The Fallen

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The Fallen

Part One
Written by Omar Hany
The fallen : Aftermath
Part I
-In the year 2220 After The War of supremacy ended 22 years
ago with the high legion taking over as supreme commander
savini and his second in command blackburn ruling the east
side .
-Back in a small club an old man named Benjamin he was
teaching the basics of the martial arts for young children after
the class ended Benjamin was on his way to close the club and
leave when a teenage boy named Oliver approached him to
speak to him .
Benjamin : hey Oliver .
Oliver : hey captain .
Benjamin : why didn’t you attend the last few sessions ?
I am sorry captain I had to stay home and look after my
mother she was very sick ( oliver replied anxiously ).
Benjamin : and how is she now ?
Oliver : she is much better now .
Benjamin ( with a smile on his face ) : that’s great .

Oliver : I was wondering if you can teach me what I have
missed .
Benjamin : I would like to but the club wont allow me to and I
do not know where we can find another place we can use
Oliver : I think i know a place .
Benjamin : where ?
Oliver :its at the other side of the town .
Benjamin : great lets go check it out but first I will go to my
house to bring supplies .
Oliver : alright
On the other hand a swat team stormed A store
1st Officer : tell me old man where is your son?
Owner : I don’t know what you are talking about ?
2nd Officer :your son was caught giving valuable information
to some traitors .
Owner : my son wouldn’t do such thing .
-A tall muscular man dressed in a dark suit and wearing a
black mask goes by the name Blackburn grabbed the owner
from his clothes .
Blackburn : where is the boy ? I am sure he entered this place.
Owner answered in a frightened tone : please sir my son is
innocent .
Blackburn : troops search the entire place and bring him to me
1st Officer : yes sir .
After they searched the place they found nothing.
Officer : we did not find him sir .
Blackburn : then execute everyone in this place and arrest this
man until we get what we need .
-Blackburn approached the 1st officer in a calm voice:
Then kill him.
1st Officer : yes sir .
Owner : I swear he is innocent please don’t kill anyone.
Blackburn : I have no time for begging execute my order .
Officer : yes sir .
-And then Blackburn left the place while his troops killed
everyone in cold blood leaving nothing but blood and
Meanwhile Oliver and Benjamin went to Benjamin’s house .
Benjamin : I will go and get the supplies that we need to get
going .
Oliver : Okay .
Oliver : how long have you been living here ?
Benjamin : I have been living here for a long time even before
the war has ended .
Oliver : what is this weapon it looks different than the normal
weapons .
Benjamin: this weapon is called the shutter shock it belongs to
the special forces .
Oliver : it looks good , but what happen to the special forces ?
Benjamin : after the war many of them joined the HIGH
LEGION and some of them turned on each other and the one
who rebelled got imprisoned or even killed.
Oliver : how do you know all of that ?
Benjamin : I was once a general in the special forces but I
retired and I went low to avoid both the war and going to
Oliver : so you are now considerd dead for them .

Benjamin : I guess so because if the HIGH LEGION even found
out that I am alive they would sent their law enforcers .
Oliver : who are the enforcers ?
Benjamin : they are an elite group of mercenaries that the
HIGH LEGION hired to track down people who disobeyed the
supreme commander but they have no allegiance they are
loyal only to money .
Oliver : who is that kid in the picture ?
Benjamin : that’s my son Adam I lost him many years ago
Oliver : I am sorry for your loss what happened ?
Benjamin: I don’t want to talk about that
Benjamin: we better get going to reach the other side of the
town .
Oliver : alright.
-Meanwhile Blackburn and his men went to the
Blackburn : I will go and report to the supreme commander
while you officer find the boy .
Officer :Yes commander we will do our best to find him .
Blackburn : well It appears that your best isn’t enough do as I
command and you better not disappoint me.
Officer : Alright Commander we will find him .
-Its midnight and Oliver and Benjamin are making their way
through the dark woods while they hear nothing but the
sounds of starving wild animals.
Oliver : we are two hours away from reaching our destination.
-At the headquarters Blackburn is questioning the boys father
.he is using an advanced technology that access the fathers
memories to find where his son is .a few moments later the
interrogation room doors is opened we see blackburn’s boots
and behind him the man falls of the chair where we notice a
bullet through his forehead and blood everywhere.
-finally Oliver and Benjamin reaches an old cabin in the
Oliver : what do you think of this cabin ?
Benjamin : its not that great but it will do the job. now we
need to get the equipments we will only need someone to
carry it .
Oliver : leave that to me .
Benjamin : Alright then you go and don’t be late and we can
start next week .
Oliver : Okay.
Meanwhile somewhere In an abandoned house the troops are
storming the doors at the sametime the boy is preparing to
send the info. He gathered about the High legions then
Blackburn pulls out his gun and shoots the boy through the
head but its too late he already sent them.
-Blackburn received a call from savini the supreme
Savini: mission report commander !
Blackburn : the boy is dead
Savini : what about the information ?
Blackburn : I made sure no one received any information,
But my troops received severe damage .
-the troopers are confused looking at eachother.
Savini : good work commander now return back to observe
the construction of the station.
Blackburn : yes supreme commander.

Blackburn turns to his troops and pulls out an upgraded
version of shuttershock and says calmly : It would be unwise
and foolishly to leave evidence behind me.
-immediately he started to kill them one by one while
laughing then he turns around before he leaves looking back
admiring his work.
-Oliver went to see the guy who will help them carry the
equipment .
Oliver : hey John .
John :Oliver ! I haven’t seen you for a long time. What brought
you here ?
Oliver : I need to ask you a favor. I want you to help me carry
some stuff to a place .
John : where is that place ?
Oliver : at the other side of the town .
John : that’s way too far.
Oliver : but I need them tomorrow for personal business
John :alright but I can’t waste time because I have important
business to attend to ( referring to the information he got
from a boy ).one day I may ask you to return the favor.
Oliver : sounds good to me .
Oliver went back to his house .
Oliver : mom I am home .
Jessica : where have you been all this time ?
Oliver : I was outside hanging with some friends .
Jessica : don’t you ever be late again alright ?
Oliver : alright mom.
Jessica : should I prepare you something to eat ?
Oliver : thanks but I have to sleep early because I have a long
day tomorrow.
The next day Oliver went to John to go to Benjamin .
Oliver : hey Benjamin .
Benjamin : hey Oliver , who is this guy ?
Oliver : that is John he is my cousin he will help us .
John : what are the things that we will carry ?
Benjamin : some equipments for sports
Few hours later everything is set and done .
Benjamin : everything is ready lets begin the training.
Benjamin : let’s begin first you have to clear your mind and
focus on your training .
Oliver : Ok I am ready .
A few days later the supreme commander is contacting
Blackburn : Supreme commander the station is finished, and
ready to go .
Savini: Operate it .
Blackburn : soldiers, operate the station .
Savini : now we have the power to rule not just the east side
of the world but also the west side of the globe .
Officer : Yes Commander , operate the station .
-As the station began to work blackburn and the station crew
are now watching the whole city and knows what everybody
is doing .
-they detected a group of people conspiring against the high
legions .Among them is the cousin of Oliver JOHN.
Blackburn : WHERE are they ?
Officer : they are in located in a bunker on the east side of the
Blackburn : prepare the battalion and I will lead them to finish
this .

Officer : Yes Commander.
As Oliver was returning from his training he found three
troopers holding a girl and they were about to kill her .
Girl : let me go I didn’t do anything .
Trooper : shut up and move quietly little girl .
Girl : I am not a little girl I have a name
Trooper : I don’t care about your name now keep moving .
Alexa : take your hands off me helpppppp!( screaming )
Trooper : no one will hear you here .
Oliver went sneaking so as not to be heard and he jumped off
a tree and took down one of them while Alexa took down the
other one.
Alexa : that was impressive.
Oliver : you are welcome, but are you alright?
Alexa : Yeah thanks for your help .
Oliver : what’s your name ?
Alexa : my name is alexa , and you ?
Oliver : oliver draven .
Oliver : what happened ?
Alexa : its non of your business .
Oliver: actually it is my business I just rescued you .
Alexa : Fine I was caught stealing food supplies .
- Oliver and alexa left before being noticed by another
troopers .
-meanwhile at Selbarre which in an old special force base but
now the home of a great dark magician called “tade de val”
who uses an ancient book called the book of darkness that
contains powerful spells , tade gives his young loyal student
“Adar gnash” a task which is helping blackburn firm his grip on
the whole city and gain control of the high legions .
A tall man which can’t be seen because he is sitting in the
darkness .
Tade : how is your task going boy ?
Adar : I’m on my way to olking to assist blackburn.
Tade : don’t you fail me .
Adar: I won’t .
Oliver and alexa went to see john at his store to ask for his
help .
John : what brought you to me again ?
Oliver : I need your help again to hide this girl from the high
legions .
John: who’s she ? what’s her crime ?
Oliver : we don’t have time for this just do it .
John : fine I’ll help you AGAIN .
Back in a office a man was sitting and he was handcuffed and
someone entered to interrogate him.
George: I am sure you are wondering why did we bring you
here .
Paul: if you think that I will say anything you are wrong even if
you torched me I won’t say anything .
George: no one will touch you we just need to know one thing
what is the purpose of the station that you helped in building
it .
Paul: what makes you think that I will tell you .
George: because I am sure that savini won’t be pleased to see
one of his men got captured .
Paul: I won’t say anything .
George: then you brought this on yourself .

