the
elected expectation on what the vivid issues do take care of while the study of conceptual job
scheduling is giving right of supervision does order to design-driven show does rule mandates of
judgment and justification. Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is announcing pressure and dominance
on prioritizing harmony of composite (constitutional composite does recognize the universal language
of perfection and performance -> something super-well = winning the battle (alpha roots, beta wavy
behavior (sometimes up, sometimes down -> surround operating optimization))). Scalability policy is
going to define the geometry of greatness that is starting with hiring effects of imagination & breathing
success does impact the challenge of prototyping principles of the complete manufacturing of
performance does increase the trust in selfish confidence matches objectivity. Scalability policy
(exp(a() - p * b())) is able to achieve the aim object of the trust in selfish confidence is going to reserve
or keep tracks on meaningfulness and designation of happiness and success. Thus scalability
policy(exp(a() - p * b())) is setting the skeleton body of associative basic benefits has to weigh the
importance of the exploitation of the existence (it is possible yeah it is possible to assign an envisaging
composite being somehow in relationship with a process of extraction (1. Relationship between human
personification and the cultivation of the earth (get what is harmonizing the softy language of tasting
tasty expertise of being happy, 2. relationship between what is a request does earn celebrity character,
3. relationship between what is pointing match and bright clear deployment of expressive experience,
4. relationship between ruling roles and appreciation of what is an accomplishment, 5. relationship
between countable progress (considerable castling camp) and the impact of productivity, 6. relationship
between what is hopefulness and the driven decision can balance things into objectivity and
comparative camp (jump from level to level, climb from level to level, it is no matter that what is
countable there is access to pick a level shall be countable with the process of selectivity or of pick
up)))). Scalability policy(exp(a() - p * b())) which is going to assign basic benefit into intentional
images do mirror the principles of human inertia (appreciation of smart success support the having of
human capability to accomplish and to invent more innovative implementation) by the way that
scalability policy is influencing the entire while the battle of harmonic satisfaction and happiness has to
raise and to grow if a universal enjoyable metrics return implementable desires or aim objects or plans
for making benefits of "being happy 80% or much more as being chance for aspiration, be happy while
being state has to drop projects for a niceness. Scalability policy (exp(adjustable() - proportional *
benefit())) is tools has to weigh its implementation within experiencing expertise of quotidian quietness
and smart wellness (well from experience, it is possible to make an hour appointment for taking
command and recommendation during hour complete which has a plan to active responsibility inside
the community in the real show to challenge principles of serviceability approach. Thereupon teaching
all workers one complete hour to justify the sensitivity dynamics does worth the designation and
meaningfulness of observing opportunity have to suggest or transmit signalization of the trust in selfish
confidence. Even though it is possible to test the whole 3 hours 30 minutes to work next after that start-
up = one complete hour for learning functionality while it is being a resulting in a reminder for
scalability policy does recognize effects of the revolutionary show and does experience aspects of
leaning, however, it will be time to take one complete hour for lunch triggering that still 3 hours 30
minutes to work for more competence convey.). Thereupon, being responsible for looking for the ruling
roles of supervisory and advisory to fight for a universal approach has to recognize or consider the
conceptual contexts of scalability policy (offering people a chance, and a second chance and more
chance to believe in principles of conscious characteristics is being more required to qualify
terminology of greatness and gracefulness (= reserving a sum of 1000 US $ monthly for hiring the
effects yep the effects of teaching workers how to explore units of serviceability do reveal to the pivotal
of commendation and runaway does automatically know how to bring success and progress upon signs
of harmony and integrity)). Thus the problem of booming works for anyone across will a primitive and
primordial subject of any responsible does look to behave on the importance of the exploitation of the
existence (understandable appearance of being a state has to mobility and co). Consequently, scalability
policy(exp(adjustable() - proportional() * benefit())) is taking the way to exercise the design of perfect
runaway of constitutional composite does announce its priority on what entire whole awareness does
seem act on the impact of happiness and hopefulness while the inertial show of "being a state" is
making progress through real-time return = presentation of what is predictable shall solving the
problem before any happening + testimony of quality + accomplishment of current project + offering
opportunity for enhancement + operative greatness of teaching and learning stand, etc. Even though
the scalability policy (useful exp(a() - p * b())) is measuring responsibility of valuation and placement
(O Lord Creator God please offer poorest me a chance to travel inside Earth's Sky and to make more
trips as never while I'm still hoping to take English Schooling in the English Language). Scalability
policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is harmonizing shininess and sweetness on what aspects of quotidian
quietness and qualitative wellness does care of all signs of human respects and human dignity is
yielding the design of clear bright collectivism can arrange situation of boosting human capacity does
offer private side its importance while the public side is being the higher subject of political interest has
to justify the contribution of human flux (one complete hour teaching before any start-up each day
while the thinkable energy is reserving 1000 thousand us $ dollar for being an excellent student does
wishing to meet principles of integrity = yeah to work as it is shown daily and to comply with the
testimony of evaluation of expertise does offer that worker (= student at that start-up hour) opportunity
to dream of demands of learning, mimetic learning does act on the importance of serviceability and to
exercise the features of learning while that learning is reserving 1000 us $ deposit monthly can justify
the kernels of diversity and sustainability.

