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This story was began marina is sad. Victor’s voice sounded incredulous. Marina
turned from the window. Marina said that, she wouldn’t love victor so much. Then she
realized, that she has tried to love victor, but she still, didn’t love him so much.

Victor’s didn’t receive marina’s statement. Finally, victor’s gone to Paris and loved
carlotte. Carlotte wasn’t loyal. Someday, marina met carlos. Carlos loved her so much.
He has true love.

She thought she believed him, but one clear critical part of her brain remained
detached: had reiterated that all he had been telling her was a game, something that
didn’t happen in ordinary people’s lives.

The sunshine glittered on the shop windows and she had a sudden thought how
wonderful it was to be in Paris with Carlos. She wondered if there wondering hand in
hand beside the seine, staring at the picture in the louver or sitting, as she had seen so
many others sit, in the tuilleries gardens, oblivious of everything else. Finally, they are
happy ending

IV. Plot

a. Kind Of Plot

Base on the result of analysis, the novel entitled love on the run by Barbara
cartland is close plot. The story ended up with marina left carlos when she felt
was broken. She felt that carlos wasn’t faith. She left Paris

“she felt carlos” hand touch hers and knew what it was she was had always
missed in Paris before. Impulsively she turn towards him, forgetting the long
uncomfortable night, the murder of the people who had taken their place. The
fear and worry of the future I will leave you. Good bye Paris (page : 69)

b. Elements Of Plot

1. Exposition

When marina said, that she couldn’t love visctor. Then he protested.
“marina turned back to window. “it’s no use, “she said wearily. “I’ve thought
and thought I’ve lain awake at night going over it. We’er just not right for each
other. Victor Harrison moved across the room and lit a cigarette. He shut the
lighter with a crack which sounded angrily and set it down with a bang on the
polished table. (page: 5)
2. Conflict

Physiological conflict.

“Oh darling,” marina murmured. He said set reached up and turned out
the oil lantern with which the van was illuminate. “Undress,” he said. “get into
bed and when I come back I’ll tell you the story you have which so long to
hear.” “Where are you going?” marina cried, frightened that he should leave
her. (page: 105)

3. Point Of Attack Or Inciting Force

Point of attack of this story happened when marina said couldn’t love
him so much. “I don’t love him.” marina said. There is no other reason, Sybil.
He is nice. He is everything you all think him. But I don’t love him.(page :11)

4. Climax

In this story, climax happened when marina could fall love carlos, but
actually carlos didn’t love her so much. So, she felt broken heart. She cried
loudly. “Oh darling.” Marina murmured. Actually, I love you so much! “Sorry
marina, I couldn’t love you so much. I love her. “He whispered. Marina cried
loudly. (Page: 101)

5. Denouement or Resolution

The Denouement or resolution of the story when carlos could love

marina again and marina could receive his love. “I love you! Oh god, I love
you!” he was saying it over and over again as he kissed her eyes, her cheeks,
her ears, the little pulse that was beating “I love you, I want you, I thought you
that we would never be alone together, “oh charlos!” she hardly breathed the
words through lips that were soft and yet a little bruised by the hunger of his
lips. “ I love you” said Itagui,” he asked “I love you,” she answered. (page: 95),

V. Character and Characterization

A. Character

Protagonist: Marina Martyn, Charlos Jim

Antagonist : Vicor Harison, Charlotte, Cindy

Flat Character : Mr. Jonson, Willy, Roy

B. Characterization
1. Marina Martyn : Beautiful, Romantic, Smart,

- “marina listen to me, you haven’t given it a proper trial. I know we are
right for each other. You are beautiful. In fact I know you are the only woman in
the world for me. I love you, as I have never loved anyone else before; let me
teach you to love me too”. (Page: 1 )

- She felt the first love of his mouth, gentle yet insistent. She thought she
had never been kissed quite like this before “I’m romantic and you….. “Yes, so
am I.” he whispered. Then the kiss which had started so softly became harder,
hungrier and more possessive. She felt passion rise within him and knew
something within her responded almost simultaneously. (Page: 42 )

2. Charlos : Handsome, Romantic

- “I don’t care what you have done,” she said fiercely. It may be wrong,
it may be wicked, lout I’ll never leave you. You’re handsome; perhaps I may be
able to save you. (Page: 104)

- “oh darling, darling. “He said, “I never meant it to come to this. You
looked so entrancingly pretty in the dimness of that cave and when I put my arm
round you it seemed for a moment as though you had a right to be there close to
me, against my heart. ( page : 36 )

3. Jim : Faith Full

- “I see, you faith full. “She said “. Jim threw back his head and laughed.
(Page: 147 )

4. Victor Horrison : Grudge, Powerful, Entrusts, Rich, Cruel,

- “how boring for you, you often untrust ”. I bored.” ( page: 70 )

