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Business Continuity Planning

Instructions for Completing Your Site’s Business Continuity

Plan (BCP)
BCP Completion Procedures

 BCP Owner should review this entire PowerPoint

 BCP Owner schedules a two-hour meeting with Site
Leadership Team and Functional Leaders
 BCP Owner presents overview of BCP program
(slides 3-7)
 BCP Owner facilitates the completion of all team
sections of the BCP-Templates Excel document
during this meeting
– Schedule separate meetings with Functional Leaders to
complete remaining sections

2 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

What is Business Continuity Planning?
 Business Continuity Planning is the process by which
companies minimize the disruption to key business processes
due to internal or external unforeseen events
– Plans and procedures are developed proactively to limit
business exposure and speed recovery to normal operation
 A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a tool that is used by the
ERM group for implementing enterprise-wide Business
Continuity Planning
– Site-specific crisis management and preparedness

3 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Final Business Continuity Plan Structure
 Focus on initial response plan
– Emergency Response
– Crisis Communications
– Damage Assessment
– Notify Leadership, Customers, and Suppliers
 Focus on site specific recovery plans
– Identify top facility risks (risk assessment)
– Recovery plans for the top facility risks
– Communication contact lists
• Leadership, Customers, Suppliers, Service Providers
 Control Plan
– Plan maintenance & testing
 Preparedness Opportunities (Appendix)

4 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

BCP Completion Schedule

BCP Phase Due Date Document to Submit

0 N/A Introductory call – No document
1 Within two weeks of call BCP Excel document
2 Within two weeks of Excel BCP Word document
document approval
3 Within one week of BCP Word Tabletop Exercise PPT
document approval
This next group of slides will walk you through
completing the team sections of the BCP document
We recommend that you complete this section of the
BCP process in the first two weeks
Important: Before working in the BCP Excel
document, ensure that Macros have been enabled
in your security settings

6 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

BCP Team Sections

Worksheet Name BCP Template Section Preferred Participation for Session

Participants None None (to be completed by BCP Owner)
Risk Prioritization 4.a Site Leadership Team
Preparedness 6.a Site Leadership Team
DAT 3.d Site Leadership Team
Int-Emergency-CL 3.g Site Leadership Team
EOC 4.g Site Leadership Team
Exec Mgmt 3.f Site Leadership Team
Required Applications 4.e Site Leadership Team (including IT)
Relocation Plans 4.d.3 Site Leadership Team / Functional Leaders

7 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

The table in the Participants tab of the BCP Excel document should be used
to list the names of all individuals involved in the BCP team meeting.

Participant(s) Position/Title Location

Risk Prioritization

Step 1: Enter your site’s

level of “Probability,”
“Impact,” and “Vulnerability”
for each risk listed.

L=1 M=3 H=9

9 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Risk Prioritization

Step 2: Add any risks

specific to your site not on
the list. Use the “Add Row”
and “Delete Row” buttons
as necessary.

Step 3: If you insert a row,

be sure to copy and paste
the formulas in columns F
and G into that row.

10 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Risk Prioritization

Step 4: Sort the RPN

Score in column F by
clicking the “Sort Risk
Prioritization” button.

Step 5: Discuss the

RPN scores with your
team; change scores
as necessary.

11 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Risk Prioritization

Step 6: Identify
your top risks by
choosing a clear
breakpoint in RPN

Step 7: Enter this

number in column

Here, 81 is a good

12 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Risk Prioritization
Step 8: Click the “Sort & Copy
to Preparedness” button to
copy your top risks to the next
worksheet tab.

13 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Preparedness Opportunities

Step 1: Your top risks will be pasted

into the table in the Preparedness

14 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Preparedness Opportunities

Step 3: Add/delete
Step 2: List opportunities
rows as necessary
the site could take to avoid
with buttons.
the risk; do this for each

15 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Internal Emergency Contact Lists
DAT (Damage Assessment Team list) –
This should be a cross-functional team that will do the initial damage
assessment after an event. Refer to the Excel document instructions for
more detail.

Int-Emergency-CL –This list should include the Site Leadership Team and
any other emergency site contacts. Try to include one person from each
department. Refer to the Excel document instructions for more detail.

16 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

EOC (Emergency Operation Center)

Provide a primary meeting location at

your site or an external location. Also
provide two backup locations (at least
one should be offsite).

Provide the teleconference information

that the team could use in an emergency.

17 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Exec-Mgmt Contact List

List leaders starting with the Site Leader up to the BU President. Refer to
Excel document instructions for more detail.

