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Jasmine Putrisiena x-5/17

(completed by their photo)


All praises and thanks to Allah SWT the Almighty God, for the blessings and grace
we are still bestowed health and strength so that I can finish this paper with good English.I
compiled this paper based on the data obtained in the group that has been set in such a way
and easy - I hope this paper can be accepted by teachers and all of my friends as well.I made
this report to increase my knowledge about introducing, dialogues, and pronoun.

Definiton of introducing according to the English dictionary

(used with object), in·tro·duced, in·tro·duc·ing.

to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.

to acquaint (two or more persons) with each other personally:Will you introduce us?

to present (a person, product, etc.) to a particular group of individuals or to the general public
for or as iffor the first time by a formal act, announcement, series of recommendations or
events, etc.:to introduce a debutante to society.

I realize that there are still many shortcomings, so I accept any criticism and suggestions
from the reader that is built to perfect the English language paper. Hopefully this English
paper to add insight to readers in the future. I also want to thank my family especially my
mother, sister, and my dad. I also want to thank all of my friends for helping me finishing this
English paper

Surabaya,16 September 2018



Cover..................................................................................................................................... 1

Bio Data .................................................................................................................................2

Preface …………………………………………………………………………………….. . 3

Result of work discussion ….......................................................................................................4

Question and answer..............................................................................................................9



Special thanks.......................................................................................................................13


Result of work discussion (Point A)



Sumarni : Rit, this is my good friend and colleague, Hasan.

Rita : I am pleased to meet you.
Hasan : Pleased to meet you too. Do you and Sumarni know each other long?
Rita : We are friends from college.
Hasan : Oh yeah? Are you from Bandung too?
Rita : No. I am a native Jakartan.
Hasan : Well, it seems like both of us are native Jakartan. Where do you live?
Rita : In Menteng.
Hasan : We are neighbors, then.
Sumarni : Yeah, both of you can do your morning walk together.
Hasan & Rita: Why not?


Fuji             : Assalamualaikum Sarah. 

Sarah       : Walaikumsalam, Fuji    How about our plan to go to market next Sunday?

Fuji             : Of course, we will go together 

Sarah          : But, Fuji...   

Fuji             : But what? 

Sarah         : I will invite my friend too

Fuji           : No problem , tell her if we will go together 

———————on Sunday morning ————————–

Sarah        : Fuji, this is my friend who has been told by me, Yola. Yola this is Fuji 

Fuji           : Good morning, Yola. Nice to see you 

Yola          : Good morning, Fuji . Nice to see you 


Joko: Are you James, Alexander’s brother?

James: Yes, I am. May I know to whom I am speaking to?

Joko: I am Joko, a friend of Alexander

James: Have we met before?

Joko: Yes, Alexander introduced us at his party.

James: I am sorry. I don’t remember. It was quite some time ago.

Joko: That’s ok. Where do you live now?

James: I live in Bali now. I have a travel agent for almost four years now.

Joko: I am glad your business is thriving. I am sorry I have to leave now.  It

is nice to see you again. Could you please say hello for him from me?

James:  I will. Thank you


Budi : Good morning. I’m Budi. Haven’t we met before?
Desi : I don’t think so.Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Desi.
Budi : Hi, Desi. How do you do?.
Desi : I am a student. Do you stay around here?
Budi : Yeah. I stay in the Uptown Apartment on fifth Avenue.
Desi : That’s great. I also stay there on eleventh floor.
Budi : Mine on tenth floor.

Desi : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday?

Budi : Well. I went to Bali. It’s a wonderful place with beautiful beaches and sceneries.
Desi : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there?
Budi : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great
vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played football and sand with my
Desi : What else did you do there?
Budi : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a great
experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there. The next day, my
family and I went to a place which was full of monkeys called “Alas Kedaton”. Actually I
was a litle bit afraid when I was in “Alas Kedaton”, but my father convinced me that it would
be fine. He was right, there I took some pictures with them and they were friendly. After that,
we moved to the most amazing and beautiful place I have ever visited called “Garuda Wisnu
Kencana (GWK)”. That place was so wide. The statue that built there was very big and nice. I
was wondering how could they built such a nice place. Of course, my family and I did not
want to miss such an excellent place to take our pictures. When we were taking pictures, we
heard a music that came from somewhere. Then, we found the place from where the music
came from. It came from a nice place, it was look like an auditorium. There was showed
traditional Balinese dance. That was very great to see such a dance. Because the day already
turned dark, we went back to the hotel.
Desi : What did you do before you left Bali?
Budi : On the last day, I went to the merch shops and bought some stuffs there. I bought
shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy a surfing
board because it was too expensive.
Desi: Well, it’s nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday.

