Life Coaching Report KHouston

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Life Coaching Report

Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston

The Life Coaching Report provides customized coaching strategies for you as you set goals and plan your life. These coaching strategies help you to deal with stress and to
compensate for personality traits which conflict with performing or doing necessary tasks that do not come naturally.

The nine Primary Traits shown below help you understand your natural personality tendencies. The nine Primary Traits blend together to form your personality. Some traits
influence other traits. This Life Coaching Report describes the blended effect of the traits. For some traits, low scores may be more desirable and necessary for specific job tasks or
while working on a team. Therefore, it is important to understand your traits and compare them to the desired natural traits while performing certain job duties or for adapting to the
personality traits of others. Only use this report for self-coaching and understanding yourself as you plan your life.

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100
Primary Traits SCORES

Deadline Motivation 5
Recognition Drive 42
Assertiveness 56
Independent Spirit 5
Analytical 91
Compassion 65
Self-Promotion 65
Belief in Others 95
Optimism 5
Life Coaching Report - Primary Traits
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston

For: (Scores between 40-60 share both the description of the High Scores and Low Scores but without the extremes. For Low scores, the lower the score, the more extreme the
description. For High scores, the higher the score, the more extreme the description.)

0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Motivation 5
This trait describes the person's Deadline Motivation to achieve quick results. High Scorers (61% or above) are more like "Racehorses" with an unquenchable "fire in the belly" and a
desire to achieve immediate or near-term results (as in a high-activity, fast-paced, multi-tasking environment). Low Scorers (40% or below) have an easy-going, even-paced
temperament and prefer a longer time to complete tasks with well-defined and planned-out steps and strategies. Low Scorers spend more time thinking about next steps without a
sense of urgency.

Recognition Drive 42
This trait describes the person's desire to be social, and their desire to compete for recognition. High Scorers are socially outgoing and thoroughly enjoy being the center of attention
(public recognition). They are motivated by their need for status and prestige. Low Scorers prefer one-on-one relationships, private recognition, and are not motivated to attend social
functions. They prefer spending social time with a select few and are more motivated by "respect" than "popularity."

Assertiveness 56
This trait describes the person's social confidence when interacting with people. High Scorers can assert themselves with their strong phrasing and direct eye contact. Low Scorers
often yield control of conversations, are accommodating, and are less likely to assert themselves when dealing with people.

Independent Spirit 5
This trait describes the person's desire to control things and situations around them. High Scorers prefer independence and working in situations where they are in control of the
outcome of their efforts and the efforts of others. Low Scorers are team players who enjoy working with others and like to do their part within assigned projects. They behave in a
compliant manner and have very little need to direct or control others.

Analytical 91
This trait describes the person's desire to dwell on the facts, figures, and details. When completing tasks, High Scorers are analytical and prefer to take the time to gather facts and
information before taking action. When preparing and communicating, they gather and share a lot of information. Low Scorers, are more big picture oriented and prefer to gather just
enough information necessary to make decisions. When communicating, they speak in more general and less specific terms. When making decisions, they rely more on intuition and

Compassion 65
This trait describes the person's compassion and desire to nurture others. As a result, High Scorers thoroughly enjoy helping others whenever possible and are more personal and
relationship-centered. They are expressive when it comes to sharing their feelings and emotions. Low Scorers, on the other hand, are task oriented and are better able to prioritize
their time because they can stay "on task" without being distracted by personal problems. They are more controlled when it comes to expressing emotions.

Self Promotion 65
This trait describes the person's tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses in order to leave a most favorable impression. High Scorers are resilient to criticism and
find it difficult to recognize their weaknesses. They may deny their fears, faults, and failures. They are less receptive to coaching and correction. Low Scorers are sensitive to criticism.
It's personal to them. They are open to recognizing their weaknesses and working on self-improvement, which leads to being more receptive to coaching and correction.

