English 4 Spec Old Copybook

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Íàòàëÿ Êîãóò

Îêñàíà Kàðï’þê


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ÁÁÊ 81.43.21-922

Ðåêîìåíäîâàíî ̳í³ñòåðñòâîì îñâ³òè ³ íàóêè Óêðà¿íè

(Ëèñò ̳í³ñòåðñòâà îñâ³òè ³ íàóêè Óêðà¿íè ¹ 1/11-801 â³ä 18.03.08 ð.)

Êîãóò Í.Î., Êàðï’þê Î.Ä.

E-56 Çîøèò ç àíãë³éñüêî¿ ìîâè äëÿ 4 êë. øê³ë ç ïîãëèáëåíèì âèâ÷åííÿì àíãë³éñüêî¿
ìîâè. – Òåðíîï³ëü : ˳áðà Òåððà, 2014 – 104 ñ. : ³ë.
ISBN 978-966-8790-25-6

Ðîáî÷èé çîøèò º ñêëàäîâîþ ÷àñòèíîþ íàâ÷àëüíî-ìåòîäè÷íîãî êîìïëåêòó ç

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ÁÁÊ 81.43.21-922

© Í.Î.Êîãóò, Î.Ä.Êàðï’þê, 2008

ISBN 978-966-8790-25-6 © ÒΠ«Ë³áðà Òåððà», 2008, 2012, 2014

Unit 1. It’s My Life

Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 4-12
Progress Check __________________________ 13
Unit 2. Home, Sweet Home
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 14-22
Progress Check __________________________ 23
Unit 3. Doing Shopping
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 24-32
Progress Check __________________________ 33
Unit 4. Asking the Way
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 34-42
Progress Check __________________________ 43
Unit 5. Round the Calendar
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 44-52
Progress Check __________________________ 53
Unit 6. Hobbies and Pastimes
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 54-62
Progress Check __________________________ 63
Unit 7. Favourite Characters
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 64-72
Progress Check __________________________ 73
Unit 8. Nature’s Beauties
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 74-82
Progress Check __________________________ 83
Unit 9. Travelling
Lessons 1-10 ___________________________ 84-92
Progress Check __________________________ 93
Unit 10. Welcome to Ukraine!
Lessons 1-10 __________________________ 94-102
Progress Check _________________________ 103
Unit 1. IT’S MY LIFE

Lesson 1

1 Look and complete.

1) Kate usually gets up at at seven o’clock.
2) Kate has breakfast at _________________.
3) She comes to school at ______________.
4) Her school starts at ___________________.
5) Kate has lunch at ____________________.
6) She goes home at ___________________.

2 Open the brackets and write correctly.

1) Tom never (to get up) early on Saturday.
Tom never gets up early on Saturday.
2) Children (not to go) to school on Sunday.
3) My sister sometimes (to go) to the cinema on the weekends.
4) Bill usually (to meet) his friends after classes.
5) He always (to do) his homework in the afternoon.
6) Tina (not to watch) TV in the evenings. She (to read) books.

Lesson 2

1 Today is Saturday. Write what Bob and his brother Jake

did yesterday. Write as in the example.
On Friday our classes fin- _____On Friday
______ classes
_____________________finished at
_____________ twenty
ish at 2:20 pm. My younger _________________________________________
two pm Jake and his brother Bob ...
brother Bob and I walk home ___________________________________
together. On our way home ___________________________________
there is a Toy shop. We usu- ___________________________________
ally stop at its beautiful window ___________________________________
shop and look at the toys. Bob ________________________________________________________________
likes cars. I like robots. ________________________________________________________________
After dinner my brother ___________________________________
plays with his friends. I listen ___________________________________
to music. At 7:15 pm there is ___________________________________
an interesting film on. At 8:45 ___________________________________
pm we wash our hands and ___________________________________
faces and clean our teeth. ___________________________________
At 9:30 pm Bob and I go to ___________________________________
bed. ___________________________________

Write what you did yesterday in the evening. You may

2 use the words from the box.
help, listen, study, watch, play, wash, clean,
water, walk, start, finish, enjoy, like, talk, visit

Lesson 3

1 Write the past forms of the verbs.

begin began speak __________
wear __________ draw __________
take __________ come __________
give __________ teach __________
get __________ know __________
sing __________ think __________
buy __________ bring __________

2 Make up questions and answer them.

1) children, school, start, in Britain, do, when
When do children start school in Britain?
They start school when they are six.
2) school, what, do, go, they, to
3) start, most schools, do, what time, at
4) on Saturdays, or Sundays, do, children to school, go
5) do, children, what, do, after, classes

Lesson 4

1 Open the brackets and write correctly.

1) We have Maths (3/week). We have Maths 3 times a week.
2) I tidy my room (2/week). ____________________________________
3) Mike watches his favourite cartoon (4/month). ____________________
4) My Mother does laundry (1/week). _____________________________
5) We have holidays (4/year). __________________________________

Write what you usually do after school. Put the following

2 word combinations into the proper boxes.
visit, my friends, study English, watch TV, phone my friends, walk
in the yard, iron my clothes, help my mum, do my lessons, play
games, tidy my room, read books, paint pictures, listen to music
never sometimes usually always
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________

3 Write how many times a day (week,month) you do the

things from exercise 2.

1) I visit my friends twice a week.


Lesson 5

1 Complete with the words from the box.

activities, orchestra, events, take part, competitions, choir, practise
Children of Downhill School like to __________ in extra school
______________. It’s a part of their school life. Every season they have
different __________ like Festival of Dancing, Playday Parties, School
Bazar, School Hobby Fair or Sport ___________. A lot of children play in
school _____________, others sing in school _____________. They want
to win a prize. So, they ____________ every day.

2 Look and write as in the example. Guess and label the

name of the club.

The children are dancing. The children are ____ _________________

_________________ _________________

__________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________

Lesson 6

1 Answer the questions.

1) What extra school event(s) did you have during last month?

2) What did you do there?


3) What did other pupils do during the event?


4) Did you like it? How was it?


5) What did you like the best?


2 Write about the extra-school event you (or your class)

took part in. Write what you did and what way you did
Lesson 7

1 Open the brackets putting the verb into the correct form.
He (to go) swimming twice a week. Look, they (to swim) now.
He goes swimming twice a week. Look, they are swimming now.

1) Mark (to practise) ______________ in football now.

He (to practise) ______________ three hours a day.
2) We usually (to wear) ___________ a uniform in our school.
Look at this photo, I (to wear) _________________ my school uniform.
3) The children of our class (to act out) ___________ in the show three times
a month. Look at the photo, they (to act out) __________________ now.
4) Look, our basketball team (to get) ________________ a prize now.
They (to get) ___________ it every year.
5) Every month the children of our school (to take) ___________ part in
sports competitions. Of course, they (to take) _________________ part
in the competitions now.

2 Look, ask and answer.

Are the children swimming? ______________________

Yes, they are. ______________________

_____________________ _____________________
___________________ _____________________
Lesson 8

1 Choose and fill in.

1) I did my homework yesterday.

a) now b) yesterday c) every day
2) Look, Jeff is playing the piano _______________________________.
a) here in the photo b) last weekend c) twice a week
3) Where’s Tina? Over there, she’s decorating the wall with pictures _____.
a) last month b) every month c) now
4) Tom is a good tennis-player. He practises ____________________.
a) a year ago b) every day c) at the moment
5) Linda and Rose made a nice ad for the club ____________________.
a) now b) every morning c) last weekend
6) I _____________________ go swimming on Friday.
a) now b) usually c) yesterday

2 Disagree and ask question as in the example.

1) Ann decorated the hall. (What)
Ann didn’t decorate the hall.
What did Ann do?

2) Mike drew an ad. (Who)


3) The children watched a performance

yesterday. (When)
4) Bob studied Maths yesterday. (What)
Lessons 9-10

1 Read, ask and write the opposite.

Example: Betty read an interesting book yesterday

(?) What did Betty do yesterday?
(-) Betty didn’t read an interesting book yesterday.

1) George is practising in playing the violin now.