A trooper entered with advanced technology that will make
him speak .
Adar arrived at the high legion’s base to see blackburn .
Adar : I am adar . master tade sent me to assist you on your
quest to rule the world .
Blackburn: how can you help me ?
Adar : I know a spell that can help you affect anybody and
controls them and makes them obey you .
Blackburn : shall we start ?
- a few minutes later adar started to make the spell by
preparing the ingredients . slowly blackburn started to feel
more powerful .
Adar:Now you have the power to control the world by words.
Blackburn : prepare my battalion we have an important
mission .
-john called oliver to inform him that alexa has left without
telling anyone .
Oliver went to john .
Oliver: where did she go ?
John: I don’t know but we will find her but this is not the
reason I called you for .
Oliver: what is wrong ?
John : I can’t tell you here let’s go inside .
John and oliver entered the office of general George .
John: this is general George .
Oliver: nice to meet you general .
George: nice to meet you too Oliver .
Oliver turned to John .
Oliver: what is going on john?
John :fine I guess its time to tell you the truth I am in a group
that is against the high legions .
Oliver: are you serious ?
John: yes .
Oliver: why didn’t you tell me?
John: it wasn’t the right time .
Oliver: then why are you telling me this now?
John: because I need you to join me the high legion is getting
too powerful we have to stop them .
Oliver : fine I am in but we have to look for Alexa .
John: don’t worry we will find her now let’s get inside .
Oliver and John entered the meetings room .
Goerge : alright everyone we have been planning this for a
long time and now the time has come and we should strike
now as long as we have the power we have captured one of
the main workers in the station his name is Paul and we have
interrogated him until he gave us the information we needed
about the station, this station Is the biggest spy station that
anyone has ever seen they are trying to make us slaves but we
aren’t slaves .
George hold a picture of a young boy .
George : this young boy sacrificed himself to give us this
important information we have to get his revenge because he
won’t be the last one the high legions will eliminate anyone
who stands in their way .
Trooper: sir we have news that blackburn isn’t at the station .
George : we have to use this to our advantage ,now if anyone
wants to leave you still have the choice no one will stop you
All members : we are all with you sir .
George: as of today the azetics are officially born now .
everyone go and prepare yourselves .
As John and Oliver were going to leave Alexa entered and she
was crying .
Oliver: what’s wrong ?
Alexa : my father is dead they killed him .
Oliver : how did you know that ?
Alexa : I went to see him and I saw high legions men coming
out of our house and I went inside and found him dead
Oliver: just go inside and have rest .
John (whispering to oliver in his ears ):we don’t have time for
this we have to go .
Oliver : I think that I will stay with her till you all come .
John: what are you serious ?
Oliver: yes I am serious now she needs someone who sits
beside her .
Alexa : no you don’t have to I am gonna be ok and i wants to
be alone for sometime .
Oliver : are you sure you will be ok ?
Alexa : yes I am sure .
Oliver : fine let’s go .
John and Oliver and the rest of the team left .
They arrived at the station and started to discuss the plan .
Meanwhile blackburn and his battalion arrived to the place
where the plans is being kept .
Blackburn: I will enter from the back door and all of you
surround the place I don’t want anyone to escape kill anything
and I will g and deal with the leader myself .
Officers: yes commander .
Back at the station .
John: Oliver will go and put the bombs on the main generator
and we will try to prevent the rest from getting to you .
Troopers: yes sir .
John: here oliver take this gun just in case .
Oliver: thanks .
John: let’s go. .
Blackburn went to the back and killed the security and enterd
the building and started to search for the leader and his men
started to search the rooms .
Blackburn found the room and he killed the people who
guards the room and enterd to the leader .
The Azetics started the fight with the high legions troopers .
John: we have to get you in .
Oliver : how ?
John: I don’t know try to think of something .
Alexa suddenely came .
Alexa : how about a little assist .
Oliver: I thought you will stay back there .
Alexa : well I changed my mind .
Oliver: I am going in .
Alexa : I will cover you .
Leader: how did you get here?
Blackburn: I know that you have the plans .
Leader: what plans I don’t know what you are talking about .
Blackburn : we can do this the easy way or the hard way .
leader: you have no right to be here .
Blackburn : then you leave me no choice .
Blackburn started to use the magic.
Blackburn: the plans now.
Leader : this is the plans .
The Leader gave Blackburn the plans .
Blackburn: I told you .
Blackburn killed him and while he was leaving a man jumped
infront of him .
Mike: you have no right to break into this place .
Blackburn: I have the right to do everything .
Mike: leave the plans .
Blackburn: you mean this plans .
Blackburn destroyed the plans infront of him.
Mike: you will pay .
The two started to fight , mike hit him with few punches but
Blackburn was more powerful and then Blackburn hit him
until he grounded mike and then Blackburn killed him and left
Blackburn: burn this building down .
Officer: yes commander .
As Blackburn was watching the place being burned a officer
interrupted him.

Officer : sir we have just received a distress message it says
that the the station is under attack .
Blackburn: tell them to hold them off till we arrive ,let’s go .
John: I can’t hold them all day what took you so long .
Oliver: there are too many of them .
John: you better hurry up .
Oliver: I am on my way .
Oliver went and planted the bombs on the main generator .
While they were leaving a tall muscular man ambushed them
and they started to fight him until he knocked out alexa and
turned his attention to oliver .
Enforcer: did you think that you will come here whenever you
want and leave that easily .
Oliver: you are one of the enforcers .
Enforcer: good guess .
They started to fight each other and the detonator fell down
to the floor oliver tried to grab it but the enforcer is holding
him oliver gave him few kicks in the face and the enforcer .
pulled his gun and was going to blast the detonator but oliver
pushed it away and he got up and kicked the gun away and
They continued to fight until Alexa got up and tried to help
but he pushed her back and Oliver hit him in the head and
then Oliver and alexa pushed him together into a room and
she blasted the door controls and the enforcer got trapped
Enforcer(screamed): no open this door .
Oliver: are you ok ?
Alexa: yeah
Oliver : okay let’s go
Oliver went out pressed the button and the station exploded
John: we did it
Oliver: we did it
They returned back to their base to celebrate
After a few hours blackburn and his men arrived at the station
but they found it destroyed
Blackburn: we are too late
Trooper: sir what will we do now ?
Blackburn: there is nothing we can do here we will return back
to the headquarters
Trooper: yes commander
They left and heading to the headquarters
The Azetics started to celebrate together but alexa didn’t
participate with them but oliver went to talk to her .
Oliver : why didn’t you come to celebrate .
Alexa : I am not in the mood for this .
Oliver: this is because of your father right I just came to tell
you that you are not alone we are all in this together we will
Avenge your father .
Alexa: yeah I guess you are right thanks .
Oliver: you can thank me by coming to dance with me .
Alexa : I am not in the mood I am sorry .
Oliver: I am not leaving this place until you come and
celebrate with us.
Alexa : fine I will come with you .
Oliver and alexa went out and they started to celebrate .
George : today marks an impotant day for the azetics we
won’t bow down to the high legions and we will not quit until
we destroy the high legions for the Azetics .
Everyone : for the Azetics .