Contact Name Position / Title Office # / Cell #

Steve Smith Site Leader 651-654-7609
Karen Jones Next leadership level 794-684-0846
Caleb Dave Next leadership level 157-510-6406
Tameka Steve BU President 905-720-3507

18 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications

Step 1: List applications important

to the operation of your site.

19 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications
Step 2: In column C, list
the business process(s)
each application is used

Step 3: List all the

departments that use
each application at
your site.

20 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications

Step 4: Provide the frequency of

use of each application (Daily, As
Needed, etc.).

21 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications

Step 5: State how critical each

application is to the site’s
operations using “Low,” “Medium,”
or “High.”

Step 6: Rate what you think

the financial impact would be
to the company if the
application were to go down
for 24 hours or more: “Low,”
“Medium,” or “High.”

22 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications

Step 7: State
application is
hosted by
(Y or N).

Step 8: If Cummins is not

the host, give the service
provider’s contact

23 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Required Applications

Step 9: State whether each

application has an official
Disaster Recovery Plan.

Step 10: If there is no

DRP, state whether
there are any manual
workarounds for the
application, and how
many days you can
use this process.

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Required Applications

Step 11: If there are no manual

workarounds, explain some
actions the site could take to
reduce the risk of interruptions
if the application goes down.

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Required Applications

Example of completed Required Applications section

26 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Relocation Plans

Step 1: List the departments at

your site, and provide the
number of employees in each

27 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Relocation Plans

Step 2: For each department, state whether

employees must be onsite to do their jobs.
-Answer N if the employees can accomplish
their work from home or out of another facility. Step 3: If you answered “Y”,
-Answer Y if the employees can only list your relocation preferences
accomplish their work at this specific facility. in case there were an

28 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Relocation Plans

Step 4: Provide a nearby

Cummins location, as well as a
local temporary space, that
could be used for relocation.

29 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

You have reached the end of the team BCP Excel
section instructions
The following slides will explain how to complete the
remaining sections of the BCP Excel document
The BCP Owner should gather this information by
speaking with Functional Leaders

30 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Functional Leader Sections

Worksheet Name BCP Template Section Preferred Participation for Session

Recovery Resources 4.c Functional Leaders
Cont-Prod-Plans 4.d.1 Fuctional Leaders
Damage Checklist 3.e Facilities Leader
Critical Equipment 4.d.2 Functional Leaders
Vital Records 4.f Functional Leaders
Key Customers 4.h Functional Leaders
Key Suppliers 4.i Functional Leaders
Key Service Providers 4.j Functional Leaders
1-Page Summary 6.f None (to be completed by BCP Owner)

31 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Recovery Resources

Step 1: The workbook will

automatically fill in the
Business Function column as
well as the Normal Personnel
column with data from the
previous Excel page.

32 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Recovery Resources

Step 3: State how many

employees from each
department you would need
within the first 48 hours of an
event to restore the site to
normal operations.
Step 2: Delete any extra rows.

33 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Recovery Resources

Step 4: List the equipment and IT

applications each department would
need to do recovery work.

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Recovery Resources

Step 5: List the group that

each department is
dependent on to do recovery

35 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Contingent Production Plan

Step 1: List the key Step 2: Provide an Step 3: Provide a

services/products at the alternative location location outside of the
site. within the site where the site where the service
service can be can be relocated.

36 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Damage Checklist

Step: This table will stay

blank, however, you should
review the facility list. Add
any relevant items not
included and delete items not
relevant to your site.

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Critical Equipment

Step 1: List all the site’s

critical equipment and the
department(s) that use(s) it.

Step 2: State whether the

equipment has a preventative
maintenance plan or spare

38 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Critical Equipment
Step 3: Give the service
provider contact information
for each piece of critical
equipment listed.

Step 4: Explain what you

would do if the equipment
were to fail or was damaged.

39 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Vital Records

Step 1: Provide a list of Step 2: Identify the Step 3: Identify

important physical and document’s primary storage document’s backup
digital documents. location. location if available.

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External Contact Lists

Key Customers: Provide a list Key Suppliers: Provide a list

of the site’s key customers of the site’s key suppliers and
and their contact information. their contact information.