(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________
2) Ted always takes part in sports competitions in our school.
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________
3) We wrote the invitations yesterday.
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________

2 Write about:
• what you do or don’t do every day. Ask your friend what he does every
(+) _______________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________
• what you are doing or aren’t doing now. Ask your friend what he is
doing now;
(+) _______________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________
• what you did or didn’t do yesterday. Ask your friend about it.
(+) _______________________________________________________
(-) _______________________________________________________
(?) _______________________________________________________

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Read and fill in with the words from the box.
We are in Eastlake School. It’s famous for its extra
school _______________.
The pupils like going to different clubs. There are a
lot of different interesting _________. The children visit orchestra
Drama Club, Music Club, Art Club, Sports Club. Children competitions
from the Music Club play in their own _____________ activities
and sing in school _________. Those who visit Sports practised
Clubs, have ___________ twice a month. Now all the events
pupils are in the Assembly Hall. Their best volleyball choir
team __________________a prize. They _________ is getting
three times a week all the year round.

2 Make up 3 questions to the text above.

Who ____________________________________________________
What ___________________________________________________
When ___________________________________________________

3 Open the brackets putting the verb into the correct form.
1) I (have) am having dinner now.
2) We (visit) _____________ our granny twice a month.
3) My classmates (not take) ______________ part in sports competition
last weekend.
4) Nick (play) _____________ in school orchestra every day.
5) Look, they (practise) ______________ in boxing in this photo.
6) Tony and Jane (make) ______________ a nice poster yesterday.


Lesson 1

1 Look and write.

fence n____________ b____ __ _____

b___ s____ f________

2 Ask your friend as in the example.

Example: blocks of flats / neighbourhood
Are there a lot of blocks of flats in your neighbourhood?
1) a café / neighbourhood
2) a swing / garden
3) shops / neighbourhood
4) garden / near your house
5) fence / around your house
6) flowerbeds / in front of the house

Lesson 2

1 Look, ask and answer.

Example: A: What floor does Sue live on?
B: Sue lives on the fourth floor.
1) A:______________________________
M B:______________________________
2) A:______________________________
R O N B:______________________________
3) A:______________________________
T I M B:______________________________
4) A:______________________________
S A M B:______________________________
5) A:______________________________
S U E B:______________________________
6) A:______________________________
D A N 7) A:______________________________
B O B 8) A:______________________________

2 Look and disagree as in the example.

Sam lives on the ground floor. Sam doesn’t live on the ground floor.
Dan lives on the sixth floor. ______________________________
Ben lives on the ninth floor. ______________________________
Bob lives on the eighth floor. ______________________________
Tom lives on the first floor. ______________________________

Lesson 3

1 Complete.
Pam Linda
Ann John

Mike Nick Sue Ben Max Fred

1) Linda is the tenth. 6) John ___________________.

2) Mike is the ______________. 7) Ann ____________________.
3) Fred is _________________. 8) Ben ____________________.
4) Sue ___________________. 9) Nick ___________________.
5) Max ___________________. 10) Pam __________________.

2 Read and draw Tim’s yard.

My name is Tim and this is my house. There is a nice fence around my
house. In front of the house there are two flowerbeds with beautiful flowers.
The house is between the barn and the garage. There is a nice garden be-
hind the house. In the middle of the garden there is a swing. The dog’s
house is next to the barn.

Lesson 4

1 Complete the dialogue.

A: ______________________.
B: I live in the city.
A: ______________________.
B: We live in the house.

2 Choose and fill in.

1) Where do you live? – In the city.
a) What b) When c) Where
2) ________ does it look like? – Oh, it’s very big!
a) Who b) Whose c) How
3) ________ room is this? – It’s Mary’s.
a) Who b) What c) Whose
4) ________ you live in a house or in a flat? – In a house.
a) Does b) Are c) Do
5) ________ you show us your new flat? – Sure, I can.
a) Can b) Do c) Are
6) ________ he like to live in the country? – I think, he does.
a) Do b) Is c) Does

3 Answer the questions.

1) Do you live in a village or in a city?
2) Are there many blocks of flats in your neighbourhood?
3) Do you live in a block of flats or in the house?
4) What floor do you live on?
5) Are there nice parks in your neighbourhood?
6) Are your neighbours good people?
Lesson 5

1 Solve the R-puzzle.


2 Look and write what the things are made of.

It’s made of glass. ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

Lesson 6

1 Write in plural.
a man – two _______ a fox – ten _______
a goose – many ________ a match – two _________
a shelf – three ________ a child – many _________
a puppy – four ________ a person – a lot of _________
a tomato – a lot of _________ a wolf – five ________
a cat – six _______ a mouse – seven _________

2 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.

1) There is a round table in the middle of the hall.

2) There aren’t any chairs ________ the table.
3) There is a vase ______ the table.
4) There isn’t any lamp _______ the table.
5) There isn’t any TV, but there is a sofa ____________ of the hall.
6) There are two armchairs ________ the wall.
7) There is a small table ____________ the armchairs.
8) There isn’t any telephone ___ the small table.
9) Look! There is a dog _________ the sofa.

3 Write about your room in your flat/house.


Lesson 7

1 a) Read and draw.

This is Tim’s house. The kitchen, the dining-room and the living-room are
downstairs. Two bedrooms, a study and a bathroom are upstairs. Tim is in
the study. He is polishing his chest of drawers. Tim’s mother is wiping the
dishes in the kitchen. His father is sleeping in his bedroom.

b) Answer.
Is Tim’s mother upstairs? ___________________________________
Is Tim’s father downstairs? __________________________________
Is Tim upstairs? __________________________________________

2 Write what you and your relatives do and don’t do to

keep your flat/house in order.


Lesson 8

1 Look and answer.

1) Is there a table in the middle of the room?

2) Are there any chairs in the room?
3) Is there a fireplace in the corner?
4) Is there a wardrobe between the cupboard and the book-case?
5) Are there two candles on the fireplace?
6) Are there books in the bookcase?
7) Is there a sofa in the room?
8) Is there an armchair?
9) Is there a mirror in the room?

2 Write your address.


Lessons 9-10

1 Write.
How many? Which one?
six 6 the sixth

2 Open the brackets putting the verbs into the correct form.
Tim’s family is very friendly. They always (to tidy) ________ their house
together. Tim’s mother usually (to do) ________ the laundry on Saturdays.
Today is not Saturday, but she (to do) _________ the laundry now. Tim’s fa-
ther always (to fix) ________ some things. But today he is on his work and
Tim (to fix) ________ the iron now. Usually Tim (to tidy) ________ his room,
but today his granny (to tidy) ________ Tim’s room. Tim’s sister (to water)
_________ flowers twice a week on Tuesday and on Friday. But today is
Wednesday and she (to water) ___________ flowers because she (not to
do) __________it yesterday.

3 Answer about your family.

1) Who usually tidies your flat/house? ____________________________
2) Who did it last time? _______________________________________
3) Who usually polishes the furniture? ____________________________
4) Who did it last time? _______________________________________
5) Who always wipes your dishes? ______________________________
6) Who did it last time? _______________________________________

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Complete.
1) June is the sixth month of the year.
2) January is __________________________________.
3) March _____________________________________.
4) August _____________________________________.
5) May _______________________________________.
6) February ___________________________________.
7) September __________________________________.

2 Describe your room (flat, house).


3 Complete the dialogue with the questions.

A: Who washes the dishes in your family?
B: My mum does. She always washes the dishes.
A: ______________________________________________________
B: My sister. She polishes the furniture every Saturday.
A: ______________________________________________________
B: My father, of course. He usually does the floor with a vacuum-cleaner.
A: ______________________________________________________
B: Me? Well… sometimes I wipe the dishes… and…

Lesson 1

1 Write what you can buy at these shops. Use the words
from the box.
medicine, magazines, jeans, newspapers, shampoo, postcards,
toothpaste, dresses, coats, pens, biscuits, copybooks, cakes, soap,
badges, pies, trousers, bread, hats, rolls

Baker’s Newsagent’s Chemist’s Clothes


2 Answer the questions.

1) Where can you buy tennis balls? ______________________________
2) Where do they sell meat? ____________________________________
3) What can you buy at the chemist’s? ____________________________
4) What do they sell at the newsagent’s? __________________________

3 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Thank you!, Where is it, Where can, sell
A: I need some copybooks. _________________ I buy them?
B: They ________________ copybooks at the Newsagent’s.
A: ________________________?
B: Go along Lake Street. It is on the right on the corner of Lake Street and
Green Street.
A: ___________________
Lesson 2

1 Read and write the names of the departments.

In the centre of our town there is a big supermarket. There are different
departments in it: grocery, greengrocery, dairy, chemist’s, newsagent’s and
baker’s. The dairy is opposite the door. The greengrocery is between the dairy
and the grocery. The baker’s is in the right corner and the newsagent’s is on
the left of the door, next to it in the left corner there is the chemist’s.
1) ________________
2) ________________
3) ________________
4) ________________
5) ________________
6) ________________

2 Write as in the example.

1) My mother bought a new shampoo at the supermarket.
(?) Did your mother buy a new shampoo at the supermarket yesterday?
(–) My mother didn’t buy a new shampoo at the supermarket yesterday.
What did your mother buy at the supermarket yesterday?
Where ____________________________________________
When _____________________________________________
2) My father sold (ïðîäàâ) his old car yesterday at the car market.
(?) __________________________________________________
(–) __________________________________________________
What ______________________________________________
Where _____________________________________________
When _____________________________________________

Lesson 3

1 Solve the crossword.

1) It is a place in a large shop.
2) This is a place where you can buy
a medecine.
3) They sell meat here.
4) One who makes and sells bread
and rolls.
5) You can come here if you need a
newspaper or a magazine.
6) This is a place, usually outside or
in a large building where you can
buy different things.

