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Reexaminations Reborn:

Strategies for Ex Parte


Jason Harrier Scott McKeown Ellyar Barazesh

Senior Manager, Senior Counsel, Partner, Senior Patent Counsel,
IP and Technology, Ropes and Gray Unified Patents
Capital One

• Post-Grant Proceedings

• Ex Parte Reexamination

• Strategic Considerations

• Data

Post-Grant Proceedings

• Inter Partes Review (IPR)

• Post-Grant Review (PGR) PTAB
• Covered Business Method (CBM)

• Ex Parte Reexamination
• Supplemental Examination
Examining Unit
• Reissue

Ex Parte Reexamination

• An ex parte process of challenging patent validity

– Reexamination request filed
– If granted, reexamination proceeds between patent owner and
• Other than a potential reply, requester is not involved after

Ex Parte Reexamination

• Who?
– Anyone
• Third Party
– Unless estopped by IPR or PGR
– Requester can be anonymous (35 U.S.C. § 301(e))
• Patent Owner
• USPTO Director

Ex Parte Reexamination

• When?
– “at any time” (35 U.S.C. § 302)
– “during the period of enforceability of a patent”
(Rule 510 (a))
• Can be six years after patent’s expiration
• Final court judgement of invalidity or unenforceability
forecloses reexamination

Ex Parte Reexamination

• What?
– Request for Reexamination
• Initial document in any reexamination
• Very likely the only document submitted by a
third-party requester
• Must ”set forth the pertinency and manner of
applying cited prior art to every claim for which
reexamination is requested.”
Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• Must be based on printed publication prior art

– Patents, Patent Application Publications, Non-Patent Literature
• Must raise a question of patentability under:
– 35 U.S.C. § 102
– 35 U.S.C. § 103
– Double patenting
• SNQ – Substantial New Question of Patentability must be raised
– Substantial = Important to a reasonable examiner
– New = New to the USPTO
• A question may be new even if previously considered in court
• A new question is typically based on new prior art
• “Old” prior art can raise a SNQ of patentability if viewed in a new light
Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• MPEP 2242(I):
– “…a substantial new question of patentability [may be]
present, unless the same question of patentability has already
been decided by
• (A) a final holding of invalidity, after all appeals, or
• (B) by the Office in a previous examination or pending
reexamination of the patent.”

Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

Judgment Judgment
Final NOT Final

Invalid or No PTO Makes Own

Unenforceable Reexamination Decision

Not Invalid and PTO May Defer to

PTO Makes Own
Not Unenforce- Factual Findings
able re Validity

Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• “Previous examination”
– Original examination of the application that resulted in the
– Examination of a reissue application that resulted in a reissue
of the patent
– Examination of the patent in an earlier concluded

Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• New prior art = not previously considered by the

– Printed publication
– Raises an SNQ of patentability
– Is not cumulative of the old art in its technological teachings
– “New, non-cumulative technological teaching”

Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• Old prior art = previously considered by the USPTO

– Can be successful in following situations:
• When considered or presented in a new light compared to its
earlier use before the USPTO
• When there is a material new argument related to the art
• When there is a material new interpretation of the art
• When old art is applied against different claimed subject matter
compared to what previously applied against
• When old art is combined in a new manner
• When different statutory section provides basis for using old art
• When a reissue is abandoned, the same outstanding rejection
can raise an SNQ
Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• Requirements
– Copy of patent and all subsequent history
– Copy of prior art printed publication(s) relied upon
– Identification of each claim to be reexamined
– Identification of each SNQ
– Detailed explanation of pertinency and manner of applying the
prior art
– Certification filing is not prohibited by AIA’s estoppel
– Fee
– Certificate of service on patent owner
Ex Parte Reexamination - Request

• Optional Items
– Claim charts
– Declarations to authenticate prior art and/or publication dates
– Declarations to explain content of prior art
– Patent Owner admissions
– Patent Owner requester may include proposed amendments
– Patent Owner requester may include patentability arguments
– Old prior art
– Parent patent application(s)
– Court papers

Ex Parte Reexamination

• Timeline
~ 92%

Reexam Requester
Request PO statement
Ordered Reply

Notice of Intent to
Appeal to Fed.
Appeal to PTAB Issue Reexam Examination
Circuit Certificate

Appeal to
Supreme Court

Ex Parte Reexamination

• Amendments
– A Patent Owner may amend claims during ex parte
– New claims may be added
– No enlargement of claim scope
– No new matter
– Not available for expired patents

Ex Parte Reexamination

– Central Reexamination Unit (CRU)
• Three groups
– Chemical/Biological
– Electrical
– Mechanical
• Experienced patent examiners who specialize in reexamination
– Three Examiners are involved in each substantive Office Action:
» Assigned examiner
» Conferee examiner in same technology area
» CRU supervisor
• No production/count system