41 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Key Service Providers

Step 1: Provide a phone

number for each service

Step 2: Add service

providers or delete
irrelevant providers as

42 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

At this point, all sections of the BCP-Templates Excel
document should be complete

Submit the Excel document to the ERM Contact for


This next section will give you tips for copying your
BCP information from the Excel document to the
Word document

43 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Matching BCP Sections
Worksheet Name BCP Template Section
Participants None
Risk Prioritization 4.a
Preparedness 6.a
DAT 3.d The Table of Contents in the
Int-Emergency-CL 3.g BCP Excel document lists
EOC 4.g each section of the Excel
Exec Mgmt 3.f document as well as the
corresponding section
Required Applications 4.e
location in the BCP Word
Relocation Plans 4.d.3 document.
Recovery Resources 4.c
Cont-Prod-Plans 4.d.1
Damage Checklist 3.e
Critical Equipment 4.d.2
Vital Records 4.f
Key Customers 4.h Similarly, each section of the
BCP Word document
Key Suppliers 4.i
references the section of the
Key Service Providers 4.j
Excel BCP document from
1-Page Summary 6.f which you should copy your

44 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Pasting Tables as a Picture

 Many sections of the BCP, like “Required

Applications,” require you to copy and paste the table
from the Excel document to the Word document

 We recommend using “Paste Special” to paste the

table as a “Picture (Enhanced Metafile)”

 The next slide will show you the process for Windows
2007 software

45 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Paste Special

Step 1: Select the

Paste drop-down
arrow and select
“Paste Special.”

Step 2: Select
“Picture (Enhanced
Metafile)” in the
Paste Special

46 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Inserting Required Applications Table

 When you insert the Required Applications table into

your BCP Word document, you may need to take
extra steps
 The table should be copied from the first column to
the second “manual workarounds” column
Manual Workarounds?
Is this IT Contact: Name / Phone #
Criticality applicatio (Fill this section out only if Disaster If yes, how
to your n the application issue Recovery many days
Department / Schedule (How impact to the
Key Business Processes IT Application function CBS/ADSC cannot be resolved Plan (Y/N) can you
Function often is it used?) business (High,
(High, Med, (Cummins) through Cummins (DRP)? manually do
Med, Low)
Low) hosted? HelpDesk (i.e. external (Y/N) the process?
(Y/N) support provider))
All E-mail, database access Lotus Notes Daily High Low Y Y

ATR, Inc. Steve Smith

Materials, CSR Picking, shipping, ordering, etc. Oracle Weekly Low Low N N N

IT Recording service requests Remedy Continuously Medium Medium Y N Y 5

The information
from the last column
in the table should
go here in the BCP
Word document.

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Making the Table Fit

It is possible that the table will

not fit correctly in your

48 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Making the Table Fit -Text Wrapping

Step: Click on the table. You

should see the button in the
upper right corner “Text

Select the drop-down arrow

and choose the option

You should now be able to

adjust your table to fit inside
the page.

49 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Additional Sections – Recovery Strategies

You will need a recovery

strategy for each of your
listed site risks.

You can copy recovery

strategies from the Recovery
Strategies document into your
BCP and tailor them to your
site, or create strategies from

Be sure to re-number any

strategies you copy to match
the BCP Word document

50 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

This may be a good time to schedule your final team
meeting, which should take place within one week
after your BCP has been submitted and approved

Be sure that your BCP Word document has been

submitted and approved before the meeting

Continue to next slide

Additional Sections – BCP Summary

When completing this sheet, you should enter the information

directly into the table. Do not try to copy and paste sections or
tables onto the BCP Summary.

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BCP Summary- Left Column

Using the information in the EOC tab of the

BCP-Templates Excel document, include your
three possible meeting locations as well as all
teleconference information needed to hold a
meeting during an event.

Using the information in the Key Service

Providers tab of the BCP-Templates Excel
document, list the service provider phone

Add additional service providers that you think

are critical to your site and delete any irrelevant
BCP Summary – Center Column
Completion instruction for the middle column of the BCP if you
choose to leave the template as given.

Using the information in the Exec-Mgmt tab of

the BCP-Templates Excel document, list each
leader’s name and phone number.

Using the information in the Int-Emergency-CL

tab of the BCP-Templates Excel document, list
each contact’s name and phone number.

Using the information in the DAT tab of the BCP-

Templates Excel document, list each member’s
name and phone number.
BCP Summary – Center Column

List your key customers and suppliers,

and their phone numbers.

Only include the most important

customers and suppliers (ten or fewer
BCP Summary – Right Column
This section will be used to list your top risks and a summary of the recovery strategy for each of the

Step 1: List each risk where it

Step 2: Summarize your
says Top Risk #. You may not
Recovery Strategies listed in
be able to fit all of your site
section 4.b. of the BCP Word
risks so include the most
document. Use the major
important ones.
steps from each recovery
strategy to create an eight step
or less summarized strategy.
BCP Summary
 Once the table is completed, copy the entire table
and paste it into the designated section in the BCP
Word document. Be sure to paste it as a picture
Additional Sections – Procedures

Insert the site’s procedures for evacuations and

severe weather. Include a link to the document,
paste the information into the section, or provide the
document’s location if in a database.

