Contemplative Practices To Help Dying.

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Contemplative Practices to
Help the Dying (Ngo Trod) 1.Introduction to Ngo Trod
2.Meditation on the Nine Contemplations on Impermanence
3.The dying process, visions and experiences
Tempa Dukte Lama 4.Guided meditation: dissolution of the elements at the time of
Olmo Ling Being with Dying Series, Workshop II 5.Compassionate care, acceptance and letting go
Tibet House, New York 2019

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Olmoling Being with Dying Series Ngo Trod: Introducing the Dying to Death and its
 Workshop I: Introduction to the Bon teachings on Being with
The moment of death is the threshold of peace and suffering
Death and Dying
where one can enter into either of these two states based on
 Workshop II: Ngo Trod, Contemplative practices to help the
individual karmic accumulations and one’s choices at that
dying person develop openness and trust toward the process of
dying and let go of fear and attachments.
 Workshop III: Being with Dying: The Bardo. • Introduction to death and the dying process: its stages, visions
Tibetan Bon teachings on the process of dying and the and experiences, and the inevitability of death.
psychological, mental, emotional and physical shifts that take place • Remind the dying person of spiritual practices that he or she has
during the dying process. engaged in.
 Workshop IV: Being with Dying: Phowa Practice. • Remind the dying to remember his or her spiritual teacher.
Phowa is a contemplative practice to help the dying at the moment
• Remind the dying to remember his or her deity.
of death and during the time after death.
2 • Remind the dying of spiritual instructions and meditation. 5

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Three Series of Practice to Help the Dying Ngo Trod: Instruction for this Present Life
1. Practices for the moment of death: • We have to make our life meaningful.
 Introduction to the pure nature of the mind (Ngo Trod) • Our life becomes meaningful through accomplishing the twofold
 Phowa (transference of consciousness) for oneself and others. benefit of the self and other:
– We are happy and do not have regrets by the end of our life
2. Practices in the Intermediate State (Bardo):
– We help others and become their inspiration
 Bardo Thodrol: liberation through hearing.
• This enables us to die with happiness and contentment and
3. Practices for rebirth and existence: without fear and regret.
 Jangbu: ritual practice of calling upon and offering guidance to the • We do this by following a wholesome path.
consciousness of the deceased.

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The Threefold Path of Liberation Bardo Experience
 Based on its nature there are two types:
1. The Path of Renunciation  ‘No-Bardo’ and Bardo.
 ‘No-Bardo’
2. The Path of Transformation  Unobstructed Ascend
3. The Path of Self-liberation.  Unobstructed Descend
 Bardo
1. Bardo of Life Each offers the possibility of
2. Bardo of Dying liberation. Whether we can
manifest this potential depends on
3. Fundamental Base Bardo
the favorable conditions created by
4. Clear Light Bardo our wholesome practice in this life.
7 5. Bardo of Becoming. 10

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The Nine Contemplations on Death and Instructions for the Bardo of Dying
1. Death is inevitable for all of us without exception.  The physical body is characterized by impermanence, even though
2. Our life span lessens with each moment that we live. it may seem permanent and complete in itself.
3. Death will come in an instant, whether we are prepared or  Death has not come to you only. All compounded phenomena are
not. impermanent. All sentient beings, even the smallest insect, will
4. The length of our life is uncertain. have to face this truth.
5. There are many causes and circumstances that can lead to  Do not be afraid of death. These instructions will help you
death. become familiar with the visions and experiences that you will
encounter and recognize them like acquaintances.
6. Our body is fragile and vulnerable.
 Your body is made out of the internal elements of flesh, blood,
7. At the time of death, material possessions are of no use.
heat, breath, and mind. This is the time to return this body to the
8. Our loved ones and friends cannot protect us from death. external five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space.
9. Even our precious body cannot help us at the time of death.
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Bardo The Active Dying Process

The death process begins with the dissolution of the five
‘Bardo’ is a Tibetan word, made up of “Bar” – the “between elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space. As each element
state” where the consciousness has left this body and not yet dissolves, the major organ and the sense organ connected with
taken another body; and “Do”– the consciousness that is this element cease their function.
without the physical support of a body.
Element Inner organ Sense organ
Earth Spleen Mouth & lips
Water Kidneys Ears
Fire Liver Tongue
Air Lungs Nose
9 Space Heart Eyes 12