- Women never turned victor Harrison down. He was rich and powerful
enough to get everything he wanted, almost everything, anything, anyway. That
life had been unusually genous to him in the past wasn’t going to make this
knock any easier to take. She saw the set of his jaw. The hard lineof his lips and
thought, with a sudden little pang, she very nearly love him. ( page : 5 )

5. Carlotte : Arrogant

- “she’s arrogant woman, I hate her very much. ( page : 17 )

6. Cindy: Naughty, Troublemaker

- “I hope you appreciate our private conversation, don’t make

troublemaker.” She said. (page: 85 )
7. Mr. Johnson : Patient

- you, patient man mr. Johnson”. Marina said. he laughed. ( page : 60 )

8. Willy : Funny, Cute

- “I love her “Carlos answered. “ What about a towel. “Sorry, I don’t

hear you voice. “You’re funny boy.” He laughed (page: 72 )

9. Roy : Hansome, Smart

- “I have my instructions, sir to make enquiries.” “You’re the police?

“No,!” “You’re smart man!” (Page: 124)

VI. Point Of View

A. First Point Of View

“Carlos “It was a cry, a plea in the voice of a child who had been
awakened in the night.

“For give me “.

“I’m leaving tomorrow,” he said.

“But why must you go?

Marina was surprise even as she spoke at the distress in her own voice.
( page : 43 )

B. Third Person Point Of View

“Oh darling,” marina murmured.

He shed her on one side, then swinging his leg off the bunk, he reached
up and turned out the oil lantern with which the van was illuminate. (Page: 105)

VII. Setting.

A. Time : Spring.

In the darkness she had felt depressed. The first elation of running away
from everything she knew and from victor had passed quickly. (Page: 21)

B. Place : Paris, Tuilleries Garden.

- The sunshine glittered on the shop window and she had a sudden
thought how wonderful it was to be in Paris with Carlos. (Page: 69)

- She wondered if there would be a chance of their wandering hand in

hand beside the seine, staring at the pictures in the Louvre or sitting, ask she had
seen so many others sit, in the tuilleries leaden, oblivious of everything else
( page : 70 )

C. Socio Economical

The socio economical in which the action takes place is in modern

society. They lived in city. “She tried to open the window to let in some fresh
air. It was impossible and so instead she managed to force open the central do or
of the caravan which led directly into the main room. This city is very busy.
(Page: 91)

VIII. Style

1. Denotation

Marina threw open the door with a little sigh of relief, it was only jim
jonhson, his arm filled with her purchases’ (page: 125)

2. Connotations

Her eyes were dark and questioning, her mouth was sof, full and relaxed,
the lips of a woman who had been kissed and who had pulse was throbbing in
her throat an for a moment his hand went out as though he would touch her, then
he dropped them to his sides. ( page : 43 )

B. Imagery

1. Literal Images

Marina answered him in the same vein and they walked along by the sea
to the left of them, the flowers an the right stretching away under the trunks of
strange, stunted trees, she found her self laughing with an incredible gaiety at
almost everything said to one another. (Page: 33 )

2. Recurrent Image

Without looking to right or left she moves from the back of her van and
through the front door in what was almost one quick movement. She closes the
door behind her and stood for a moment leaning against it, her breath coming
agitatedly through her lips both from fear and from the speed at which she had
run. (Page: 125)

3. Figurative Images

They must be making money to night; she thought and suddenly realized
it was Saturday. The days had gone by so quickly she hadn’t had the time
remember the days of the week. (Page: 143)
C. Syntax

Complex Sentence

Her eyes were dark and questioning, her mouth was sof, full and relaxed,
the lips of a woman who had been kissed and who had pulse was throbbing in
her throat an for a moment his hand went out as though he would touch her, then
he dropped them to his sides. (Page: 43)

Simple Sentence

“I don’t love him.” Marina said (page: 11)

“I want you a moment.” ( page : 12 )

D. Language Form


“Please forgive me!” (Page: 17)

“Sit down please.” (Page: 20)


“Dangerous ?”

“Yes, there’s always danger,” he said angrily

“Especially when one gets involve with a woman,” ( page : 166 )

IX. Tone And Mood

A. Tone Of The Story Is Romantic

“I love you! I love you!”

The words seemed to be murmured over and over against, first by one
then by the other and still their lips sought each other’s and their bodies
throbbed in unison. ( page : 105 )

B. Mood Of The Story Is Love

“Oh darling, I love you so much”

Unimportant, it was the feeling behind them, the relief and above all the
knowledge that carlos loved her too which made her feel as though it was the
first time they had passed her lips. ( page : 167 )

X. Theme

“Love need struggle “

“True love is big power in our live”

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