2 Look and write as in the example.

Example: How much are these skis? They are eighty-five pounds.
1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________

2 4


1 3 5

Lesson 4

1 Read and match.

20 seventy-five pence
50 fifty pence
75 p one pound and twenty pence
fifty pounds

20 p twenty pence
50 p twenty pounds
3,75 three pounds and seventy-five
75 seventy-five pounds

2 Read and write the time.

10:15 am — 7:45 pm ___ am — ___ pm ___ am — ___ pm
It’s open from ten fifteen It’s open from seven to It’s open from nine to
to seven forty-five. ten thirty. eleven twenty.

3 Look and write the time.

3:30 A: What is the time, 1:15 A: ___________
please? _____________
B: It’s three thirty. B: ___________
1:45 A: _____________ 9:00 A: ___________
_______________ _____________
B: _____________ B: ___________
_______________ _____________

Lesson 5

1 Look and complete.

warm warmer the warmest
small smaller
long longer
short the shortest
light lighter
young the youngest
large larger
old the oldest

2 Pay attention and complete.

a) big – bigger – the biggest
hot – hotter – __________________
wet – _________ – __________________
b) heavy – heavier – the heaviest
easy – easier – __________________
happy – ____________ – __________________

3 Complete the sentences.

1) This dress is very expensive. I need a cheaper one.
2) Those jeans are small in size. I need _____________________ ones.
3) That car is very expensive for me. I ____________________________
4) This skirt is very short. I _____________________________________
5) This shoes are very heavy. I _________________________________

Lesson 6

1 Compare and write, using the words from the box.

Ann Sally Ted Mark

Ann is shorter than Ted.

Ann is _________ than Sally.
Sally is _________ than Mark. taller
Sally is _________ than Ann. shorter
Ted is _________ than Sally.
Ted is _________ than Mark.
Mark is _________ than Ted.
Mark is _________ than Ann.

2 Answer the questions.

Kate’s Sue’s Cindy’s village town super-

doll doll doll shop shop market
1) Whose doll is the best? _____________________________________
2) Whose doll is the worst? ____________________________________
3) Whose doll is better than Sue’s one? __________________________
4) Whose doll is worse than Sue’s one? __________________________
5) Which shop is bigger than town shop? _________________________
6) Which shop is the smallest? _________________________________
7) Which shop is the biggest? __________________________________
8) Which shop is smaller than town shop? ________________________

Lesson 7

1 Compare and answer.

Nancy Ron Mag Fred

Is Ron older than Nancy? – No, he isn’t. He is younger than Nancy.
Is Mag younger than Nancy? – _______________________________
Is Fred younger than Mag? – _______________________________
Is Ron older than Fred? – _______________________________
Is Nancy younger than Ron? – _______________________________

2 Look, compare and write as in the example.

Ex.: A bike is more economical than a Fiat.

A Fiat is _______________________ than a Lincoln.
Ex.: Is a Fiat more comfortable than a Lincoln?
No, it isn’t. A Lincoln is more comfortable than a Fiat.
Is a Fiat more comfortable than a bike? ___________________________
Is a bike more comfortable than a Lincoln? ________________________
Is a Fiat more beautiful than a Lincoln? ___________________________
Which one is the most economical? ______________________________
Which one is the most comfortable? _____________________________

Lesson 8

1 Match to get a dialogue and write it down.

A: – Can I help you? B: – Size forty.
– What colour would you like? – Thank you. Here is the money.
– What size are you? – I would like a nice long dress for
– Just a moment ... Would you a party.
like to try on this one? – How much is it?
– And what about that one? – I would like it in red.
– It’s 95 pounds. – Oh, sorry. This dress is very
– You are welcome! short for me. I need a longer one.
– Yes, that is longer. That’s all right!


2 Ask questions.
1) _______________________________________________________ ?
Yes, it is. An armchair is more comfortable than a chair.
2) _______________________________________________________ ?
Roxana is the most famous singer in our town.
3) _______________________________________________________ ?
A bike is the most economical kind of transport.
4) _______________________________________________________ ?
Picadilly Circus is the most popular meeting place in London.
5) _______________________________________________________ ?
Yes, it is. “Cinderella” cartoon is more interesting than “Shrek”.
Lessons 9-10

1 Read and match.

1) They sell fruit and vegetables a) at the newsagent’s.
2) You can’t buy shoes and bread b) at the clothes shop.
3) You can buy postcards, badges, copy- c) at the market.
books and newspapers d) at the greengrocery.
4) Yesterday Mike bought some medicine, a e) Then go to the grocery.
bottle of shampoo and a tube of tooth-
f) in the same department.
g) at the chemist’s.
5) You can buy all you need
h) They sell them at the
6) Yesterday my mum bought me a pair of
sport’s shop.
new jeans
7) I’m going to buy new skates. Where do
they sell them?
8) I need some rice, some flour and a bot-
tle of oil.

2 Look and write.

10:30 am — 7:00 pm 8:15 am — 7:45 pm

It’s open from

3 Write the opposites.

bigger – smaller cheaper – ______________
the biggest – the smallest the most expensive – ___________
lighter – _____________ the best – ______________
the lightest – _____________ faster – ________________
taller – ________________ the slowest – _______________

Lesson 11
Progress Check

1 Complete.
tall – taller – the tallest
young – _____________ – _______________
beautiful – __________________ – __________________
happy – _______________ – __________________
big – __________________ – __________________
bad – __________________ – __________________
comfortable – __________________ – __________________
good – __________________ – __________________

2 Look and write.

3:00 It’s ___________________________________________________
4:25 _____________________________________________________
9:30 _____________________________________________________
8:40 _____________________________________________________

3 Read and complete.

1) A: I need some postcards. Where _________ I buy them?
B: You can buy them at the _______________.
2) A: __________ can we buy at Chemist’s?
B: _____________________________________.
3) A: What ___________ they sell at greengrocer’s?
B: They sell ____________________________.
4) A: Can I buy any yoghurt at the ________________?
B: Yes, you can.


Lesson 1

1 Write about:
a) three things your mother says you should do;

b) three things your mother says you shouldn’t do.


2 Match to get a dialogue.

– Excuse me. – You can take number 3 bus.

– Where is the bus stop near here? – Yes?

– What bus should I take to get to the – No, it isn’t.

Nature Museum?

– Where should I get off? – You are welcome.

– Is it far from the bus stop? – Cross the street and turn right. The
bus stop is in front of that building.
– Thank you. – Well, get off at Green Street and
go straight ahead.

Lesson 2

1 Complete the dialogue with questions.

A: _______________________________________________________

B: We should take number 5 bus .

A: _______________________________________________________

B: Well, we should get off at Green Street.

A: _______________________________________________________

B: We can buy a bus pass at the bus stop.

2 Fill in the gaps with ‘can’, ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘need’.

– Excuse me, please.
– Yes?
– We ________ to buy some pieces of furniture.
– Well, you _______ do it at the Grand Market.
– How ______ we get there?
– OK, you ______ take the bus number 20.
– Where _____ we get off?
– At Green Valley Street.
– Thank you very much. And where is the nearest bus stop?
– It’s on the opposite side.
– Thank you once more.
– …Oops. Sorry, you ______ not cross the street here. Look at the sign!
You ______ do it over there!
– Thanks a lot.

