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The only plant pathogen belonging to

animal kingdom
a. aphids c. nematodes
b. earthworms d. mole crickets
2. This nematode is known as the root
knot nematode and is considered as
the most destructive to worldwide
a. Meloidogyne c. Trichodorus
b. Xiphinema d. Radopholus
3. This nematode is known as the
burrowing nematode and is a major
parasite of bananas and plantains
causing the “toppling disease”.
a. Meloidogyne incognita
c. Trichodorus primitivus
b. Xiphinema index
d. Radopholus similis
4. Some nematodes are able to transmit
plant viruses. What role do these
nematodes play in disease
a. Incitants c. Pathogens
b. Vectors d. Parasites
5. Some nematodes alter host physiology,
rendering a resistant crop susceptible
to invasion of fungal or bacterial
pathogens. What role do these
nematodes play in disease
a. Incitants c. Pathogens
b. Vectors d. Parasites
6. For annual crops, the maximum
number of nematode parasites can be
recovered during
a. Fallow period
b. Vegetative stage
c. Flowering Stage
d. Near harvest stage
7. This is the outer non-cellular layer
covering the nematode body and is
shed-off during molting.
a. exoskeleton c. endoskeleton
b. skin d. cuticle
8. This/these feeding structure/s
distinguish/es plant parasitic from
non-plant parasitic nematodes.
a. stylet c. mural tooth
b. denticles d. all of the above
9. For root knot and cyst nematodes, this
is also known as the infective stage
a. adult female
b. 1st stage juvenile
c. 2nd stage juvenile
d. 4th stage juvenile
10. Where are the eggs of root-knot
nematode deposited?
a. inside body of females
b. outside the root
c. in a gelatinous matrix
d. migration path
11. What is the typical life cycle of
Meloidogyne incognita?
a. migratory ectoparasite
b. migratory endoparasite
c. sedentary ectoparasite
d. sedentary endoparasite
12. Which of the following root symptoms
should raise suspicion of a nematode
a. galls or swelling
b. leaf spot
c. wilting
d. chlorosis
13. Which of the following is not typical of
nematode injury to plants?
a. mechanical damage to cells
b. virus transmission
c. death of plants
d. death of cells
14. Plant parasitic nematodes are
diagnosed by examining
a. soil and root
c. fruit
b. leaves
d. stems
15. The typical number of juvenile stages
in the life cycle of a nematode is
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
16. Nematodes which produce eggs that
hatch after being laid are called
a. parthenogenetic c. oviparous
b. hermaphroditic d. ovoviviparous
17. Nematode species which require the
presence of both females and males
for reproduction to occur are called
a. amphimictic c. hermaphroditic
b. parthenogenetic d. ovoviviparous
18. Process of reproducing from eggs
without fertilization by sperm cells is
a. amphimictic c. hermaphroditic
b. parthenogenetic d. oviparous
19. Possessing both functional male and
female reproductive organs is
a. amphimictic c. hermaphroditic
b. parthenogenetic d. none of the
20. In some genera of plant parasitic
nematodes like Meloidogyne, Globodera,
Heterodera, etc., males and females have
entirely different morphology. How is this
phenomenon called?
