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I. Insert a suitable relative pronoun where necessary. If no relative is needed, leave it

out. As there are no commas, you should supply them as well.

1. My friend ........... car I am driving is on holiday.

2. Give the money to ........... needs it most ........... is not an easy decision to make.
3. The performance ........... we listened to on the radio last night was the one ...........
was criticised in the papers.
4. Her aunt .......... has travelled round the world sent her all these postcards .......... is
why she has such a large collection.
5. Don't use 'which' ........... is used for things and animals when writing about
people. ........... your need is 'who' ........... may sometimes be replaced by 'that'.
6. He didn't believe ........... I said ........... annoyed me very much.
7. He wasn't surprised at ........... he saw because I had told him ........... to expect.
8. I did ........... I could ........... wasn't much.
9. He asked a question .......... I answered and then he asked exactly the same question
again, ........... showed that he hadn't been listening.

II. Choose the right pronoun. In some cases both possibilities exist.

1. We're much stronger than THEY / THEM at football.

2. Just between you and ME / I, it's HIM / HE I'm afraid of, not SHE / HER.
3. Which is your friend John? What HE / HIM! I thought he was a big chap like I / ME.
4. Nobody could answer except I / ME.
5. What! I / ME accept a present from THEY / THEM?
6. It was HE / HIM I was talking about.
7. Damned be HE / HIM that first cries 'Hold, enough!' (Shakespeare)
8. Was it WE / US they were talking about? I expect so, since it was WE / US who pushed
the old man in the river. Still, he began the quarrel, not WE / US.
9. I / ME learn shorthand! Not I / ME! I / ME should hate it.
10. What! I / ME angry! Surely it's HE / HIM with the red nose you mean, not I / ME.

III. Choose one of these items to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

all any anyone

anything anywhere each
either every everyone everything everywhere it all
neither no no one none nothing nowhere
some someone something somewhere them all they all

1. I haven't read all of this book but I've read ........... of it. At least I know ...........
about the subject.
2. I haven't read .......... of the last four chapters yet, so I know ........... about them, I'm
3. It is a big book, but we're expected to read ........... during the year. We can't
leave .......... out.
4. A: I can't find my pen ........... I've looked ........... for it.
5. B: But it mast be ........... Where haven't you looked?
A: ...........
6. Has smoking ........... to do with cancer? ........... people believe smoking has ...........
to do with cancer at all. Others feel that it might have ........... to do with it, but they
don't know what.
7. Is ........... of the increase due to better diagnosis? Yes, ........... of it undoubtedly is:
one could not pretend that ........... of it is.
8. ........... doctors insist that ........... should give up smoking. Do you think
that ........... need give it up? I think that ........... people ought to, but not ...........
9. A: Here are two keys. Will ........... of them fit this drawer?
B: No, ........... of them will. There is in fact ........... key for that drawer.
10. ........... man in the village assembled to hear the verdict. ........... came; and the
verdict was announced to ...........

IV. Combine sentences with relatives; use a contact-clause wherever possible.

1. The building is the Finance Ministry. I live opposite it.

2. The old man has died. You were talking to me about him and told me to go and see
3. We ate some fish. They must have been very ancient.
4. Miss Harland had several new friends. All of them were atheists. Her father was the
vicar of Nether Puddling.
5. The statements were all untrue. He made statements concerning his Aunt Tabitha's
strange disappearance.
6. The tree fell on to a party of fishermen. All of them were injured.
7. He repudiated the charge with dignity. His dignity greatly impressed the judge. (Begin,
'The dignity ...')
8. The spoon was stolen form a hotel. He was eating with it.
9. This is the horse. It kicked the policeman. I saw him trying to clear away the crowd.
The crowd had collected to watch a fight. Two men had started the fight.
10. I appreciate the kind words. You have welcomed me with kind words.

V. Write 'a, an, the, or zero -0-', according to which article is required in every blank

Every town has ........... traffic problems. Sometimes ........... individual problem is
caused by ........... bad roads or ........... bad planning, but it is usually due simply
to ........... enormous increase in ........... traffic that has taken place over ........... last
few years. But ........... number of ........... cars, ........... buses and ........... lorries on
our roads has increased so much that many people are talking about ........... impossibility
of ........... controlling it. ........... friend of mine, who is ........... road engineer was
telling me ........... other day that he thought ........... only answer was to build more
roads. I personally think that ........... centre of ........... every large town should be
closed to .......... traffic for at ........... least ........... few hours ........... day, for
example, between ........... lunch and .......... dinner-time, to let ........... people walk
about in ........... safety.

I've never really believed in .......... social progress. I think .......... rich will always
remain rich, and ........... poor will always stay ........... same, too. ........... idealists
have always felt, however, that we should do something to improve ........... condition
of ........... world and of ........... people in it. From ........... India to ........... United
States there are ........... millions of ........... people who haven't got enough ...........
meat to eat. In ........... fact, only ........... last week I was reading ........... article
in ........... newspaper I always take that claimed that at ........... least ........... hundred
and fifty people die of ........... hunger every hour. I think that's ........... little
exaggerated; but even so, if it's only fifty people ........... hour, it makes you think,
doesn't it? But how can we stop this ........... kind of ........... terrible tragedy? I suppose
that ........... financial generosity is .......... good thing; ........... most of us could help
to solve ........... problem I'm talking about by contributing ........... money to ...........
charitable institutions. But it's not only ........... question of ........... money
and ........... good intentions, is it? I think .......... situation is almost impossible, and
there's ........... little we can do to help.

VI. In each of the following sentences the indefinite article has been inserted in
brackets. Explain the difference in meaning the inclusion of the article makes.