Belief in Others 95
This trait describes the person's level at which they trust other people. High Scorers are less judgmental of others, believe that most people have good intensions, that others care
about them, and are worthy of their trust. Low Scorers are rigid, formal, and skeptical of the intentions of others. To them, trust is something that must be gained over a long period of

Optimism 5
This trait describes the person's tendency to see what happens to them in a positive context. High Scorers prefer situations and relationships with "can do" attitudes where negativity
is absent. They believe that bad things can result in positive outcomes and that they control their destiny. Success for them lies in the choices they make and not in outside events.
Low Scorers, in the extreme, believe that setbacks seldom turn out well and usually have negative consequences. They believe capable people who take advantage of their
opportunities can fail to be successful. Extremely low scores <20, may be due to low self-esteem - they struggle to see themselves as successful.
Life Coaching Report - Deadline Motivation
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Motivation 5

General Statement
People who score low on this Deadline Motivation trait are more relaxed (less intense) and more purposeful (consistent, even-paced) when completing tasks. They do not focus
on productivity by setting self-imposed deadlines that set the work pace. They are typically more motivated by security and predictability than reaching for high levels of income or
achievement. They are seldom frustrated or restless and may stay with the same employer as long as their basic needs are met. Because of their easy-going temperament, they
spend more time in step-by-step processing than with an intense results focus. Their emotional intensity is more relaxed like that of a patient heart surgeon (than a racehorse); more
like that of the legendary tortoise (than the hare).

People with this low Deadline Motivation can patiently work on tasks with complex steps/information, enjoy repetitive tasks, and prefer processes with step-by-step actions. Their
patience is their greatest asset. Their easy-going demeanor makes them easy to work with. They perform well in occupations where patience is needed for working out complex
problems, where tasks are repetitive, and where careful consideration of outcomes is critical.

Improvement Opportunities
People who have low Deadline Motivation lack a sense of urgency for deadlines, which can impede their productivity in occupations where a fast pace of work is necessary. They
typically need a manager/mentor to set the deadlines and pace of work and to hold them accountable to short-term goals. This concern is more of a problem if it is coupled with an
Analytical and/or Compassion score above 60 that results in "analysis paralysis" or too much focus on "feeling good" while completing tasks. While people with high Deadline
Motivation will focus on the results, those with this low Deadline Motivation focus more on the relationship (high Compassion scores) or the process (high Analytical scores) and
lack the "fire in the belly" to focus on productivity and efficiency. From start to finish, projects take them significantly longer, and without close supervision, they can fail to meet
deadlines. It should be noted that these concerns are more serious if this lower score is in the 0-20 range and less serious within the 21-40 range.

Coaching Recommendations
People with low Deadline Motivation find it stressful, and it may be difficult to succeed in careers where meeting deadlines is critical. Too often people with this low
Motivation spend too much time avoiding mistakes (high Analytical scores) and building individual relationships (high Compassion scores) and not enough time focusing on
productivity and efficiency. Though they may be liked and appreciated for their level of knowledge and expertise, it is necessary that they also have the disciplined work ethic to focus
on short-term goals/deadlines in order to be productive. Their casual and low sense of urgency approach to getting work done creates the need for close supervision with clear
expectations of on-time performance. Regular meetings to review expectations and productivity are a must. Time management training is critical to help emphasize the importance of
setting goals, defining critical tasks, creating actionable "To Do" lists, and tracking metrics that measure progress toward the goals. This record keeping and measurement toward
goals provides the necessary focus on progress and productivity that does not come natural to people with low Deadline Motivation

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Recognition Drive
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Recognition Drive 42

General Statement
People who fall into this moderate range on their Recognition Drive are most difficult to describe by the traditional extreme behaviors of those who score either high or low. Instead
of being down-to-earth and genuine like low scoring people or wanting to be the center of attention and to be social like those who score high on this trait, those scoring in the
moderate range on this trait are a hybrid between the two, displaying behaviors of both high and low scores without the extremes. They are social and competitive at times, and at
other times prefer to be alone or with a few close friends. At times they display behaviors of extraverts, and at other times, they display behaviors of introverts.

This moderate Recognition Drive can be an asset if the occupation requires the person to flex with a variety of situations where, at times, they are required to compete and be
social, and at other times, they are required to work alone or on a small team. It is easier for people with moderate Recognition Drive to manage their time more efficiently by
avoiding unnecessary socializing during the most productive hours of work. They have the capacity to be motivated by "external" means such as contests, awards, trophies, or other
forms of public recognition. They are less sensitive to public acknowledgement of weaknesses and failures. When Assertiveness scores are above 50, they have the versatility to turn
their "extraversion" on and off as needed.

