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Questions of Internet Programming

1. What is CMS (Content Management System)? What are the applications of CMS?
Content management system is a tool that helps you build a website without
needing to write all the code. The software that helps users create, manage,
and modify content on a website without the need for specialized technical
CMS Applications or Softwares:  WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento,
Squarespace, Wix, Kentico CMS · Refinery CMS · DotNetNuke etc. These are content
management systems .

2. Why WordPress is the most popular CMS of the web?

 It’s open source and free
 It’s very easy to use
 It’s SEO friendly
 It’s Highly customizable
 It has plugins for almost everything.
 New updates released every almost five months
 You can develop your website 60 languages ( Multilingual feature )
 Regular updates, Reliable Security , Multi-User Approach
 Variety of free and premium themes

3. What is domain and sub domain? How many parts of a domain?

Domain is the Primary address of the website. A subdomain is an add-on to your
primary domain name. A domain can have multiple subdomains. # Uniform Resource Locator

For Example:

Primary domain name is Prime2watch
Subdomain is Shop

They do NOT need to be "registered." The domain and subdomain do not exceed 63 characters. Other Examples: ,
Mail and Maps represent subdomain.

Parts of Domain:

When it comes to websites, all that really matters is whether the protocol is:
 https (secure connection)
 http (non-secure connection)

4. What is TLD (Top Level Domain) and SLD (Second Level Domain) / CLD (Country
Level Domain)?

Most common TLDs: ( Top Level Domains)

Country Level domains (CLD)
.au (Australia)
.ca (Canada)
.de (Germany)
.pk ( Pakistan)
.in ( India)
Second Level Domain (SLD)
This is the "name" that you register For example: in which prime2watch is SLD.

5. What is and how domain availability can be checked?

WHOIS - Who owns the website. Basically it give you information, data about registered domains. You
can lookup domain availability. Research domain ownership with Whois Lookup: Get ownership
info, IP address history, rank, traffic, SEO & more. You can Find available domains & domains for sale.
A number of domain registrar give you facility to check the domain availability. For examples:
Godaddy, Mushihost, , , etc……

6. What is the role of in registration of Pakistani CLD domains?

( .pk Registry provider) is sole registrar in Pakistan for Country Level Domains.
CLD domains, and registration and maintenance of all .PK domain names are done by
7. What is web hosting?
A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies
and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. People
buy hosting to keep their websites Live on the internet. Your website data is stored and
saved in their servers and you pay for it.
8. Who is domain registrar?
Domain registrar do registration of the domain names. Maintained and administered
by domain name registrars. Some domain registrar also do reselling of domains. Examples:
1. · 2. Namecheap · 3. · 4. Hover · 5. BlueHost · 6. HostGator  7.
Godaddy, 8. Mushihost

9. What is Cpanel and how this panel is important for web developer?
cPanel is a very popular web-based control panel. It is a full-featured website
development tool that helps in your website’s management using a graphical
user interface (GUI). With the cPanel, you have complete control in managing
your website without depending on highly qualified website developers.

You can manage the important aspects of file management, FTP, backups, email
management to manage every possible mail-related tasks including spam filter
and autoresponder, email account forwarders and mailing lists, domain and sub-
domain control, error page management, password protection of web folders,
MIME types, Apache handlers, CGI Scripts, statistical information, users
management, Cron Jobs, Chatroom management, bulletin board, Shopping Cart,
Leech Protection, HotLink Protection, SSL Manager, Network Tools, and MySQL
database administration.

 We need cPanel simply because it is apparently the most reliable web-based control
panel in the market. No other web hosting management software has the characteristics
and functionalities that it gives.

10. What is file manager and why it is very important for web development?
cPanel File Manager gives you useful options to quickly manage your files within the
cPanel interface. It’s easy to use and it removes the hassles of using FTP. You can
create, upload, modify or remove files from this interface. It also gives the feature of
moving files to Trash before permanently deleting them, from which it can be recovered
later. Copying Moving, text editor, code editor, file creator, extracting files etc.. these
functions are present in file manager.
11. What is root directory (public_html)?
The public_html folder is the web root for your primary domain name. This means
that public_html is the folder where you put all website files which you want to appear
when someone types your main domain.
 The document root is the folder that stores the files for your website. The document root
for your main domain name is the public_html folder.  When you are ready to upload
your website, the files will go into the public_html folder.  Once you have uploaded an
index page, it will over-ride the default "Hello There!" page that accounts show upon

12. How to create official email accounts of a company by using Cpanel?

1. Log in to the cPanel
2. Scroll through cPanel until you find the Email Accounts icon. Click on the
3. You will then see the Email Accounts page. Click on the button
labeled Create.
4. The Create an Email Account window will be displayed. Select the domain
that you want to use for the email account. If you have multiple domains on
this account,
5. Type in the user name that you want to use.
6. The next option is for setting the password for the email account.
7. The next option to set is the Storage Space. By default the value is set to
250 MB.
8. Click on the blue button labeled CREATE in order to create the account.