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Dissolution of the Earth Element Dissolution of the Air Element
 First, earth, which is the element of flesh, dissolves. Your body • Fourth, air, which is the element of the lungs, dissolves.
consciousness begins to withdraw.
• The channels leading outward from the lungs reverse and the lungs
 The channels leading outward from the spleen reverse and the
lose their function.
spleen ceases its function. The wind that upholds the body
dissolves. The energy center at your navel dissolves. • The karmic wind, the force of the ripening of previous experiences,
disperses. The energy center at the crown of your head dissolves.
 The external sign is that you feel heavy and lose your strength.
You may feel as though a mountain were pressuring you and may • Externally your inhalation becomes longer and harder and you gasp
ask to have your pillow raised higher. You can no longer raise your for air. You lose the sense of smell. You cannot raise the right leg
left arm. You lose control over your lips and are no longer able to anymore.
speak clearly. • Internally you may experience different visions. The vital energy of
 Internally you feel foggy and mental dullness. action dissolves. Your feelings become numb.
 The sign on the secret level is to see a mirage vision or flashing • The sign of the secret level is that you see flashing green lights that
yellow lights. You may feel that your surroundings are moving.13 flicker like candles in the wind. 16

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Dissolution of the Water Element Dissolution of the Space Element

 Second, water, which is the element of blood, dissolves.
• Fifth, space, which is the element of the mind, dissolves.
 The channels leading outward from the kidneys reverse and the
kidneys lose their function. • All the channels leading outward from the heart reverse and the
heart loses its function. The life force wind dissolves.
 The radiance-producing wind that sustains the body’s luster
dissolves and the moisture of your body dries up. Your sacred • Externally you lose the sense of sight and the energy of the brain.
(genital) energy center dissolves. All the sense gates close. Your head drops. This is the sign of
 The external sign is that you become dehydrated, lose control of external death.
the urinary function and the nine orifices. You lose the sense of • Internally the six sense consciousnesses cease. Darkness appears.
hearing. You cannot raise the left leg anymore. • Secret level: everything dissolves into the mind. The nature of
 Internally you experience nervousness, anxiety or anger. the mind dissolves into the heart center. You may feel as though
 Secret level: you see smoky and unclear visions, see flashing blue you are wandering in space. You may see a bright white light.
lights and hear different sounds. You may feel as though you are
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being moved around in a wave pool.

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Dissolution of the Fire Element Practice Instructions for the Bardo of Dying
 Third, fire, which is the element of the bodily heat, dissolves.  Posture: lion posture, men on the right side, women on the
 The channels leading outward from the liver reverse, and left side.
your liver stops functioning.  Attention: We gaze into the vastness of space, unifying our
 The wind which separates purity and impurity disperses. The awareness with it.
energy center at the throat dissolves.  Breath: We let the breath flow as naturally as possible
 Externally you lose the sensation of bodily heat and feel cold without any reference point or aim.
and weak. You lose the sense of taste and experience a  Mind: Based on the ‘Instructions of Clear Light’, we do our
numbing sensation in the tongue. Blood may come out of best to remain in the natural state without expanding on our
your nose. You cannot raise the right arm anymore. experience or modifying it in any way.
 Internally you experience alternating clarity and dullness.  Phowa: If we know Phowa practice, we can do it. If we have
 Secret level: you see red lights moving like fireflies. All accomplished Phowa practice, we do not need to go through
appearances turn red. 15 the dissolution stages. 18

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The Bardo of the Fundamental Base (Kadag Bonyid) The Threefold Experience (2)
 After external death followed by a time of unconsciousness, the The dying person will see:
primordially pure nature of the mind appears to us as boundless
• A radiant white drop descending from the crown of one’s head to
empty space. It is boundless and empty because at that moment
the heart center. This represents the masculine energy from one’s
there are no recollections, concepts and afflictions. father as the essence of compassion.
 We have to recognize this state: the essence (emptiness) and the
• A bright white light like the light of the full moon. All karmic
nature (clarity). These two, emptiness and clarity, are inseparable.
traces and thoughts related to anger cease and transform into
 If we are able to absorb into this boundless space, we will be clarity.
liberated into the primordial state.
• A radiant red drop rising from below the navel to the heart center.
 If we have friends, family or teachers at our side, they should This represents the feminine energy from one’s mother as the
remind us and instruct us to be aware of our primordial purity essence of wisdom.
appearing in the form of empty space.
• A clear red sky like sunrise. All karmic traces and thoughts related
19 to desire-attachment cease and transform into bliss. 22

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Purpose of the Ngo Trod Instructions during The Threefold Experience (3)
• The red and white drop meet and unify at the heart center.
 Help the soul of the dying accept its situation. • When they unify, a thick cloud of darkness appears. All karmic
 Ask the soul to leave this earthly life. traces and thoughts that arise from ignorance cease.
 Introduce the dying person to the visions at the time of death. • For a moment one will see a small bright white sphere in the space
in front of the spot between the eyebrows.
 Strengthen the spiritual capacity of the dying.
• This is the continuity of awakened mind. If one can recognize this
as the essence of intrinsic nature, one will transcend the effect of
karmic causes and achieve complete liberation.