While the proportional processing is going to accept the modeling approach does believe in the
importance of the exploitation of the existence. This proportional processing is pushing greatness on
( ∫
1+ ( 1− p )⋅ key ∂tellg ( )
tellg ()

the softy language

1+16⋅β⋅exp ( 1−pp )∨exp( 1−p p ) is being going to
act on terminology of transformation hold images and impacting mirrors of transforming probabilistic
world into intentional implementable of variable resistance concept does help a comprehensive
approach to inspire more reality on the proportional processing show.

Scalability policy matters because it is a terminology of three dimensional ( the nil origin = is to choose
a valid level which is corresponding to the exploitation of the existence, the second convergence = is to
adopt a centrism convoy for better appreciation of amounting average is involving within the idea of
centrism metrics, the last to say = is to study the update of optimization) does deploy a trust in
p⋅ ∫ key ∂ tellg()

( )
1− p tellg( )
1+ −β⋅
1 +p⋅ ∫ key ∂tellg () 1−p
tellg ( )
usefulness of or similar processing is asking on
what human flux or human magnetism is being a softy language does act on pushing pressure on
virtual predictable concept has to discuss a priority and debate operative opportunity when the concept

( )
1 +p⋅ ∫ key ∂ tellg()
tellg ( )

show 1− p while the contexts of scalability policy is maintaining reminders of a

modeling approach does believe in the usefulness of
( vitality
,triplet(chance choice proportionality
metrics benefit
greatness )) does reserve the reign of perfection
and confirming conformity around across the trust in selfish confidence show.
Draft copy

In fact, scalability policy = { arbitrary origin = exploitation of existence, centrism metrics = average
assistance, if lost touch control -> try to optimize } = mapping (genuine = simply Early soul in body ->
product(p*(1 - n*p) over (1 - p*(1 - p))), unjust = complex -> wavy behavior: exponential policy =
exp(a() - p*b())). Therefore, scalability policy is going to trust the principles of vitality (thinkable
energy -> which is corresponding to the soul's selectivity). The reality is ordering for more confidence
on the driven heart kernel is keeping the harmony of human flux or human magnetism does know much
gravity and aspiration on the honest interest of human dignity (O Lord Creator God please English
Schooling in English). Scalability policy (useful of exponential policy -> exp(a()) - p * b()), when the
basic benefit is a choice of reserving hopefulness can have a great tendency (it can suggest tending to
positive infinite, example = log2({1 + (1 - p) * I(key)} over p)), even though the operating university
dealing with centrism metrics (pushing on an appreciation of acceptable average) is imposing the
descriptive show of judgment and justification based upon teaching operative observation has to
illustrate the intentional mirroring an image has the power to justify a choice does appear closer to be
ultimate smart helpfulness. Although to complete with scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b()) is giving
basic survival appearance), the harmonic factor on reserving complete show of "caring of" or
"worrying about" dynamics to study archival files while the purpose aim object is to locate operating
objectivity of what people do want or do wish (modeling approach of human inertia does offer
character show of solving the problem or modeling approach of human interests & a conceptual
concerning asking any virtual predictable processing to discuss major main greatness of piece string=
exerting evaluation of express: neither guilty nor faulty & never to ruin nor to destroy). While
Scalability policy (exp(a() - p * b())) is going to determine whether the reign of transition traceability is
reserving operative reliability does weigh the effects of care concept and the softy language of
happiness and satisfaction can justify the privileging pivot would launch and activism update in
automatically arrangement does show the importance of constitutional composite would fight for more
harmony of "being a state", yep constitutional composite would respect designation and
meaningfulness of "being a state does think about the great required atmosphere does offer human flux
or human magnetism recommendation remaining tools to weigh the convergence of opinions justifying
the flux of judgment (the dynamics were to attract the whole idea either to respect principles of
governable measures and measurements: modeling the importance of the existence (trees are over there
to offer more oxygen to people, by the way, that the modeling approach of environmental environment
is being responsible to return harmony of performing effects of trees within doors (using electric
motors to move trees used as doors or windows for each building or any house across country only to
offer people great opportunity thinking green at any time. Yep using a composite = electric motor +
trees moved by that electric motor expressing hopefulness of going green at any house across the
country, this environmental door lock (tress either many or only two or only one moving by an
associate electric motor) is scaling the hopefulness of great atmosphere update human "want" to think
green and to appreciate the principles of cultivation trees within principles of "door lock" idea does
orientate its concern to great usefulness of electric motor and the clean energy across the country)))).
This for each house it is possible to choose the principle of = the door of the house = tress moving by
an earth electric motor monitoring the principles of "going green" at any house across the country the


octave:1> p = 1:999; p = p/ length(p); q = 1 - p; r = q - p;

octave:2> for i = 1:999 v(i) = p(i) * q(i); w(i) = r(i) * r(i); a(i) = log2(1 + q(i) / (1 + i * p(i)));
octave:3> plot(a)
octave:4> for i=1:999 b(i) = log2( (1 + q(i) * i) / p(i)); d(i) = log2( (1 + p(i) * i) / q(i)); x(i) = exp(w(i) -
b(i)); y(i) = exp(w(i) - a(i)*d(i)); endfor;
warning: division by zero
octave:5> plot(x);
octave:6> plot(y);

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