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Jade Kathleen A.

BSED III English

Provide one example for the following.

1. Value Integration Technique

 I will read a text carefully to my students and instruct them they need to anticipate in
the context of the content I will read. The text I am going to read is a situation
wherein the character needs to decide. In this, they will learn to weight both sides
whenever they make a decision. Below is the text I am going to read to my students:
Richard’s brother dies, Richard is asked to take custody of the brother’s
small daughters. Richard loves his nieces and feels a responsibility to take care of
them but Richard’s spouse name Anne, who has never wanted children, disagrees. It
seems that Richard will have to choose between the children and his marriage. What
shall he do?
After I read the text, student’s response may vary in answering these following
a. If you are in the position of Richard, what decision will you make?
b. How can you sure that your decision you made is right?
c. Are you sure you would not regret your decision at the end?
2. Provocative Statement

 “Women are not meant to be loved, adored, and respected.” In this statement
students may express their thoughts or insights regarding this text. Their response
may disagree on the statement and that’s what I expect from them because I want to
establish and enlighten them that it is wrong to note respect women. They should
value women around them specially respect every woman in their lives.
3. Value Clarifying Question

 What insights do these times reveal about your life purpose?

 What values were seen in the selection that we could apply it in real life?
 Could it possible to value suffering even if it causes us pain?
4. Rank Ordering

 Rank the following according to its price?

o Food
o Bag
o Clothes
o Gadgets
o Shoes
o Jewelry

5. Picture without a caption

Students will explain or express their perceptions regarding on the picture presented.

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