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The Threefold Experience Instructions for those with Superior Mental Capacity
Instruct on the spontaneous manifestation of innate awareness:
 After the dissolution of the elements, the dying will have the
 At the moment of death all concepts of subject and object dissolve into
threefold experience: the intrinsic nature of existence.
 Bliss free from suffering  At that time, positive or negative karmic accumulations do not matter.
 Luminosity free from obscurations This illusory body, conceptual mind and the obscurity of appearing
objects will cease.
 Emptiness or non-thought free from grasping
 Our innate awareness will arise nakedly without obscurity.
 If one can recognize this experience as the display of one’s true
 The fundamental base and one’s innate awareness will become one. It
nature, one will be liberated at this stage, the Bardo of Death.
will be like the vast sky without clouds
 If one fails to recognize this, one will experience further visions.  When there is no obscuration, we understand that all appearances are
the display of innate awareness.
 This instruction will help the dying person have a direct understanding
of the true nature of self-awareness. 24

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Instructions for those with Intermediate Capacity The Vision of Confusion
How does cyclic existence arise?
Instruct on the illusoriness of appearances and on non- • If we fail to realize that the vision of light, sounds, rays is the
attachment: manifestation of our innate awareness, it will obscure the clarity of
 Recognize all appearances as illusory and lacking inherent existence. our awareness.
 Do not get attached to any appearances. • We will grasp at the vision as substantial and independently
 Whatever appearances may arise, they are manifestations of one’s existing.
own awareness. Therefore they are an illusion. • This will obscure the mind of awakening. We fall under the
 This instruction helps the dying to neither crave nor cling to any control of delusion and lose control over the object of mind.
experiences and to close the door to rebirth. • Then we cannot stay in the natural state. Instead we begin to
follow the vision.
• We will lose control of ourselves and be deceived by external
illusory appearances.
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• Thus, the dependent co-arising of cyclic existence resumes.
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Instructions for those with Lesser Capacity Pith Instructions for the Mind
Instruct on devotion and aspiration: • Don’t think of the past. Don’t think of the future.
 Instruct the dying to meditate and pray with devotion and • Do not consider or imagine anything. Do not think either positive
or negative thoughts.
• Let go of all speculations, examinations, and investigations.
 The practice is to unify one’s mind with one’s spiritual teacher
and the protector deity. • Let go of any sense of rejection or acceptance.
 If one truly follows this instruction, one can attain the higher • Leave everything as it is, unspoiled, uncorrupted, and untainted by
abode of peace and happiness. thought.
• Do not modify, do not interrupt, do not spoil by thought. Do not
let the thoughts or memories distract you.

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The Vision of Liberation Pith Instructions for the Mind (2)

How can liberation be attained? • Do not allow the mind to wander.
• The vision of sounds, rays, and light appears. • Empty the five senses: Without eradicating former karmic traces
and without having interest in the future.
• We have to recognize it as the manifestation of innate awareness.
• Leave the mind fresh and naked in the natural state.
• Then this threefold vision will serve as favorable condition for the
recognition of self-awareness. • When the mind is without support, grasping is loosened by itself.
• This recognition will prevent us from following after the vision as • When the mind is without grasping, mental restlessness disappears
external. Our awareness will gain control of the vision. by itself.
• Once we have gained control over the threefold vision, we will • When thought activity ceases, there is a chance of realizing naked
slowly experience liberation. awareness.

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The Experience of the Bardo Becoming
 Because we are still grasping onto the experience of a physical
body, we have a mental body.
Thank you for your attention.  It is composed of feeling, perception, mental formations, and
consciousness. It has sense faculties similar to those of the Bardo
of Life, however, more sensitive and we get easily distracted,
More information: afraid, and terrified.  We possess clairvoyance and miraculous abilities like being able to
(Olmo Ling Tibetan Bon Center & Institute) move through mountains, or arriving in a place as soon as we think
of it.
 Rather than dwelling calmly in one place we keep wandering like a
feather in the wind.
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Five Types of the Bardo of Becoming Practice Instructions for The Bardo of Becoming
1. Moving from lower to higher birth: based on our wholesome actions and  We may be confused or frightened by the visions and do not
merit together with the prayers made by others for us during and understand that we only have a mental body.
after our death.  We return to our family and friends but they cannot hear and see
2. Moving from higher to lower birth: based on our unwholesome karma us. If our reaction merges with the three poisons, we will suffer
together with the unwholesome actions that our relatives may have tremendously.
engaged in during and after our death. • If we instead merge with the Bardo Instructions, we can be
3. Distinguishing and consciously choosing the realm of our rebirth: based on liberated into a good rebirth. We have to do our best to
the Perfection of meditative absorption. understand and accept that we are in the Bardo.
4. The power of the circle: We wander for 49 days and are pulled to the
• We have to remember the Buddhas and compassionate beings of
realm with which we have the strongest karmic link.
the Five Paths and Ten Grounds. If we have the strong
5. The continuing mental body: We believe we have a body, and
aspiration to be reborn in these realms, this will clear the karmic
consequently remain in the mental state for a long time without
conditioning of grasping onto the Bardo of Existence. Then 35we
taking rebirth. 32
may be reborn in the higher realms.
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Practice Instructions for The Bardo of Becoming (2)