Improvement Opportunities
In positions that require high levels of socializing or in an office culture that relies mostly on contests, awards, and public recognition, this moderate score on the Recognition Drive
trait may be inadequate. People with moderate scores on this trait may not be as resourceful as necessary when it comes to building relationships for the purpose of doing business.
They may avoid attending important social functions and miss relationship building opportunities that may lead to a career advancement or business opportunity. If they work from
their homes, they may need motivation to get out of the home-office and into the social network of their field. The lower their Ego Drive score, the more energy and motivation it takes
to push up their desire to be social and compete.

Coaching Recommendations
Since they can be inconsistent in their desire to be social and compete, in occupations where the job and culture require social activities in order to advance one's career,
management should make it a requirement of the job to attend social functions and hold them accountable to socializing at the function rather than attending and spending time with
less important, but more comfortable relationships. The lower the Ego Drive score, the more inconsistent they are in socializing with unfamiliar individuals. If competition is the main
motivating factor for productivity, and the individuals are not responding to competition or public recognition, management will need to discover the personal motivating factors of
these individuals (money, family time, security, etc.) and spend more one-on-one time keeping them focused on their personal goals and giving them private affirmation. Since this
moderate Recognition Drive score may make it difficult to predict whether or not these individuals will respond to competition and public recognition, it is critical that management
spend time getting to know these individuals on a personal level in order to determine their preferred mode of recognition - private or public.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Assertiveness
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Assertiveness 56

General Statement
People who fall into this moderate range of scores on the personality profile can often be difficult to describe. They can be described to some extent by both high and low scores.
However, they will not be described by the extremes of either. People in this range of scores behave with moderate confidence or assertiveness. At times, they feel comfortable
asserting themselves and controlling the conversation. At other times, they will be less assertive and avoid confrontation, especially with individuals in positions of power or influence.
Sometimes they ask and sometimes they tell, but never at the extreme. One moment they easily handle criticism and rejection and at another moment they become discouraged
and have lower social confidence when dealing with other people.

This moderate Assertiveness can be an asset around people who dislike overly aggressive people and on teams where collaboration is important. With significant job skill training,
this moderate Assertiveness should not significantly impact productivity, especially when the job duties require more relationship building and a less assertive approach. The natural
ability to easily push up one's energy to be assertive when necessary, and the ability to suppress the urge to be assertive when emotional control is needed is a convenient
personality trait to possess.

Improvement Opportunities
If job duties require a person to confidently assert one's self, and the Compassion scores are above 70, this moderately assertive, highly compassionate person may not speak up in
situations where assertiveness is important. This hesitancy to speak up may be intensified if Self Promotion scores are below 20 due to a sensitivity to criticism. These combination
traits will cause a person to hold their feelings in, which may lead to bottled-up frustration and stress. This combination also produces a need to please others and results in an
inability to impose, even when the proposed solution is best. The hesitancy to speak up will be most likely in situations that might become argumentative or where resistance is

Coaching Recommendations
In situations and job duties that require a person to be assertive, it becomes easier for individuals with this moderate amount of Assertiveness to be more assertive when they are
competent in their abilities to perform the job - competence improves confidence. Make sure these individuals are well trained as quickly as possible. Productivity will also improve if
people have a passion for the job and believe they are working for the greater good of others. Provide encouragement and vision for the benefit they bring to others through the
performance of their job duties. Responding without hesitation in the heat of the moment is a common struggle for individuals with moderate Assertiveness. Familiarity and practice
creates confidence. If the job requires high Assertiveness on a regular basis, provide word tracts with phrases and solutions to the most common issues they may face. Use word
tracks to role-play scenarios that occur on a regular basis. These programmed responses increase effectiveness and lower stress.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Independent Spirit
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Independent Spirit 5

General Statement
People who score in the lower ranges on Independent Spirit describe themselves as team players who prefer to work in groups as opposed to working by themselves. They like
the employee status. If they are in a leadership role, they prefer to share authority as opposed to being the one who makes all the decisions. They report that they work better when
the supervisor is close by to assist them if needed. This person prefers job security and predictability more than control and independence. They have a low desire to control people
and circumstances. They prefer that decision making and control be the responsibility of others. This desire for not being responsible for controlling is more pronounced when the
scores on Deadline Motivation and Assertiveness are below 40.

