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Change the following direct questious in to indirect ouce.

1. Is Jannet at home?
- Con you tell me if Jannet is home?
2. Was it hot last weekend?
- Tell me if was hot enough last weeriend
3. Were the teachers in a meeting?
- Conmfirm me if the teachers wee in meeting
4. Will the cause begin next week?
- Is it true that the course will begin the next week?
5. Are they going to visit us?
- Do you come to visit us?
6. Where does sandia study?
- Can you tell me where these men work
7. Where do these me work?
- You can find out where these men work
8. Why did Vilma fail the exam?
- Give me a reason Vilma failed the exam?
9. When will you celebrate your birthday?
- May I kanow when you will celebrate you will celebrate
your birthday?
10. How old is the theacher?
- Can you tell me how old is the theacher?
11. How many book books did you read?
- Can you tell me how many books you read?
12. How much money did she pay?
- May I know how much money you paid?
13. Where are the keys?
- Tell me where are the keys
14. Why is monica sad?
- Tell me why is monica sad?
15. What is your favorite subject?
- May I kanow what is your favorite subject?
1. Match the words in the box with the pictures. Which
ítems do people take on a camping trip?

BACKPACK: Mochila (1)

SLEEPING BAG: Saco de dormir (6)
HIKING BOOTS: Botas de montaña (5)
SWIMSUIT: Vestido de baño (3)
LIFE JACKET: Chaqueta (12)
CAMERA: Camara (7)
SUNGLASSES: Gafas de sol (4)
TENT: Tienda (10)
HELMET: Casco (11)
TURCH: Linterna (9)
TRAINERS: Zapatillas (2)
Waterproof jacket: Chaqueta impermeable (8)

2. Put the ítems from exercise 1 in the correct . Then ad

done more ítem for each activity.

Excursionism En la playa Dormid Canotaje Equitacio

o o n
Hiking boots Swim suit Sleepiny Waterproo Life Jacket
bag f Jacker
Torch Sunglasse Tent Helmet Back pack
3. In pairs, ask and answer about the ítems in exercise 1
use the language en the bax:

- What do we use ¿ a back pack/ songlasses for?

- We use it/ them for (carrying our things) R/
- We use it/ them to (protect our eyes) R/sounglasses

4. Read about forest hill summer camp choose an activity

that you’d like to to in the morning aftermoon and
R/ In the morning I would like to do canoeing, in the
aftermoons to bathe in the lake and at night to sleep
5. In Pairs, ask and answer about the activities that you
want to do at the summer camp

A. What do you want to do in the morning? B. I want to
go to the drawing class what about you?

R/ What do you cuant to do in the afternoon?

I want to go see a movie in the movie theater

6. Read the box and complete the sentences with at, in,
or on.
a. We are going to have arts lessons in the morning
b. The soung festival is AT 9:00 pm in Saturday an
c. In the afternoon, we’ re going to go to the river were
going to return to the camp At 6:00 pm
d. In ningt, I prefer playing games near the campfire
rather tan felling stories
e. We get home on Sunday At 7:00 pm in the evening
f. The next school camp toip is going to be on june
g. On Saturday, we’re going to do activities at the lake,
and on night we’re going to do activities at the lake,
and on night we’re going to play hide and seek

5. Took at the pictures what social problems do you

think each pictures represents2.
A. Poor childcare
B. (no se ve mucho la imagen) but the problema is
the childrens lack of attention to ther academic
duties as students
C. Teen pregnancy

6.Read the stories match them with the pictures in

exercises and check your ideas from exercises.

