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Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616


Project-based Learning
The Iliad by Homer
By: Jade Kathleen A. Dolor

The story of Fall of Troy was one of the major and famous epics of Roman
Literature. It was written by Homer. On this selection, the students will explore the
Roman Literature and where does the Fall of Troy root. Moreover, on this selection,
the students will learn the value of making decision through a situational sample
elicited from authentic activities.
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students are expected to:
• Characterize Homer as an author of The Iliad.
• Identify the main characters from the selection.
• Recognize the important events that happened in The Iliad.
• Explain the possible reason of the author for using horse as a subject.
• Anticipate to the events might happen if Trojans does not take the wooden
horse inside the city of Troy
• Give value the importance of making a right decision in life.
• Design a strategic plan to conquer the Troy.

II. Learning Content

Topic: The Iliad by Homer
Materials: Visual aids, PPT Presentation, Video, Board and Marker.
III. Methodology
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and Let us pray the
Prayer of Academic Thanksgiving:
Lord God, Thank you for this
opportunity to learn new skills and
stretch my understanding.
Thank you for guiding me through this
time of study into the final exams.
I lay before you all the hopes and fears
I have about the outcome.
May you place a peace within me now
as I rest and await the results.
Thank you that I am safely held in your
love. Thank you that whatever happens
in the future I will live in your goodness
and walk with you always.

2. Greetings
A joyful morning class!
Please do arrange your chairs before
settling down.

3. Checking of Attendance
Are you all complete? Is there any
absentee today?

B. Activity
Before we proceed to our main
discussion, let us watch this video first.
This video is about love and I think
many of you already watch this video.
After you watch it, I have several
questions to ask about it. The video will
be play. It is about loving

C. Analysis
Was the video touching or it feels hurt? Students’ response may vary.

What does the video portray? The video is about loving

unconditionally. It encourages us to
love without conditions.

Would you do the same if you are in the Students’ response may vary.
shoe of the man or the best friend of the
girl from the video?

For today’s lesson this video is relative

to the selection we will discuss about.
Do you hear the story of Troy or do you
watch the movie Troy? Students’ response may vary.

The selection we are going to discuss

today is about a beautiful girl who
abducted by a prince that commence
the war between Greeks and Trojans.
It was a quite love triangle however, the
husband of the girl from this story does
not the same as the man we watch
from the video earlier. Let us see why
they are different and why there is war
between Greeks and Trojans.

I have told you yesterday to read about

The Iliad and its author kindly get your
notes and let us share it to the class.

D. Abstraction
I will utilize PPT presentation to discuss
the lesson.

The title of our story for today is The


Let us familiarize first about the Iliad

and its author.

Again, what the story of Iliad tells us? It is about the story the Fall of Troy. A
war between the Greeks and the

Correct, it tells the story of the last year

of the Trojan War fought between the
city of Troy and the Greeks.

An epic poem that consists 15,693

lines of verse, the Iliad has been hailed
as the greatest epic of Western
civilization It is estimated that the Iliad
was written around 8th century BC

Who is the presumed author of The Homer is the author of The Iliad. He is
Iliad? Would you like to share about considered as one of the greatest
him? Greek epic poets.

He revered as the greatest Greek epic

poets. The conditions of Homer’s poem
reveal his unwavering commitment to

Why Homer’s poem considered has Most of Homer’s poems is relative to

unwavering commitment to humanity? the living of humankind. His selections
are more often focus on the humanity

Very good, he had a universal view of

mankind, as his unbiased portrayal of
the Greeks and Trojans shows in the

Let us enumerate the main characters

from the story. I have here the list of the
characters in the story. Give a short
description of them based on the

(Greeks) Achilles is the greatest warrior of the

• Achilles Greeks.

Agamemnon is the general of the

• Agamemnon Greek armies.

King Menelaus is the king of Sparta

• Menelaus and the husband of Helen.

Helen is described as the most

• Helen beautiful woman in the world. She was
abducted by Paris bringing her to Troy.

Odysseus is a Greek hero noted for his

• Odysseus intelligence.

(Trojans) Priam is the King of Troy during the

• Priam Iliad and father of Paris.

Hecuba is the Queen of Troy and the

• Hecuba wife of Priam.

Hector is the greatest warrior of Troy.

