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Brioné LaThrop, Senior Lecturer

School of Business and Social Sciences
International University of Grand Bassam
Route de Bonoua
BP 564 Grand-Bassam
Grand Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire
Phone: (+225) 85 66 2999

November 14, 2020

Honarable Kandia Camara, Minister

National Education, Technical Training

& Vocational Training

2 Plateaux

Quartier Polyclinique Rue K20 lot 1349,

Ilot 139 Abidjan 01 BP 2141

Re: Opening the Doors to Primary Education for All

Dear Minister Camara,

I am writing to express deep concern for the number of children that are still denied
access to primary education in the Ivory Coast. I know that you share this concern and are
striving to eradicate this discrepancy. However, . . . .


Brioné LaThrop

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