NEW HW Class 29

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Here are two activities about this short story. Deadline:Friday, October 2nd.

Activity 1: Choose 10 new interesting expressions from "The Emissary" and use them in
sentences or mini dialogs.

Activity 2: Writing Task: Narrative. (350 words min.)

There were two versions of this story, I think this is the original but I am not sure.

- I broke my brother’s computer.
- Oh no, he will be spitting mad.
2 My dog can answer yes or no questions by thumping his tail.
3 The school stood empty as all children were in their homes due to the pandemic
4 There is nothing better than the dreamy echo of your voice as you go through the corridors
to come home.
5 It was so hot that I flung myself into the lake.
6 She thought I was her carry-all. I am a human being and I deserve to be treated with
7 Fiddlesticks I said, how could I ever accept such a terrible deal. I am not stupid and I
know when someone is trying to take advantage of me
8 farmers used to work from dawn till dusk it was the only way
9 I think I saw your ex last night, he was wandering near your old apartment
- Ugh, that disgusting ruffian, I am not surprised to hear that he is prowling my old
apartment, after all, he never got over me.
10 Have you seen the movie of the evil clown?
- mm, I don't think so, what are you talking about?
- Yes you must have, the one with the clown that lived in the culvert and stole a child's
- ahhh yes, IT
"A Message that Changed my Life"

Ten years had passed since that awful night, now Martin was a young adult and had
regained his good health. There was no need for an emissary for he was welcomed into the
world once again. It was Autumn, a beautiful hazel dance of thousands of decaying leaves.
As if the trees were waving goodbye till their luscious green comes once again. Martin,
still living in the same house, in the same room, under the same dashing stars.

Autumn brought mixed feelings for young Martin, he used to love it but since his dog’s
disappearance that dreadful night, it was not the same anymore. Although that night had
somehow been erased from his memory, he knew that something important must have
happened. Later that night, the neighbours called the police because they heard a scream
coming from the house. They found the ill boy lying on the floor covered in decomposing and
fetid soil with a terrible head injury. He only remembered one thing, the sound of his dog
paws running up the stairs and his claws clacking in the floorboards.

But this time was different, now in the tenth anniversary of that night, he received a message
saying: “you must avenge me Martin”. Martin was puzzled but couldn’t help to think his dog
had somehow written that message. He felt eager to finally uncover what had happened,
there was no hope of recovering his old friend. But in order to find peace, he must know the
whole story. He knew one thing for sure, his dog must have gotten the soil from Miss
Tarkin's garden, and so he went to her house and inspected the garden for clues. After ten
years, anything connecting his dog disappearance with his welcoming neighbour would be

However, he did find something, the metal of his dog tag had somehow got stuck in the
fence near a depression on the ground. He was decided and bided his time until it was the
witching hour. Covered by night’s veil he began digging, as his dog once used to do, a skull
he unearthed, a HUMAN skull. Panic filled his eyes and could just run until he reached the
police station.

It seems that Miss Tarkin was not so innocent after all, she had killed her husband and
buried it in the backyard. What could have motivated her to do such an unthinkable act?
Only she knew. When she was held for questioning, she confessed to having initially
kidnapped the dog in order to kill it. But soon she grew fond of him, and couldn’t bear to do
so. Until he escaped and came running to his beloved owner, so she realised she had to do
something about it. The dog had managed to open the door so she followed him and lurked
behind them hugging - the last thing Martin saw was her face. In a sea of tears, she
confessed having killed the emissary and profusely apologised for ever harming them. It
turns out that the guilt had gotten the best of her and felt compelled to send the message.

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