Lesson 3

1 Look and complete the dialogues.

1) – Excuse me! We need to get to the library. Can you tell us the way?
– Sure I can. First go to ________________ and take the number ____ bus.
Then get off in _____________. And the library is _________ the bus stop.
2) Can you tell the shortest way to the park?
– First _______ Central Street, then turn ______ pass the restaurant and the
park is on the __________ side.
3) – Excuse me!
– Yes?
– How _________ to the Theatre?
– Go to the ________ and turn _______. Pass the _______. The theatre is
_________________ to it.

2 Write your way from home to school.


Lesson 4

1 Look again at the road signs of the Lesson 3, task 6 PB.

Write what you can, should or must do.

Example: Sign a). You can cross the street here.


2 Draw some signs you know and write what they say.

3 Read, ask and write the opposite.

1) You must cross the road here.
2) You can turn left here.
3) You should look right.

Lesson 5

1 Look and write.

e_____________ e______________ o_______________

c_____________ p______________ p_______________

2 Complete.
1) Don’t push the door. You should _________ it.
2) We don’t work at night. Our shop is _________.
3) Look up and read. It’s not an entrance, it’s an _________.
4) You should cross the street when the light is _________.
5) You _________ cross the road at the crossing.
6) When you cross the street in London you should first look _________
then _________.
7) You _________ walk on the grass in front of the museum.
8) You _________ put the litter to special bins.

Lesson 6

1 Look at the picture on page 36 of your WB. Write about:

• how to get to the Toy Shop;

• how to get to the Circus;


• how to get to the school.


2 Read and match.

1) You must stop a) look right, then left.
2) When you cross the street in London b) when the light is red.
you should first c) at the crossing.
3) You can walk d) drop the litter anywhere.
4) You mustn’t e) when the light is green.
5) You can cross the street f) look left, then right.
6) When you cross the street in Ukraine
you should first

Lesson 7

1 Fill in with ’may(not)’, ‘can(not)’, ‘need(not)’.

It __________ write. _____ I speak to She ______ walk.

Mr Johnson?

________ I come in? How _________ I get I _______ to buy a

to the Cinema? new dress.

2 Write the numbers.

124 One hundred and twenty-four.
2 007_____________________________________________________
357 ______________________________________________________
2 002 000 _________________________________________________
30 045 ___________________________________________________

Lesson 8

1 Read and match.

six hundred thousand and fifty 2 003
one million and five hundred 1 345
two thousand and three 1 000 500
eight million seventy-five thousand 600 050
one thousand, three hundred and 8 075 000

2 Choose and circle the right word.

1) We should buy a bus pass / passport.
2) You should go / get off at the next stop.
3) Get / take the number 10 bus.
4) Go along / up the street.
5) How can I get / give to the station?

3 Answer about London.

1) Where does the Queen of Great Britain live?

2) How many streets are there in London?


3) How many people live in London?


4) What bridge is the most famous in London?


5) How old is it?


Lessons 9-10

1 Describe the way from your home place to the central

market of your town/city.

First _____________________________________________________

2 Read and write the numbers.

1) four thousand five hundred and eighty-three 4 583
2) three million, two hundred thousand __________
3) nine hundred and ninety-nine __________
4) seventy-four thousand and eight __________
5) six hundred thousand and forty-four __________

3 Write a sentence about:

• what you can do;
• what you can’t do;
• what you may do at the lesson;
• what you may not do at the lesson;
• what you must do;
• what you mustn’t do;
• what you should do.

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Complete the sentences.
1) Should I _______ or _______ the door to open?
2) The shop works from 8 am to 7 pm. It’s 7:30 now. The shop is already
3) You can’t enter here. It is not an _______________. Its an _________.
4) Go ________________ ahead along the street.
5) Can I see your bus __________?
6) Cross the road only at the __________________.
7) You must put the _____________ into special bins.

2 Read and match.

1) eighty-nine thousand and forty-four a) 8 090 040
2) seven million, twenty thousand and four b) 700 027
3) eight million, ninety thousand and forty c) 89 044
4) seven hundred thousand and twenty-seven d) 7 020 004

3 Complete the dialogue.

— Excuse me?
— Yes.
— __________ you tell how I ________________ to Central Square?
— Well, _________ you __________ ___________ the bus number 5.
— Where should I _____________ off?
— At the station. And the square is opposite you.
— Thank you.
— Stop! You _____________ cross the street over there, at the crossing.


Lesson 1

1 Look and write.

It’s windy. It’s __________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

______________ ______________ ______________

2 Choose 5 pictures and ask the questions about today’s

weather and answer them.

Example: Is it windy? – Yes, it is.

1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________

Lesson 2

1 Ask questions to get the answers.

Example: Does it often snow in Ukraine? – Yes, it does. It often snows
in winter in Ukraine.
1) _________________________________ – Yes, it is. It sometimes
snows in winter in England.
2) _________________________________ – No, it isn’t. It isn’t often
foggy in summer.
3) _________________________________ – Yes, of course. It often
rains in autumn.

2 Answer the questions.

1) What is the third month of the year?
2) What month is between March and May?
3) What season begins and ends a year?
4) What month begins a year?
5) What is the ninth month of the year?
6) What is the first month of autumn?

3 Describe what the weather was like yesterday.


Lesson 3

1 Write the clothes you need in the seasons.

summer autumn/spring winter
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

2 Write the numerals as in the example.

How many? Which one? How many? Which one?
eleven the eleventh twenty the twentieth
twelve the twelfth thirty ____________
thirteen the thirteenth forty ____________
fourteen ___________ ninety ____________
fifteen ___________ seventy ____________
sixteen ___________ eighty ____________
seventeen ___________ twenty-one ____________
eighteen ___________ thirty-two ____________
nineteen ___________ forty-seven ____________

3 Write the following dates.

18.04 the eighteenth of April
23.05 _________________________________
1.09 _________________________________
28.02 _________________________________
31.12 _________________________________
30.08 _________________________________
20.11 _________________________________
29.07 _________________________________

Lesson 4

1 Write about:

• when your birthday is;

• when your mum’s birthday is;
• when your dad’s birthday is;
• what date was yesterday;
• what date was the day before yesterday.

2 Write about your favourite holiday. (When and what way

you celebrate it.)

3 Fill in with the words from the box.

at, fireworks, national, customs, parades, honour

Each country has got many _________ holidays. People have a lot of dif-
ferent ________ on their holidays. For example, there is a custom _____
Christmas in England: to put the presents into the stockings. Every year
Ukrainians take part in __________ on Victory Day. Americans like watching
__________ on Guy Fawkes Day. Almost in each country people celebrate
Mother’s Day, when they _________ their mothers.

Lesson 5

Write the instruction for making an invitation for some

1 party.

2 Answer the questions.

1) What was the last party you had?

2) Whom did you invite?


3) Did you make invitation cards?


4) What interesting things did you make for the party?


5) Who else helped you to prepare for it?


6) What did you do before the party?


7) What did you do at the party?


8) Was there any surprise at the party?


9) How did you like it?


Lesson 6

1 Write what you or your friends usually say.

On Mother’s Day ____________________________________________
On Christmas Day ___________________________________________
On Father’s Day ____________________________________________
On St. Valentine’s Day _______________________________________

Write about some of your family customs on some of the

2 holidays.

Write the first letters of the words and read the secret
3 sentence.


Lesson 7

1 Make up questions and answer them.

1) celebrate, when, usually, do, Mother’s Day, you
2) who, honour, you, do, that, on, day
3) Mum, do, do, you, usually, for, your, what
4) does, mother, say, what, your, you

2 Write about your attitude to the holidays. Use the plan

of the Lesson 7, task 5 in your Pupil’s Book.

Lesson 8

1 Look and write what the children are doing.

They are blowing up the He _______________ ________________

balloons. __________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________

Write that you are not doing the same things at the
2 moment.

1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________

Lessons 9-10

1 Write the dates.

17.11 The seventeenth of November.
20.04 ______________________________________
31.08 ______________________________________
14.02 ______________________________________
30.06 ______________________________________
22.01 ______________________________________

2 Ask your friend some questions about what he/she usually

does to prepare for a party (or a holiday) and write
his/her answers.
Questions Answers
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

3 Write an instruction how to make some interesting things

for a party or a holiday.

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Write.
a) today’s date ____________________________________________
b) what date was yesterday ___________________________________
c) what date was a week ago __________________________________
d) what date was a month ago _________________________________
e) what date was before yesterday _____________________________

2 Read and match.

1) We celebrate it in May. My grandparents take part a) Easter
in a parade. They go with flowers. They honour the
soldiers1. My mum and I like watching the fireworks
in the night sky.
2) Ukrainian symbols of this holiday are chickens and b) the Indepen-
eggs. Bunnies are the symbols of the holiday in dence Day
Great Britain.
3) A birthday of the country we celebrate on … c) Halloween
4) English and Americans celebrate this holiday. They d) Victory Day
usually make lanterns on that day. Ukrainians don’t
celebrate it.

