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Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616


Exercise #2 - LESSON 4
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino: A Social-Cultural Issue

Answer the following:

1. List the strengths of the Filipino then in a phrase or clause, explain when that
strength becomes a weakness.
Strength It becomes a weakness when
1. Pakikipagkapwa tao When the person driven by his own
interest and he thinks like this phrase "If I
can't have it, neither can you" then the
person contradicts the idea of
pakikipagkapwa tao.
2. Family Orientation When the person is too detriment and
extreme in group concern rather than
have concern with the common good for
the larger community and nation.
3. Joy and Humor When the person is insensible and not
recognizing that there is a serious
situation this lead in lack of self-reflection
and analysis
4. Flexibility, Adaptability and When the person has a trait of “matiisin”
Creativity they tend to easily be oppressed and
exploited by the authorities as well they
tend to be passive rather than to be
5. Hard work and Industry When the person is consciously
complacent on the things, he has rather
than to have willingness to strive more.
6. Faith and Religiosity When the person is too dependent on the
driving force comes from the outside of
ourselves and too reliant in saying
“bahala na” rather than to take an
initiative and do an active action or
7. Ability to Survive When the person lacks with self-
reflection and coping mechanism in facing
difficult challenges.

2. In line with the government’s austerity program, DepEd reiterates the following
a. Graduation rites should be simple but meaningful to encourage civil rights, a
sense of community and personal responsibility. While these rites mark a
milestone in the life of the learners, these should be conducted without
excessive spending, extravagant attire or extraordinary venue;
b. Moving Up or Completion Ceremonies should be simple, involving only the
learners, their parents and the school; and
M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City 4200, Philippines
St. Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616
c. Senior promenade and other school events should not be imposed as
requirements for graduation or completion. (DO #02, s. 2019)
Which of the weaknesses of the Filipino does this DepEd Order wish to help
eliminate? Explain.

As I contemplate the DepEd policies presented, I think they trying to eliminate the
“kanya-kanya syndrome” in Filipinos. When we say kanya-kanya syndrome it is a negative
attitude which it generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness to gain some status or
prestige. It makes a barrier to the individuals to cooperate and to have community spirit
because having this mentality drives the person to have interest reign supreme. Perhaps,
what DepEd is trying to aim with these policies is to get rid of the begrudge and
competitiveness among Filipinos. Having a simple formal event in schools will be also
practical because not all families are capable to pay high amount of money to the events
mentioned like graduation, moving up, and senior promenade. This program ordered to
help families who have insufficient access in education as well to make education
affordable and accessible. Aside from that, it will also maintain the sense the community
spirit among individuals in preparing the venue and the event. In my previous school,
teachers and students collaborate interactively in designing and preparing the venue. This
will increase the community spirit as well to enrich the interpersonal relationship among
individuals within the community. To eliminate the insensitive mentality is the aim of this
program, and I am favor with this program because having a simple, yet formal event is still
an event that will give us good memories and it will stay in our heart and memory.

3. Research on DepEd Orders on value education and value integration. Mention the
DepEd Order No., series of what year (eg. DepEd Order No. 02, s. of 2020 entitled…)
then describe what the order is all about. You can mention important part of the
order pertaining to values education and value integration.

DepEd Order No. 41, s. of 2003 entitled Values Education in the Basic Education Curriculum
DepEd Order No. 41, s. of 2003 entitled Values Education in the Basic Education
Curriculum is an order from Department of Education which it ensure the integration of
values education in the curriculum of Basic Education. This encompasses that the subject
area teacher should integrate values development in each subject area they teach.
Furthermore, through this order, the teacher will be guided how he/she can reinforce
efforts in developing a desirable values among students. To ensure the effectiveness of the
implementation of this order, it gives some provisions and limitations shall be observed by
the teachers, these are some of it: not forcing the values integration if it is not relevant to
the lesson; teachers shall have a collaborative planning with other teacher to integrate the
values to the subject area they teach; and others. Through this DepEd order, it will
guarantee that each teacher integrate a desirable values among the students.
The weaknesses of Filipinos that DepEd is trying to eliminate are the extreme
personalism and lack of self-analysis and self-reflection. Through integrating values
development among the subject areas of students, the students will prevent in having a
egocentric view of the world wherein through the values imparted by the teachers, they’ll
able to look on themselves objectively and capable to orient themselves and have a great
empathy toward other people. Thoroughly merge the moral values in the subject areas of
the curriculum, the learners will learn to recognize the steer of their course in life. Another