a. sexual degeneration
b. sexual diversity
c. sexual mutation
d. sexual dimorphism
21. If juveniles and adults are motile and
outside of roots during all life cycle
stages a plant parasitic nematode is a
a. migratory ectoparasite
b. direct parasite
c. migratory endoparasite
d. indirect parasite
22. If juveniles and adults are motile
during all life cycle stages but may be
either within or inside roots, a plant
parasitic nematode is a /an
a. migratory ectoparasite
b. direct parasite
c. migratory endoparasite
d. indirect parasite
23. If an infective stage juvenile enters a
root, takes up a feeding site and
remains at that site a plant parasitic
nematode is a /an
a. direct parasite
b. sedentary endoparasite
c. indirect parasite
d. sedentary ectoparasite
24. Education, quarantine, using certified
planting materials, checking suspect
materials before planting, and
cleaning equipment, are examples of
this type of management of plant
parasitic nematodes
a. prevention c. eradication
b. protection d. immunization
25. Crop rotation, using resistant
varieties, fallowing, using cover crops,
and varying the date of planting and
harvest are examples of this type of
management of plant parasitic
a. biological c. physical
b. cultural d. chemical
26. The most widely used category of
chemicals for management of plant
parasitic nematodes has traditionally
a. mebendazoles c. fumigants
b. carbamates d. natural
27. A broad spectrum gaseous chemical
used for management of plant
parasitic nematodes that is thought to
be damaging to the ozone layer is
a. meta-sodium
c. methyl bromide
b. carbamates
d. all of the above
28. The practice of incorporating fresh
plants or plant materials onto the soil
as a mean to control plant parasitic
nematodes is called
a. biological control c. fallowing
b. biofumigation d. organic
29. What is the main compound present
in some species of Tagetes that repels
and/or suppress certain plant parasitic
a. alpha tertienyl
b. isothiocyanate
c. beta-ocimene
d. all of the above
30. What is the practice of leaving the
farm unplanted for certain period,
thus, depriving the nematodes of their
hosts which brings their population
into a significantly low level?
a. crop rotation c. Sanitation
b. fallowing d. solarization
31. The following except for one are
responsible for nematode control by
incorporating fresh chicken dung into
infested soils.
a. It harbors lots of microorganisms that may
be parasitic to nematodes
b. It generates heat during decomposition
c. It increases soil fertility
d. It imparts toxic compounds
32. In the Philippines, BIOACT and BIOCON are
commercial products of a fungus that
parasitizes Meloidogyne spp., Radopholus
similis, Rotylenchulus reniformis, etc. What
is that fungus?
a. Paecilomyces lilacinus
b. Arthrobotrys oligospora
c. Verticillium chlamydosporium
d. Rhizoctonia solani
33. What is the common pattern of
nematode spatial distribution in a
a. random c. uniform
b. patchy d. none of the above
34. Which of the following facilitates long-
distance spread of nematodes?
a. water
b. infected seeds/ bulbs/ corms
c. drainage
d. soil particles adhering on farm
35. In what order does the most of the
important genera of plant parasitic
nematodes belong ?
a. Triplonchida
d. Tylenchida
c. Dorylaimida
d. Aphelenchida
36. What is the most preferred site for
root penetration of infective stage of
Meloidogyne spp.?
a. root cap
b. zone of differentiation
c. zone of elongation
d. zone of maturation
37. What soil texture is generally most
preferred by plant parasitic
a. sandy c. silty
b. clayey d. muddy
38. Which life stage of the nematode will
NOT be killed by a systemic
a. eggs
b. females feeding inside the roots
c. Juveniles
d. females feeding on the root surface
39. Hot water treatment is a very practical
method of controlling nematodes that are
possibly harbored by planting materials,
thus preventing their introduction to a new
locality. The following planting materials
can be subjected to this procedure EXCEPT
a. seed potato c. rice seeds
b. banana corm d. onion bulb
40. In nematology, a variety is said to be
resistant if it
a. Produce good yield despite of high level of
nematode infestation
b. Suppresses the multiplication of
c. Supports multiplication of nematodes
d. Leaves of plants appear normal
41. The permanent nurse cells induced by
a. galls c. giant cells
b. syncytia d. nodules
42. The permanent nurse cells induced by
CYST NEMATODES in roots are called
a. root galls c. giant cells
b. syncytia d. root nodules
43. Tylenchulus semipenetrans is the most
widespread and serious nematode pest of
citrus in the Philippines. What citrus
disorder is caused by this nematode?
a. citrus decline
c. toppling disease of citrus
b. citrus tristeza
d. citrus root rot
44. Which of the following is NOT true about
the nature of plant parasitic nematodes?
a. Worm-shaped except for females of some genera
which are swollen
b. Two or more species/ genera may infect a single
c. Parasitizes plants but in their absence, may feed
on soil fungi and bacteria
d. Needs a thin film of water for movement
45. A variety is said to be tolerant if it
a. Produce good yield despite of high
level of nematode infestation
b. Suppress the multiplication of
c. Does not show symptoms
d. Low levels of nematode

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