13. What is email forwarding and auto responder?

Email forwarding is used because a website have many email accounts like, , , so it is difficult to
manage and visit the email account Inbox for checking emails. So, there is and option in
cPanel of Email Forwarders you set another email address which you often keep visiting
daily. Any emails come to your webmail will be forwarded to you.
Steps: You can also set autoresponder message. Whenever someone send you mail, they
will received your auto-response message.

Email Account forwarders will forward all email email from one email account to another.

1. Click the Add Forwarder button.

2. Enter the address you would like to be forwarded.
3. Choose the destination for the forwarded email.
4. Click submit.

14. What is ICANN and its role?

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an
internationally organized, non-profit corporation that has responsibility for Internet
Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic
(gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name system management,
and root server system management functions

ICANN is responsible for coordinating the management of the technical elements

of the DNS to ensure universal resolvability so that all users of the Internet can
find all valid addresses.

15. Types of websites (Static, Dynamic and e-commerce)

 Static websites are ones that are fixed and display the same content for every
user, usually written exclusively in HTML. User can only view the content but can not
change or interact with it. Examples
 Hugo. ...
 Octopress. ...
 Pelican. ...
 Brunch. ...
 Middleman

 A dynamic website, on the other hand, is one that can display different content
and provide user interaction, by making use of advanced programming and databases
in addition to HTML. Examples:
 1) Netflix. ...
 2) Amazon. ...
 3) HubSpot. ...
 4) Facebook. ..

E-commerce generally perform buying, selling or retailing functions. Like Online stores,
Shopping websites, or online buying selling services.

16. How many types of e-commerce websites and give at least one example of each type.
Types of eCommerce website
B2C eCommerce. B2C stands for Business to Consumer. Amazon,
B2B eCommerce. B2B stands for Business to Business. ... Alibaba
C2C eCommerce. C2C stands for Consumer to Consumer. ... eBay , Olx
C2B eCommerce. C2B stands for Consumer to Business. ... Upwork.
Mixed Business Models. ...
Dropshipping. ...
Wholesaling. ...
Manufacturing and Private Labeling.

17. What is difference between responsive and non-responsive website?

Non-responsive: Non-responsive websites are basically your “normal” websites that
display perfectly on desktop computers. But while accessing on mobile/smartphones
the website won’t display properly and results in a difficult experience for the user. 
A responsive website is a website that displays and functions properly across all
devices: desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones. Responsive websites
result in a user-friendly experience on your website.

18. What is WordPress and what is difference between and
What is is where you’ll find the free WordPress software that you can download and
install on your own web server to create a website. With, YOU host your own
blog or website.

What is takes care of all of the web hosting for you. You don’t have to download
software, pay for hosting, or manage a web server. You will, however, be required to create an
account on and many website features are paid upgrades. Pros

 Easy to set up; no messing with hosting, installation, or servers

 Easy to customize
 100% Free Cons

 Paid upgrades for advanced customization

 No plugin uploads
 Limited number of themes for free Pros

 100% free to download

 Upload custom plugins
 Use any theme
 Unlimited potential for customization; complete control over your files and code Cons

 Pay for hosting

 Setup; you install WordPress yourself (or through your web hosting)
 You are responsible for managing for maintaining your website and server (although
most web hosts handle basic tasks for you)

19. What is a theme and how to find a WordPress theme?

Themes are a collection of templates and style sheets used to define the appearance
and display of a WordPress powered website. Choosing the right theme is very
We can find theme in dashboard. Click on Appearance , you will see default theme and
just above it you will see Add New, You can search for a good theme, and can install
and then activate the theme. You can also find premium theme on other theme selling
websites also on

20. What is the difference between post and page? What is the role of post and page?
Posts are for timely content. They have a publish date and are displayed in reverse
chronological order on your blog page. They’re what you should think of when you hear the
term “blog post”.
Pages are for static, timeless content. They do not have a publish date. They’re good for
content like your “About” “Privacy Policy” or “Contact” pages.

WordPress Post is more SEO friendly than Page. Pages are for static content, posts are

temporal content that you want to be categorized, tagged, archived. When properly handled,
WordPress pages can be more SEO friendly than posts.

21. What is plugin and what is the difference between plugin and widgets?

PlugIns are extensions that must be installed on the server and activated in order to be
used on the website. ... A WordPress Plugin is a program, or a set of one or more
functions, written in the PHP scripting language, that adds a specific set of features or
services to the WordPress
Widgets are drag-and-drop content areas that can be added to a WordPress site when
its plugin is installed and activated. WordPress Widgets add content and features to your
Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets that come with WordPress; for post
categories, tag clouds, navigation, search,

22. How many roles of user in WordPress by default and what are those? Describe each
user role by their privileges.
Wordpress has 6 roles by default:
Super Admin: A super admin has capabilities that specifically apply to multisite
environments.  They can manage settings for all websites on the network. In the
case of single sites, the Admin is the highest level of user.
Administrator: Control the whole website can change add remove everything in its
Author: somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
Editor: somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other
Subscriber: somebody who can only manage their Profile, can get latest notifications.
Contributor: somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish

23. What is woocommerce and what are its benefits in term of e-commerce?
WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It is designed for
small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress.