The Fallen : Regeneration
Part Two
Written by Omar Hany
The Fallen : Regeneration
Part 2
Back at one of the azetics base paul was getting ready to be
Paul: you know it won’t be long until I get out of this place
Trooper: shut up and move
A multiple cars arrived infront of the base and started to fire
at the troops
Paul : can you hear this ?
Trooper started try to call anyone to see what is going on but
no one answered
Paul: I told you
Paul smacked the trooper head into the wall and then he
searched for the keys and he set himself free and he went
Paul: what took you so long ?
Masked guy : we were waiting for the right time, cmon get in
the car

Paul entered the car and masked men blow destroyed the
base then paul went into hiding .
Five years passed since the events of the station, Blackburn
became more angry than ever and he started to take out his
anger on the innocent people and he sent many enforcers to
find out what happened to the station, Blackburn returned to
headquarters .
Blackburn called Supreme Commander to report to him .
Blackburn : Supreme Commander .
Savini : Commander Blackburn can you explain to me how is
the station destroyed while you were in charge .
Blackburn : it was a mistake Supreme Commander and I
promise it won’t happen again .
Savini : did you find out who did this ?
Blackburn : not yet but the enforcers are everywhere
searching and they will figure everything and then tell me
Savini : don’t put too much trust in the enforcers they have no
loyalty they are only loyal to money
Blackburn : don’t worry supreme commander they will find
Savini : Alright Commander this is your last chance to prove
your loyalty to me
Blackburn : I won’t fail you Supreme Commander
Savini : we will see commander
Oliver returned to tell Benjamin about everything and that he
destroyed the station .
Benjamin : do you realize now that the HIGH LEGION will sent
more enforcers to keep looking for you until they find you
Oliver : I thought you will be happy of what I have
accomplished .
Benjamin : I am happy and proud of you but now your life is in
danger .
Oliver : I already took down one of the enforcers don’t worry I
can handle myself .
Benjamin : I don’t wanna lose you like I lost my son
Oliver : don’t worry I will be fine I promise you .
Benjamin : Alright .
Oliver : I have to return home to relax .
Benjamin : Okay good luck .
Oliver : thanks .
An enforcer came to Blackburn to tell him the news he found
about who destroyed the station
Blackburn : what are the new news enforcer .
Enforcer : his name is Oliver draven and he lives in a small
village with his mother in the south area and he was trained
by an old man called Benjamin .
Blackburn : did you say Benjamin ?
Enforcer : Yes Sir he was a former General in the special forces
but now he is teaching in a small club .
Blackburn : good work enforcer now take your men and bring
the boy and the old man to me .
Enforcer : Yes Commander .
After the enforcer left Blackburn became angry and he
threwed everything to the floor and he shouted : I will find
you .
While Oliver was sitting in his home John called him and told
him to come and meet him .
Oliver : mom I will go out and I may be late .
Jessica : why will you be late ?
Oliver : I will be meeting John so I might be late .
Jessica : OK and send John my regards and take care .
Oliver : Alright mom .
Oliver went to the place of the Azetics to meet John .
Oliver : hey John , hey Alexa .
Alexa : hey Oliver .
John : hey Oliver .
Oliver : what is wrong ?
John : nothing is wrong we are just leaving for few days
because we will go and buy new weapons for the team .
Would you like to come with us ?
Oliver : unfortunately I can’t come because I have another trip
John : Alright good luck on your trip I will go and prepare the
car .
Alexa : what other trip do you have ?
Oliver : I am going to explore an old place and study its history
Alexa : Alright good luck .
Oliver : you too .
Oliver went to Benjamin .
Benjamin : are you ready for the trip ?
Oliver : Yes I am ready but I don’t know what is the trip .
Benjamin : we are going to the old special force base .
Oliver : that is great but is it safe ?
Benjamin : it has been locked for years since it was taken over
by HIGH LEGION so it is safe .
Savini : Commander Blackburn .
Blackburn : Yes Supreme Commander .
Savini : is there is any news about the boy ?
Blackburn : our men has located his place and they are on
their way to bring him.
Savini : excellent I am going to mission of my own there are
some traitors I left them for many years but now I will deal
with them when I return I want that boy and his team are all
dead .
Blackburn : Yes Supreme Commander .
John and Alexa reached the place in the forests .
Alexa : I still don’t know why they made the meeting in the
forest .
John : neither do I but I feel something bad is going to happen
Alexa : we finished this quickly and leave this place .
The car stopped and they are waiting for the men to give
them the weapon but suddenly a shoot took down one of the
team and HIGH LEGION appears and started shooting .
John : it is a trap .
Alexa : what are we going to do ?
John : we have to leave this place now .
Alexa : everyone retreat now and get in the car .
Azetics and HIGH LEGION are still shooting at each other .
John : get in the car we are outnumbered .
John and Alexa and the rest managed to escape .
Alexa : they are following us , they are shooting at us .
John : we have to call for help .
Alexa : I am trying but there is no connection , we have to go
to a better place .
John : everyone fasten your seat belts because we are going
for a ride .
John was able to get away from them .
John : now we are safe and you are welcome by the way .
Alexa : you almost got us all killed and you are expecting us to
thank you .
John : that is the only way we had to escape from them .
The car stopped and John tried to fix it but he couldn’t .
Alexa : see what you move has done to us now how we will
return .
John : we need to call the base right now .
Alexa : why ?
John : we need to warn them the HIGH LEGION have known
their place .
Alexa : how do you know all of that ?
John : they lured us away from the base to kill us then kill the
remaining .
Alexa : that explains why there were troopers at the forest .
John: we have to tell them before it’s too late .
Alexa : we will have to repair the car to leave .
John : let’s look for someone who can help us .
Alexa : Okay let’s start looking .
Oliver and Benjamin reached the base and they entered it .
Oliver : this place looks great .
Benjamin : Yes it was, it was my home I had many good
memories here but it was also the place where they got killed
Oliver : I am sorry for that it must be hard for you to come
back here after what happened .
Benjamin : it’s ok let’s continue .
Oliver : why did we came here ?
Benjamin : in order to understand something you must study
its history we are to study the history of the special force .
Oliver: alright .
While Benjamin was talking Oliver entered the conference
room and suddenly the door closed after Oliver .
Benjamin : what happened ?
Oliver : I just entered the room and the door closed .
Benjamin : are you ok in there ?
Oliver : till now yes but I don’t see a way out of here .
Benjamin : there is a door behind the closet at the end of the
room .
Oliver : Okay .
Oliver went to open the door when a tall guy pushed him back
and they started to fight each other .
Benjamin : what is that noise ?
Oliver : it is the enforcer they know we are here .
Benjamin : just hang in there I will try to find another way .
Oliver : there is no other way to get out of this room .
Enforcer : you won’t get out of here in one piece .
Oliver : we will see about that .
The two are fighting in the room and they are breaking
everything Oliver countered a punch and gave him quick
punches then a headbutt and he pushed him with a dropkick
and then he grabbed his gun .
Oliver : stay down you have lost .
Enforcer(laughed for a second): did you think that I will come
here without a backup plan .
Oliver : what do you mean ?
Enforcer (laughed an evil laugh).
A second Enforcer came behind Oliver and assaulted him but
Oliver tried to fight them both but he couldn’t .
Enforcer : Commander Blackburn will be happy when we bring
you to him .
Second Enforcer : why don’t we execute him now .
First Enforcer : if we brought him alive we will gain the
Supreme Commander’s trust which means more money .

Benjamin came sneaking from behind and he started taking
them out when the second enforcer grabbed his knife and
tried to kill Benjamin from behind but Oliver killed him the
other Enforcer tried to escape but Oliver shot him .
Benjamin : don’t kill him he is injured let’s go before more of
them arrive .
Oliver : Alright .
Oliver and Benjamin escaped from the base .
Savini arrived to Denceve and he killed the guards and he
entered the building .
Paul : Supreme Commander I didn’t know that you were
coming .
Savini : there are some unfinished business that needed to be
done .
Paul : what are they sir ?
Savini : there is a traitor who helped the Azetics to destroy the
Statster station .
Paul : I don’t know what you are talking about sir ?
Savini : do you take me as a fool ?
Paul : No sir .
Savini : no one could have accomplished as I did if he was a
fool .
Paul : I am sorry sir .
Savini : unfortunately too late for being sorry .
Paul : No , they forced me .
Savini took out his gun and shot paul in the leg and started to
kill everyone in the room and then he went to Paul .
Paul : they forced me I would never betray you Sir , I am sorry
Sir .
Savini : this is no time for a apology .
Savini killed him then he got shot in his leg .
Savini : who did this ? a sound came from the shadow and said
it was me and it was Blackburn .
Savini : why have you done this ?
Blackburn : I have waited a long time to have my revenge did
you think that I have forgot what you have done to me you
Ruined my life you took everything from me .
Savini : wait maybe we can make a deal .
Blackburn : the only deal I will accept is that you bring them
back .
Savini: I can’t bring people back from the dead .
Blackburn: then there is no deal .
Blackburn killed him and he called men to come and bring
Savini’s body .
Blackburn : Captain .
Captain : Yes Commander .
Blackburn : the Supreme Commander is dead send your men
to bring his body and I will meet you at the headquarters.
Captain : Yes Commander .
The troopers took Savini and left and went back to the
headquarters .
Meanwhile blackburn went to selbarre to talk to tade .
Blackburn : where is tade ?
Adar : tade isn’t here .
Blackburn : maybe you can help me .
Adar: how can I help you ?
Blackburn : my powers are gone I want them back .
Adar: I can’t help you with this .
Blackburn : yes you will help me .
Adar : i can’t .
Blackburn: then tell me where can I find tade .
Adar: I don’t know where he is .
Blackburn : if you don’t give me what I want I will tear this
place down .
Adar: you will have to go through me first .
Blackburn ( laughed for a moment ) and said : that won’t be a
problem .
Blackburn and Adar started to fight eachother until he killed
him then Blackburn went to search for the book but he didn’t
find it then he left .
John and Alexa are still stuck at the Kwigra city .
Alexa : what are we going to do now we have been looking for
hours and no one want to help .
John : I didn’t want to use that but there is someone here I
know he maybe could help us .
Alexa : why didn’t you say so from the begining .
John : because I haven’t talked to him in years and the last .
time we fought each other .