3 Write the way you celebrate your favourite holiday in

your family.

soldiers [9s3Uldz3x] – ñîëäàòè

Lesson 1

1 Look and write what the children like doing.

Example: The girl likes making things.

making things riding BMX bike rollerblading playing board games


2 Look
at the pictures above, ask and answer in written

Example: A: – What do you usually do in your free time?

B: – I usually make things.

1) A: ____________________________________________________
B: ____________________________________________________

2) A: ____________________________________________________
B: ____________________________________________________

3) A: ____________________________________________________
B: ____________________________________________________

Lesson 2

Choose and circle. Complete with the prepositions ‘in’,

1 ‘on’, ‘of’, ‘at’.

Hi! I am / are Tom and this are / is my father. We lives

/ live ____ Bristol. My father and I is / are fond ____
sport. We like / likes playing tennis very much. My
father is / are interested ____ history and he am / is
good ____ it. He have / has got a big library ____
home. As for me I am / are keen ____ music. I have /
has got a piano ____ home. I play / plays the piano
every day but I am / is not good ____ it yet. _______
weekends we usually go / goes to a cinema or a

2 Ask and answer as in the example.

Ann Bob Tim Kate

Example: – What does Ann usually do in her free time?

– She usually goes swimming.
1) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
2) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
3) – _____________________________________________________
– _________________________________________________
Lesson 3

1 Look and write.

2,50 50
18 15

30 180


180 30 15 2 18 60 50
Ann Mike Kate Nick John Ben Dan
Example: Emma can buy new rollerblades.
1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________
7) _______________________________________________________

2 Write what you and your friends can do to prepare for

the next party.

Lesson 4

1 Read Task 1 in your Pupil’s Book again and answer.

1) Why does Artem like bikes?
Artem likes bikes because___________________________________
2) Why did Helen learn to paint?
Helen ___________________ because_________________________
3) Why is Greg going to do something with horses?

2 Read, ask and answer.

1) Fred likes playing hockey. (fond of sports).
– Why does Fred like playing hockey?
– Fred plays hockey, because he is fond of sports.
2) Every month Mary’s father buys a new jigsaw puzzle for his daughter.
(keen on doing jigsaw puzzles)
– Why__________________________________________________
– He ______________________because______________________
3) The girls need a new making set. (going to do a present for their mum)
– _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
4) Mark plays the piano every day. (interested in music)
– _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________

Lesson 5

1 Look and make up the dialogues as in the example.

Example: A: Do you like computer animation films?
B: Yes, I do. Why?
A: There is an interesting one on.
Would you like to watch?
B: What is the title?
A: “Shrek”.
B: What time is it on?
A: At 5 o’clock.
B: That’s great!

1) A: Do you like ______________________________

B: Yes, I do. Why?
A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________
A: “Dracula”
B: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
B: That’s great!

2) A: _______________________________________?
B: Yes, I do. Why?
A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________
A: _______________________________________
B: _______________________________________

Lesson 6

1 Answer about yourself.

1) Do you like to go to the cinema?
2) What kinds of films do you like to watch? Why?
3) What’s your favourite film? Why?
4) What’s your favourite character? Why?
5) Who’s your favourite actor or actress?

2 Write what actor or actress you would like to talk to and

about what.

I’d like to talk to _______________________. I’d like to know ________

because __________________________________________________
Also I’d like to ask ___________________________________________

Look at Task 4, Lesson 6 in your PB and write down the

3 announcement.

Lesson 7

1 Look, ask and answer what the children did last weekend.

Becky John

Ted Pete Nataly Nick Stella

1) – What did Ted do on his last weekend?
– He went to the museum.
2) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
3) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
4) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
5) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
6) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________
7) – _____________________________________________________
– _____________________________________________________

Lesson 8

1 Make up questions to the following answers.

1) A: What is Mark fond of?
B: Mark is fond of dancing.
2) A: ____________________________________________?
B: Jane likes doing jigsaw puzzles.
3) A: ____________________________________________?
B: We are keen on music.
4) A: ____________________________________________?
B: We like playing the violin.
5) A: ____________________________________________?
B: I am interested in sports.

2 Look at task 5, on page 102-103 in your Pupil’s Book.

Write an e-mail.

From: ____________
To: ______________
Subject: __________

Lessons 9-10

1 Write as in the example.

1) Collecting things is boring.
(?) – Is collecting things boring?
(-) – Collecting things is not boring.

2) Steve likes playing musical instruments.

(?) – ___________________________________________________
(-) – ___________________________________________________

3) Tom is interested in Nature studies.

(?) – ___________________________________________________
(-) – ___________________________________________________

4) Emma and Sue are fond of sports.

(?) – ___________________________________________________
(-) – ___________________________________________________

5) My parents like watching films in their free time.

(?) – ___________________________________________________
(-) – ___________________________________________________

2 Write what you usually do in your free time. (What you

are fond of or interested in. Why?)


Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Read and complete.
1) I like to listen to my new ________________.

2) Yesterday my granny bought new ________________.

3) Look at my new ________________. They are nice!

4) I liked riding my new _______________.

5) Skating on my _____________ is exciting.

6) Jack is a winner of our school contest on doing ___________.

7) My aunt is a dress-maker. She has got a big __________.

8) Can I try those __________________________ on?

2 Read and match.

1) Mike is fond a) in adventure films.
2) Nick and Frank are interested b) of comedies.
3) My brother likes c) on soap operas.
4) The boys are good d) watching horrors.
5) Stacey is keen e) at swimming.

3 Complete the dialogue with the questions.

A: ______________________________________________________
B: I usually play board games with my friends in my free time?
A: ______________________________________________________
B: My father usually watches sports TV programmes.
A: ______________________________________________________
B: Because he is fond of sports.


Lesson 1

1 Complete with ‘is’, ‘am’, ‘are’, ‘have got’, ‘has got’.

1) Ken ______ handsome. He ______ tall and slim.
He _________ short brown hair and blue eyes.
2) The animals from Winnie-the-Pooh ______ very
cute. Some of them ______ very clever, some
______ very funny, some ______ silly and sad.
3) I ______ a small girl. My hair ______ blue and
curly. I _________ blue eyes. I _________ friends.
They ______ Pierro and Pinocchio.

2 Complete with the questions “What does he/she look

like?” or “What is he/she like?”.
1) A: _____________________________________________________
B: He is brave and clever.
2) A: _____________________________________________________
B: Shrek is tall and fat. His skin is green. He is an ugly monster.
3) A: _____________________________________________________
B: Well, the fox is very shy. She likes to boast very much. She doesn’t
like kind Pinocchio.
4) A: _____________________________________
B: Cinderella is hard-working and very polite.
5) A: _____________________________________
B: Winnie-the-Pooh is friendly, but very lazy.

Lesson 2

1 Complete with the words from the box.

lazy, hard-working, honest, polite, modest, helpful, skin

1) Children who always say ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’, ‘please’ are _______
________ children.
2) Those who always are ready to help are called ______________.
3) Those who never boast are ______________.
4) ____________ bones are those who don’t like to work.
5) If you always tell truth, then you are very _____________.
6) She tries to do all her best. She is _____________ person.
7) Piglet has got a pink ______________.

2 Describe your favourite character.

a) What film or book is he/she from?
b) What is his/her name?
c) What is he/she like?
d) What does he/she look like?

Lesson 3

1 Read and match.

[9rydj3d9ki pliN] Daniel Défoe
[9rcU3ld9d4:l] Jonathan Swift
[92l3n9miln] Rudyard Kipling
[9m4:k9twen] Alan Milne
[9dzcn383n9swift] Roald Dahl
[9d2nj3ldi9f3U] Mark Twain

2 Put the authors and the titles into the proper columns.
Marry Poppins, Robinson Crusoe, Alice in Wonderland, Jonathan
Swift, Pamela Travers, Lewis Carrol, Winnie-the-Pooh, Gulliver’s
Travels, Mark Twain, Mowgli, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
Rudyard Kipling, Alan Milne, Daniel Défoe

Author Title
1) Pamela Travers_________ Mary Poppins____________
2) ______________________ _______________________
3) ______________________ _______________________
4) ______________________ _______________________
5) ______________________ _______________________
6) ______________________ _______________________
7) ______________________ _______________________

3 Imagine you are a librarian. Write some library rules.

Library Rules

Lesson 4

1 Write as in the example.

1654 sixteen fifty-four 1999 ________________________
1843 ____________________ 1981 ________________________
1970 ____________________ 1592 ________________________
1778 ____________________ 1834 ________________________

2 Write the opposites.

strong weak

3 Read about Roald Dahl in your Pupil’s Book again. Answer

the questions.