1. Thulani madondo (Imagen A)
2. Pushpa basnet (B)
3. Catalina Escobar (C)

7. Complete the table with information from each text:

Questions Thulani Pushpa Catalia
a.Whe South africa nepal Cartagena
re do
b. Why did Porque los Porque Porque las
they decide to padres no los niños
madres no
help people tenían la estaba tenían
cuota para la en la para pagar
escuela cárcel el
secundaria de tratamient
mujeres o de sus
c. How do Les da Dirige Hizo todo
they help uniforme,libro una para que
people s, entre otras guarderí ningún
cosas mas a para niño
niños muriera
8. Look at the underlined past simple afirmative and
negative forms in the stories in page 27 answer the
a. What is the past simple afirmative ending for regular
R/. started, told, carried, washed, studied, visited,
openod, died
b. What do we do when a verb ends in-y? fin dan
example in the text
R/. se le cambia por i latina y se le agrega ed
c. Irregular verbs don’t end in-ed find the past simple
form of four irregular verbs in the text. What are
their infinitive forms?

R/. saw, left, have, told, el pasado simple es:

Saw= sawed
Left= left
Have= had
Told= tell
d.find three negative form to make the negative, we use
He didn’t go to school
They didn’t go to work yesterday
I didn’t save a child yesterday
9. Read the story of chris, a sixteen-year-old boy from
Toronto. Complete it with regular past simple forms of
the verbs in brackets

It was a Tuesday. Chris(1) finished (finish) school, and

(2) decided (decide) to go to the park (3) relaxed (relax)
on a beach near a lake suddenly, someone (4) scream
(scream) loudly a womau was at the edge of the wáter,
and small boy was in the middle of the lake the boy (5)
tried (try) to swin but he (6) disappeared (disappeared)
under the waker chris (7) I had not (not have) time to
put on a swimsuit he (8) jumped (jump) into the wáter
and (9) pulled (pull) the boyo ut of the wáter tho boy’s
mother (10) wanted (want) to give chris some money
out he (11) not taked (not take) it he was a true hero!

10.Read the stories on page 27 again. Answer the

questions. Write full sentences and use the reist simple
in your answer
a. Why did thulany madondo have to work while he
was still at school
R/. Because in father did not have to pay for school

b. What kid of organisation did thulani créate to help

poor children
R/. the kliptown youth program
c.what did pashpa study at university
R/. Trabajo social

D. Why did pushpa start a children’s day centre?

R/ because he saw some children in the women’s

F. what happened to catalina escobar’s son?

R/ he fell off a balcón y and died

F. why did the twelve- day- old baby diez

R/ because he teenage mother didn’t have the
money for treatment to save her life

11.A lot common verbs are irregular in english match

the infinitives with the past simple afirmative forms

Infinitives Past simple forms

Do - Did
Make - Made
White - whote
Leave - came
Say - Sald
Eat - Ate
Drink - drank
Drive - drove
Come - came
Give - gave
Have - mad
Go - went
Get - left
Swin - swam
Sleep - sleept
Meet - met
Read - read
Buy - bought
Teach - taught
Run - ran

1. Que night Sara Garcia, an elderly window, was
walking down a dark Street in philadelpia she was
carrying bag her purse in one hand and a shopping
bag in the Street except two Young men they were
stading in a dark doorway. ONE of them was very
tall with light hair the other was short and fat with a
beard and mustache
2. The tow men waited for a few seconds and then ran
quicikly and quietly toward mrs Garcia the tall man
held her from behind while the ofther one tried so
snatch her purse
3. Suddenly mrs Garcia thew the tall one over her
shoulder. He crashed into the other man, and they
both landed on the ground. Without speaking mrs
garcia hit both of them on the head with her purse
and walked calmy away
4. The two sorprised Young men were still sitting on
the ground when mrs Garcia crossed the Street
toward a door with a bright sign above it mrs Garcia
paused, turned around, smiled at them, and walked
into the philadelphia judo club

5. Last night, Louis karpinski/middle-aged widower/

Street in kausas city he/briefcase/ umbrella/ two
men they/ alley.
One/big/dark hair/ the other /thin/bald.

6.they/few seconds and/ walk/ slocoly/ silently/ mr

karpiuski. The big man/hold / behind. The thin one/
try/steal/mr.karpiuski/ brie fcase

7.the two astonished men sit/ ground mr karpiuski/ cross/

Street tward/door/ painted sign. Mr. Karpinski/ stop/ tum/
laugh/ walk into/ Kansas city karate club.

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