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An Assignment on: 1.

Condition of Bengal during Bengal, Muslim

and British period.
2. What are the reasons behind the conflict
Between Bengalese and Pakistan?

Submitted by: Submitted to;

Name: Farhana Afrin Neha Name: Prianka Paul
Roll: 190402 Assistant Professor
1st Year, 2nd semester Department of Fisheries &
Department of Fisheries & Marine Bioscience
Marine Bioscience

Date of Submission: 13-11-2020

Condition of Bengal during Bengal period
The history of Bengal is intertwined with the history of the broader Indian subcontinent and the
surrounding region of South Asia and Southeast Asia .The advancement of civilization in Bengal
dates back four millennia.

Political Condition:
Ancient Bengal was the site of several major Janapadas , while the earliest date back to the Vedic
period. Ancient Bengal established colonies on Indian ocean island and in southeast Asia,had
strong trade links with Persia,Arabia and the Mediterranean. Shashaka of North Bengal was the
first independent and most powerful king of a unified Janapadas in the Bengal region.The
Mauryan Empire unified most of the Indian subcontinent into one state for the first time and was
one of the largest empires in subcontinental history.During this period,no ruler could rule for a
long period of time all over the Bengal .So the political life of Bengal evolve disconnectedly.

Social Condition:
The region was part of several ancient pan-Indian empires including the Mauryans and Guptas
.It was also a bastion of regional kingdom.The citadel of Gaura served as capital of the Gaura
kingdom,the Buddhist Pala Empire and Sen Empire.The Gupta Empire was marked by extensive
scientific and cultural advancements what is generally known as Hindu culture.The Pala period is
regarded as one of Bengal's golden ages.It was the largest Bengali empire that was known to
ancient and classical India.

Economical Condition:
Under Mauryan rule, the economic system benefited from the creation of a single efficient
system of finance , administration and security.Bengal was an important province of the Gupta
Empire. The discovery of Gupta era coins across Bengal point to a monetised economy.The
Palas also had extensive trade as well as Southeast Asia. The economy of Bengal more
dependent on agriculture . Importance of merchant and financial classes declined. During the
period of Chandra dynasty the port of Chittagong developed banking and shipping industries.
Cultural Condition:
The culture defines the cultural heritage of the Bengali people native to eastern regions of Indian
subcontinent. Bengal has a recorded history of 1,400 years. The Bengali people are it's dominant
ethnolinguistic tribe.The Palas were great patrons of Buddhism, secular education and
culture.Bengalis oldest inscription -the Mahasthan Brahmi Inscription - dates from the Mauryan
period.This era saw the development of Bengali language, script, literature,music,art and

Condition of Bengal during Islamic period

The Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent took place between the 12 th and 16th countries.
In the 14th century the Sultanate of Bengal became independent and emerged as a regional power.
The Sultanate also ruled parts of Arakan and Assam.

Political Condition:
The Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent absorbed Bengal into the medieval Islamic and
persianate worlds. An independent Bengal sultanate was formed in 1352 and ruled the region
for two countries, during which distinct form of Islam based on Sufism and the Bengali language
emerged and the region was known as a major trading nation in the world. The Sultans exerted
influence in the Arakan region of Southwest Asia where Buddhist king copied the Sultanates
governmence currency and fashion. A relationship with Ming China flourished under the

Social Condition:
The Islamic conquest of Bengal began with the capture Gauda form the Sena dynasty. Led by Bakhtiar
Khalji, an army of several thousand horseman from the Ghurids overwhelmed Bengali, Hindu forces
during a blitzkrieg campaingn. After victory the Delhi Sultanate maintained a strong vigil on Bengal.
Several governors of Delhi in Bengal attempted to break away and create an independent state. But the
Delhi Sultanate managed to suppress Bengalis Muslim separatists for a century. Sufis played a role in the
Islamic absorption of Bengal.
Economical Condition:
Between the 1204 and 1352 Bengal was province of the Delhi Sultanate. This era saw the
introduction of the taka as monetary currency, which has endured into the modern era. Under
Mughal Empire, Bengal Subah generated almost 50% of the empires gross domestic product and
12% of the world GDP. The region of globally prominent in industries such as textile
manufacturing and ship building, with the capital Dhaka being more wealthy than all European
Empire. Its wealth and economic developments are belived to have waved the period of proto-
industrialization. The gradual decline of the Mughal Empire led to quasi-independent state under
the Nawabs of Bengal, subsequent to the Maratha invasion of Bengal, and finally the conquest
by the British East India Company.

Cultural Condition:
During Bengal Sultanate the Bengali language was the most spoken language, while Persian was
an administrative and commercial language. Men wore whits, shirts, cotton fabrics of various
colors, turbans, sarongs, lungis, dhotis, leather shoes and bets to wrap their robes on the waist.
Women wore cotton saris and upper class women wore gold jeweler. There were various class of
artesianas well as physicians and fortune tellers. There was a class of musicians who would
gather by the house of rich during dawn play music. The population included royalty

, aristocrats, natives and foreigners. Many of the rich built ships & went aborad for trade. Many
were agriculturalists.