Alexa : I don’t think that there is any way else to leave this
place .
John : Alright let’s go to him .
Alexa : what is his name ?
John: His name is Chris Morton .
Tade returned back to selbarre and found the place destroyed
and adar lying down on the floor and he went to check on
Tade : what happened here ?
Adar(replying while bleeding): it’s blackburn he did this .
Tade: why ?
Adar: he wants to find you .
Tade: you will be ok I will go and get you some help.
Adar: it is too late my master .
Then Adar died .
Tade (screamed) : you will pay Blackburn
Blackburn reached the headquarters at Tuli .
Blackburn : Officer tell all our men to come for a meeting .
Officer : Yes Commander .
All the men and troppers came together .
Blackburn : the Supreme Commander is dead he has been
killed at denceve by the Azetics traitors we won’t disappoint
the Supreme Commander we will destroy the Azetics we will
wipe them out and we will restore safety back to the people
now every one go back to your places .
Officer : so now what’s our next now Supreme Commander .
Blackburn : we will start by destroying their base at Myantone
we will catch them off guard .
Officer : Yes Supremer Commander .
John and Alex reached Chris house .
Chris : you have got a lot of nerve to come back here after
what you did .
John : I didn’t do anything it was just a match and I won fair
and square .
Chris : you cheated I was suppose to win .
John : Yeah keep telling yourself that .
Alexa : Alright stop it this is no time to argue we need your
help to contact Azetics base .
Chris : you haven’t told me that you have joined the Azetics .

John : you didn’t ask .
Alexa : solve your problem later now we need to contact them
will you help us .
Chris : Alright follow me .
Alexa tried to call the base but they aren’t responding .
Alexa : they aren’t responding .
John : the HIGH LEGION must have disrupted the signal .
Chris : they have problems with HIGH LEGION .hris
John : Yes .
Chris : so they may have tracked you to my place .
John : I guess so .
Alexa : what will we do know ?
John :call Oliver he may able to warn them .
Alexa : that’s a good idea .
Alexa called Oliver .
Oliver : Hello .
Alexa : hey Oliver it ‘s me Alexa .
Oliver : what is this number ?
Alexa : there is no time for that the HIGH LEGION are going to
attack the base and we can’t reach them and warn them the
whole weapons deal was a trap .
Oliver : I have just encounterd an enforcer .
Alexa : they were making a trap for all of us you have to warn
them .
Oliver : Okay I am on my way to the base .
Alexa : we will try to meet you there good luck .
Oliver : good luck for all of you .
Benjamin : what wrong Oliver ?
Oliver : Alexa just told me that the High legions made a trap
for all of us and that they are going to attack Azetics base .
Benjamin : Ok we will go there now .
John : what did he tell you ?
Alexa : he also was trapped but he survived and he is heading
there right now .
John : look Chris I know we had our differnces but we have to
go to Myantone .
Chris : Ok I will go and bring you a car .
John : thanks for that .
Chris brought a car to take them .
John : why don’t you come with us this place isn’t safe
anymore .
Chris : I wish I could come but I am not the war type .
John : Alright but remember you can come at any time .
Alexa : thank you for the help .
Chris : you are welcome .
Alexa and John took off and they are on their way to
Myantone .
Oliver : I am trying to contact them but there is no signal .
Benjamin : we are close to the base just stay clam we will
reach them before the HIGH LEGION does .
Oliver : Ok .
Blackburn and his Battalion has reached the base and
preparing to attack .
Blackburn : take down all the security towers and tell your
troopers to take their Positions and to wait for my sign to
attack .
General Bobby : Yes Supreme Commander .
A tank approached to security towers and destroyed two of
the towers .
Officer : Sir the high legions are attacking us and they have
destroyed two security towers .
George : tell our men to fight them and get the rocket
launcher we have to destroy that tank .
Tank destroyed another tower .
Officer : we have lost all security towers .
George : destroy that tank .
They hit the tank with rocket launcher and they destroyed it .
Blackburn : the towers are down go and destroy them .
The fight has started between the High legions and the Azetics
and Blackburn took some of his men and went inside the
building .
Officer : Sir we lost a lot of men and they are still keep coming
George : we have to leave this place we have to go Coulslox .
Oliver and Benjamin arrived and they went to talk to George .
George : Oliver the HIGH LEGION are everywhere we can’t
stop them .
Oliver : we tried to warn you but we couldn’t reach you .
George : well we have to retreat we won’t survive .
Oliver : where is John and Alexa ?
George : they haven’t arrived yet .
Officer : Sir Blackburn and his men are in the archives room .
Oliver : I will go and deal with him .
Benjamin : Oliver wait he is too strong I will come with you .
Officer : Sir John and Alexa arrived but they have been
arrested outside .
Oliver : Benjamin you have to go and save them they need
you, don’t worry about me I can handle him .
Benjamin : Alright takecare of yourself .
Oliver headed to archives room while Benjamin went to
rescue John and Alexa , troopers were taking them to arrest
but Benjamin came and saved them.
John : thanks for the help where is Oliver ?
Benjamin : he went to deal with Blackburn .
John : alone it’s a trap we have to save him .
Benjamin : no we have to help these men escape from here .
Alexa : we can’t leave him alone .
Benjamin : there is no time we have to move now let’s go .
Oliver arrived to the room but there was no troopers he
entered the room and found blackburn waiting for him.
Blackburn : I guess you don’t who I am .
Oliver : you are savini’s dog who does his dirty work
Blackburn : savini is gone now I control everything, you are
not strong as you think you will lose at the end
Oliver : by the way pick your men carefully next time .
The two are staring at each other then the two started to
exchange blows while the rest of the Azetics are trying to
escape .
Alexa : we can’t keep fighting we have to find a way to escape
John : cover me .
Benjamin : what is your plan ?
John : I will try to distract them away so you can escape .
Before they could shoot they were caught .
Trooper : stop , hands in the air and drop your weapons .
Benjamin : was that a part of your plan .
John : maybe I should make a new plan .
Trooper : move .
Oliver and Blackburn are still fighting each other inside , Oliver
hit him and brought down on the floor .
Oliver : I thought you will be much harder than that .
Blackburn became more angry and they started to fight again .
Trooper : where we will take them ?
Trooper : we will take them to the Supreme Commander .
Suddenely one of the troopers got shot .
Trooper : who is there ?
Chris arrived and he started to take them out .
John : I knew that you will come .
Chris : of course I did do you think that I am gonna let you
become the hero , now we have to move .
Benjamin : no you all go I will return to help Oliver .
John : I will come with you .
Benjamin : No I will go alone you all go and prepare to escape
Alexa : cmon let’s go John .
While they were heading to escape Troopers started to fire at
Chris : we have to separate you two go from the left and I will
go from the right there is a car at the back we will meet there .
John : Alright good luck .
Benjamin went looking for Oliver , Blackburn got angry and
kept attacking him they went to the backyard fighting each
other Blackburn kept attacking him until he sow Benjamin
came running to save oliver and he was holding a gun in his
hands .
Blackburn and Benjamin hold the guns towards each other .
Blackburn : I didn’t expect that we will ever meet again .
Benjamin : you know me ?
Blackburn : of course I do and you know me but you won’t
recognize me now.
Blackburn took off his mask , Benjamin sow the face of an
angry broken man .
Benjamin and Oliver were shocked when they sow his face .
Benjamin : James
Blackburn : Yes it’s James Maquid .
Benjamin : how I thought you were dead .
Blackburn : it won’t make any difference.
Benjamin : why ?
Blackburn : after you left and the war ended Savini and his
men abducted my wife Emma and my daughter and they
killed them infront of my eyes I couldn’t save them and they
tormented me and they threwed me in a cell alone so I joined
them to have my revenge I needed you that time but you
faked your death and escaped I thought you were dead but
you were alive hiding in the shadow .
Benjamin : I had to save my son I had no choice .
Blackburn : you are selfish , you abandoned me and now you
took him to train him so you could abandon him when the
moment come , hey kid I am gonna offer you a once in a life
time deal join me and I will forget about what you have done
and we can rule everything together .
Oliver looked to Benjamin then he looked to Blackburn .
Oliver : No I won’t join you .
Blackburn became angry .
Blackburn : I will make you regret this decision .
Blackburn called the trooper to come , the trooper came
holding Oliver’s mother .