Insert the site’s procedures for reporting a major

safety incident. Include a link to the document, paste
the information into the section, or provide the
document’s location if in a database.
58 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential
If you are a Joint Venture (JV) refer to the “JV Use
Only” slides at the end of this presentation
You will return to these slides once the JV sections
have been completed
All other Cummins sites, continue to the next slide
At this point your BCP Word document should be

Submit your BCP Word document to the ERM


The next set of instructions will assist you in

completing the review session and tabletop exercise.

60 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Review Session

 BCP Owner should hold a 1-hour meeting with the

Site Leadership Team and any other relevant
Functional Leaders
 BCP Owner should go through the BCP, explaining
the purpose of each of the sections to the team
 At this meeting, the group should also complete the
tabletop exercise

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Tabletop Exercise
 Before the meeting, BCP Owner should develop an
emergency scenario with sub-scenarios, based on
the site’s key risks
– Refer to Tabletop Exercise PPT
– BCP Owner should facilitate discussion, focusing on the key
questions outlined in the Tabletop Exercise PPT document
 The team should talk through this event, explaining
the recovery steps that would be taken
 BCP Owner should take notes on the discussion
in the Tabletop Exercise PowerPoint
 Submit this Tabletop Exercise PPT document to the
ERM Contact
62 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential
Tabletop Exercise Example

Before the meeting, develop

an emergency scenario in the
Tabletop Exercise template.

During the meeting, take

notes on the discussion in the
note area of the PowerPoint
63 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential
Final Steps

 Store your BCP in multiple places onsite and

offsite, in electronic and hard copy format.
– The site now owns the BCP document
 Print the BCP summary and give to employees of
your choosing to hang at their desks

64 3/6/2012 Cummins Confidential

Final Steps

 Notify the ERM group of any significant changes

to the BCP
 ERM group will send out requirements annually
for updating the BCP
 We also recommend that you consider
implementing the preparedness opportunities you
listed for your site risks and required applications
The following slides are for Joint Venture (JV) use only
JV Use Only – Process Flow

Delete all text

referring to Global
Crisis Hotline in this
box so that box
reads: “Notify Plant

In section 3.a. of the BCP Word document, Immediate Response –

Process Flow, delete all references to the Global Crisis Hotline (see
illustration above), then review the flow chart and make any necessary
changes specific to your JV/site
JV Use Only – Emergency Response Procedure

Delete all text

referring to Global
Crisis Hotline in this
box and replace it
with the appropriate
contact (if any).

In section 3.b. of the BCP Word document, Immediate Response –

Emergency Response Procedure, delete all references to the Global
Crisis Hotline (see illustration above), then make any necessary
changes specific to your JV/site. This table should explain the steps
listed in the flow chart of 3.a., so be sure your tasks align with each
step in the flow chart
JV Use Only - Emergency Response Procedure

Delete all text

referring to Global
Crisis Hotline in this
box and replace it
with the appropriate
contact (if any).

In section 3.b. of the BCP Word document, Immediate Response –

Emergency Response Procedure, delete all references to the Global
Crisis Hotline (see illustration above), then make any necessary
changes specific to your JV/site. This table should explain the steps
listed in the flow chart of 3.a., so be sure your tasks align with each
step in the flow chart
JV Use Only – Section Reviews

 In section 3.i. of the BCP Word document, Crisis

Communications, review the wording and make any
necessary changes specific to your JV/site
– Insert any JV- or site-specific crisis communication plans
you may have
 In section 3.c. of the BCP Word document,
Immediate Response – Declaration of Disaster
Procedure, review the wording and make any
necessary changes specific to your JV/site
JV Use Only – BCP Summary

Delete the
reference to
the Crisis
Hotline and
replace it
with the
contact (if
(section 6.f.
of BCP Delete the reference to the
Word Crisis Hotline and replace it
document). with the appropriate contact (if
any) (section 6.f. of BCP Word
JV Use Only – Insurance Claim Reporting

 In section 6.h. of the BCP Word document, Insurance

Claim Reporting, add any JV- or site-specific
insurance contacts
 In section 6.i. of the BCP Word document, Insurance
Claim Requirements (Catastrophic Event), include
any JV- or site-specific insurance claim requirements
relating to catastrophic events
 Once completed, submit BCP to ERM Contact
 Once approved, return to the Review Session
slide and complete remaining tasks

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