In any job description that requires working with others, people with this lower score on Independent Spirit are more comfortable. They will subordinate their needs to the needs of
the team, the coworker, and the manager. As a result, they can work in situations that demand patience and a job that requires them to work through multiple layers of management
to gain a decision or outcome. While many people prefer to work alone, individuals with the lower need for independence and control behave as team players who like to be part of a
team without making demands or needing to control outcomes. In addition, they are much easier to manage or supervise. Instead of "going their own way," they will defer to the
manager's recommendations and follow the procedures that are recommended for their success.

Improvement Opportunities
If the job description requires working alone without close supervision, people with these lower scores on Independent Spirit may not be as productive. Because of the compliant
nature of this lower score on Independent Spirit, time management could become a problem as they fail to prioritize their time and organize their life. They may subordinate their
needs to those of others and fail to do those priorities that lead to success in the position. It is important to note that other Primary Traits can compound this problem. For example, if
they have higher (above 60) Compassion, they will spend too much time helping others and too little time on their own responsibilities. If they have lower (40 or lower) Assertiveness,
at times they will find it difficult to say "no" to others who impose on them. If they have a lower Deadline Motivation (40 or lower), they will lack the "fire in the belly" that drives them to
their goals and helps them transcend their compliant nature.

Coaching Recommendations
People with this lower score on Independent Spirit typically respond well to direct supervision. This supervision should place a heavy emphasis on time management and the
ability to prioritize their activities since they are prone to poor time management. Meet with them regularly to inspect their time management system, especially their "to do" list and
help them to rank the importance of each activity as it relates to productivity (A's, B's, and C's). Then, make sure you follow-up to see if those activities have been completed on time.
Because of their compliant nature and their challenge to say "No" to others when asked to take on additional work, require them to ask for your permission before adding additional
tasks to their "to do" list. This compliant nature may cause them to take on too many personal responsibilities from imposing friends and family members. If they are coming to work
tired and stressed because of this, it may be necessary to point out the impact their personal life is having on their job responsibilities. This is more of a problem when the scores on
Compassion, Belief in Others, and Optimism are above 80. This trait combination may cause them to believe most everything others tell them, they have a big heart for "fixing" other
people's problems, and they are optimistic that they can change others.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Analytical
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Analytical 91

General Statement
People with this high Analytical score rely on research or analysis rather than their feelings, intuitive insight, and their previous experience to make decisions. They actually find
comfort and security in the details. They may focus more on research and facts rather than whether or not a decision feels right. They communicate with "I think" instead of "I feel".
The most successful people with high Analytical scores complete work in a timely manner by disciplining themselves to know when they have enough details to move ahead with a

People who have higher Analytical scores are typically more organized and process focused, especially where the details are most important. This high Analytical score can be
an asset if the job duties require preparation and analysis, and an understanding of complex information. If formal details are required, they will avoid using the informal "yellow
tablet" approach or white board and rely more on the perfectly prepared, computer-generated details. They actually enjoy preparing reports and keeping track of important
information. As a result, they are usually always well prepared, organized, and exact in their job performance.

Improvement Opportunities
People who have a higher Analytical score will typically miss-prioritize the activities and job duties that lead to the highest levels of success. They will believe that the facts and
figures are more important than the deadline. If the job requires a fast-pace of work, the person may spend too much time in preparation and analysis. If this high Analytical score is
coupled with other important factor scores in this report; such as scores below 40 on Deadline Motivation, Assertiveness, and Recognition Drive, and Independent Spirit (Ego Drive
score below 40) it can compound the problem leading to periods of procrastination. (See Primary Trait scores and Ego Drive scores to see if this statement applies). Many people with
higher Analytical scores project their need for information and details onto others, which may lead to spending too much time giving unnecessary details to people who are less
interested on the details and prefer a more big-picture answer.

