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The WISDOM of SUNDAYS | INTENTION Pastor JOEL OSTEEN OPRAH: Thea a seren that yu Tam lonely. Iam tired. There's a prec on te power of “Tam*And that balance to it. don't think you're ‘amon italy cha iow I leprae “denying theface Otherwie, Pay ~ into y oun if Iwas shooting The just hiding my head in the sand, Butler. U4ad had tat omen Twas Tes not so much that it'justnot, echt We'd en dating and ting the negative. [talk nd slg Andro concn nga as ease” ‘ead that what flees “Tam” will [am fearflly and wonderfully determine what your experience will be. made,” “I am strong,” “Iam Aa teal hugh, Pm gg &y talented." That ie speaking more ‘that becouse Fm exhausted. And Istarted to the core of what God put in sje, Ta gating ny sand wind Teach one of-us. He has equipped ‘an ging to fe 0 much beter by ming, ys, he has empowered ws. We have Tim going to want to shoot all night” And what we need to fulfil our destiny. Tin tdingzen, 1 stored fed dies Bue T do think that we have to “And T could belie hat ithappered ring it out. And you can't bring so gis itoutbeing against yoursef. And PASTOR JOEL OSTEEN! I’san [think thats what keeps us fom, incredible principle Tdon't thin our destiny. wwe realize that what follows “Lam,” — OPRAH: So we heard that phrase, ‘were ivitingtnto our. You “Spang uh opr” I fie mow yousay "Tam tred;"“Tam ——sghar you understand that water flows frustrated,” “Lam lonely” youve. “Yami ging bo exntly fd invited that in. $o the sto. that f you start speaking all the pasice sikaand Stee AEYOU ape of youzel—"T a secure” T sti yar eee OPRAH: So whatever follxes “Tam” determined,” “Tam generous” hen ou ‘anna faa. ‘olan wham rt Veh Tinka ne, lhe bg fe in ef ea ep youre gigto my how youl ow 6

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