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Valeria Jiménez

Internal Assessment – Research Proposal

Research Question – How can Bufete Garante Fiscal implement motivational theories to create a
better work environment?
Theoretical Framework
I. Rationale for study – One of the most important aspects of a business is its staff, not only
because they help keep the business running but also because they are a reflection of the
business itself. One of the main problems that “Bufete Garante Fiscal” faces is the fact that
its staff efficiency is not the best and that might be caused by a lack of motivation. I
believe that by addressing this issue, efficiency levels will increase resulting in a positive
working environment where employees feel motivated to work at its maximum potential.
II. Areas of the syllabus to be covered
Unit 2: Human resource management
a. 2.1 Functions and evolution of human resource management (recruitment,
training and appraisals) – I will look at the recruitment and selection stage of this
chapter, due to the fact that this is going to give me an overview of the roles of
each member of the staff as well as their performance
b. 2.2 Organizational structure –
c. 2.3 Leadership and management – this is going to tell me what the leadership
style is
d. 2.4 Motivation – the main focus of this study is motivation and that is why I want
to cover this section

Proposed Methodology
I. Collecting data – The research is going to be mainly gathered from primary research; via
interviews, questionnaires and surveys that are going to be applied to the general director
and owner of “Bufete Garante Fiscal” AURORA PORRAS LARA and its working staff. This is
mainly due to the fact that they know how the business works and why the system may be
failing, also by getting the staff involved the issue will be solved faster
Secondary research will also be conducted, and as I mentioned before I´m going to use
unit two of my textbook to back up this study.
II. Analyzing data
Business Technique, Tool, or Theory Reason Why?
This tool is going to help me see if the number of
Workforce planning
workforce in BUGAFI is the appropriate one to
effectively handle all work (hiring)
Training Look at the 3 different types of training to therefore
decide which ones are applicable
(Interview to the staff and owner and past appraisals)
Staff appraisal this will help me understand better the performance of
both the staff and the owner
Motivation theories Analyze which ones could help the business
Valeria Jiménez

Anticipated Difficulties
Possible Problem Possible Solution
Biased information Conduct several interviews in order to get the
main idea (what everyone agrees with)
Unwillingness to provide certain information Disclosure agreement and ensure data
availability before hand
Lack of time Establish interview dates in advance

Action Plan
Process March April May June July Aug Sept Oct
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
1. Understand the task
2. Explore businesses
and topics
3. Write research
4. Write research
5. Design research

500 words

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