1) When was Roald Dahl born?

2) Where was he born?
3) Where did he study when he was a boy?
4) What was he like?

Lesson 5

1 Complete with the words from the box.

crowns, pyjamas, slippers, servants, librarian, author, comedy, Adven-
tures, horrors

1) All kings and queens wear crowns. They have got _________.
2) I wear _________ at home.
3) Tom’s mother is a _________. She works in our school library.
4) Mark Twain wrote ‘ The_________ of Tom Sawyer’.
5) My elder brother likes _________. ‘Dracula’ is his favourite one.
6) – It’s time to sleep. Put your _________ on and go to bed.
7) _________ is my favourite kind of films.
8) Roald Dahl is the _________ of ‘Magic Finger’.

2 Write what you think about:

• adventures I like adventures. They are the most interesting.
• soap operas I don’t like soap operas. They are boring.
• horrors _________________________________________________
• comedies _______________________________________________
• westerns ________________________________________________
• musicals _________________________________________________
• news ___________________________________________________
• documentary films _________________________________________
• fantasies ________________________________________________

Lesson 6

1 Complete the dialogue.

At a Book Shop

– Hello! I’d like some English book for ________. What ______ you show me?
– What kind of book ______ you interested in?
– I like _________ .
– What about ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’?
– Thank you. I read it ______________________.
– Then I think ‘Robinson Crusoe’ is interesting for you.
– Who _________ this book?
– ________________________________.
– Who is the main _________ of the book.
last summer
– Sir Robinson.
– How ______ is it?
– It’s £4.99.
Jonathan Swift
– That’s OK. Here you ______.
– _________ you very much.
are x 2

2 Write about your favourite book.

My favourite _________ is ____________________________________
It tells about _______________________________________________
First _____________________________________________________
Then _____________________________________________________
After that (At last) ____________________________________________

Lesson 7

1 Continue the tale. Use words-tellers: ‘first’, ‘then’,

‘after that’, ‘at last’.

One evening the servant opened the palace door and

saw a girl in the rain. She got wet. The servant took the girl
to the queen. ___________________________________

2 Look at the pictures in Task 5, Lesson 7 in PB. Describe

the characters of the tale.

1) __________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________

Lesson 8

1 Complete the table.

short shorter shortest
more interesting
most boring
more exciting

2 Answer the questions.

1) Who writes books?
2) Who acts in films?
3) Who works in a library?
4) What programme is the most interesting for you? Why?
5) What is your favourite book? Why do you like it?
6) Do you like horrors? Why?
7) What programme is the most boring for you? Why?

Lessons 9-10

1 Read Oksana’s letter and answer the questions.

1) When and where was Lesya Ukrainka born?
2) Why didn’t she go to school?
3) When did she write her first verses?
4) What is Oksana’s favourite play?
5) What is it about?

2 Write about you.

What do you look like? What are you like?

3 Disagree as in the example.

Example: – My cousin is very kind.
– Oh, no. He isn’t. He is unkind.
1) – The book is easy to read.
– ______________________________________________________
2) – The armchair is comfortable.
– ______________________________________________________
3) – The boys in the yard are very friendly.
– ______________________________________________________
4) – The girls are happy.
– ______________________________________________________

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Read and complete.
1) Tim is very tall. He is taller than our teacher.
2) Cinderella’s dress was very beautiful. It was ________________ in the ball.
3) Yesterday we watched a very interesting film. It was ________________
_________ film I watched in a cinema.
4) Bob is the funniest monkey in the circus. He is ____________ than Max.
5) – Oh, that’s a very big book. – Yes, it is. It is the _________ in our library.
6) It is very comfortable to read books at home. It is _______________
than to read in a reading room of a library.

2 Write the opposites.

wise silly funny ___________
happy ____________ comfortable ______________
tall ______________ hard-working _______________
big ______________ boring ___________
light _____________ brave ___________
friendly ____________ polite ___________

3 Describe the character.

looks like: _______________________________

is like: __________________________________

4 Write in words.
1837 ______________________________________
1920 ______________________________________
1792 ______________________________________
1999 ______________________________________


Lesson 1

1 Complete the sentences.

1) Yesterday my mother bought three ________ of white roses.

2) I like eating ________.

3) I’d like to make a salad. I need some ________, ____

______, and some ________.

4) The _________ stopped. A _________ is in the sky.

5) Make a ________ and put some ______ into the

_________. Then water it and cover with the ______.

6) I’d like to cook borsch, but I haven’t got the vegetables. Could you buy

some ________, a ________, two ______

_____, a kilo of __________ and three __________?

2 Write as in the example.

1) lettuce / buy I haven’t got any lettuce. Could you buy some lettuce for me?
2) spinach / bring ____________________________________________
3) radish / buy ______________________________________________
4) seeds of beans / take ______________________________________
5) beets / grow _____________________________________________
6) flowers / plant ____________________________________________

Lesson 2

1 Look, ask and answer.

1) – What are they doing?

– They are planting trees.
2) ______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________

2 Look at the pictures again. Write what they did three

hours ago.

1) They planted trees.

2) ________________________ 4) ________________________
3) ________________________ 5) ________________________

Lesson 3

1 Fill in with the words in brackets.

1) It is sunny today. The sun is shining brightly now. (sun, sunny)
2) Put your sweater on. It’s ________ today. The ________ broke trees in
the yard. (wind, windy)
3) It’s a ________ day today. Look, children are playing in the ________.
(snow, snowy)
4) Thick ________ is falling down on the ground. It is very ________ today.
Be careful when driving your car! (fog, foggy)
5) Look, the sky is very ________. Grey ________ cover all the sky.
(clouds, cloudy)
6) It is going to ________. Don’t go out! The sea looks ________ today.
(storm, stormy)

2 Complete as in the example.

snow – snowier – the snowiest
sunny – ___________________ – ___________________
cloudy – ___________________ – ___________________
windy – ___________________ – ___________________
hot – ___________________ – ___________________
foggy – ___________________ – ___________________
wet – ___________________ – ___________________

3 Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1) Days are (light) lighter than nights.
2) Trees are (high) ___________________ than bushes.
3) It is (warm) ___________________ in Italy than in England.
4) Africa is (hot) ___________________ continent.
5) London is (foggy) ___________________ city in the world.

Lesson 4

1 Read and complete to make a poem. Use the words from

the box.
Red, red is the rose, blue, blue is the sky high
Green is grass in spring, yellow the sun so _________. suit
Grey is the cloud bringing rain, brown is the earth below. snow
Black, black is the darkest night, white is the cold, cold _______.
Violet the violet flower, orange the juicy fruit,
Pink is the blossoming cherry tree, navy the sailor’s _______.
Many colours I know, many colours I love,
Many colours are painted in the rainbow _______.

2 Read and fill in the gaps with the articles ‘a’ or ‘the’ if
they are needed.

1) There are a lot of galaxies in ___ Universe.

2) ___ Sun is a star.
3) ___ Moon gives us its light at night.
4) There are five continents in ___ world. They are ___ Europe and ___
Asia, ___ Africa, ___ Australia, ___ North and ___ South America, and
___ Antarctica.
5) There are four oceans in ___ Earth. They are
___ Indian, ___ Artic, ___ Atlantic, and ___ Pacific.
6) ___ Nile, ___ Amazon and ___ Mississippi are
the largest rivers in ___ world.
7) ___ Crimean mountains are in ___ Crimea.
8) ___ Great Britain lies between two seas: ___
North Sea and ___ Irish Sea.