Coaching Recommendations
Since this high Analytical score can be an asset in many positions, it is important to understand the interaction effects with three of the other Primary Trait scores listed in this report.
First and foremost, scores below 40 on Deadline Motivation can have the most negative impact. Lower Deadline Motivation, and a high Analytical score can produce "analysis
paralysis." If this is the case, management should be prepared to set and hold people accountable to daily deadlines. Secondly, scores below 40 on Assertiveness can have a
negative effect on people in occupations that require interaction with people or making timely decisions, because people with high Analytical scores will, whenever they are feeling
pressure, "hide in their paperwork." If this is the case, management should communicate openly with the person, explain what is happening, and provide encouragement and
motivation to move forward with decisions. Once again, when this moderate Analytical score is coupled with lower scores (40 or below) on Ego Drive management should anticipate
people will spend their time planning with precision and becoming neatly organized with periods of procrastination. If this is the case, management should help the person predict this
potential problem in advance, and then point it out to them when they begin to miss important deadlines.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Compassion
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Compassion 65

General Statement
People with higher scores on the Compassion trait express themselves with warmth and affection and share their feelings with others. When others are in need, they will drop what
they are doing to help them. They typically prefer a more casual (as opposed to formal) work environment and quickly bond at an emotional level with their fellow employees. They
are very good listeners and quickly develop the reputation of a caring and concerned individual.

People with higher scores on this trait build life-long relationships. When their Assertiveness score is high (above 50) they make new relationships with ease, which is a natural result
from their emotive warmth and compassion. When Assertiveness and Recognition Drive scores are above 50, they are a very outgoing nurturing person who will be very proactive in
seeking relationships with individuals whom they can help. They accumulate friends at a rapid pace. When Assertiveness and Recognition Drive scores are below 50, they are the
quiet listener who offers help and assistance in a less assertive manner. They are the quiet relational person who will accumulate friends at a slower pace. When Independent Spirit
scores are below 40, and Compassion scores are above 60, these individuals are very loyal to relationships and employers.

Improvement Opportunities
Because of their higher Compassion scores, criticism or rejection affects these people with a personal and emotional impact unless they have strong ego defenses to protect
themselves. If their Self-Promotion score is below 40, and/or their Assertiveness score is below 40, their lack of ego protection can cause them to respond slowly, or not at all, when
confronted/challenged/offended. In addition, this Compassion can cause people to care so much about not offending others, that they keep their emotions bottled-up, which may
lead to low productivity if issues that bother them are not addressed. Their greatest challenge is their time management and their inability to prioritize their day and to organize their
life. They care so much about helping friends and family, that they can sometimes sacrifice their time, themselves, and their career. This challenge is more intensified with Ego Drive
scores below 40 and less of a concern when Ego Drive scores are above 60. When Independent Spirit scores are below 40, and Compassion scores are above 60, these
individuals may be loyal to a fault due to their high desire to please. They may stay in challenging relationships with people and employers too long to the detriment of their emotional
health. They may allow others to take advantage of their nurturing nature. When Compassion scores are above 85 along with Belief-in-Others scores above 85, these individuals
may be sacrificing too much of their own time and emotional health to assist individuals who are taking advantage of their willingness to help.

Coaching Recommendations
When Ego Drive scores are below 50, and Compassion scores are above 60, these individuals will need coaching on time management skills since they will have a tendency to put
relationships and nurturing of others above productivity. When Compassion scores are above 80, and Belief in Others scores are above 80, bring to their attention the importance of
making good decisions in how involved they become in other people's problems, and the impact over involvement may have on their work-life-balance, stress, and job productivity.
When Analytical scores are below 20, and Compassion scores are above 70, this individual prefer a more relaxed, informal environment and mode of operation. If more formality is
required, emphasize the importance of proper dress, formal mode of communication and adherence to formal protocol. With this score combination, these people make decisions
mostly using their intuition, personal experience and gut feeling. It may be necessary to require a written record of their research and explanation of the decision processed used.
Managers who have high Compassion scores will need encouragement to not procrastinate in dealing with challenges of the employees they manage.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Self-Promotion
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Self-Promotion 65

General Statement
People who receive higher scores over 60 on this Self-Promotion trait are intentionally trying to impress the person who administers the questionnaire, and as a result, they
exaggerate their strengths and downplay their weaknesses. The people who do this have strong ego defenses that help protect them against criticism and rejection - they have thick
skin. In some situations, this high Self-Promotion acts as a strength. In others, it acts as a weakness. For example, when working with a manager to improve productivity, they may
deny any problem exists and fail to work on a solution. On the other hand, in a situation, a high Self-Promotion with its associated ego defenses provides the armor that protects
people from the criticism and rejection they receive. Self-Promotion scores above 80 are a two-edged sword. These people have a very thick skin that helps them deal with
rejection and criticism, while at the same time, they struggle with accepting responsibility for their actions, being honest, and being receptive to coaching.