He is one of the sons of Priam.
• Hector
Paris is the one who took Helen from
King Menelaus.
• Paris

Who are the gods and goddesses who

They are Zeus, Hera, Athena,
played a role in the story?
Poseidon, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite.
There were several gods who played a
role in the story including many of the
Olympians such as Zeus, Hera,
Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, and Ares.
On the side of the Trojans are Apollo,
Aphrodite, and Ares. On the side of the
Greeks are Poseidon, Hera, and
Athena. Zeus tries to remain neutral.

Fasten your seatbelts now because we

will go to the past as we anticipate the
tragic and chaos war between the
Greeks and the Trojans. Are you ready
Yes, Ma’am.
and excited?

I will use a visual aids to present the

sequence of events of the selection but
the teacher will ask some questions
about each area. It contains the
• The beginning of the Iliad.
• The beginning of the war.
• The Fall of Troy

How the story started, may you share it The story began as a result of events
to the class? that took place wedding many years
earlier. Paris was asked by Zeus to
choose among the three goddesses
who is the fairest of them all.
That is right, the Trojan War began as
a result of events that took place at a
wedding many years earlier. Paris, the
handsomest man in all of the known
world, was asked by Zeus to judge a
divine “beauty contest” of sorts. A
golden apple would be given to the
most beautiful goddess

Who are these three goddesses? Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena.

Each of the goddesses has its offer to Hera to make Paris ruler of Europe and
Paris, what are those? Asia. Athena offered to let him lead
Troy in a victory over the Greeks.
Aphrodite offered him the most
beautiful woman in the world.

Among all the offers from the three Paris chooses Aphrodite offer.
goddesses, what do you think Paris will

Correct, Paris chooses Aphrodite’s

offer. She helped him to steal Helen
from her husband’s home and whisk
her away to Troy.

This event commence the war between

the Troy and the Spartan.

Menelaus launched 1,000 ships –

commanded by Greek kings and their
armies – to get Helen back. Thus, the
Trojan War began.

Do you notice the difference of the The man from the video love the girl
character Menelaus from the man from without any condition. He does not
the video we watched earlier? What it even expect the girl to love him. To
could be? compare it to Menelaus, he does not
accept the fact the Helen chooses to
leave him.

The man from the video, continue

loving the girl even the girl opts to love
other man. But Menelaus is not like the
man because he even declares a war
for him to get Helen back.
So, where does the problem rooted? The problem occurs because Paris
abduct Helen and bring her to the Troy.

How does Menelaus prepare for the He gathered the troops and army to
war? combat the city of Troy.

King Menelaus called on all those who

were loyal to him. They gathered a
huge army and built a thousand ships
to carry the army to Troy.

Helen of Sparta became Helen of Troy.

The battle raged for 10 years

A prophet predicted that Troy could be

only captured only with the help of
Knowing of the prophecy, and worried
that her son would be killed in a war,
Achilles mother dipped him in the river
of Sytx to make him immortal.

What part of the body does the

weakness of Achilles could be found? In the heel, Ma’am.

What do you think are your

weaknesses? Can you share it to our Students’ response may vary.

Knowing our weakness/weaknesses, is

like we have self-awareness within
ourselves. Strive to make your
weaknesses a strength. Remember to
always have a room for improvement
because allowing this weaknesses are
okay but do not let it make you box or
refrain on doing what you need or what
you want in life.

Continuing our journey, does Achilles No Ma’am, he refused to involve

agree to help Menelaus to fight against himself in the war, but he allowed
the Troy? Patroclus to fight in his place.

During the war, Achilles refused to

fight, and returned home in a pout. All
of the rewards the Greeks had to offer
could not entice him to return to battle;
however, he allowed his best friend –
Patroclus – to fight in his place.

When Achilles received word that his

friend Patroclus was killed by Hector,
he returned to battle, swearing revenge
on Hector. He killed Hector and
dragged his body behind a chariot to
further dishonor him.
Is Achilles dies in the story? Yes Ma’am, Paris killed him with the
help of god Apollo.
That is right, Paris, aided by Apollo,
wounded Achilles in the heel with an
arrow Achilles, died of the wound.

Then, what happened next? The Gods decided to help end the war.
Athena whisper a strategic plan to
conquer the Troy through Odysseus.

That is right, Athena tells Odysseus to

build a huge horse of wood.

This is what the wooden horse looks

like. The picture below will present to
the class.

The wooden horse was found by the

Trojans at the beachside where the
Greek camp stayed in.

What do you think do the Trojans Trojans thought that the wooden horse
thought about the wooden horse after is an offering to the goddess Athena,
they see it? meant to ensure a safe journey home
for the Greek fleet.