Strategic Considerations
Reexamination PTAB Proceedings Litigation

Threshold/Burden of SNQ of Patentability/ IPR: Reasonable Likelihood Clear and Convincing

Proof Preponderance of That Petitioner Would Evidence
Evidence Prevail/
Preponderance of Evidence

PGR: More Likely Than

Not/Preponderance of
Presumption of Validity No No Yes
Claim Scope Broadest Reasonable Narrow Construction Narrow Construction
Interpretation (Suitco) (Phillips) (Phillips)
Nature of Invalidity Printed Publications/ Printed Publications Any Available Basis
Ground Double Patenting
Decision Maker Highly Experienced CRU PTAB Judge Average Juror

Strategic Considerations - Fees

• Ex Parte Reexamination
– Streamlined: $6,300, $3,150, or $1,575
– Non-streamlined: $12,600, $6,300, or $3,150
– Additional fees for independent claims in excess of 3 and/or total claims in
excess of 20
– For requester, majority of attorney fees will be associated with request
• PTAB Proceedings
– $41,500 - $47,500 (including pre- and post-institution fees and depending on
whether IPR or PGR)
– Additional fees for independent claims in excess of 3 and/or total claims in
excess of 20
– For petitioner, significant attorney fees incurred pre- and post-institution

Strategic Considerations - Estoppel

• 37 CFR 1.510 Request for ex parte reexamination.

– (a) Any person may, at any time during the period of
enforceability of a patent, file a request for an ex
parte reexamination by the Office of any claim of the patent
on the basis of prior art patents or printed publications cited
under § 1.501, unless prohibited by 35 U.S.C. 315(e)(1) or 35
U.S.C. 325(e)(1). The request must be accompanied by the fee
for requesting reexamination set in § 1.20(c)(1).

Strategic Considerations – Stays (Other Office Proceedings)

• 84 Fed. Reg. 16,654, 16,657 (April 22, 2019) (Notice consolidating case holdings)
– Whether the claims challenged in the AIA proceeding are the same as or depend directly
or indirectly from claims at issue in the concurrent parallel Office proceeding;
– Whether the same grounds of unpatentability or the same prior art are at issue in both
– Whether the concurrent parallel Office proceeding will duplicate efforts within the Office;
– Whether the concurrent parallel Office proceeding could result in inconsistent results
between proceedings (e.g., whether substantially similar issues are presented in the
concurrent parallel Office proceeding);
– Whether amending the claim scope in one proceeding would affect the claim scope in
another proceeding;
– The respective timeline and stage of each proceeding;
– The statutory deadlines of the respective proceedings;
– Whether a decision in one proceeding would likely simplify issues in the concurrent
parallel Office proceeding or render it moot.

Strategic Considerations – Stays (District Court Litigation)

• Ethicon, Inc. v. Quigg, 849 F.2d 1422, 1426-27 (Fed. Cir. 1988)
– “Courts have inherent power to manage their dockets and stay
proceedings,… including the authority to order a stay pending conclusion of a
PTO reexamination.”
– But no PTO authority to stay reexamination pending outcome of district court
• Pro-Troll, Inc. v. Shortbus Flashers, LLC, 16-cv-04062-VC (N.D. Cal. 2016)
– “Other cases in this district have considered, in deciding whether to stay a
case pending patent reexamination or review,
• ‘(1) whether discovery is complete and whether a trial date has been set;
• (2) whether a stay will simplify the issues in question and trial of the case;
• (3) whether a stay would unduly prejudice or present a clear tactical
disadvantage to the nonmoving party.’”
Strategic Considerations

• Discretionary Denials at the PTAB (Fintiv)

1. Whether the court granted a stay or evidence exists that one may be granted
if a proceeding is instituted;
2. Proximity of the court’s trial date to the Board’s projected statutory deadline
for a final written decision;
3. Investment in the parallel proceeding by the court and the parties;
4. Overlap between issues raised in the petition and in the parallel proceeding;
5. Whether the petitioner and the defendant in the parallel proceeding are the
same party; and
6. Other circumstances that impact the Board’s exercise of discretion, including
the merits.
• Reexamination as an alternative?

Institution Decisions

*Not Instituted – Procedural is projected to equal 201 in 2020 26

Procedural Denials

314(a) Denials By Type


Volume of Ex Parte Reexamination Requests










2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

*2020 projected based on Q1 data 29

Ex Parte Reexamination Results PTAB FWD Results
(3rd Party Requester)

Some All Claims

All Claims Claims Confirmed
Confirmed Canceled 20%
21% 18%

Claim All Claims
Changes Canceled
65% 14%
All Claims

Please Contact Questions?
Ellyar Barazesh

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