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Protests against campus police

October 2020

Saint Louis University, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Disarm campus police

Marquette University, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Defund campus police

UC San Diego, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

UC Santa Barbara, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

UWisconsin-Madison, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Defund and abolish campus police

UC Riverside, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

California State University Fullerton, October 2020

ACTION: Discussions over future with campus police

Washington University in St. Louis, Oct. 2020

DEMAND: Defund and abolish campus police

Northwestern University​, ​October 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

UCLA, October 2020

DEMAND: Remove campus police

September 2020
University of Michigan, Sept. 2020
DEMAND: Disarm and defund campus police

University of Chicago, Sept. 2020

DEMAND: Defund campus police

University of Oregon, September 2020

DEMAND: Defund campus police

University of Nebraska, September 2020

DEMAND: Cut ties with local police

August 2020

University of Colorado, August 2020

DEMAND: Reform and defund police

University of Illinois, August 2020

DEMAND: Defund and disarm police

Portland State University, August 2020

ACTION: Disarm campus police

Arizona State University, August 2020

DEMAND: Defund police

University of Kansas, August 2020

DEMAND: Disband campus police

July 2020
University of Pennsylvania, July 2020
DEMAND: Defund and abolish police

Duke University, July 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

Stanford, July 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

Ohio State University, July 2020

DEMAND: Cut ties with local police department

University of Kentucky, July 2020

DEMAND: Reform police, limit patrolling
Oregon State University, July 2020
DEMAND: Disarm campus police

University of Utah, July 2020

DEMAND: Defund and dissolve campus police

Boston College, July 2020

DEMAND: Defund campus police

UConn, July 2020

DEMAND: Fully defund campus police

Elon University, July 2020

DEMAND: Defund the police

University of Minnesota, July 2020

DEMAND: Disarm and defund

June 2020

Yale, June 2020

DEMAND: Abolish and defund police

Harvard, June 2020

DEMAND: Abolish police

University of South Carolina, June 2020

DEMAND: Defund police

Princeton, June 2020

DEMAND: Abolish campus police

University of Iowa, June 2020

DEMAND: Cut ties with local police department

Cornell, June 2020

DEMAND: Disarm and defund police

USC, June 2020

DEMAND: Defund police

Boise State University, June 2020

DEMAND: Defund police, reallocate funds

University of Oklahoma, June 2020

DEMAND: Defund and demilitarize police

San Jose State University, June 2020

DEMAND: Partially defund campus police

University of Idaho, June 2020

DEMAND: Remove campus police

Temple, June 2020

ACTION: School retracts funding from Philadelphia Police Foundation

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, June 2020

DEMAND: Defund police

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