Condition of Bengal during British period

The British Raj refer to the period of British rule on the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and
1947. The system of governance was instituted in 1858 when the rule of the East India Company
was transferred to the crown in person of Queen Victoria.

Political Condition:
.Initially, Bengal was under the administration of the East India Company, which appointed chief
agents / governors in Fort William. The governor of Bengal was concurrently the governor-
general of India for many years. The East India Company maintained control with its private
armies and administrative machinery. The Indian Rebellion caused the British government
assume direct control of India’s admintration under the government of India Act, 1858. The
head of the state became the British monarch, who was also given the little of Emperor of India.
The Bengal civil service managed the provincial government. Modern scholars decryv the
colonial system as bureaucratic authoritarianism.

Social Condition:
Bengali society remained deeply conservative during the colonial period with the exception of
social reforms movement. Historian have argued that the British used policy of divide and rule
among Hindus and Muslims. This meant favoring Hindus over Muslims and vice versa in certain
sector. For example, Hindu merchants such as Togore family were awarded large and land grants
the previously belonged to the Mughal aristocracy. One aspect that benefitted the Hindu
community was increased literacy rates. Many Muslims, however remaindered alienated from
English education after the abolition of Persian. Bengalki society continued to experience
religious nationalism which led to the partition of Bengal in 1947.

Economical Condition:
In Bengal, the British inherited from the Mughal the biggest revenue craning in the subcontinent.
The British placed Bengal under company rule. The Bengal prudency had the largest gross
domestic product in British India. The first British colonial banks in the Indian subcontinentwere
founded in Bengal. Agriculture product included rice, sugarcane and vegetables. The main cash
crops were jute and tea. The jute trade were central to the British Bengali economy. The port of
Calcutta was the largest seaport of British India. The por was constructed by British Eas India
Company. It was one of the biggest ports in the world during 19 th and 20th countries. Calcutta
was a major trading port with links to port across the British Empires.

Cultural Condition:
In pre-colonial times, Hindus and Muslims would be highly attached to their liturgical languages
including Sanskrit and Arabic. Novels began to be written in Bengali. The literally polymath
Robindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel prize in literature in1913. Numerous newspaper
was published in British Bengal science the 18th century. European painters produced numerous
works in Bengal. European sculptures were widely imported by the Zamidars. The Royal
Bioscope Company began producing Bengali cinema. Cricket, horse racing, polo etc started
being played. Calcutta and Ducca featured more civic architecture, country houses were built in
many town and villages across Bengal. Wealthy Bengali families employed European firms to
design houses and places.
 What are the reasons behind the conflict between
Bengalese and Pakistan?


There are several reasons between Bangladesh and Pakistan which are as follows……

1. Socially Bengalese are neglected by Pakistani. Pakistanis never believed Bengalis and they
always tried to suppress them in every sector of the state.

2. From the very beginning, Pakistanis exploited the Bengalese economically. During the last
fifteen years (1947-1962), East Pakistan has been drained out of one thousand crores of rupees of
its solid assets by way of less imports, and more exports. Today is the sixteenth year we have
been reduced to paupers to build West Pakistan; we are told ‘get out boys’, we have nothing for
you, we do not require you

3. In administrative and security West Pakistanis believed that Bengalis were not" martially
inclined" unlike Pashtuns and Punjabis; the "martial races" notion was dismissed as ridiculous
and humiliating by Bengalis. Moreover, despite huge defence spending, East Pakistan received
none ofthe benefits, such as contracts, purchasing and military support jobs.

4. Language and culture are totally different. The West Pakistan establishment tried to impose

Urdu (their main language) on Bengalis forcibly at its very initial stage. They hatred Bengali culture and
pointed it as “anti-Islamic”. Like, they imposed ban on Rabindranath Tagor’s songs in national
broadcasting centers (Radio & TV) of Pakistan.

5. Politically broke down in Pakistan because of output arising out to dissensionSince a

straightforward system of representation based on population would have concentrated political
power in East Pakistan, the West Pakistani establishment came up with the "One Unit" scheme,
where all of West Pakistan was considered one province. This was solely to counterbalance the
East wing's votes.

‌6. Problem erupted after India and Pakistan split because India's geography caused them to be in
between both Pakistan territories. The geographical separation of East and West Pakistan made
trade and travel between the two nations difficult.

7. West Pakistan dominated government affairs,even though East Pakistan had a large
population. They neglected to alleviate conditions for Bangalis in East Pakistan.West Pakistan
humiliated East Pakistan in every aspect either that are resources or facilities.
8. They secured control of most part of the countryside. The Eastern Command, civilization
institutions and paramilitary forces were disbanded.East Pakistan were criticized in all way
possible by West Pakistan which ultimately lead for a separate nation.

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