The Experience of Bullying in Secondary

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The Experience of Bullying in Secondary

Level in Public Schools

Prepared By:

Submitted To:
I. Introduction

What is Bully? Bully is unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children.
That involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying includes action such
as making treats, spreading rumors, and excluding some-one from a group. There
have a many kinds of bully. First is Written and Verbal Bullying, Physical Bullying,
Cyber Bullying, Social Bullying and Sexual Bullying. Writing and Verbal Bullying is a
through writing and speaking. Example of written and verbal bullying is Name
Calling, Insults, Tism, Intimidation, Racist remarks, Verbal abuse, Slanderous
Statement and Foul language. Physical Bullying is a using one’s body and physical
bodily acts to exert power over peers. Punching, kicking and other physical attacks.
Example of Physical Bullying is pushing, shoving, kicking, slupping, dickling, head
locks, pranks and use of weapon. Cyber Bullying is a use of electronic
communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an
intimidatingor threatening nature. Example of Cyber Bullying is abusive text
messages, post, image and videos. Excluding others online and immatating other
online. Social Bullying is aggressive social behavior entended to hurt other’s.
example of Social Bullying is negative gesture, encourage other’s to exclude some-
one and damaging reputation. Sexual Bullying it is repeated harmful and umelating
action that targets a person sexual. Example of Sexual Bullying is sexual name
calling, sexual comments, vulgar gesture, un-invited touching and perverted
language. But there have a law and that law is REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10627 or “Anti –
Bullying Act of 2013”. Bullying is reverse to any sevear repeated by one or more
students of written verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or guestour
directed at one another student that has the effect of causing or placing in
reasonable fear, or physical or emotional harm or damage to his property.
II. Statement of the Problem

Bullying is the biggest problem because it is widely recognize problem in the

world. I have an survey because I want to now in public school if he/she
experienced a bully in there school, so I survey out of 40 grade 8 students if they
experience a bully. The research problem is to determine the experienced a kinds
of bully in there school academic achievement from teacher’s point of view.

III. Conceptual Framework


boys girls

11 12 13 14 15 16

have you been bullied

yes no
what kind of bullying have you been experience

Cyber Verbal

writen Physical



IV. Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial of the municipal officials, school personnel, parents, students and
other researchers.

This study is Significants to the municipals officials for it helps them to construct strategies and
methods on how to lessen the cases of bullying.
School Personnel. This study will give them a hint toimprove their motivational and teaching
materials, techniques or methods and skill in open forum to students who really need their

Parents. They will be aware about the kind of attitude their child is possessing. It will give them
a hint on how they would help to encourage their child to avoid bullying.

Students. This study will encourage them to change their attitude towards other people. It will
serve as a medicine to cure the minds of every individual to become open minded about the
consequenses of their action.

Researchers. The researchers in their in the near future ill make use of the result of our
present study. This study will serve as their basis and comparison of their future study.

V. Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted at General Emilio National High School. The
responsible im the person student who have been victimized of bullying. The said
responded of this study ramdomly selected.

In order to discover their life, experience, feelings and coping mechanism of

bully victims the school year 2019 – 2020 interview method was used.

VI. Definition of Terms

Bully – a blustering browbeating person.

In this study, bully refers to a person who is fond to make laugh of the
mistakes of their people.
Bully victim-children who have bullied others and have been bullied

In this study bully victims referred to students who experience physical and
emotional abuse caused by the bully itself.

Chronicle-a description of events in order that they happened.

In this study, chronicle refers to the happenings in the life of a bully victims in
the hands of the bully.

Coping mechanism- are ways to which external or internal stress managed,

adapted to or acted upon. Coping mechanism defines as “constanly changing
cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal
damage that are appraised as taxing”

In this study, coping mechanism is reffered to the strategies that the bully victim
did in order to cope up with the things that made him/her stress.

Downfall-a sudden loss of power, happiness and success.

In this study, downfall means failure of the bully victim to determine themselves
from the bullies.

Experience-the fact or state having been affected by or gained knowledge

through direct observation or participation.

In this study, experiences refer to the experience of the bully victim.

Table of Contents



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