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Blue Dragon Project

Plan of Approach

School: Calandlyceum
Students: Younes Daia, Ismail Margich,
Mohammed el Harbouj and Imaddedine Faiq
Client: Kim Miller


11th grade VWO

Ismail Marghich, Younes Daia, Mohamed El Harbouj,

Imadeddine Faiq

Kim Miller
Blue dragon

1. Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………4
2. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….5
3. Client ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………6
4. Assignment ..…………………………………………………………………………………………7
5. Plan …….………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
6. Deliverables ..…………………………………………………………………………………………9
7. Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………10

The group is expected to provide educational material on poverty for students at a school in
Vietnam. The group will do this by doing research into poverty in Vietnam and what the
causes and consequences are, they will also make explanation movies and quizzes for the
students. The group expects that the client will be satisfied and that the students know
more about poverty in Vietnam.

Blue Dragon Children's Foundation is a grassroots charity serving kids in crisis throughout
Vietnam. Blue Dragon kids are street kids, children from very poor families and victims of
human trafficking and slavery. Blue Dragon is based in Hanoi, Vietnam and is a registered
charity in Australia, the USA, the UK, and New Zealand.
They also educate children about the work they do and how what these kids can do to help
the organization and their goals, resources for this education is also made by volunteers, like
the group.

The client is the non-profit organization, Blue Dragon foundation.
Established in 2003, Blue Dragon from the beginning educated and took care of children in
need and it has been expanding ever since. Blue Dragon has saved hundreds of girls from
human trafficking, reunited hundreds of homeless kids with their family. And is today
working with over 1500 children and transforming their lives, in times of crisis.
Blue Dragon follows an approach where sustainability and effectiveness of the help is
priority, this ensures that the people they help will not rely on handouts but rather get a
hand-up to better themselves and their situation.
The resources the client uses to educate the children are made by volunteers according to a
draft document1.This draft document serves as a guideline for making educational
resources, this document contains information for which topics, goals and material you
want to use for different age groups of children. It also contains information about the
process you would go through to make the resource.


The main task of the group is to provide education material suited for 8 th to 10th graders in
the schools of Vietnam, this material will cover the street children and poverty that is
prevalent in Vietnam. This material will also have to appeal to the children, because that will
achieve the goal of the material most effectively. The goal is to teach the children about the
societal problems in their country, and also encourage them to get involved with Blue
Dragon, to help them out or tell their own thing.

The group has to provide teaching materials for the students, the teaching materials have to
be made with the help of the sources that the group received from the client.


Week What Who Requirements Done

44 Finals, Responsible: ● A clear plan of approach which contains Week 49

Deliverable 1: Ismail information about the client, the
Plan of assignment and the background of the
Approach project. The plan for this project and
deliverables should be in this document
This plan has to be approved by the
client and school.

46 Deliverable 2: Responsible: ● 2 Powtoon animations where we teach

Educational Imadeddine 6-8th grade school children about the
material causes and effects of poverty, and also
what they can do about it themselves
with Blue Dragon.
● There should also be interactive
questions with a Kahoot, where the
children will test what they have
learned with a quiz.

47 Deliverable 2:

48 Deliverable 2:

49 Deliverable 3: Responsible: ● A presentation which contains Week 50

Presentation Mohamed information about the client, the
assignment and our final product, the
presentation should be clear for people
who are not familiar with this subject
and project.

50 Deliverable 4: Responsible: ● A final report which contains all the Week 51

Final report Younes information about this project, how the
project went and an explanation of our
final product.

51 Deliverable 4:
Final report

Deliverable 1: Plan of Approach
The client and school expects a Plan of Approach document with everything that the group
needs to complete this assignment, and information about the assignment.

Deliverable 2: Educational material

With the knowledge and information gained from the research and in cooperation with the
client, the group will make creative educational material to be taught to children in both
primary and secondary education in Vietnam.

Deliverable 3: Presentation
The client and school expect a presentation where our assignment is explained and where
our final product, the education material, will be presented.

Deliverable 4: Final report

The client and school expect a report documenting the assignment and concluding if the
assignment was successful or not, it will also go over the process that the group has

Contact with client
Contact with the client is generally with the contact person and group captain, Ismail
Marghich, this goes through e-mail and video calls via Google Meetings .
The client will also be added to the Google Drive folder of the group. This will allow the
client to check live how the project is progressing and provide immediate feedback.

Go/No go moments
Go/no go are done three times in the project:
1. Go/no go POA, is the POA sufficient for the project?
2. Go/no go Concept, which concept idea will the group use to create the end product.
3. Go/no go Final result, is the group happy with the final result and if necessary there
is something to improve?

The project will be concluded with a presentation, in this presentation the end products will
be presented. The final products are the educational materials suited for school children in


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