Did someone disagree to take the Yes, Ma’am. It was Paris who disprove
wooden horse inside the city of Troy? about the idea of taking the wooden
horse in the Troy because he assumes
that this is a strategic plan by the

Correct, the Trojans believed the trick.

They had a huge banquet to celebrate
the end of the war.

Why do you think they had a Trojans believed that Greek’s fleet left
celebration? the Troy, and they won the war.

How the Spartans will conquer the Some of the Spartans hid themselves
Trojans through the wooden horse? inside of the horse. They will plan to
attack the Troy at night where everyone
is asleep and drunk because they
assumed, they won so they conduct a

Very good, the city was invaded by the

army that night. Trojans are drunk so
they were unable to fight back. The
Spartans destroy and burn the city.
Yes ma’am, with the help of Aphrodite.
Does Helen capture by the Spartans? She saves Helen from the destruction
of Troy.

That is right, King Menelaus accepts

Helen back and the Warriors can now
return home. There is a sequel of this
story it was the Odyssey where it tells
about the adventure way back to the
Greece of the Spartans. But for now, let
us focus first to the Iliad.

That ends the story of The Iliad. If you

have noticed, the decision made by the
Trojans to take the wooden horse
inside the city resulted a chaos that
lead their life at risk. As seen in the
selection, making a decision is not easy
it could be either lead you to a great
solution or a chaos result. Life is full of
making decision. Everything happened
to you is the result of your decision.

Do you have questions, any None, Ma’am.


E. Application

From the selection we have seen the

strategic plan of Spartan where they
use the wooden horse to enter the city
of Troy. Now, imagine you are a
Spartan, and you need to think a
strategic plan without the help of
Athena. The class will be divided into 4
groups. Each group will present the
strategic plan in the class next meeting.
Your plan will be graded according to
this rubric:

• Possibility - 10 pts
• Construction of ideas - 10 pts

20 pts
Are the instructions clear? Yes, ma’am.

IV. Generalization
I have here a “Drawer of Troy”. It has
five drawers where inside of each
drawer there is a question that you
need to answer. If you would like to
answer just raise your hand. You may
choose what drawer you would like to
• What are the names of the three The three goddesses are Aphrodite,
goddesses who would like to Hera, Athena.
receive the golden apple?

• Why King Menelaus declare a King Menelaus is angry because Paris

battle to the city of Troy? abducted his wife, Helen. He wants to
bring Helen of Spartan back on his
• What material does the horse
It is made of wood.
made of by Spartans?

• Who is the presumed author of He is Homer.

The Iliad?

• Who is the god who helps Paris He is Apollo.

to kill Achilles?

V. Valuing
At this point, I want you to listen carefully and anticipate in the situation of the content
I am going to read. After I read the text, I would like to hear some of your possible
solutions or decision you want to suggest to our friend who needs our help. (The
teacher will relate the text to the decision making that is seen in the lesson when the
Trojan opted to accept the wooden horse after the students share their insights. The
text will be read is written below.)
Richard’s brother dies, Richard is asked to take custody of the brother’s small
daughters. Richard loves his nieces and feels a responsibility to take care of them but
Richard’s spouse name Anne, who has never wanted children, disagrees. It seems
that Richard will have to choose between the children and his marriage. What shall he
If you are in the position of Richard, what decision will you make? Richard also placed
in a difficult situation similar on what Trojans experienced. It was seen when they are
making decision regarding if they will let in the wooden horse inside the city of Troy.
We all know that the decision they made, resulted in the fall of Troy. In real life, every
day we face decision making and deciding is really hard to do but remember that in
making decisions, you should weight the both sides, for you to make sure you opt the
right decision.
VI. Evaluation
A. Identify the following.
1. A hero who consider as the greatest hero of Greece. (Achilles)
2. The god who remain neutral during the battle. (Zeus)
3. Who are the three goddesses who yearns to receive the golden apple? (Hera,
Athena, Aphrodite)
4. Who help Paris to kills Achilles? (Aphrodite)
5. What part of the body does the weakness of Achilles could be found? (heel)

B. Answer the question in not more than five sentences. (5 points)

The Iliad could describe as “life is a battle.” Do you agree with that
description? What does this mean in our real life?

VII. Assignment
Directions: Create a slogan regarding making decision between two things. Present it on
a short bond paper. Be guided by the rubrics below:
Content………………………. 10 points
Neatness…………………….. 5 points
Relevance to the topic……… 5 points
Total 20 points

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