Lesson Plan: - Retell The Text

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School: I P G Inesti
Teacher: Ungureanu Eugenia
Class: 8
Discipline: English
Date: 01.10.2020
Time: 45 minutes
Lesson: Jobs
TEXTBOOK: English for you
Type of lesson: mixed
Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use in daily context new words from new text;
- Answer to the questions after a new text;
- Retell the text;

Skills: speaking, listening, writing, reading

Methods: conversation, explanation, games, exercises
Materials: textbook, notebooks, blackboard, handouts, computer
Nb Lesson Time Teacher’s activity Pupils’ activities Skills Materials Organi- Obs
. stage zation
1. Warm-up 2’ Greets the pupils, asks who is Greet the teacher, Speaking T- Ss
absent, has an informal answer who is absent,
conversation. have an informal

2. Homework 2’ Asks if they had any Answer that they had Speaking T-Ss
check-up homework. to revise vocabulary
Correct the mistake when is and some exercises.
3. Revision 11’ Listening T- Ss
Then starts the game ‘I spy Say words beginning Speaking Class
with my little eye’. with certain letters. Blackboard
Asks pupils to name the words They name and point
that they know about autumn to autumn.

4. Lead-in 5’ Announces the new topic of Listen to the teacher. Speaking Blackboard T- Ss
the lesson: Jobs. Write the date and Listening Notebooks Class
the topic. Writing

5. Teaching 5’ Discussion questions, ex 1 p Pupils read them. Speaking T- Ss

20. Listening Class
Write the new words in Write the words.
copybooks, translate using the

Read the text : The ghost in Read the text and

the elevator. translate it.

b)Presenta- 10’ Correct the sentences after Pupils write ex 3,4. Speaking Blackboard T- Ss
tion reading the text, ex 3 p 21. Listening Cards Class
Put in order the sentences from Writing
ex 4 p 21. Reading Notebooks

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