Lesson 5

1 Guess and label the animals.

_____________ _____________ _____________

_____________ _____________ _____________

2 Look, ask and answer.

1) A: Whose pouch is this? 4) A: ________________
B: It’s Kangaroo’s. B: ________________
2) A: ________________ 5) A: ________________
B: ________________ B: ________________

3) A: ________________ 1 6) A: ________________
B: ________________ B: ________________

3 2

5 6
Lesson 6

1 Look and write how the pictures differ.

In picture A there are five fish in the In picture B _________________
pond. ______________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

Read the letters from Eddy and Meg. Write about them
2 in the Past.
Dear Kate,
I am at the seaside. The weather is Eddy was at the seaside.
nice. The water is very warm. There __________________________
are some dolphins in the sea. We can __________________________
see them. They like to play and jump. __________________________
Love Eddy __________________________

Dear Mum, Meg’s holidays______________

My holidays are great here. I like a __________________________
visit to the zoo. The monkeys are the __________________________
funniest there. I also learn a lot about
whales. There is the biggest whale at __________________________
the zoo. It is twenty-seven metres long. __________________________
Your Meg __________________________
Lesson 7

1 Do task 2 (Lesson 7) from your Pupil’s Book in written


1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________
7) _______________________________________________________
8) _______________________________________________________

2 Draw and write about your favourite animal.

Lesson 8

1 Ask the questions.

1) Bill went to the zoo last week. (When?)
When did Bill go to the zoo?
2) He went there with his father and sister. (With whom?)
3) They saw a giraffe there. (Whom?)
4) Bill gave the giraffe a banana. (What?)
5) The giraffe liked banana very much. (Did?)
6) They watched the giraffe for a long time. (Why?)

2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1) An elephant’s trunk can (kill) _______ a lion with one blow. It can also
(pick) _______ up a feather ( ï³ð”¿íà).
2) The platypus (live) _______ in Australia. It (have) _______ got a beak
like a duck. It (lay) _______ eggs like a snake. The babies (drink)
_______ milk from their mother.
3) The giraffe tongue (be) _______ 40 centimetres long.
Giraffes can (live) _______ for one month without water.

Lessons 9-10

1 Read Oksana’s letter in your PB again and answer the

questions in written form.

1) _______________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________________
7) _______________________________________________________
8) _______________________________________________________

2 Read, wonder 1
and disagree.

1) Penguins can fly.

(?) Can the penguins fly?
(-) The penguins cannot fly.
2) A shark eats sea plants.
(?) ______________________________________
(-) ______________________________________
3) Dolphins are the most dangerous sea animals.
(?) ______________________________________
(-) ______________________________________
4) Whales and dolphins sleep at night.
(?) ______________________________________
(-) ______________________________________
5) Tom saw a blue elephant at the zoo.
(?) ______________________________________
(-) ______________________________________
wonder [9wynd3] – çàïèòóâàòè ñåáå

Lesson 11
Progress Check
Complete the sentences with the
1 words from the box.
clouds, rainbow, cloudy, storm, make, cover, the Sun,
seed, water, pouches, put
1) You can see stars at night if it is not ______________________.
2) ______________________ is a big star.
3) If you see dark ________ in the sky, it may ___________________.
4) A tiny ______________________ grows into a beautiful flower in summer.
5) You may see a ______________________ when the sun shines after rain.
6) If you want to plant a flower, first ____________________ a hole,
______________________ it, ______________________ the seeds
into the hole and ______________________ it with ground.
7) Kangaroos have got __________________. They carry their babies there.

2 Read and put the words in brackets into the correct forms.
1) Winter is (cold) ______________________ season in a year.
2) The (hot) ______________________days are in summer.
3) Lions are (fast) ______________________ than elephants.
4) Summer is (sunny) ______________________ season.

3 Write the plural of the words.

kangaroo ____________ fish ____________
pouch ____________ fox ____________
baby ____________ wolf ____________
deer ____________ sheep ____________

4 Put the articles if they are needed.

1) Look at _____ sky, _____ Moon is round and very beautiful. And there
is _____ little star not far from _____ moon.
2) _____ Mississippi is _____ largest river in ___ USA.
3) This summer we are going to go to ____ Crimea. I’d like to climb ____
Crimean mountains.


Lesson 1

1 Write as in the example.

1) Ann / bus Ann is going to travel by bus.
2) Mike and Jake / tram _______________________________________
3) My parents / plane _________________________________________
4) My friend / bike ___________________________________________
5) My grandma / ship _________________________________________
6) Allan / car _______________________________________________

2 Complete the dialogues.

Example: A: Sorry, could you tell me which platform does the train to
London leave from?
B: The train to London leaves from the fourth platform.

1) A: _____________________ when _____________ the train from

Oxford arrive?
B: It ____________ at 7:15.

2) A: _______, we are on our __________ to Wales. We need some

information. Could you tell where _______________________?
B: It’s over there.
A: Thank you!
B: You are welcome. Have a
nice _____________________.

3) A: We are going to travel to

France. Could you tell us
B: At the ticket office.

Lesson 2

1 Put the words in brackets into the correct forms.

1) Travelling by car is (comfortable) more comfortable than travelling by bus.
2) Travelling by plane is (fast) __________ way of travelling.
3) Travelling by train is (cheap) _______________ than travelling by bus.
4) Travelling by ship is (interesting) __________________ than travelling
by plane.
5) Tickets for planes are (expensive) _____________________.
6) I like to travel by car. It is (exciting) ___________________ kind of trav-
elling for me.
7) I don’t like travelling by bus. It is (slow) ________________.

2 Read the sentences, ask ‘Wh’-questions, ‘Yes/No’-ques-

tions and ‘or’-questions.
Example: Last summer my parents travelled to Greece.
(‘Yes / No’) Did your parents travel to Greece last summer?
(‘Wh’) When did your parents travel to Greece?
(‘or’) Did your parents travel to Greece or to Egypt last summer?
1) Mike likes travelling by train.
(Yes/No) _________________________________________________
(‘Wh’) ___________________________________________________
(‘or’) ____________________________________________________
2) John and Ben are going to go to Rome this summer.
(Yes/No) _________________________________________________
(‘Wh’) ___________________________________________________
(‘or’) ____________________________________________________

Lesson 3

1 Complete with the prepositions.

for on at by to

My father is a businessman. When he travels ___ business, he likes to go

_____ plane, because it is very fast. He buys his tickets ___ the ticket office.
Sometimes he asks some information ___ an information desk. He goes
___ the airport ___ car.
We like to spend our holidays together. So, when we are ___ holidays,
we like going ___ foot, just ___ pleasure.

2 Disagree as in the example.

Example: Richard went to Turkey by ship.
Richard didn’t go to Turkey by ship.
1) The plane landed at Kyiv at 5 o’clock.
2) The train arrived 5 minutes ago.
3) Dave’s parents enjoy travelling by sea.
4) Pam usually travels by bus or train.
5) My friend is going to take a taxi to a railway station.
6) Mark is travelling on business now.

Lesson 4

1 Look at the timetables and complete the dialogues as in

the example.

Example: A: When does the train to London leave?

B: It leaves at 7:15.
train to london A: Which platform does it leave from?
leaving 7:15 am B: Platform 5.
platform 5 A: When does it arrive?
arriving 9:00 am B: It arrives in London at 9:00.

A: ___________________________________
B: It leaves at 4 pm. bus to cardiff
A: ___________________________________ leaving 4:00 pm
B: Platform 3. platform 3
A: ___________________________________ arriving 7:00 pm
B: It arrives in Cardiff at 7 pm.

A: _________________________________
train to odessa B: _________________________________
leaving 11:20 pm A: _________________________________
platform 2 B: _________________________________
arriving 6:30 am A: _________________________________
B: _________________________________

2 Write down the time.

Lesson 5

Match the words to make up the word combinations.

1 Make up 5 sentences using some of them.
air the window
look through hostess
to buy tickets at the airport
arrive a taxi
catch beforehand
get into a train
miss a car
get on a train
in 7 o’clock
at the morning
on Monday
airhostess; My aunt is an airhostess.

2 Read and complete with the words from the box.

get, takes, missed, journey, catch, on, nearly, underground station, seaport
1) It takes me _______ an hour to do my English.
2) Our _______ to the USA was very exciting.
3) – Can you tell us how to _______ to the sea port? – Sure. Go along
Park Street. There is an ____________________ in the corner of Park
Street and Hill Street. Get _______ a train to the Central Station. After that
you can walk. Usually it _______ 10 minutes to get to the ____________.
4) I got up late in the morning and _______ my bus, so I had to _______ a taxi.

Lesson 6

1 Do task 5 from the Lesson 6 of your PB in written form.


Look at the table on page 152. Make up 4 sentences and

2 write them down in the following order.

1) (+) _____________________________________________________
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________
2) (+) _____________________________________________________
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________
3) (+) _____________________________________________________
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________
4) (+) _____________________________________________________
(?) _____________________________________________________
(-) _____________________________________________________

Lesson 7

1 Read the text on page 153-154 in your PB again and

answer the questions below.