• You can Create a beautiful store where customers can find what they want
• Sell any product, any time

• Manage orders and customers

• Optimize your store to sell more

• Provide you payment methods and you can also add more.

24. How many types of products in woocommerce and how these are different from
each other.

Physical products — probably what we all think of when it comes to online

stores. By this we mean real, tangible goods that are shipped from door to door.

Digital goods — from eBooks to software products to creative work like photos
or music, so much can be delivered digitally, instantly, to shoppers online.

Access — by this we’re talking about access either to specific products (limited
to members or exclusive groups only) or to content.

Time — selling your time means selling access to your knowledge. This might
come in the form of appointments for offline services or expert advice, or even
online sessions via Skype.

Tickets — sold to both online and offline events, like concerts or webinars.

25. What is the attribute of product and what are the benefits of variation? For which
type of product it is suitable.

Product attributes are essential to creating variable products (Products that come
in various sizes, colors, etc.)
In size attribute You can add; Small, Medium , Large, Extra Large, etc..
In colors you can add colors like; Red , Black, Green, Blue etc..
It can help the customer which product is suitable for him.

26. How many types of reports of woocommerce plugin

4-Types of reports (Main)

Orders: Order Tab starts with sales by date, sales by product, sales by category,
coupons by date, Customer downloads

Customer: The Customers tab allows you to view reports for Customers vs.

Guests and Customer List with options to further sort by year, last month, this month,
last 7 days, and custom.
Stock lists your low in stock, out of stock items, and most stocked products.

Taxes: The reports for Taxes allows you to view Taxes by code (state)

and Taxes by date. by year, last month, this month and custom dates you enter.

27. How many types of user’s roles added after the successful installation of
woocommerce and how we can use these user in e-commerce?

When you install WooCommerce, you’ll gain two user roles:

 Customer: Assigned to new customers when they create an account on your website.

This role is basically equivalent to that of a normal blog subscriber, but customers can edit
their own account information and view past or current orders.

 Shop Manager: This allows the user to run the operations side of your WooCommerce
store without the ability to edit back-end functionality like files and code. A manager has the
same permissions as a customer, plus they’re also granted the ability to manage all settings
within WooCommerce, create/edit products, and access all WooCommerce
reports. Important: They ALSO have access to the WordPress editor capabilities mentioned

WooCommerce also offers additional capabilities that allow an Administrator to:

 Manage all WooCommerce settings

 Create and edit products

 View WooCommerce reports

When to Use the Shop Manager Role

Assign the Shop Manager role when:

 You want to allow a user to manage orders, issue refunds, and produce reports, without
being able to edit plugins, themes, or settings on your site.

 You want to allow a user to view and update orders and products, but not access your
user settings (they won’t be able to add/edit user roles and permissions).

28. What is elementskit and what are the benefits of this?

Elementskit is a Header and Footer builder , You can also design Megamenu, You can
use any element widgets.
• Header & footer Builder with ElementsKit
• Build megamenu content in Elementor with unlimited possibilities
• Integrated with powerful new controls.
29. How many payment methods are available in woocommerce by default and what
are those?
Direct Bank Transfer
Check Payments
Cash on delivery
30. At the time of woocommerce installation, how many pages will install in your pages,
what are their name and what is the purpose of each page?
31. What is elementor? How elementor is creating ease for developers? Is it a Front end
tool or a back end tool?
32. How many tabs are available for each element in elementor? What is the purpose of
each tab and how designer can get benefits from these tabs?
33. How elementor is better than visual composer, beaver, and WP Bakery?
34. What is menu and what is max mega menu? What is difference between menu and
sub menu? How many submenu levels are recommended for a reasonable website?
35. How we can add multiple columns by using max mega menu?
36. What is Dashboard of WordPress and what is it role? Do we have plugins
dashboard as well if we have then justify your answer with that plugin name which
have dashboard.
37. What is smart slider and can we add more than one sliders on one page or post and
38. What is Contact Form 7 and how we can take customer information with the help of
this form? How the form will be added on a right sidebar?
39. How comments are vulnerable for website and how we can control the comments?
40. What is email forwarder and email auto responder? How we can take advantages
from these features in our businesses?
41. What is media in WordPress? What is the max limit of any media file by using
42. What is video embedding and map embedding in your page/post and how you can
do it.
43. What is the difference between post categories and product categories?
44. Why we add tags in posts and what is the purpose of tags?
45. What is slug and why we use slug in WordPress Post Categories and Woocommerce
product categories?

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