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The T-Goooood morning, Thoroughbreds!

To everyone except Ford Tuantie, who puked on my Gucci loafers last night.
Dry cleaning bill notwithstanding, the Alphas’ annual Welcome Week party was a smash
success, surprising to no one.
Here’s a shocking tidbit for all you T fans out there. Word on the street is that Bea has a habit of
sitting in a tree, C-H-E-A-T-I-N-G.
Say it ain’t so! I mean, the cheating I get, but getting caught? Can’t wait to see how Bea turns
this one around. If she isn’t expelled first, that is…
The T

CHAPTER THREE-Teacher’s pet

[Bea is sitting in her kitchen with Zoey, sipping a cappuccino and still absolutely fuming over the
crap Chloe pulled yesterday.]
Bea-The nerve of that girl, I swear! Like I would ever cheat! I’ve been a straight A student my
entire school career, thank you very much.
Zoey-Careful, darling, you’ll get worry lines if you keep making that face. Look, if Chloe is paying
some freshman to doctor transcripts, she’s grasping at straws. The dean’s a smart woman,
she’ll see through it.
Bea-I just didn’t think she’d go after my grades. That’s like…seriously low. And totally unrelated
to the beef between me and Poppy!
[Zoey just shrugs. Super helpful, Zo.]
Zoey-Chloe’s been Poppy’s lapdog since day one. Like, I would honestly believe that Chloe was
born carrying Poppy’s purse in her tiny baby hand. She’ll do whatever it takes to stay in Poppy’s
good graces. As much as I hate to say it, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Bea-Oh, great.
Zoey-This is good! They’re scared of you, Bea. Now just prove to the professors that they have
nothing to worry about!
Bea-Okay…But how am I supposed to do that??
Zoey-Hmm…Oh! Why don’t you talk to Professor Babely about becoming her TA?
Bea-You mean, Ina?
[Bea’s heartbeat starts to quicken as soon as she says her name.]
Zoey-Totally. A professor would never hire a cheat, especially one with the moral compass of
Ina Kingsley. You’ll be back in the dean’s favor, and with Chloe’s big-ass crush on Kingsley, her
head will implode when she finds out.
[Bea glances at her phone, ignoring the seemingly millions of follow requests that have been
pouring in since the party yesterday, and sees that she has a couple hours until class.]
Bea-Then I guess I’ll go talk to Kingsley before class…Thanks for the advice, Zo. Today’s looking
up already.
[Bea dumps the dregs of her cappuccino into the sink and heads to her room to change. Zoey
calls out after her…]
Zoey-Wear something hot! You know, to make a good…scholarly, impression.
[She winks at her, and Bea rolls her eyes before heading into her room.]

[When Bea gets to Ina’s office, the door is already wide open. She peeks in and sees Ina with
her back to the door, peering intently at the bookshelf behind her desk. From this vantage
point, Bea can have a perfect, unobstructed view of her subtle curves and the snug fit of her
skirt across her well-toned ass. She tiptoes across the room until she’s right behind her, getting
a strong whiff of her scent: orange blossoms and cedarwood. Bea’s mind goes reeling back to
that night in the bar, and she suddenly feels a little woozy.]
Bea-Looking for something, Professor?
[Ina stiffens, and Bea can almost feel the tension rippling off of her, feeling it course through
her own body. Ina turns to glance at her over her shoulder. Her gaze flickers toward the still-
open door before taking her in, a full range of emotion flashing across her face before it goes
neutral again.]
[She clears her throat before taking a step away. She slips off her reading glasses, and shuffles
some papers on her desk. Aw, I think you make her nervous, Bea.]
Ina-What can I do for you?
Bea-Actually, the real question is, what can I do for you?
[Ina frowns, folding her arms over her chest.]
Ina-You can answer my question, for starters. And, keep in mind, I’m in no mood for games
[Ouch. Ice cold.]
Bea-Don’t worry, teach, no funny business. I’ve come to offer my services as your TA for the
Ina-Hm. And what makes you think that I need your services? I have limited experience with
your academics, as the semester’s just started. I have no way of knowing if you’re at all capable.
Bea-I’m plenty capable! Which I’ve already proved. I can assure you, I’m just as capable
academically as I am with my tongue. Which, as I’m sure you remember, I’m quite skilled with.
[Ina’s eyes darken, just a little. She clenches her fists at her sides and lets out a shaky breath.]
[Her brow creases, ever so slightly, and Bea thinks she might be about to crack…but then she
clears her throat and straightens up.]
Ina-While there may be some truth in that, it’s simply not possible. I already have a fantastic,
personally-vetted aide in my service. So I appreciate the offer, but I have to say no. Now, if
you’ll excuse me, I’m quite busy.
[That’s it? I’m sorry not sorry, and goodbye? Oh, hell no. She’s not getting rid of Bea that easily.]
Bea-But Professor, I—
Who’s this bitch?-Sorry for the delay, ma’am. I’ve got your coffee and--
[The interruptor stops in the doorway, a cup of takeout coffee in each hand.]
Ina-Ah, Penelope.
[Ina clears her throat and steps away, swiping her glasses off the desk and putting them back
Penelope-Oh, my apologies, Professor. I didn’t mean to interrupt…
Bea-No need to apologize… Just leave. We were kind of in the middle of something, so…
Ina-Actually, we were just about finished.

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