UNIDAD23 Ejercicios: 23,1 E/ Mes Que Viene He/en Viaja A Europa, Observa Su P/an de Viaje y Escribe D6nde Estar5 en /as

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UNIDAD23 Ejercicios

23,1 E/ mes que viene He/en viaja a Europa, Observa su p/an de viaje y escribe d6nde estar5 en /as
fechas entre par6ntesis,

4一千 亀山s

甲・ Il mレ^定九
1 2 3 九〇-⊃

II- 1弓  V五八似__
'll be in Munich
She'll be in Athens Ib -互2  βo州色_
She'll be in Vienna 23-28 癌
She'll be in Rome

23"2 Where will γ0” be? Responde hab/ando de fiy usando I’ll be.・・ / I,11 probably be … / I don’t
know where I’ll be.
1 2 つJ 4 〇十)

i don’七kれOW Whe「e
(tomorrow at lO o,dock) i’時ro♭a恥再GOnthG♭each. (o I’Il ♭ea七WOrk. o
(one hourfromnow) I 'll be at home
(at midnight) I'll be sleep on my bed
(at 3 0’dock tomorrow aftemoon)
I don't know where I'll be
(two years丘om now) I'll probably be at work

23,3 Escribe /a negaci6n de esねs #′aSeS.

1 Ybu,皿sleep‥.め叫朋喧割印、… 3 Itw皿happen. It won't happen

2 I’11forget. I won't forget 4 Ybu’11 find it. You won't find it

23.4 Escribe h.ases sobre e/九/turO COn I think...

1 2 ({) 4

l七hiれk Diana w削りa9らちhe exa朋

(Diana / pass the exam)
Oack / win the game) I think Jack will win the game
(Sue / like her present) I think Sue will like her present
(the weather / be nice tomorrow) I think The weather will be nice tomorrow

Ahora escribe dos froses con I don,t think...

5 (they / getmarried) I don’t think they will get married

6 (I / be at home this evening) I don't think I will be at home this evening

23.5 En cada h・aSe hay dos verbos subrayados・ Estudia /a Unidad2」 y decide cuき/ es e/ correcto・

1 W墨c / We are going to the theatre tonight. We’ve got the tickets.咽たare going es correcto.)
2 `What w皿vou do / are vou doincr tomorrow evemng?, `Nothing・ I,m丘ee.’
3 I’11 go / I,m gomg away tomorrow mormng. My train is at 8.40.
4 I,m sure he,11 lend / heも1ending you some money He’s very rich.
5 `Why are you putting on your coat?, `I’11 go out / I’m going out.’

6 Do you think Clalre w皿phone "s phonir壷us tonight?

7 She can,t meet us on Saturday She,11 work / Sheもworking・

23.6 7taduce a/ /ng/5s:
イ⊥ 2 つJ 4  -i⊃ /0 7

T封efon6ala a las 8. Estarまen casa Phone her at 8. She will be at home

No creo que llueva este fin de semana・ I don't think It will rain this weeknd
Estoy seguro de que conseguirin entradas para el concierto. I am sure that they will get tickets for the concert
とCrees que llegaremos a la estaci6n a tiempo? (11egar a = get tO; a tiempo = in time)
Do you think we will get to at the station in time?
No creo que R王cardo tenga tiempo para vemos. I don't think Ricardo will have time for see us
とQui6n crees que ganarまIa carrera?
Who do you think that will win the race?
Creo que aprobar6 el examen de conducir・ (examen de conducir = driving test)
I think I will approve my driving test
8 iCuindo sabrまs el resultado de tu examen? When do you will know the results of your test?
9 La radio estまmuy alta. Los vecinos se qu吐vrin. (alto = loud; quQjarse = comPlain)
The sound of the radio is very loud. The neighbors will be complain


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