Budi : Sorry, I have to get going.

Desi : See you then. Good bye.
Budi : Good bye


Today is the first day at school for Dian. She meets Rian. Then, they introduce each other.
Dian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dian.

Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian. Nice to meet you.
Dian : Nice to meet you too. We are in the same class, right? I saw your name in the
students’ list of my class.

Rian : Yeah, right. By the way, what book is that?

Dian : This is a book about cooking
Rian : Oh, so you like cooking? I like cooking too.
Dian : Really? Good, so I have a friend to share with. Anyway, I must go now. Bye.
Rian : Bye. Take care


1. Where did budi go to on the last holiday? (dialogue 4)
- Budi and his family went to Bali

2. Does Dian like cooking? (dialogue 5)
- Yes, she does
3. What book is that about? (dialogue 5)
- A book about cooking
4. Are Dian and Rian in the same class? (dialogue 5)
- Yes, they are
5. Where does James live now? (dialogue 3)
- James live in Bali
6. Do Rita and Hasan know each other long? (dialogue 1)
Yes, they are friends from college
7. Who is Alexander’s brother? (dialogue 3)
- James
8. Where does she come from? (dialogue 1)
- Native Jakarta
9. Are they (Desi and Budi) neighbors? (dialogue 4)
- Yes, they are
10. Who is Fuji? (dialogue 2)
- Sarah’s friend

Subject pronoun

1. I am pleased to meet you. (dialogue 1)

2. Of course, we will go together. (dialogue 2)
3. He was right, there I took some pictures with them and they were friendly. (dialogue
4. It was a great experience. (dialogue 4)
5. Yeah, both of you could do your morning walk together. (dialogue 1)
6. She meets Rian. (dialogue 5)

Objective pronoun

1. let me introduce myself. (dialogue 4)

2. Could you please say hello for him from me?. (dialogue 3)
3. it was look like an auditorium. (dialogue 4)
4. Alexander introduced us at his party.(dialogue 3)

Possesive adjective pronoun

1. Alexander introduced us at his party. (dialogue 3)

2. I saw your name in the students’ list of my class. (dialogue 5)
3. Well, it’s nice to hear your story. (dialogue 4)
4. How about our planning to go to market next Sunday ?.(dialogue 2)
5. No problem , tell her if we will go together. (dialogue 2)

Posessive pronoun

1. Mine’s on tenth floor. (dialogue 4)

Reflexsive pronoun

1. let me introduce myself. ( dialogue 4)

Simple present tenses

1. We are neighbors. (dialogue 1)

2. I am a student. (dialogue 4)
3. I stay in the Uptown Apartment on fifth Avenue. (dialogue 4)

Simple past tenses

1. The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. (dialogue 4)
2. I went to the merchBudise shops and bought some stuffs there. (dialogue 4)
3. Alexander introduced us at his party.(dialogue 3)

Past continous tenses

1. When we were taking pictures, we heard a music that came from somewhere.
(dialogue 4)
2. I was wondering how could they bulit such a nice place. (dialogue 4)

Future tenses

1. No problem , tell her if we will go together (dialogue 1)

Benefit From This Paper

This is a paper about introduction and pronoun. It is chosen because I want

people know about introduction, pronoun, and how to write a dialogue in English with

the right grammar. Because it is important for the future. English need to have the
support of all those who care about the world of education.

Special thanks to my lovely teacher

Dear Mrs. Sri Rahayu Prihatini, S.Pd
We feel so lucky to have been taught by you as a teacher this year.
You’ve helped us get organized,motivated, and above it all, interested in
learning. Therefore, we say thank you. If in the process of your teaching
to us, we might make some mistakes, please forgive us, because nobody
in this world is free from mistakes. I hope Allah S.W.T bless you, and
give you happiness and health so that you can teach us and help us
become the next generation of our beloved country Indonesia and can
make SMAN 5 Surabaya proud.

Best regards


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