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BIOL 2500 – GENETICS 1 Winter 2020

Course Instructor: Dr. V.C. Dilukshi Fernando ( 421A BSB

Office hours : Mon and Fri 9.30am-11.30am (By appointment only)
Lecture room: 208 Armes
Lab (Tutorial) Instructor: Behnam Beizaei (see tutorial outline)
Required Readings: 1. Textbook: Genetic Analysis: An Integrated Approach 2nd Ed/3rd Ed
(Sanders & Bowman, 2015 or 2018)
2. 2019-2020 BIOL 2500 Lab Manual

BIOL 2500 Genetics 1 - Principles of heredity in plants and animals. The concepts of dominance
and genetic interaction, sex and inheritance, linkage, chromosomal variations, quantitative and
population genetics, and the genetic code will be covered. Since the ability to solve genetic
problems is essential to success in this course, the lab component will consist exclusively of
tutorials and quizzes.

Course grades will be based on tutorial quizzes and two examinations. Missed work will be
assigned 0 marks, unless appropriate documentation (note from counsellor, physician, or clergy)
is provided within 48 hours of the scheduled exam. Deferred exams/quizzes will be scheduled by
the instructor if necessary. Marks will not be pro-rated to the midterm or final for any reason.

Laboratory (tutorial) component (25%) (Two quizzes, 10% each+ attendance and participation at
in class/lab iclicker sessions 5%)
Quiz 1 – February 4th (B01) February 6th (B02)
Quiz 2 – March 17th (B01) March 19th (B02)

Mid-Term Exam (30%) Wednesday 4th March (out of class 5.30pm) - all MCQ

Final Exam (45%) Scheduled by student records during the April examination period

Final Exam 40 MCQ + 5 long answer (45%) Final exam is not cumulative
(If you miss the final exam due to a valid reason, contact your home faculty. They are the only
body that can grant a deferred final exam).

A+ = 90+, A = 80-89, B+ = 74-79, B = 68-73, C+ = 62-67, C = 56-61, D = 50-55, F = < 50

Please note that we do not cover material in the same order as in the text book and also we cover
only relevant topics not the entire chapter. (Subject to change at instructor’s discretion)
Topic Required reading (2015/2018)
Introduction, Mitosis, Meiosis, Chapter 3
Introduction to Mendelian Genetics* Chapter 2
Mendelian Genetics continued Chapter 2
Mono hybrid cross, di hybrid cross, chi-
squared stats.
Sex linkage, Pedigrees Chapter 3
Pedigrees continued, Sex influenced traits, Chapter 3
Sex determination
Dosage compensation, Basis of Chapter 3
inheritance, co-dominance, multiple alleles
Blood type genetics lethal alleles, epistatis Chapter 4
Mapping, 2 point cross, 3 point cross Chapter 5
Chromosomal mutations Chapter 13/10
Population Genetics Chapter 22/20
Quantitative Genetics Chapter 21/19
DNA structure and replication Chapter 7
Transcription, Protein Chapter 8,9
Molecular Techniques Chapter 10, 17
Molecular Techniques
*Some content may be posted online for self study

The easiest mechanism to contact your instructors is through email. If and when you decide to
email me please make sure you do the following:
• Check this Syllabus first. If you are asking about course or exam information, chances are
the answers are already in the syllabus/course outline.
• Use a proper salutation. “Hey prof” is not appropriate.
• Always include your name and you are from BIOL 2500 class. If we don’t know who
you are, we will not respond to you.
• Use your University email account. Most other accounts are filtered and I might not
receive your email. IT help desk can assist you in setting up your email account, if you
are a visitng student.
• We do not respond to emails on weekends or for 24 hours prior to an exam.

Faculty of Science Statement on Academic Dishonesty

The Faculty of Science and The University of Manitoba regard acts of academic dishonesty in quizzes,
tests, examinations, laboratory reports or assignments as serious offences and may assess a variety of
penalties depending on the nature of the offence.

Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to bringing unauthorized materials into a test or
exam, copying from another student, plagiarism, and examination impersonation.

Note: cell phones, pagers or electronic translators are explicitly listed as unauthorized materials, and
must not be present during tests or examinations.

Penalties that may apply, as provided for under the University of Manitoba's Student Discipline By-Law,
range from a grade of zero for the assignment or examination, failure in the course, to expulsion from the
University. The Student Discipline By-Law may be accessed at:

Suggested penalties assessed by the Faculty of Science for acts of academic dishonesty are available on
the Faculty of Science web-page:

All Faculty members (and their teaching assistants) have been instructed to be vigilant and report all
incidents of academic dishonesty to the Head of the Department.

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