Blackburn : now I will make you feel what I felt when they
killed them .
Benjamin : No James this is my fault let him out of this .
Jessica : I am proud of you my son .
Oliver : it is going to be Ok mom ,please let her go and take
me instead .
Blackburn killed her with cold blood .
Oliver : screamed noooo.
Chris : went to bring the car but Alexa and John got captured.
Blackburn : standing enjoying seeing Oliver in pain as this
reminded him of the day his wife got killed infront of his eyes.
Blackburn : let the anger consume you .
Oliver : stood up and he was very angry and tried to attack but
Blackburn reverses every move and pushed him away
Blackburn : it’s unfortunate the I haven’t meet you early we
would have been unstoppable .
Benjamin looking at his friend and his eye were full of sadness
Benjamin : do you think that they would have wanted that life
for you .
Blackburn answered in an angry voice : you don’t get to speak
about my family they were everything to me I would have
given my life for them but they took them from me they took
everything from me
Blackburn (turned to oliver): since you made your decision
and you won’t join me then you will pay for it .
He went and grabbed the gun but Chris threwed a smoke
grenade .
Chris : get in the car .
Benjamin : cmon let’s go .
Oliver carried his dead mother and ran to the car and they
escaped .
Benjamin : where is Alexa and John ?
Chris : they got captured .
Benjamin : where did they took them ?
Chris : I don’t know but I will look for them .
Trooper : we caught two of their generals and the rest
escaped .
Blackburn : very good send them to Melkoles for interrogation
Trooper : Yes Supreme Commander .
Blackburn grabbed his mask and left the place .
Oliver carried his mother and went to bury her as most of his
friends got captured and rest escaped and he sat infront of her
grave while blackburn went to his wife’s house and stood
infront of his family picture and put the mask next to him and
he was carrying in his hands a necklace his wife had gifted it to
him before she died .
The Fallen : Retaliation
Part Three
Written by Omar Hany
A flashback started of young James and Benjamin planning to
attack a building with their battalion
Benjamin : are you ready for this ?
James : I am always ready beside its not our first time
Benjamin : I know that its not our first time but we also have
to be ready for anything
James : don’t worry everything will be fine if we sticked to the
Benjamin : fine lets go you will take the ground and I will take
the sky
James : alright good luck
Benjamin took his troops and went to the plan and James and
his troops took the military cars and went on their way
Benjamin reached first and they landed
Benjamin : we will have to walk it from here
Solider : what about general James ?
Benjamin : we can’t wait for them to arrive they will kill the
hostage inside if we don’t move now
Solider : yes sir
Benjamin and his team went in sneaking
Benjamin : we have to split you take your team and search the
upper levels and we will search the lower levels
Solider : yes sir
Benjamin : isn’t it strange that no one is here to prevent us
from entering
James contacting Benjamin : did you arrive ?
Benjamin : yes
James : and what do you see ?
Benjamin : nothing
James (answering in amazed way): nothing !
Benjamin : yes nothing I don’t see anyone here
James : do you think we came to the wrong place ?
Benjamin : no I am sure this is the place
A drone was following them to spy on them and the drone
started to shoot at them
Solider : sir a drone is spying on us
They shoot the drone and destroyed it
James : what was that ?
Benjamin : that was a drone but we destroyed it
And then troopers started to fire at them
Solider : we are under attack
James : wait for me I am on my way
Benjamin : there is no time we have to get inside
Then the signal stopped and the call ended
James ( started to shout ): Benjamin damn it
The troopers surrounded Benjamin and his men
Benjamin ( talking to his troops ) : drop your weapons
Benjamin’s troops dropped their weapons and they have
taken them inside where Benjamin meet Hugo Lawson
Hugo : Benjamin I knew that you will come after these people
Benjamin : don’t get too arrogant your end will be soon
Hugo : we will see
James and his troops have arrived and started to take out
some men and they went inside
James : we will split I will go and find Benjamin and rescue the
Soldier : yes sir
James went to the lower level and find the prisoners and took
out the guard and he freed the hostages and he found
James : how did you get here ?
Benjamin : they surrounded us and we were outnumbered
James : you should have stayed till I arrive
Benjamin : I guess that doesn’t matter anymore and also one
more thing he is here
James : who ?
Benjamin : Hugo
James : what is he doing here ?
Benjamin : how about you open this door first and get me out
of this room
James : yes I forgot
James opened the room and Benjamin got out
Benjamin : all this time to open the door
James : hey why are you angry now I have just rescued you
Benjamin : we could have left this place if you hadn’t talk all
that time now let’s go maybe we could catch him
James : fine
They went and found Hugo
Hugo : Benjamin I heard that you got out I should have
guessed that it was you James, your potential is being wasted
with the special force they don’t appreciate you
James : do you think that if I left I would join you that won’t
Hugo : then I guess that I will have make your wife change
your mind
James : don’t talk about her
Hugo : I will and you won’t stop me
James and Benjamin started to fight with Hugo while on the
outside the troops of James and Benjamin are fighting against
Hugo troops and they are still fighting inside and they are
destroying each other and one of the tanks down there shoot
the building and the building started to collapse and they are
still fighting inside Hugo pushed Benjamin and punched James
and he was going to shoot Benjamin but James ran him to the
floor and kept punching him in the face and then he stood up
James : you are under arrest
Benjamin stood up and he and James took Hugo and ran out
of the building before it collapses and the reinforcements
arrived and they arrested Hugo and his men
James : see I told you everything will be ok
Benjamin : I guess you were right well I will go for now
James : I will see you tomorrow
Then the flashback ended and blackburn put down a picture
of James and Benjamin then he left his old family house
After the death of Jessica Oliver became angry and quietly he
hasn’t talked a lot and he spent a lot of time training while
Blackburn has been invading and conquering new worlds as
the new Supreme Commander of the HIGH LEGION .
One day Chris came and he had some good news .
Chris : I have some good news .
Oliver : what are they ?
Chris : I know where are they kept .
Oliver : where ?
Chris : they are at Melkoles in a warehouse that belongs to
the HIGH LEGION they are tormenting them to tell them about
the remaining Azetics places .
Oliver : then let’s go and save them .
Benjamin : are you going now ?
Oliver : Yes .
Benjamin : I don’t think that you are in a good shape to do
that let us handle it .
Oliver : No I am fine I have to rescue them .
Benjamin : at least call for help from the Azetics .
Oliver : we haven’t been able to reach them and I need to
finish this so I can focus on destroying Blackburn .
Benjamin : are you going to kill him ?
Oliver : Of course I will he deserves it you couldn’t do it so I
will .
Benjamin : he is my friend I couldn’t kill him no matter what
Oliver : why can’t you see this your friend is dead James is
dead you could have killed him but instead you allowed him
to kill my mother you’re the reason he was created and i will
destroy it .
Benjamin : if you killed him you are going to life with the
consequences through your whole life .
Oliver : I don’t care about the consequences , cmon Chris let’s
go .
Chris and oliver left , they reached Melkoles .
Chris : this is the place .
Oliver : Alright do you remember the plan .
Chris : Yes .
Oliver : then let’s go .

