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Power of attorney / Authorization

If you want someone to act on your behalf in connection with your application, you

must authorize this person to do so. This person can for example be your employer,

a family member or another person who you trust.

What does it mean to authorize someone?

The person who you authorize:

 can call the UDI or VFS and talk on your behalf

 will have right of access to information about your case

 will receive enquiries from the immigration authorities about your case

 will receive the decision in your case once the case has been considered and have

to notify you of the decision.

If you authorize someone, this person, and not you, will be contacted by the
immigration authorities about matters concerning your case.

How do you authorize someone when you hand in the application?

It is easiest to authorize someone when you hand in the application.

 If you register your application on the Application Portal, you will find a Power of

attorney form there. Fill this in and bring it when you are going to hand in the

application at the VFS or the police in Norway.

How do you authorize someone after you have handed in the application (application

for residence permits)?

If you did not hand in a Power of attorney form when you handed in the application,
you can do so now.

1. Fill in the Power of attorney form (pdf, 684 kB). Remember to sign the form.
2. Make a copy of your passport (the page with personal information and signature) or

other valid identification document where your signature is visible.

3. Please send the form and a copy of your identification document as an attachment

to an email to (Please note: Write 'authorisation' and your DUF

number in the subject field), or send the form and a copy of your identification

document by post to: The Directorate of Immigration, P.O. Box 8108 Dep., NO-0032


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