The Visions of the Bardo of Becoming  If we have stabilized the practice of Generation and
When the mind leaves the body, the visions of the Bardo of Completion stage (deity visualization), we may be able to attain
Becoming arise based on three causes: the enlightenment body of the deity.
1. Our attachment to our previous body and to physical form  Otherwise, we may be able to recognize the different visions
2. Our attachment to the conceptual mind and of the Bardo of Becoming:
3. Unwholesome karma. 1. God Realm: We are moving with out head upward and see
luminous, vast white light.
2. Demi-god realm: We are moving in a horizontal pose and
experience heavy rain and thunder.
3. Animal Realm: We are moving with our body in a horizontal
pose and see blood or places where animals live such as lakes.
4. Hell Realm: We are moving upside down and see burnt trees 36
and tree stumps, smoke and water.

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Practice Instructions for The Bardo of Becoming (3) Practice Instructions for Rebirth in the Nirmanakaya (2)
 To have the opportunity for a Nirmanakaya rebirth, it is most
Signs of actual birth: important to develop a strong connection of devotion with our
1. Gold Realm: We see beautiful houses and gardens of teacher.
flowers.  We have to realize that all day-time appearances are visions of our
2. Demi-god: We see wars, fighting, or storms. own awareness and that they are illusory and lack inherent
3. Animal: We see mist and fog. existence.
 During night-time we should follow the dissolution of the elements
4. Hungry ghost: We see swamps.
as we fall asleep. We hold on to the motivation to be reborn in the
5. Hell realm: We experience going through a dark tunnel or Nirmanakaya realms and unify our heart and mind with the
hollow. different qualities of the realm where we want to be reborn.
 We should never let ourselves get discouraged or feel that we
cannot be reborn in the Nirmanakaya realms. In this world we are
limited by our physical body. During the Bardo, we don’t have 40
these limitations and can do anything. We have to remember that.

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Practice Instructions for The Bardo of Becoming (4) Obstacles to a Rebirth in the Nirmanakaya
Human rebirth: There can be many different kinds of signs.  We may have visions of going to different places. The moment we
arrive we tend to grasp onto it. This becomes the cause of cyclic
 We will repeatedly see the situation that we will be born into
until our mind attaches to it and goes toward it.
 Ideally we stay connected with the wisdom of discriminating
 We may be afraid, confused and sometimes terrified and perceive
awareness. This will help us overcome desire-attachment.
the place that we see repeatedly as a safe refuge.
 When we perceive the essence of desire-attachment in the form of
 Wanting to hide in that refuge, we are born there. our next mother and father embracing, we have to see this as the
 Since we don’t have a physical body, we have a yearning and unification of emptiness (mother) and clarity (father), which is great
craving for form and wander in search of it. bliss.
 It is very important to keep our awareness clear and stable so  Third, we have to recognize that actions based on desire-attachment
that we can make a distinction between wholesome and are the seed of cyclic existence, and consequently renounce them.
unwholesome realms of birth. We have to be aware of our  When we enter the womb for rebirth, we have to make a commitment
yearning for form and how it pulls us. to following the path of compassionate beings and stay with the great
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compassion. We have to develop vivid clarity.

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Practice Instructions for Rebirth in the Nirmanakaya

 Once we are in the Bardo of Becoming it is very difficult to be
liberated or born into the Nirmanakaya realm or pure land.
 However, if we have practiced well, engaged in wholesome actions, Thank you.
and have good teachers, this can become our strength and guide
 When we have the visions of the Bardo of Becoming, the first For more information on weekly meditation,
thing we need to do is to realize that we are dead. retreats, and compassionate outreach projects:
 The second is to remember our teachers, our deity and practice.
This will help us remember the instructions and recognize that we
are in the Bardo of Becoming.
 We have to realize that we still have one opportunity: to be born
into the Nirmanakaya realms. We have to stabilize this intention.
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 We will see a lotus or visualize it. We then hold on to it.

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A Kar A Me Du Tri Su Nag Po Zhi Zhi
Mal Mal SoHa


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