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Home page:

The home page gives students quick, accessible

tutorials for moving through course as a “distance-

learner.” I film these using a screen recorder.


Students utilize “modules” to complete

the course in sequential order. The first

module they see is the “how-to” which

is full of tutorials I have filmed to help

them access and navigate the course.

Students move through the course in sequential

order, and I scaffold each page with content

according to the skills they need to master to

achieve the learning outcomes and standards.

I use clear language, and a consistent structure

to help students stay on task, including weekly

“start here” pages, and “checklists.”

I use canvas tools to lock module pages and set

pre-requisites so students have to move

through the course sequentially.

Inside the Module:

Start here pages highlight peer work,

review scaffolded lessons

and include a clear checklist of the expectations for the

week with links to each page.

Each “Content” page moves students through clear steps,

watching recordings of my lessons via powerpoint and


Videos are kept to less than 8 minutes each, and chunked

for more manageability for students diverse needs and

attention spans.
Each module incudes a clear checklist highlighting the

expectations for due dates and deadlines for the previous

week and current week to help keep students on task and

manage their time effectively.

Assessments on Canvas are written with extremely clear, and
color coordinated step by step instructions.

I also provide video instruction for linguistically diverse and

SPED students.

Visual examples are a MUST and are always provided.


Each student is given clear, consistent, and lengthy feedback with specific techniques to improve, areas

of their work to develop, and positive remarks regarding their projects.

Students usually converse back and forth with me on the feedback and are given opportunities to re-

work assessments for better scores.

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