Oliver and chris went sneaking and took down security guards
They went to the back of the building they went to the cells
area .
Alexa : Oliver what are you doing here ?
Oliver : I am here to get out , where is John ?
A sound from the next cell said : I am here , where have you
been all that time .
Chris : we didn’t know your place .
John : what about the others are they safe ?
Oliver : we haven’t been able to reach them till now .
Alexa : let’s leave before the reinforcement arrives .
While they were leaving they started shooting at them .
Oliver : damn it they arrived .
John : didn’t you make another plan in case we got caught .
Oliver : I didn’t think that we will get caught .
John : awesome .
Oliver : wait I have an idea .
Oliver looked at the remaining cells .
John : do you think this will work .
Oliver : we don’t have another option .
John : fine .
Oliver : John and I will open the cells and you two cover us .
Oliver and John started to open the cells .
They were a lot of noise behind Alexa and Chris .
Alexa : what are this noise .
Chris : get out of the way .
A lot of prisoners ran and they started to fight with the
troopers .
Oliver : let’s go from the back .
John : Alright .
The four started to run to escape but a trooper came and try
to stop them but Oliver stopped him and started to beat him
and he was full of anger .
John : stop Oliver .
Oliver didn’t listen and he kept beating him as if he is seeing
Blackburn infront of him .
John : stop it .
Oliver stopped .
John : what was that ?
Oliver : I don’t know .
Chris : let’s go .
They left the place .
Blackburn looked in the mirror and he started to have a
flashback of the day his family died .
four officers was holding james and savini was sitting on the
chair infront of him .
savini: this is your last chance if you don’t join me they will die
james (trying to free himself):this is between you and me let
them out of this .
emma: don’t listen to him james don’t join him .
Lily(crying): father help me .
James: it is going to be ok , let them go i will join you .
Savini: good but I am going to kill them anyway .
Savini killed emma and Lily .
James rushed to see them.
James: no no you promised me that you won’t leave me .
James hugged them for the last time as they died on his hands
James( screamed in anger ): I will make you pay .
Savini: take him to the prison .
Blackburn woke up from the flashback and broke the mirror
and put the mask on his face and he left the room .
They travelled to Wyagehead but they were still shocked from
Oliver actions .
Chris : why did we came here ?
John : it is a safe place we will hide here until we can
comminucate with the rest .
Oliver : I don’t have time for this I must leave .
John : we won’t stay here for a lot of time and we need you
here .
Oliver looked angerly then he entered the building .
John : what’s wrong with him ?
Chris : his mother died .
Alexa : how did this happen ?
Chris : Blackburn killed her Infront of him .
John : when ?
Chris : the day you got captured and also today he had a fight
with Benjamin .
John : I will go and talk to him .
Alexa : No I will handle this you two figure a way to
comminucate with the rest .
John : Alright .
Alexa entered the building
Alexa : Hey .
Oliver : Hey .
Alexa : I have just know what happened .
Oliver : what do you mean ?
Alexa : I know what Blackburn has done to you and I am sorry
that I wasn’t there for you when you needed help .
Oliver : I don’t want to hear his name again but I guarantee
you that he will pay I will make him pay for everything he has
done .
Alexa : you will have your revenge we all will and you are not
alone we all will have each other back always remember that .
Oliver : I will thanks for the help .
Alexa : you are welcome now let’s go and help these guys
before they ruin anything .
Oliver and Alexa went out to help them .
John : how do you feel now ?
Oliver : I am fine now thanks for asking .
John : I promise you will have revenge soon .
Chris : sorry to interrupt but we have to finish fixing this in
order to leave this place .
John : what’s wrong with the place ?
Chris : I don’t feel safe here .
Oliver : what is this place anyway ?
John : it is an old town the high legion destroyed it and they
looted the whole city and then they left it
Oliver : Ok I will go and call Benjamin to apologize for what
happened .
John : Okay .
On the other side back at the headquarters an Officer came to
Blackburn’s office .
Officer : Supreme Commander .
Blackburn : Yes Officer .
Officer : our base has been destroyed .
Blackburn : which one ?

Officer : the one at Melkoles .
Blackburn : what about the prisoners ?
Officer : they all escaped .
Blackburn got angry and grabbed the officer from his neck and
shouted at him: find them for your own sake .
Officer(answering while being chocked): I will supreme
commander .
Blackburn dropped him .
Blackburn : tell them to prepare my plane .
Back at the Wyagehead .
Oliver returned after trying to call Benjamin .
Alexa : so how did it go ?
Oliver : he didn’t answer .
John : and what’s wrong with that ?
Oliver : it isn’t his nature not to answer the phone I feel that
something bad has happened .
John : Relax maybe he is busy .
Chris : I think we have fixed the communication problem .
John trying to communicate with them until it worked an they
have told him their location .
John : cmon let’s move .
Alexa : did they answer ?
John : Yes they are at Fort high .
Oliver : I can’t come with you I have to return to Benjamin .
John : there is no time we have to leave .
Oliver : No I can’t come with you if something bad happened
to him I won’t forgive myself you guys go but I will head back
to him .
John : Alright fine but remember that I warned you .
Alexa : I will go with him .
John : what ?
Alexa : someone needs to be with him you two go and we will
meet you later .
John : fine let’s go or you also want to go with them .
Chris : No I am coming with you .

Oliver and Alexa went to Benjamin house but they found it
empty they have kept searching for him in the house until
they found a letter he left to Oliver and he said ( dear Oliver
by the time you find that letter I will be on my way to
confront my friend James , I know my friend is somewhere
trapped underneath that mask if I couldn’t save him then at
least I will die trying to save him and one more thing I am
sorry about your mother’s death , I know I could have saved
her that day but I couldn’t it was a great pleasure to meet you
and to train you I know that you will complete my journey ,
see you on the otherside son ) .
Alexa : I am sorry Oliver .
Oliver : we have to travel now .
Alexa : we don’t know where he is ?
Oliver : I know where he is going he needs me now I am the
reason for all of this to happen .
Alexa : where is he going to ?
Oliver : he is going to new Lynepal that is where he used to
meet James there .
Alexa : Okay let’s go .
Benjamin reached new Lynepal and he went to a garden
where he found James sitting and his mask was next to him .
Benjamin : I knew that I will find you here .
James : Emma and I used to hang out here and lily used to
play here and smile at me and we kept playing till the night
arrives and we go home I never imagined to come here alone
knowing that they won’t be with me anymore .
Benjamin : I am sorry james that I wasn’t there for you when
all of this happened .
James : sorry won’t bring them back ,why did you came here ?
Benjamin : I came here to help you .
James : I don’t need your help I don’t need anything from you
leave this place go away I don’t want to see you again leave
before I change my mind .
Benjamin: I am not going anywhere I will stay here .
James: after all those years you haven’t changed a bit I know
you want to save oliver you treat him like a son .
Benjamin: oliver is like a son to me but you are my friend I
won’t lose you .
James : I am no longer your friend .
Benjamin : I should have killed you that day .
James : you don’t have the strength to kill me but don’t worry
I will make sure to send you to your son .
James grabbed the mask and put it on his face .
Benjamin : let’s finish this .
The two started to fight each other , Blackburn brought him to
the ground but he got up again .
Blackburn : you still have the spirit of determination just like
the old times .
Benjamin : you know me better than anyone I don’t give up .
Blackburn stared at him with anger and they continued to
fight .
While blackburn was chocking him he saw emma and then it
disappear which allowed Benjamin to hit him with few
punches and They continued to fight until Blackburn quickly
striked him with a knife and Benjamin fell on to his knees and
he was bleeding .
Blackburn : you should have stayed away this is your fault .
Benjamin answered while he is having his last breath : this
isn’t over he will have my revenge .
Blackburn : I will be waiting for him .

