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Evelyn Garcia

Professor Takiko

Sociology 100

31 July 2020

Hypothetical Dialogue between Dr. Stanley and Evelyn

Evelyn: In the experiment that you did, what was the purpose on doing this research?

Dr. Stanley Milgram: Well the main point on doing this experiment was to try to find out how far

people would go in obeying an instruction if it involved harming another person.

Evelyn: How were the results of your experiment after it was done? Were they positive or


Dr. Stanley Milgram: In the year 1961 I started my experiment; in this year also Adolf Eichman

and some other million accomplices were following orders. I wanted to investigate if the

Germans were being obedient to the authority orders because that was the common explanation

for the Nazi killings. Yes, the information was trustful because the participants were separated in

groups of two where one person was the learner and the other one was to be the teacher. The

learner was the one who had to do the shocks and the teacher was the one who recipe it.

Evelyn: Was this experiment made for everyone?

Dr. Stanley Milgram: The subjects that were used in my experiment was of only male

participants. As a matter of a fact there were forty males in total, and they were in the age
between 20 and 50 years old. Every time the participants made a wrong question the teacher was

supposed to give them electric shocks. The setting of this experiment was altered to see how

participants obeyed (Milgram, S).

Evelyn: Did all the subjects that you used in your experiment, was it representative?

Dr. Stanley Milgram: The experiment does not represent the entire community because it was

self-selected, and it comprised of only male participants. In my opinion, the representation was

biased because it was not random selected (Milgram, S).

Evelyn: What were some moral issues that you faced during your project?

Dr. Stanley Milgram: there were a few ethical problems that I encountered during my research

the first one was deception. Before volunteering for the research participants were provided with

a clear description of any potential danger to real humans. The second problem was the right to

revoke consent. The participants were not permitted to terminate their participation at any time.

Even after they called to stop the sample the experimenter urged them to proceed. The third

problem we faced was that participants did not exactly the purpose of this experiment they did

knew that the shocks were not real but that’s all. They were not told the reasons for this project

because maybe if we did people would not be able to collaborate.

Evelyn: If you were to do a similar experiment today, do you think the outcome will be different.
Dr. Stanley Milgram: Yes, I think that if had the chance to do a similar research the results

would be exactly the same. I know so many things have changed since then however, I feel that

people whenever people are punished for making a mistake the are more willing to change.

Evelyn: Thank you so much for your time Dr. Stanley Milgram.
Works cited

EGLITIS, D. S. (2020). DISCOVER SOCIOLOGY: Core concepts. Place of publication

not identified: SAGE PUBLICATIONS.

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