Rather than taking criticism or rejection personally, people who score high on this Self-Promotion trait simply ignore it and believe that it is the other person's problem. As a result,
criticism and rejection for these people does not affect moving forward and taking action. In positions that require dealing with large amounts of criticism and rejection, the ability to
employ ego defenses helps. High scores on Self-Promotion combined with high scores above 60 on Assertiveness and scores below 50 on Compassion, reinforce these strengths
and contribute to the ability to bounce back quickly from rejection and criticism.

Improvement Opportunities
While a higher score may help protect people from criticism or rejection, it might become a liability when communicating with management. Because of their need to leave a good
impression, they may be difficult to coach at times. Instead of easily recognizing their fears, their faults, and their failures, they struggle to admit their existence and may block
attempts to help them improve upon their weaknesses. When they make mistakes, they sometimes find it difficult to admit they were wrong and blame others (usually the team, the
company, or the manager). For example, when asked about their worst fault, they might say, "I try too hard" or "I care too much." When asked about their worst failure, they might
say, "I worked myself out of a job by being too successful." These exaggerations may not be intentional acts of dishonesty. Instead, they are simply a desire to leave a good
impression by focusing on the positives and ignoring the negatives. People with scores above 80 on this trait may also struggle with the character trait of honesty. People with
Compassion scores above 80 and scores below 40 on Independent Spirit will struggle with embellishment because they are pleasers and fear that telling you the whole truth will
disappoint you. When Independent Spirit is above 60, they may embellish as a way to hide the truth. (These ego-defenses are much more obvious when the Self-Promotion score
is above 80 and less of a problem when below 80.)

Coaching Recommendations
This tendency to exaggerate strengths and downplay weaknesses can become a problem when a manager is attempting to get them to change a particular behavior that is
impacting productivity. The difficulty with this high Self-Promotion trait is that people with high scores, especially above 80, struggle to actually see their own faults. Multiple
individuals pointing out the same challenge to a person may have more impact on modifying behavior. Use this question, "Help me understand how you came to the decision that the
blame for this situation should be placed upon ___________." When confronting unacceptable behaviors, wait until observing specific examples and then put everything in writing for
clarity and to eliminate misunderstandings. People with a strong Self-Promotion will not recognize their faults unless a manager provides irrefutable evidence. Without that
evidence, "it becomes everyone else's problem."

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Belief In Others
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Belief In Others 95

General Statement
This person's higher score on the Belief in Others trait indicates a willingness to accept others and trust their intentions without judgment or skepticism. Because they are not
anticipating the worst in others, they maintain a positive attitude, even in difficult situations. However, this general acceptance of others can produce naive expectations and wasted
time trying to help others who will not respond. It should be noted that strengths and weaknesses mentioned in this report are moderated by scores in the lower end of this 61% to
100% range and are more obvious toward the higher end of this trait/range.

People who score in this range are seldom judgmental or skeptical of the intentions of others. Research has found that "people trust people who trust" - most likely because they can
easily "read" their intentions. In personal interviews, individuals explain that it is easier to work with people with a higher Belief in Others because of their positive attitude. Their
trusting nature also creates a positive impact on other team members. Higher trust may also contribute to extraverted behaviors that result in a higher number of warm relationships.
When this higher Belief in Others score is combined with high Recognition Drive and Assertiveness, they are quite outgoing, entertaining, and fun-loving. This person's higher trust
and respect for management and the company's products/services positively impacts loyalty, coach-ability, and the ability to work with others as a team player.

Improvement Opportunities
A higher Belief in Others score helps strengthen interpersonal relationships except in situations that demand scrutiny of other people's intentions. Naive expectations can also be a
problem, especially if this higher Belief in Others score (above 80) is combined with lower scores on the Assertiveness trait (below 20) and higher scores on Compassion (above
80). People can embellish and hide their true intentions. People with this high Belief in Others score may not probe for the truth and may believe the things dishonest people tell
them. This can lead to others taking advantage of their trusting and compassionate nature. This can lead to stress in people's personal life from trying to fix the problems of
irresponsible friends and family members. The stress in their personal life causes them to come to work tired, which leads to low productivity. They may also find it hard to say "No" to
management and team members who take advantage of their willingness to take on job duties for which they do not have time. These behaviors of taking on too much responsibility
eventually lead to the inability to keep a good work-life balance. This is a person who is too trusting, who has too much compassion for irresponsible people and lacks the
assertiveness to say "No". If they are in a position of hiring people, they will most likely give the job to the person who needs it the most rather than the person who is most qualified.