Blackburn looked at him while Benjamin was asking him for
help and said: you left me before consider us even .
Blackburn left without looking back at his former friend .
Oliver and Alexa arrived later and they walked in and saw
Benjamin lied down on the floor .
Oliver : No no no .
He went and tried to wake him up and Oliver started to cry
over his dead body and Alexa sit next to him and she was sad .
Oliver : why why didn’t you listen to me .
Oliver carried Benjamin’s body and he left to bury it,in
Benjamin funeral Oliver,Alexa,John,Chris and many of Azetics
members came to the funeral .
Oliver after burying Benjamin he was so furious that ordered
the Azetics to come with him to destroy the enforcers because
they were a dangerous threat to the azetics
Oliver and Alexa and the rest of the azetics without john and
Chris went to Sario where the enforcers lives and they started
the fight with them Oliver was striking anyone of the
enforcers that he saw they have eliminated most of the
enforcers and the rest managed to escape then Oliver burned
the place and they left
Meanwhile Blackburn and his troops invaded the senate
headquarters and slaughtered the guards and kidnapped most
of the senators and threatened to kill them and Blackburn
send a threatening message to the Azetics on the TV .
Blackburn : in two weeks if the azetics didn’t surrender to the
high legions I will kill the senators .
Blackburn grabbed one of the senators and killed him infront
of the rest.
Blackburn : this is a preview any one who will defy me will
suffer the same fate if the Azetics didn’t do as I said there will
be more blood on their hands .
Oliver saw this on tv and he became furious and he decided to
go and meet john
Blackburn returned to the headquarters and an officer came
to blackburn
Officer : sir the azetics have destroyed the enforcers at sario
what will we do ?
Blackburn : nothing
Officer : but sir the enforcers was an important ally to the
High legions losing them will affect us
Blackburn : we will do nothing we don’t need them not
anymore that is the end of discussion
As blackburn turned his back and was going to leave the
officer interrupted him again
Officer : if Savini was alive he wouldn’t have allowed this to
Blackburn became angry and turned to him and grabbed him
from his neck
Blackburn : try and compare me to anyone again and you will
be a dead man Savini is gone I am the supreme commander
now and you will do exactly as I say do you understand or do
you need more proof?
Officer (answering while being chocked ): I understand sir
Blackburn : good
Blackburn dropped him and then he left
Oliver reached john’s office
Oliver : did you see what Blackburn did ?
John: yes .
Oliver : what are we going to do ?
John: I don’t know .
Oliver: what do you mean you don’t know we have to stop
him .
John: this is a political situation and I don’t want to get us into
political problems .
Oliver: we are already involved if we didn’t act he will kill
them and we will be the one to blame .
John: we have to ask the rest .
Oliver: there is no time for that .
John : but there is time for you to order them to attack invade
Sario without without even telling me
Oliver : I didn’t tell you because I know that you will refuse
but it doesn’t matter we win at the end so this is a victory
John : you decide to attack without telling me or even make a
good plan for the attack I want you to know something I have
been here for years and I know how things work
Oliver: remind me why the Azetics were made in the first
place .
John: to stop the high legions but you are talking about a
suicide mission I won’t risk everyone’s life for you .
Oliver : then I am going to do this alone .
John : what ?
Oliver : I am going to attack the headquarters and kill
Blackburn .
John : are you serious ?
Oliver : Yes .
John : I don’t like that idea .
Oliver : why ?
John : this is a suicide mission we can’t do this now .
Oliver : I said I am going to do it by myself .
John : No you won’t go .
Oliver : then try and stop me .
John : if I had to I will .
Oliver : well in that case .
Oliver punched John in the face and they started to fight each
other and they are destroying everything in the room .
Blackburn returned to the headquarters and is preparing his
men .
Blackburn : Officer tell your men to prepare themselves
because we are travelling to Selbarre we are going to the old
special force building .
Officer : but Sir this place is dangerous the entire city has been
taken over by a powerfull witch .
Blackburn : that is why I am heading there tell your men to get
ready .
Officer : Yes Supreme Commander .
Oliver and John are still fighting each other until Alexa and
Chris entered and tried to separate them but they couldn’t
until Oliver floored him and he put the gun into his face .
John : cmon what are you waiting for pull the trigger .
Alexa: shut up John .
John : No I won’t cmon become like him .
Alexa : Oliver drop the gun .
Oliver put the gun back in his pocket .
Oliver : is this why the azetics were made so you can stay
hiding you are a coward you all are cowards keep hiding until
they find you again and kill all of you I am leaving and I am
going to attack there base even if I had to do it by myself .
Oliver left and Alexa tried to talk to him but he refused to
listen and walked away .
Following Oliver’s exit from the Azetics , the Azetics troopers
started to have problems with each other some of them
agreed with Oliver and some didn’t .
Trooper : Sir we are leaving .
John : why ?
Trooper : we are going with Oliver .
John : no one will leave this place .
Trooper : sorry Sir but we are not cowards we won’t stay here
until they find us and kill us .
John ordered some of the trooper to get them out of his office
and prevent them from leaving the place .
After a few hours John suddenly heard a lot of noise from
outside and he went to check out what was happening the
Troopers were fighting each other , John and Chris went
outside and tried to end the fight .
John : stop it all of you .
At first they didn’t listen to him but he kept shouting until the
fight stopped .
John : that’s it I am not gonna allow this team to be destroyed
if you want to go with Oliver and start a war fine go and leave
this place but the rest who will stay will do things the right
way the decision is yours .
Some of the Troopers left and John returned to his office .
Blackburn reached Selbarre and he went to the building .
The Guards were standing and suddenely the lights turned out
Guard : what just happened where are the light ?
Guard : there is something wrong call for backup .
Suddenly Blackburn was standing behind a guard and he
started to kill them all , then he entered the building and
started to look for Tade de val while he was looking for him
started to hear voices in his head then he had flashbacks of
him and Benjamin but he tried to resist all of these voices and
he entered the Archives room and he saw a woman standing .
Blackburn : who are you ?
He was holding the gun towards her until the woman turned
around .
Blackburn (in a surprised voice) : Emma .
He put the gun back into his pocket and he went to her to hug
her but she refused .
Emma : who are you ?
James : it’s me James your husband .
Emma : No my husband could never be like you .
She took off his mask and saw his face .
Emma : what happened to you why did you choose this ?
James : I didn’t have a choice but I brought your revenge back
Emma : who said that I wanted my revenge back ? you have
ruined your life by your own hands .
James : you both were my life you two were the only good
thing in my life
Emma : you were a powerful solider who used to protect
people now you have become a murderer who kills innocent
James: its too late for that
Emma : no its not you still have a chance
James : how ?
Emma : leave everything behind and come with me your
daughter and I miss you .
James looked at her and he was shaking .
She sow the necklace he was wearing and he told her , do you
remember this .
Emma : Of course I do it was the last present you gave to me .
James : but as I remember you were the one who gave this to
Emma : did I ?
James ( started to become angry ): you are not real you are
just an illusion
Emma : I don’t know what you are talking about ?
James stapped her and Suddenly her eyes became Fully black
and laughed and it was Tade messing with his mind .
Tade : you will pay for all what you have done
Blackburn : I am coming for you .
The Emma shadow just vanished and he continued to search
for Tade .
While Blackburn was searching for Tade a guy pushed him
back to the floor .
Blackburn : this can’t be true .
The guy stood infront of him .
James : you have tried so hard for many years to hide who you
really are under that mask and suit but we both know the
truth that I will always be part of you, you will never be able
to get rid of me .
Blackburn : you are not real .
James : well we are about to find out .
They started to fight each other until James hit him with a kick
that grounded Blackburn .
James : it seems that you are not strong as you used to be
Blackburn got up they continued to fight but Blackburn was
able to finish him and then he went to look for Tade until he
found him , Tade tried to use more magic but he failed .
Blackburn : you can’t mess with my mind not anymore.

