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Thibaut DEDUIT

WordReference​English - French dictionary 
Linguee​Same with many example sentences 
Wiktionary​French dictionary, search bar in the upper-right corner 
TypeIt​Type French special characters 
Forvo​Pronunciation dictionary 
Conjugation dictionary​, you can also check this list of ​irregular verbs families 
Synonyms dictionary 
Voice recording web app 1​, w
​ eb app 2 
Come again​drop an audio file and get a slower version of it 
Pronunciation rules 
Linking words 
Lingolia​, ​Tex's French​grammar lessons and exercises (with English) 
Podcastfrancaisfacile​lessons, texts, many dialogs and exercises 
Lepointdufle​web portal to hundreds of web pages : exercises, lessons, various resources 
TV5 Monde​Many kinds of exercises, videos, and tests 
Easy French​short interviews with French and English subtitles. A must. 
1jour1actu​short, fun videos (audio + text) 
Les idées claires​short video / podcast with text about popular and controversial news 
7 jours sur la planète​news with subtitles from TV5Monde 
Youtube playlist​Youtube videos and channels I recommend 
Dessine-moi l'éco​short animations about economy 
Les idées claires​​nice, short videos with all the text 
Culture Prime​similar 
TV5 Monde channels​here, and programs to re-watch ​here 
TV5 Monde Plus​streaming website with lots of content in French (some from Africa or Canada) 
WTF France​this one is a bonus, not much French but a lot of fun about France 
Podcastfrancaisfacile​​many dialogs with transcript 
InnerFrench​slow podcasts for French learners (with transcript) 
Thibaut DEDUIT

News in slow French​​short news articles with text 

French songs​on Youtube, with subtitles (in the video or in the comments) 
Transfert​podcast with “subtitles” 
Short programs on Radio France​list, easy to difficult 
RFI Journal en français facile​about the news, with text 
Franceinfo Junior​questions and answers about news (no text) 
Podcast list​hundreds of French podcasts, by type 
Binge Audio​same, platform of many podcasts by category 
Another podcasts list​some more 
Yet another podcast list​a few more 
Podcast list on Medium​second part ​here 
Parler comme jamais​podcast about French language 
Nouvelle École​casual interviews of popular personalities in French culture 
Nouvelles Écoutes​a few more interesting podcasts 
Podcast Science​long episodes about news in sciences 
Litterature Audio​online audio books 
Lilavie​easy texts about France (choose a chapter then click on “Télécharger le dossier complet”)  
Africultures​with an “easy French” section 
Magazine LCFF​many simple articles about various topics (some in limited acess) 
20 Minutes "Insolite"​miscellaneous news items (on ​PauseCafein​too) 
Le Gorafi​humoristic (and fake) newspaper 
Short Édition​very short amateur novels 
Le Mur de la Presse​daily collection of articles from the most popular French newspapers 
France24​news, for free 
La Documentation Francaise​detailed analysis on society, economics, politics 
SensCritique - Top 50​best novels for teenagers 
Littérature francophone​hundreds of famous books from French-speaking authors (PDF or ePUB) 
And, if you are looking for recent French novels, you can check these popular authors : ​Guillaume 
Musso, Michel Bussi, Virginie Grimaldi, Marc Levy, Françoise Bourdin, Laurent Gounelle, Gilles 
Legardinier, Maxime Chattam, David Foenkinos, Sylvain Tesson, Aurélie Valognes, Raphaëlle Giordano, 
Agnès Martin-Lugand, Franck Thilliez, Michel Houellebecq, Valérie Perrin, Amélie Nothomb 
DELF instructions​A1 to B2 
DALF instructions​C1 to C2 
DALF samples 
Partajon​a great website with tons of DELF/DALF exercises (“Ressources” in menu bar) 
Thibaut DEDUIT

CIEP resources for DELF/DALF (go to p12) 

TCF subjects​​(TV5) 
TCF subjects​(RFI) 
TCF exercises​from CIEP 
TEF subjects​​(section “exemples d’épreuve”) 
Vocabulary​and lessons about many topics: including business, laws… 
Ressources NumériFOS​activities and actual lessons by professional sector: tourism, business… 
Vocabulary​too, but shorter, and with useful expressions at work 
Le Point du FLE​​Lessons and activites about French for business, including formal letters 
Bonjour de France​Same principle, with a better structure 
Autour des Professions​Same on RFI 
Model letters​, ​here​too 
job inteview questions 

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