TOEFL IBT Is A Good Exam

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TOEFL IBT is a good exam


Facilities: Do it in your home, recognized all over the world

Content: Includes all the English abilities, know which part to improve

Have you ever wanted to study abroad? More than the half of students of South America have
claimed that their dream is to study in other country, especially in USA. It is obviously that a good
level of English is required –in most of the universities- and that’s where TOEFL IBT exam plays an
important role. I strongly believe that the TOEFL IBT is a good exam mainly because of the facilities
the exam gives you and the content it has.

Firstly, no exam has such facilities as the TOEFL IBT test. Now that we are suffering of a global
pandemic many exams have been suspended. Nevertheless, the TOEFL IBT test has not! After few
weeks of the quarantine, the association responsible for the exam has opened an online way to
make the test, and it is not all! It is still recognized by all the universities in the States and even in
some of the UK, which means that regardless of the difficulties that the world is having, this test
has overcome those impediments.

Secondly, regarding the content of the test itself, it is really complete. This exam tests all your
English abilities such as: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Due to that, you can recognize
your lower points and try to improve in it. For example, months ago when I didn’t know about this
exam, I thought I was really good at reading texts in English, but after taking some parts of the
reading section of this text, I have recognized that I have several things to improve!

To sum up, the TOEFL IBT exam is a fabulous test, it has facilities that almost no exam has, as well
as the content that the exam has its really complete and can help you to improve in this global
language that nowadays is required in almost every field of the society.

Time: 18m

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