Coaching Recommendations
Coach these people to realize possible negative effects of their higher Belief in Others. It is more of an asset than a liability unless it is coupled with a low Assertiveness and/or high
Compassion. For people who are in positions of authority and their high trust of others leads to their inability to say "No", it may become necessary to micromanage their decisions. If
this person does not quickly respond to developing a realistic trust of others, improved productivity is unlikely. A naive trust of other people occurs when other people make a general
statement that is not backed up with facts. Teach them this question, "Will you please give me an example of that?" This question causes other people, who are prone to embellish,
to further elaborate on their statements, which gives more information on which to make a decision. Teaching them to gather more facts before making a decision should help them
understand the reality that many people lie, and many people often embellish.

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.
Life Coaching Report - Optimism
Nov, 04 2020
for Kyle Houston
0 | | | | 50 | | | | 100

Optimism 5

General Statement
This personality trait describes the person's expectations as they relate to both people and circumstances and answers the question, "Am I in control of my destiny, or are factors
beyond my control dictating my success and failure?" It may also be a measure of one's self-esteem. This trait relates to people's productivity, since it is difficult to rise above the self-
image people have of themselves. It has been said, "If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are absolutely right." Optimism is a measure of whether or not people believe
they can achieve goals. People with lower scores on this Optimism trait face a significant challenge when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude in the face of rejection and
criticism. They may regard setbacks and the intentions of others with skepticism, and this attitude negatively impacts their belief that they can overcome obstacles that they
encounter on a daily basis. Since they believe that circumstances beyond their control are responsible for what happens to them, they can feel that they are not responsible for their
actions. Research has found that optimism can, to some extent, predict success or failure in positions. Since it is a challenge for people to rise above a low self-image of success
they have management must be aware and provide assistance in order to raise the Optimism score.

In positions where extreme discretion is necessary, people who score in this lower range on Optimism show more cautiousness and restraint when making decisions and moving
ahead. This skepticism is more exaggerated when scores on Belief in Others is below 40. Rather than believing there is a silver lining around every situation, they will move slowly
with caution and rely on trusting relationships when making important decisions. Though they will initially be quite skeptical of the intentions of people and management, once others
earn their trust and respect, they can be exceptionally loyal and protective of relationships.

Improvement Opportunities
When people act with skepticism and pessimism, it can have a significant impact on relationships and opportunities. With respect to relationships, their skepticism can cause them to
appear to be more formal and less able to relate to the needs of others, while their pessimism can be interpreted as a negative attitude. Low Optimism may act as a self-fulfilling
prophecy. People who struggle to see a positive future, tend to unknowingly sabotage any chance of success they may have. Their belief that success occurs because of luck and
not hard work can have a negative impact on their work ethic and persistence if success does not come quickly enough. Low Optimism may result in negative emotions when faced
with rejection and criticism. It is important to note that these problems/concerns become more serious if their Optimism score is below 20. Also, when Assertiveness scores are
below 20, this is a strong indication this person may have low self-esteem, which may lead to making slow decisions, and may be the main cause of low productivity.

Coaching Recommendations
If a supervisor does not understand the origin of this low Optimism score, it can negatively impact productivity. First and foremost, make sure the person has early success.
Showing them that they can be successful is the best way to minimize a potentially negative attitude. Since people with this lower Optimism score tend to be externally motivated, it
is important that the supervisor displays enthusiasm and empowers people by having a positive attitude and focusing on the positive attributes of the people and company. Open
and honest communication is also quite important. Put commitments or financial discussions in writing to prevent misunderstandings. If management does not live up to its promises,
people with the lower score will feel their negative attitude has been validated and will no longer share their honest feelings. Find opportunities to say, "I am proud of you for ______."
Be specific in your praise. Genuine praise is the most effective way of raising optimism and self-esteem

Note: The term "selling" or "sales" wherever used in this report is meant to indicate the sale of products, services or even intangibles such as careers to prospective life advisors.

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