1. The businessman attributed his failure to (a) depression.

2. (An) Iron is heavy.
3. The clergyman would like (a) living in Yorkshire.
4. The shop assistant has lost (a) weight.
5. (An) Experience can teach us a useful lesson.

VII. Supply the preposition after the adjectives without referring to the list. Then
check your answers.

1. George is jealous ......... his younger sister.

2. She is well-qualified ........... typing and very efficient ........... her work.
3. We are fortunate ....... having sufficient supplies of fuel ........... the winter.
4. Contrary ........... my expectations, there was no need to be uneasy ........... the
results of the match.
5. I am not familiar ........... his novels and not very keen ........... reading them.
6. I know he is slow ........... understanding but you have to be patient ........... him.
7. It is obvious ........... everyone that he is not responsible ........... this mistake.
8. I think he's quite honest ........... his intentions.
9. He is not only indifferent ........... other people; he is often extremely rude ...........
them as well.
10. I'm not very fond ........... dancing.
11. Children remain dependent ........... their parents for a long time.
12. I should be grateful ........... any advice you can give.
13. He is not different ........... anyone else.
14. He may be quick ........... understanding, but he's not capable ........... remembering
15. He is intent ........... passing the examination, but I'm doubtful ........... his chances.
16. He says he's sorry ........... what he did, so you need not get angry ........... him.
17. I've never been good ........... arithmetic.
18. That boy is far ahead ........... everyone else in the class.
19. Even though he was often cruel ........... his dog, it remained faithful ........... him.
20. Your conclusions are not consistent ........... the facts.

VIII. Supply the preposition after the verbs without referring to the list. Then check
your answers.

1. I drew a lot of money ........... the bank yesterday.

2. I refuse to comment .......... his work.
3. It's no use complaining .......... the cold.
4. The waiter's tip is included ........... the bill.
5. He congratulated me ........... having got engaged.
6. This warm coat will protect you ........... the cold.
7. Did anything emerge ........... your discussion?.
8. I dreamt ........... you last night.
9. You can never rely ........... him to be punctual.
10. Nothing will prevent him ........... succeeding.
11. I suppose I can count ........... you for help ........... this matter.
12. He persisted ........... asking questions.
13. Everyone shared ........... his happiness.
14. My hands smell ........... soap.
15. She prides herself ........... her clean house.
16. We have been corresponding ........... each other for years.
17. How do you account ........... this?.
18. Do you object ........... my smoking?
19. He has some important business to attend ...........
20. Poor Mary! She has so much to cope ...........!
21. His debt now amounts .......... 100 pounds.
22. Just guess ........... the price of the carpet.
23. How long have you been working ........... this exercise?
24. How much did they charge you ........... that?
25. He's never done any work. He lives ........... his mother.
26. I shall certainly act ........... your advice.
27. You should not boast ........... your success.
28. He delights ........... annoying me.
29. We must economize ........... fuel.
30. Children should be prohibited ........... smoking.

IX. Translate the following sentences into English using expressions containing

1. Tiene algo en la cabeza pero no sé lo que es.

2. En el asunto del Concorde, Inglaterra está al lado de Francia.
3. Le felicitamos por su éxito.
4. Se está concentrando para resolver este problema.
5. Siempre se está metiendo en líos.
6. Tenemos que basarnos en lo que dicen.
7. Te lo digo de una vez por todas.
8. Lo quiero para el fin de semana.
9. Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto, vimos que el avión había despegado ya.
10. En la actualidad el precio del petróleo sigue subiendo.
11. Es, con mucho, el mejor jugador del equipo.
12. Se calaron hasta los huesos.
13. No sé por qué, pero esto sabe a pescado.
14. Vive en esta ciudad, en la calle del Puente, n 23.
15. Eres responsable ante mí de la limpieza de esta oficina.
16. Hay que enviar a por el médico.
17. Llegar a tiempo no es lo mismo que ser puntual.
18. Lo sé con seguridad.
19. Estas costumbres son características de las tribus africanas.
20. Dentro de unos minutos quizás hable en televisión.
21. Le castigaron por llegar tarde.
22. Por falta de dinero se fue a pie.
23. Vive a varias millas de aquí.
24. Le robaron todo lo que tenía.
25. El barco llegará un poco antes de las siete.
26. Vamos a dar una vuelta en moto.
27. Dijo que así estaba libre de problemas.
28. De cualquier modo, lo he dicho de broma.
29. Voy a pararme porque huelo a gasolina.
30. Tom nunca descansa cuando duerme.
31. Creo que has sido muy cruel con ella.
32. Fue condenada a cinco años de trabajos forzados.
33. Le conozco de nombre, pero no de vista.
34. Southampton está en Inglaterra, en la costa sur.
35. Con ese avión puede llegar puntual.
36. Prefiero viajar de día.
37. Lo hizo sin ayuda de nadie.
38. Se vino hacia mí como un tigre.
39. Lo tendré terminado para el domingo.
40. Escribe mucho de este tema porque sabe mucho.
41. A los niños les gustaba burlarse del hombre lisiado.
42. Para la primavera volverán otra vez.
43. El autobús iba a toda velocidad cuanto tuvieron el accidente.
44. Le están tirando piedras a tu gato.
45. En el camino nos encontramos varios amigos.
46. Esta receta está compuesta de diversas cosas.
47. Siempre que puede, nos hace una pequeña visita.
48. En conjunto tiene razón. - Al contrario, está pero que muy equivocado.
49. Estuvo soñando con esa historia toda la noche.
50. Paso por delante de la iglesia todos los días.

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