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City 4200, Philippines
St. Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616
weakness is lack of self-analysis and self-reflection. One of the goals of 21 st century
education is to provide meaningful learnings to students by incorporating values and
personal development in the subject areas of the curriculum. Values education is essential
in the personal development of the students. Enlightening the students regarding the
significance of moral values to their future workplace will be a great factor to instruct and
establish these values. Through the enlightenment done by the teachers, students will
develop an authentic purpose and reflection regarding the necessity of these values to
themselves. To conclude, integrating the values development in the subject areas of the
curriculum could create a connection among the communities as well concern to the whole

Republic Act (RA) 11476, Good Manners and Right Conduct and Values Education Act
According to the new law, "GMRC shall be taught from Grade 1 to 6 as a separate subject
with the same time allotment as other subjects, and shall be integrated in the daily learning
activities in the kindergarten level." For Grades 7 to 10, Values Education will be taught as
a separate subject with the same time allotment as other core subjects. Meanwhile, it will
be integrated into the teaching of subjects for Grades 11 and 12. GMRC was removed as a
regular subject when K-12 curriculum was implemented in 2013. This was only integrated
in other subjects.
The RA 11476, Good Manners and Right Conduct and Values Education Act is a new
law which it mandates by DepEd, aiming to provide an appropriate training for teachers on
GMRC and Values Education for them to develop their capacity to teach the subject. This
law replace the existing ESP or Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao subject. Furthermore, the new
law strengthens learners’ character development and values formation under the basic
education system.
The weakness of Filipino trying to eliminate this law is the colonial mentality. When
we describe colonial mentality it means lack of patriotism or an active awareness,
appreciation, and love of the Philippines. This law promotes to inculcate the core values of
DepEd which are, Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa. These core
values should integrate by the teachers to the subject areas they teach. However, they
should keep in mind that the values should integrate to the subject seamlessly. Through the
tenets of good manners and right conduct, students will develop caring for oneself, concern
for others, respect other people, upholding discipline and order, and cultivating honesty,
and above all love for country. To conclude, developing the character development through
the values education according to this law, the learners could create a sense of patriotism
and prevent alienation

Can these DepEd Orders disprove that the Philippine educational system is more form than
substance as claimed in Sen. Shahani’s report?

Yes, through these DepEd orders it disprove that our current education system
inclined with the form. Our educational system is not only aiming for honing the academic
skills of the students but as well intrinsically aligned with the core values of the DepEd such
as Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa. Through these orders, teachers
could obtain and integrate values formation on each subject fields. These orders are a
fundamental core for teachers for them to be guided accordingly to the principles provided

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City 4200, Philippines
St. Bridget College
Batangas City, Philippines
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616
from the orders. Teachers form valuable lesson from each lesson they teach to make the
learning and teaching substance and meaningful. Our educational systems transverse to
make each learning substantial for the students to be equip not only by educational skills
but as well honorable values.

4. In the Senior High Curriculum there is no subject with the course title Values
Education or Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, but values are integrated/imbedded in
the subjects Philosophy of the Human Person and Personality Development. Identify
specific topics/concepts from those subjects that address to help eliminate the
weaknesses of the Filipino character.

The courses Philosophy of the Human Person and Personality Development are subjects
offered in Senior High Curriculum. These two courses offer values integration among
Senior High students however, these courses offer a critical and analytical reflection from
perspective of a holistic and profound vision of life. In the course Philosophy of Human
Person, students will acquire regarding themselves as well intersubjectivity wherein the
learners will understand the intersubjective human relations. Through this course, the
students could develop a converse relationship not only with themselves but as well with
other individuals. This would weaken the Filipino trait of extreme personalism. Another
course that developing and integrating the students in the values formation is the
Personality Development. This course covers the development of oneself as well building
and maintaining relationship and career development. I observe that this does not only
focus on the development of oneself but as well it expands on the other factors that one
individual interacts with in his daily living. Through the topics from this course, it could
weaken the absence of self-analysis and self-reflection by using and exploring specific
themes in their development. Personal reflections and sharing will help to articulate
relevant concepts furthermore, to incorporate the values from each lesson to make the
students ready for their future fields.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City 4200, Philippines

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