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This is a tough world for sensitive people. You are constantly influenced by negative
news on TV, chemical toxins in our environment, outside noise and negativity.

If you are highly sensitive person, It might feel like you are losing your mind when
bombarded by these outside forces.

If you’ve ever been told you’re “too sensitive” it’s likely you are part of a group of
highly sensitive people called empaths. Empaths are highly sensitive people who
preternaturally sense and absorb the true energy and unseen pain of another

Empaths interact with the world differently than even an extremely empathetic
person. They can sense the true energy of a person, seeing their deep wounds and
pain, usually unseen to others. They sense it because it shifts their own energy,
affecting their life on many levels You probably end up in negative relationships that
drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. I have been there and I got your

I created these tools to help you protect your energy and celebrate your
sensitivities. Because it is your precious gift!

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Are You an Empath?

You attract energy vampires and manipulative people in your relationships.

Have you ever met someone who seems to have it all together: happy all the time,
polished, ready to help, friendly and charming - yet the more you get to know them,
they are actually there to help only when they need something in return. They are
self-centered and dishonest.

I call them emotional vampires or energy vampires.

They appeal to your generous nature, compassion and your problem solving
Energy vampires come in many different shapes and forms.

Some are very "fake" friendly.

Some are manipulative and untruthful or drama queens.

Some are non-stop talkers who only talk about themselves.

As an empath you might feel tired, drained and sleepy around people like that.
Some empaths even develop physical ailments due to spending time around
draining people like that.

You’re the one all your friends tell their problems to.

Empaths are natural healers and fixers. You are a great listener. People feel
comfortable sharing their struggles with you, even the strangers. However, that
can drain your energy. It is important to set clear and healthy boundaries with

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You go from feeling great to angry or sad without an obvious reason.

You can suddenly feel people’s sadness, anger and frustration when you are
around them. Empaths can easily absorb others’ negative energy and carry it as
their own. You feel tired most of the time. You feel dizzy and you are unable to
focus in malls and crowded areas.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than two million
Americans suffer from chronic fatigue. According to some holistic psychiatrists,
many of them are misdiagnosed empaths.

You have a strong desire to help people.

You know when someone is uncomfortable. You are drawn to help others.
Unaware empaths struggle with setting boundaries and end up pleasing others at
their own expense. As a result you keep attracting energy vampires who ask for
your advice but never follow through. They need you only when it is convenient for
them to be around you. It leaves you feeling drained, tired and unfulfilled.

When you become an empowered emapth, you are able to use your gifts to serve
others, create income by doing what you love and feel satisfied in the process. In
this e-book I will show you how to become and an empowered empath.

You know when people are lying.

Empaths have x-ray vision. When someone is fake, uncomfortable or lying, they
sense it right away. You prefer genuine and honest conversations.

If the examples above speak to you, and your experiences, you might be
what I call an unaware empath.

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Unaware Empaths

Attract narcissists and energy vampires and take on their problems and pain.
Absorb other people’s stress and physical pain.
Can’t watch violent, negative movies and news.
Walk on eggshells to avoid a negative reaction from others.
End up in toxic and manipulative relationships.
Are not in touch with their intuition.
Are people pleasers.
Struggle with anxiety and low self-esteem.

All unaware empaths need tools to cope.

When you commit to self-care and become empowered, you become unstoppable.
With the right tools, you will able to use your sensitivity as your strength, rather
than your weakness. And I have the life-changing strategies to show you how to
transform from an unaware empath into an empowered empath!

Practice these tools every day for the next 21 days. They are powerful when you
use them consistently. While our long term goal is for you to activate your power in
a more conscious and confident way, for the time being these tools are here until
you feel safe around other people’s energies.

Tool 1

Every morning, meditate for 15 minutes. Before you leave your home, imagine
yourself in a golden bubble of light. Know that this bubble will protect you. You can
also imagine an invisible zipper to close that bubble from toxic vibes. If any
negative energy touches it, it will bounce back off and be recycled by Mother
Nature. This bubble will keep you protected during the day.

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Tool 2
It is crucial to differentiate between your energy and energy of others. We all have
energy fields around our bodies. Some people call it aura. Our auras can extend
way further than our bodies. When your energy field overlaps another, you start
absorbing others people’s stress and physical symptoms. Here is what you can do
to prevent this from happening.

When you meet someone who is draining you, and you start suddenly feeling
anxious, sad or angry, ask yourself: Is this symptom or emotion mine or theirs?
Notice your automatic response.

Imagine this negative energy leaving your body. This is a very powerful step for
empaths to take. You don't need to carry what does not belong to you. Usually
within five to ten minutes you will feel relief, given that the energy or sensation was
not yours in the first place.

Tool 3
Boundaries are essential. For empaths, it’s like drinking water every day.
Boundaries help you keep energy vampires away from your life. You must do this
to survive. Start saying no to activities and people that do not serve you. Think
about saying yes only to things that nourish your soul. Ask yourself: “What does
my spirit want to do in this situation? “How do I want to feel?”

And listen to that inner voice for suggestions of what feels right to you.

It takes practice to say “No” and it is not easy at first. As en empath you have
plenty of compassion, it can be hard for you to turn someone down, you just need
to learn to stop the knee-jerk “yes”. If it’s difficult, you can start with: “Let me think
about it, I’ll get back to you.”

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Tool 4
Spend more time in nature and near water if you can. Take a lot of baths with
salts, especially after meeting a lot of people. Empaths LOVE water. This will clear
out the toxic energy you might have picked up.

Take time to recharge frequently, in ways that make you feel good. As I always
say, it's like charging your phone. It's not a luxury, but a part of having a phone that
works and serves your needs. You need to recharge yourself the same way to lead
a happy and fulfilled life.

Tool 5
Your energy is precious! Spend some time by yourself and feel what it’s like to be
alone. Do you feel peaceful, happy, relaxed or nervous? This is your natural self. Pay
attention to your feelings always. When you go out into the world, you will remember
them and you will be able to identify toxic or unfamiliar energy.

The goal is to separate your energy from others and create a stable sense of self.

Tool 6
Connect to your intuition to avoid energy vampires and manipulative people. I
suggest journaling as a powerful tool to connect to your inner voice. Meditate and
spend 10-15 minutes every morning to attend to the most important relationship -
with yourself.

Unaware empaths become a target for energy vampires, because they don’t feel
secure and confident in life. By the law of attraction, you will attract people who
would suck the energy out of you and take advantage of your problem-solving
attitude. Remember, you need to learn to give yourself self-love and compassion
first in order to attract people who would adore your uplifting nature without taking
advantage of it.

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Once you learn how to live in light, emotional vampires will stay away from you, or
your own healing will help them change. Either way, you will feel powerful and

Take care of yourself and let the universe take care of the rest.

Thank you again for spending time with me today. I hope these tools start to make
a big difference in your journey to self-empowerment.

There is so much more to becoming an empowered empaths and I can’t wait to

share more amazing tools!

Stay tuned for your special video training coming into your inbox soon!

Much love,


New Soul Academy | www.newsoulacademy.com | support@newsoulacademy.com

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