2 Write a paragraph about your last trip.


Lesson 8

1 Look and write how the people got to some places.


Kate Tom and his son

Kate took the bus number 7, then ___________________________
changed it into the fifth trolley-bus. ___________________________

Eddy The Smiths

__________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

2 Write about you.

1) How do you get to school?
2) How do you get home?
3) How do you get to the centre of your town / city?
4) How do you get to the market?
5) How do you get to your granny’s?

Lessons 9-10

1 Put the verb in brackets into the proper tense form.

Last Monday our class (go) _______ to Kyiv. I (get) _______ up early. My
mother (make) _______ some sandwiches. I (leave) _______ home at 8
o’clock. Dad (catch) _______ a taxi for me, because we (miss) _______
our trolley-bus. The taxi (take) _______ us to the railway station. There our
teacher (meet) _______ us. We (take) _______ our seats in the train. The
trip (be) _______ exciting. We (arrive) _______ in Kyiv at 12. We (have)
_______ a great time in Kyiv. We (visit) _______ a lot of interesting places
and (buy) _______ some souvenirs there.

2 Write
a paragraph about the last trip you had with your


Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Correct the spelling mistakes.
airhotes airhostess
tiket _________________
reilway _________________
laggage _________________
pessenger _________________
taksi _________________
sutecase _________________
arive _________________
leeve _________________
undergraund _________________

2 Fill in. at in on by

1) ___ 1990 my parents arrived ___ Kyiv.

2) Our train was late. It arrived ___ the station ___ 8:30 ___ the evening.
3) The children of our class go to school ___ bus.
4) I like travelling ___ foot.
5) My father often travels ___ business.

3 Complete the dialogue with questions.

1) A: ___________________________________________________
B: Go straight ahead to the clock. The time-table is on your right.
2) A: ___________________________________________________
B: Platform 4.
A: ___________________________________________________
B: At 7 o’clock.
3) A: ___________________________________________________
B: You may take number 20 bus to the City Circus and then change it
into number 3 tram.


Lesson 1

1 Complete the crossword.

f 2
a s
5 6
e r

9 10 13
s b p

Across: 1. Ukraine is ______________ for its embroidered towels.

3. Ukraine is a large ____________ in Europe. 4. Ukraine has become an
______________ state since 1991. 5. I love my granny’s ____________
towels. 7. See N 11 down. He is a _______________. 8. Ukraine is an
undiscovered _________________. 9. The National ___________ of
Ukraine are a flag, anthem and Trident. 12. It helps to come out of any
_______________ situation.
Down: 1. When I was a child I used to read __________ tales. 2. Kyiv was
founded in the 5th century and it is one of the most ________ cities. 3. Kyiv
is the main city in Ukraine. It is its ________________. 6. There are many
_________ places in Ukraine. 10. The national Ukrainian food is
_______________. 11. He can make wooden ________________. 13.
An Easter Egg is called ________________ in Ukraine.

Lesson 2

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Folk Art, craftsman, exhibition, wooden souvenirs, pysankas,
embroider, embroidered
1) They embroider birds and flowers on the towels.
2) Each village has its own traditional dresses and _____________ towel.
3) At the Yaremche Craft Market you can buy excellent _____________.
4) The box was made by our finest _____________.
5) There was the Modern Art _____________ last October in the National
6) Every Easter we paint eggs. They are called _____________.
7) _____________ express something
about the lives and feelings of
people in a country.

Look at the fact file on page 164 of your PB and write a

2 letter of your home town/village.

Dear ____________!
My name is ____________. I live in _____________. It is a ____
It is famous for its ____________________________________
(or) ______________________________________________

Lesson 3

1 Put the letters into the correct order to make a word.

NIPDEENDNET ___________________
SUOENVIR _______________
IGFERON _____________
LATINAON _____________
CINTEAN _____________
PRODNI _____________
KRANEUI _____________
ERMBIOEYDR _______________

2 Make up seven ‘Wh’-questions to the text on pages 165-

166 in your PB.


Lesson 4

1 Complete the dialogue.

A: ______________________________________________________?
B: Dacha? OK. Almost every family that lives in towns or cities has a dacha.
It is a __________________________ in the countryside.
A: _______________________________________________________
B: Yes, there are. There are summer houses on some dachas.
A: ___________________________________
B: People like to spend their _________
there. They like gardening. They plant
vegetables and fruits, then in autumn
people gather the harvest.
A: _____________________________
B: Yes, I have.
A: _____________________________
B: Of course, I do. I like to look after my

Write a paragraph to explain “What ‘dacha’ is”. Then

2 write about your dacha and what you like doing there.

Lesson 5

1 Answer the questions.

1) When do Ukrainians wear their national costumes?
2) What holiday do Ukrainians celebrate on August 24?
3) How do they celebrate this holiday?
4) What is the biggest river in Ukraine?
5) How did Kyiv take its name?
6) What was the name of the eldest brother from the legend?

2 Write a letter to your foreign friend. Tell him/her how

your town (village, city) or any other place got its name.

Dear ____________,

Lesson 6

1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense forms.

A: Hello?
B: Hello, it’s Tanya. I’m in Kyiv now.
A: Really? What (to do) __________ you ___________ here?
B: I (to buy) _________________ some souvenirs. Do you want to meet me?
A: Well, my sister and I (to do) ________________ our homework at the
moment. So we can (meet) ___________ in two hours — at 4 o’clock.
B: Would you like to go to the cinema? __________ you (to like) _______
adventure films? There is an interesting one on.
A: Sorry, I (to go) ___________ to the
cinema twice last week. I (not to want)
___________ to go again. Let’s go
to the park.
B: OK. Where can we meet?
A: At the City library?
B: Great! See you soon?

2 Write about any place (places) of interest in your town

(village, city). Why are they interesting to visit?


Lesson 7

1 Answer the questions as in the example.

Example: When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the twentieth of May.
1) When do Ukrainians celebrate Humour Day?
2) When do we celebrate Victory Day?
3) When is Women’s Day?
4) When do you celebrate Christmas?
5) When do you celebrate your City’s Day?

2 Write an article for your class wall-paper about the

holidays you celebrate in your family. Tell about your
family traditions.

Our family is very _____________________________________

We always ___________________________________________

Lesson 8

1 Choose and fill in.

1) Travellers can take personal things with them.
a) a lot of sausages b) personal things c) a big bag

2) Travel agency can help with ________________________________.

a) carrying bags b) studying language c) transport, hotel
and tickets
3) They help with an information about __________________________.
a) cultural programme b) the films to see c) the clothes to wear

4) You can enjoy some of the finest dishes of Eastern Europe like Ukrainian
a) pizza and spaghetti b)borsch and varenyky c) hamburgers and
5) Have a nice ____________ in Ukraine.
a) time b) borsch c) hotel

2 Write a presentation of your country.

Where is the best to go?
What is the best to see?
What is the best to know about your country?

Lessons 9-10

1 Put the words into the correct order to make a sentence.

1) once / of / some / there / Bees / lived / a tree / in / the hollow
Once there lived some Bees in the hollow of a tree.
2) them / a Bear / about / learned / it / see / to / came / and
3) I’ll / if / you / uproot / don’t / the tree / give / honey / me / your
4) hurt / the Bees / tongue / his / ears / and
5) the Bear / away / ran
6) enemy / together / you / with / will / strong / be / others / to / and / able / beat / any

2 Write a letter to your friend about what you are going to

do in summer. Use the words from the box.
dacha, travel, visit, favourite, seaside, mountains,
travel agency, help my parents

Dear _____________,
Love, ___________

Lesson 11
Progress Check
1 Choose and fill in.
national, ancient, customs, country, history, hard-working,
independence, capital, talented

Today our schoolchildren are making special wallpapers. They are telling
about their ____________, its _______________ people, their traditions
and _______________. Ukraine has got a long _____________. Kyiv is
the ____________ of the country. It is an __________________ and
beautiful city. Many _____________ people live and work here. Ukrainian
is the _____________ language of the country. On the 24th of August
Ukrainian people celebrate the ______________ Day.

2 Answer the questions.

1) What is Ukraine?
2) Where is it?
3) Is it large?
4) When do we celebrate the Independence Day?
5) What is the capital of Ukraine?
6) What are the biggest cities of Ukraine?
7) What are the Ukrainians like?
8) What are the national symbols of Ukraine?

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