Tade : you allowed your family to die infront of your eyes and
you couldn’t save them right James
Blackburn grapped him from his neck and said : how do you
know my name .
Tade: I will never forget the day, you killed my father.
Blackburn: what are you talking about ?
Tade: 27 years ago you stormed into our house and killed my
father and burned the entire house .
Blackburn: you are billy’s son .
Tade: exactly .
Blackburn: how the entire house was burned.
Tade: I escaped before your men burned the house, for 27
years I have been planning how to break you how to make
you suffer .
Blackburn: and now your plans have failed .
Tade: really, how is emma do you miss her or you miss your
daughter .
He started to choke tade then he went on assaulting him and
then he was about to kill him .
Tade: wait do you see this book it will give you the power that
you wanted .
Blackburn: and you will just give it to me .
Tade : I will but only if you spare my life .
Blackburn : in that case I will take this book but you won’t be
coming with us, say hello to your father from me .
He pulled his gun and killed Tade with multiple shoots and he
dragged his body to the outside .
While he was dragging his body he remembered the day he
killed billy and burning his house .
Blackburn threwed tade’s dead body on the floor infront of
everyone .
Blackburn : as you see your leader is dead surrender now and
the high legion will protect you but if you refused you will die
like him .
Tade’s men stared at each other then they started to drop
their guns and surrender .
Blackburn took the book and returned back to the
headquarters .
Alexa went to John’s office .
Alexa : what are you doing ?
John : I am doing the right thing .
Alexa : do you call half of our army leave the right thing .
John : they choose to leave they didn’t give me a choice .
Alexa : maybe you should have listened to Oliver .
John : what does he know about the team I am doing the right
thing for this team to survive.
Alexa : I thought that is why the team were made to help the
people to put an end to the high legion .
John : I am not going to risk all these lifes for him if you want .
to go with him then go but if you stayed we will do things my
way .
Alexa : you know Oliver was right I will go and fight on his side
Alexa left the building .
John was sad as he saw the Azetics ended .
Back at the headquarters an officer came to Blackburn’s office
Officer : supreme commander .
Blackburn : how are the senators ?
Officer: they are heavily guarded they can’t escape sir .
Blackburn : the Azetics will come and I want our best men to
lead this war I want them all dead I don’t want any member of
the Azetics alive .
Officer: yes supreme commander .
Then the officer left blackburn’s office .
Alexa went to Benjamin house where she found Oliver .
Oliver : Alexa what are you doing here ?
Alexa : John and I had a disagreement which ended with me
leaving .
Oliver : how did you know that I am here .
Alexa : it wasn’t that hard since I know that I know how much
this place means to you .
Oliver : it should have been me not him this is all my fault .
Alexa : No this isn’t your fault he scarified himself so you
could continue his journey .
Oliver : he should have listened to me he believed that his
friend was alive after everything has happened .
Alexa: you can’t blame him for that he was his childhood
friend he couldn’t abandon him he did what he thought was
right .
Oliver: and now he is dead he didn’t gain anything his friend is
gone from a longtime .
Alexa : but you will have his revenge.
Oliver: how ? Benjamin is dead, the Azetics are destroyed and
the rest won’t fight and the world will turn against us for not
rescuing the senators .
Alexa: it’s not really over
Oliver: what do you mean?
Alexa : I made a surprise for you .
Oliver : really where ?
Alexa : Yes it’s outside .
Oliver and Alexa went outside and they saw the troopers
outside .
Alexa : they choose not to be cowards .
Oliver (smiled and looked to her).
Trooper : we are with you till the end .
Trooper : we will fight till our last breath .
Oliver : this is a beautiful surprise thank you , I promise you all
the HIGH LEGION rule will end soon tomorrow after the dawn
we will attack their headquarters and we will have revenge
for everyone they have killed or Tormented .
They all went to prepare themselves for the fight .
After the Dawn they were heading to the headquarters but
oliver stopped for a moment .
Oliver: change of plans I will go in first and on my signal you
will come .
Alexa: you can’t do that .
Oliver: l just did .
Alexa: I don’t take orders from you .
Oliver: this is not the time for argument in you are now in
charge of these men I am going in
Alexa: you only want revenge right .
Oliver refused to answer that .
Oliver: good
Oliver took off and went to the headquarters and he entered
and found the whole army of the high legions standing and he
said : I came here to surrender .
Blackburn was standing on a platform and said : let him pass I
want him alive .
Oliver passed with full confidence through the entire army
until he reached blackburn’s office .
Meanwhile alexa and the army was waiting for oliver’s signal .
Alexa (got nervous ) and said : that’s it let’s go .
Trooper: but general oliver didn’t respond .
Alexa: I don’t care let’s go .
Oliver entered the room and saw blackburn waiting .
Blackburn ( asked in a sad tone ) : did you bury him ?
Oliver : I did .
Blackburn : I didn’t want to kill him but he refused to leave .
Oliver : he was trying to save you he believed that his friend
was still in there but you are beyond saving but now I will
have his revenge .
Blackburn: i know that you will come for revenge but the
question is will you be able to defeat me or you will fail again
and who will lose his life because of you .
Alexa and her troops stormed into the headquarters.
Oliver ran into Blackburn and they started to fight while on
the outside the Azetics and high legions are shooting at each
Trooper : take down the Sniper .
The Trooper shoot the Sniper .
Trooper : nice shot .
Alexa : watch out the reinforcement has arrived .
Trooper : what are we going to do ? we won’t survive .
Alexa : we will keep fighting till our last breath .
Trooper : Yes General .
They kept fighting but they have lost a lot of men but
suddenly many cars arrived it was John and the rest of Azetics.
Alexa : you came
John : oliver was right we won’t stay hiding till they find us ,
now let’s tear this building down .
Alexa: where did you get all these people .
John: I called in for every last favour for help .
Alexa : I will go and search for the senators .
John: chris go with her .
John continued to fight .
John ( talking to the rest) : for the Azetics
Troopers: for the Azetics
Blackburn and Oliver are fighting inside and destroying
eachother .
Blackburn kicked Oliver and threwed him to a chair .
Blackburn : submit and they might live .
Oliver: I won’t let you touch them .
Blackburn: then you will die with them .
Oliver got up and ran to him and they returned to fight .
They are destroying each other , Oliver grounded him .
Oliver : you will pay for everything you have done .
Blackburn got up and said : we will see about that .
The fight started again .
Outside the building John and the rest are still fighting .
John : prepare the weapon .
Trooper : yes sir.
Alexa and chris searched for the senators until they found
Chris: we have to takedown the guards
Alexa : we will go in their stealthing
Chris: alright.
Alexa and chris started to take them out until one of the
guards noticed them .
Guard: we have intruders .
They started to fire at them .
Alexa: ask them for some help .
Chris: okay .
Chris asked for some help and some of the troopers came to
help .
Alexa: I am going in .
Alexa and chris entered the chamber and the senators were
frightened .
Alexa: it’s ok senators we are with the Azetics .
Alexa and chris escorted the senators to safety .
Oliver and Blackburn are still fighting inside the building they
went to another room fighting each other .
Blackburn threwed him to the floor .
Blackburn : look at yourself if Benjamin was alive he would
have been so disappointed he treated you as a son and you
Have failed him just like you failed your mother and after I kill
you I will kill every person of your team
Oliver(screamed in anger): Noo .
He quickly got up and he is beating Blackburn without giving
him a chance to defend himself Oliver picked up a chair and
hit Blackburn on his with it which brock half of the mask .
Oliver removed the other part of the mask and he is beating
him up .
Oliver : this is for Benjamin and he punched him .
Oliver : this is for my mother and he punched him again .
Oliver picked the gun and hold it infront of Blackburn’s face .
Alexa entered the room : No wait Oliver drop the gun .
Blackburn : don’t listen to her cmon end this free me of this .
Alexa : don’t do it Oliver we will arrest him and make him pay
for all the crimes he committed do it for Benjamin .
Blackburn : If you didn’t kill me I will haunt you forever .
Oliver drooped the gun .
Oliver : I would love to see you in prison.
While Oliver and Alexa were about to leave the room
Blackburn quickly picked the gun and shoot Oliver in his
shoulder and he grabbed Alexa from her hair and he laughed
and he kicked Oliver in his face .
Blackburn : you had your chance to kill me but you missed it
now you will pay for it .
Oliver : trying to get back up and Blackburn putting the gun in
Alexa’s head .
Blackburn : you failed I won again .
Oliver : No you didn’t this isn’t over yet .
Blackburn : really .
Oliver : now John .
John and Chris fired the multiple rocket launcher .
Alexa hit Blackburn in his face then Oliver punched him and
he took Alexa and jumped out of the window and the building
is collapsing .
As Blackburn was preparing to escape he saw his wife and
daughter standing infront of him .
Emma: come home james we miss you .
James: I can’t .
Emma : yes you can you are free now come home.
He saw his daughter standing infront of him .
James looked at them (with tears on his eyes) and an officer
was trying to tell blackburn that they need more
reinforcements but blackburn closed the hologram and sat on
a chair and waited for death .
Oliver : threw your rope I can’t reach mine .
Alexa : Okay .
Alexa launched the rope launcher from her gauntlet and they
landed on the floor .
Oliver : let’s go .

The building exploded and the explosion pushed Oliver and
Alexa away .
John and Chris went to check on them and they found them ,
Alexa got up first and told them that Oliver need to go to the
hospital , Oliver woke up .
John : Are you Alright ?
Oliver : I guess so .
John : we did it .
Oliver : we did it .
Oliver tried to stand on his feet .
Oliver : let’s get out of this place .
John and Chris carried Oliver and they left and went to the
hospital .
After few weeks Oliver recovered and senator eden gill made
a party to thank the azetics
Eden: tonight we would like to thank the heores who saved all
of us they were ready to risk their lives in order to keep
everyone safe they deserves our respect and I personally
thank them for saving my life thank you and enjoy the party .
And the entire team started to have fun and to celebrate the
victory .
After a few days oliver went to john at his office to speak to
him .
Oliver : hey John .
John : hey Oliver why do you carry a bag .
Oliver : about that I want to tell you something .
John : what’s wrong .
Oliver : I wanted to tell you that you won’t be seeing me for a
sometime .
John : why ?
Oliver : after all of this I wants to take some time off maybe
start a new life .
John : I don’t know what to tell you how long will you be
Oliver : actually I don’t know.
John : I am not gonna in stand in your way .
Oliver and John hugged each other .
John : I am gonna miss you putting me in troubles .
Oliver : don’t worry I will always put you in trouble .
Alexa came to the room .
Alexa : what is going on?
John : oliver is leaving .
John: I will go and check on the troops.
John left the room .
Alexa : are you leaving ?
Oliver: yes I am leaving I came to say goodbye .
Alexa : why are you leaving .
Oliver: I think its time for me to have some time off, I also
wanted to thank you for being a good friend when I needed
help .
Alexa: let’s be fair you also saved me a lot of times .
oliver: I guess we can call it even .
Alexa: cmon .
they hugged each other for the last time then .
Oliver went to say goodbye to chris and the rest of the team

and then he walked out of the building .


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